Monster Hunter World - table v: 1.0 CT

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[Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Mood »

Hello, Marcus101RR. I have update the list.

Layered Armor (update to Guardian Layered)

Custom Upgrades (add Roman number for Custom Upgrade level)

Layered Weapon (add "No Parts Set", remove "Unavailable" from Long Sword list, mistaken the "Furious Rajang" in Heavy Bowgun and Bow list)


Layered Armor

Code: Select all


















19:King Beetle





24:High Metal

25:Death Stench









36:Pulverizing Feather

37:Leather α

38:Leather β

39:Chainmail α

40:Chainmail β

41:Hunter α

42:Hunter β

43:Bone α

44:Bone β

45:Alloy α

46:Alloy β

47:Gajau α

48:Gajau β

49:Kestodon α

50:Kestodon β

51:Vespoid α

52:Vespoid β

53:Gastodon α

54:Gastodon β

55:Barnos α

56:Barnos β

57:Hornetaur α

58:Hornetaur β

61:Jagras α

62:Jagras β

63:Kulu α

64:Kulu β

65:Pukei α

66:Pukei β

67:Jyura α

68:Jyura β

69:Barroth α

70:Barroth β

71:Kadachi α

72:Kadachi β

73:Rathian α

74:Rathian β

75:Girros α

76:Girros β

77:Tzitzi α

78:Tzitzi β

79:Lumu α

80:Lumu β

81:Odogaron α

82:Odogaron β

83:Dodogama α

84:Dodogama β

85:Lavasioth α

86:Lavasioth β

87:Rath Heart α

88:Rath Heart β

89:High Metal α

90:High Metal β

91:Ingot α

92:Ingot β

93:Anja α

94:Anja β

95:Legiana α

96:Legiana β

97:Baan α

98:Baan β

99:Vaal Hazak α

100:Vaal Hazak β

101:Rathalos α

102:Rathalos β

103:Diablos α

104:Diablos β

105:Kirin α

106:Kirin β

107:Nergigante α

108:Nergigante β

109:Uragaan α

110:Uragaan β

111:Rath Soul α

112:Rath Soul β

113:Diablos Nero α

114:Diablos Nero β

115:Bazel α

116:Bazel β

117:King Beetle α

118:King Beetle β

119:Brigade α

120:Brigade β

121:Damascus α

122:Damascus β

123:Dober α

124:Dober β

125:Xeno'jiiva α

126:Xeno'jiiva β

127:Kaiser α

128:Kaiser β

129:Kushala α

130:Kushala β

131:Skull Mask α

133:Death Stench α

134:Death Stench β

135:Guild Cross α

136:Guild Cross β

139:Zorah α

140:Zorah β

141:Commission α

142:Commission β

145:Brigade Layered

146:Guild Cross Layered

147:Blossom Layered

148:Diver Layered

149:Harvest Layered

150:Orion Layered

151:Faux Felyne α

152:Mosswine Mask α

153:Gala Suit Layered

159:Bayek Layered


162:Shamos α

163:Shamos β


165:Butterfly α

166:Butterfly β


174:Dragonseal Earrings α

176:Strategist Spectacles α

178:Dragonking Eyepatch α

183:Kulve Taroth α

184:Kulve Taroth β





189:Gala Suit

190:Samurai Layered

191:Vangis α

192:Vangis β

194:Bushi "Sabi" Layered

195:Bushi "Homare" Layered

196:Drachen α

197:Blossom α

198:Diver α

199:Harvest α

200:Orion α

201:Gala Suit α


203:Butterfly α

204:Butterfly β

205:Queen Beetle

206:Queen Beetle α

207:Queen Beetle β

208:Vaal Hazak γ

209:Kirin γ

210:Kaiser γ

211:Kushala γ

212:Nergigante γ

213:Zorah γ

214:Xeno'jiiva γ

219:Azure Starlord α

220:Dante α

221:Empress α

222:Empress β

223:Sealed Eyepatch α

224:Shadow Shades α

225:Kulu-Ya-Ku Head α

226:Wiggler Head α

227:Butterfly Layered

228:Death Stench Layered

229:Shadow Shades Layered

230:Dante Layered

231:Drachen Layered

232:Mosswine Mask Layered

233:Faux Felyne Layered

234:Commission Layered

235:Sealed Eyepatch Layered

236:Wiggler Head Layered

237:Origin Layered

238:Beetle Layered

240:Skull Mask Layered

241:Kulu-Ya-Ku Layered

243:Empress γ

244:Geralt α

245:Ciri α

246:Geralt Layered

247:Ciri Layered

248:Kulve Taroth γ

249:Defender α

250:Direwolf Layered

252:Bone α+

253:Bone β+

254:Alloy α+

255:Alloy β+

256:Vespoid α+

257:Vespoid β+

258:Hornetaur α+

259:Hornetaur β+

260:Kestodon α+

261:Kestodon β+

262:Gajau α+

263:Gajau β+

264:Shamos α+

265:Shamos β+

266:Gastodon α+

267:Gastodon β+

268:Barnos α+

269:Barnos β+

270:Wulg α+

271:Wulg β+

272:Cortos α+

273:Cortos β+

274:Jagras α+

275:Jagras β+

276:Tzitzi α+

277:Tzitzi β+

278:Girros α+

279:Girros β+

280:Dodogama α+

281:Dodogama β+

282:Kulu α+

283:Kulu β+

284:Pukei α+

285:Pukei β+

286:Barroth α+

287:Barroth β+

288:Jyura α+

289:Jyura β+

290:Beo α+

291:Beo β+

292:Kadachi α+

293:Kadachi β+

294:High Metal α+

295:High Metal β+

296:Banbaro α+

297:Banbaro β+

298:Anja α+

299:Anja β+

300:Rathian α+

301:Rathian β+

302:Rath Heart α+

303:Rath Heart β+

304:Lumu α+

305:Lumu β+

306:Lumu Phantasm α+

307:Lumu Phantasm β+

308:Pukei Lagoon α+

309:Pukei Lagoon β+

310:Viper Kadachi α+

311:Viper Kadachi β+

312:Baan α+

313:Baan β+

314:Leather Layered

315:Chain Layered

316:Hunter α Layered

317:Hunter β Layered

318:Bone Layered

319:Alloy Layered

320:Vespoid Layered

321:Hornetaur Layered

322:Kestodon Layered

323:Gajau Layered

324:Acrobat Earrings α+

326:Shamos Layered

328:Ingot α+

329:Ingot β+

330:Barioth α+

331:Barioth β+

332:Rathalos α+

333:Rathalos β+

334:Diablos α+

335:Diablos β+

336:Legiana α+

337:Legiana β+

338:Odogaron α+

339:Odogaron β+

340:Lavasioth α+

341:Lavasioth β+

342:Uragaan α+

343:Uragaan β+

344:Nargacuga α+

345:Nargacuga β+

346:Glavenus α+

347:Glavenus β+

348:Brachydios α+

349:Brachydios β+

350:Tigrex α+

351:Tigrex β+

352:Fulgur α+

353:Fulgur β+

354:Jagras Layered

355:Kulu Layered

356:Black Belt α+

357:Black Belt β+

358:Dragonking Eyepatch Layered

359:Strategist Spectacles Layered

360:Pulverizing Feather Layered

361:Tzitzi Layered

362:Girros Layered

363:Hoarcry α+

364:Hoarcry β+

365:Rath Soul α+

366:Rath Soul β+

367:Diablos Nero α+

368:Diablos Nero β+

369:Death Garon α+

370:Death Garon β+

371:Acidic Glavenus α+

372:Acidic Glavenus β+

373:Artian α+

374:Artian β+

376:Pukei α Layered

377:Pukei β Layered

378:Dober α+

379:Dober β+

380:Damascus α+

381:Damascus β+

382:Rimeguard α+

383:Rimeguard β+

384:Pride α+

385:Pride β+

386:Fellshroud α+

387:Fellshroud β+

388:Kaiser α+

389:Kaiser β+

390:Kushala α+

391:Kushala β+

392:Kirin α+

393:Kirin β+

394:Tentacle α+

395:Tentacle β+

397:Barroth Layered

398:Guild Palace α+

399:Guild Palace β+

400:Clockwork α+

401:Clockwork β+

402:Crystal Earring Layered

403:Ruinous α+

404:Ruinous β+

405:Shara Ishvalda α+

406:Shara Ishvalda β+

407:Esurient α+

408:Esurient β+

409:Anja α Layered

410:Anja β Layered

411:Guildwork α+

412:Guildwork β+

413:Showman Earrings α+

414:Golden Lune α+

415:Golden Lune β+

416:Silver Sol α+

417:Silver Sol β+

418:Jyura Layered

419:Kadachi Layered

420:Zinogre α+

421:Zinogre β+

422:Stygian α+

423:Stygian β+

424:Garuga α+

425:Garuga β+

426:Zorah α+

427:Zorah β+

428:Golden α+

429:Golden β+

430:Grand God's Peer α+

431:Grand God's Peer β+

432:Brachydium α+

433:Brachydium β+

434:Safi α+

435:Safi β+

438:Sealed Dragon Cloth α+

439:Wyverian Ears α+

441:Duffle Penguin α+

442:Empress α+

443:Empress β+

444:Kulve Taroth α+

445:Kulve Taroth β+

446:Rose α+

447:Lumu Layered

449:Rathian α Layered

451:Rathian β Layered

452:Oolong α+

453:Radobaan α Layered

454:Astral α+

455:Radobaan β Layered

456:Layered Rose

459:Oolong Layered

460:Astral Layered

461:High Metal Layered

462:Thermae Layered

464:Downy Crake Layered

465:Pearlspring α+

467:Buff α+

468:Rex Roar α+

469:Rex Roar β+

470:Guardian α+

471:Yukumo Layered

472:Silver Knight Layered

474:Tentacle γ+

484:Leon α+

485:Clair α+

488:Gastodon Layered

489:Barnos Layered

490:Dodogama Layered

491:Ingot Layered

492:Rath Heart α Layered

493:Rath Heart β Layered

494:Lavasioth α Layered

495:Lavasioth β Layered

496:Legiana α Layered

497:Legiana β Layered

498:Odogaron α Layered

499:Odogaron β Layered

500:Rathalos α Layered

501:Rathalos β Layered

502:Rath Soul α Layered

503:Rath Soul β Layered

504:Diablos α Layered

505:Diablos β Layered

506:Diablos Nero α Layered

507:Diablos Nero β Layered

508:Uragaan α Layered

509:Uragaan β Layered

510:Bazel α Layered

511:Bazel β Layered

512:Deviljho α Layered

513:Deviljho β Layered

514:Dober α Layered

515:Dober β Layered

516:Damascus α Layered

517:Damascus β Layered

518:Zorah α Layered

519:Zorah β Layered

520:Zorah γ Layered

521:Nergigante α Layered

522:Nergigante β Layered

523:Nergigante γ Layered

524:Teostra α Layered

525:Teostra β Layered

526:Teostra γ Layered

527:Kushala α Layered

528:Kushala β Layered

529:Kushala γ Layered

530:Vaal α Layered

531:Vaal β Layered

532:Vaal γ Layered

533:Kirin α Layered

534:Kirin β Layered

535:Kirin γ Layered

536:Xeno α Layered

537:Xeno β Layered

538:Xeno γ Layered

539:Lunastra α Layered

540:Lunastra β Layered

541:Lunastra γ Layered

542:Kulve α Layered

543:Kulve β Layered

544:Kulve γ Layered

545:Guardian Layered

Custom Upgrades

Code: Select all

Great Sword


1:Rathalos IV (+1 Affinity)

2:Pukei-Pukei I (+1 Element)

3:Great Jagras I (+1 Attack)

4:Barroth I (+10 Defense)

5:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

6:Great Girros I (+1 Affinity)

7:Radobaan III (+1 Attack)

8:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Affinity)

9:Lavasioth III (+1 Element)

10:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

12:Zorah Magdaros VI (+1 Attack)

13:Coral Pukei-Pukei II (+1 Element)

14:Beotodus II (+10 Defense)

15:Nightshade Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Nargacuga III (+1 Affinity)

18:Glavenus IV (+1 Element)

19:Acidic Glavenus IV (+1 Attack)

20:Banbaro II (+1 Attack)

22:Zinogre V (+1 Element)

23:Stygian Zinogre VII (+3 Affinity)

Long Sword


1:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

2:Jyuratodus I (+1 Element)

3:Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Element)

4:Anjanath III (+1 Attack)

5:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

6:Hornetaur II (+1 Affinity)

7:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku I (+1 Attack)

8:Legiana III (+1 Element)

9:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Affinity)

10:Uragaan VI (+1 Element)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

12:Zorah Magdaros V (+1 Element)

13:Viper Tobi-Kadachi III (+1 Affinity)

14:Fulgur Anjanath IV (+1 Affinity)

15:Vaal Hazak+ VI (+1 Affinity)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

18:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

19:Glavenus IV (+1 Element)

20:Acidic Glavenus IV (+1 Attack)

21:Banbaro II (+1 Attack)

Sword & Shield


1:Great Jagras I (+1 Attack)

2:Pukei-Pukei II (+1 Element)

3:Barroth I (+1 Element)

4:Anjanath II (+1 Attack)

5:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

6:Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

7:Legiana IV (+1 Element)

8:Radobaan III (+1 Attack)

9:Rathalos IV (+1 Affinity)

10:Kirin V (+1 Element)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

13:Great Girros I (+1 Affinity)

14:Coral Pukei-Pukei III (+1 Element)

15:Nightshade Paolumu III (+1 Affinity)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

18:Glavenus IV (+1 Attack)

19:Acidic Glavenus V (+1 Affinity)

21:Namielle VI (+1 Attack)

Dual blades


1:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

2:Jyuratodus I (+1 Element)

3:Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Affinity)

4:Anjanath II (+1 Element)

5:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

6:Hornetaur I (+10 Defense)

7:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku I (+1 Attack)

8:Odogaron III (+1 Affinity)

9:Diablos III (+1 Attack)

10:Lavasioth III (+10 Defense)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

12:Zorah Magdaros V (+1 Element)

13:Beotodus II (+10 Defense)

14:Viper Tobi-Kadachi III (+1 Element)

15:Fulgur Anjanath IV (+1 Element)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Tigrex IV (+1 Attack)

18:Nargacuga IV (+1 Affinity)

19:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

20:Banbaro II (+1 Attack)

22:Brute Tigrex V (+1 Affinity)

24:Black Diablos IV (+10 Defense)

25:Stygian Zinogre VII (+3 Affinity)



1:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

2:Pukei-Pukei I (+1 Element)

3:Barroth II (+1 Attack)

4:Anjanath III (+1 Element)

5:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

6:Great Girros I (+1 Attack)

7:Radobaan II (+1 Element)

8:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Element)

9:Diablos III (+1 Attack)

10:Uragaan VI (+1 Attack)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

14:Fulgur Anjanath IV (+1 Element)

15:Nightshade Paolumu III (+1 Affinity)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

18:Tigrex IV (+1 Attack)

19:Banbaro II (+1 Affinity)

21:Yian Garuga IV (+1 Affinity)

22:Brute Tigrex V (+1 Affinity)

23:Black Diablos IV (+10 Defense)

Hunting Horn


1:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

2:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

3:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

4:Legiana IV (+1 Element)

5:Pukei-Pukei I (+1 Element)

6:Dodogama I (+1 Attack)

7:Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

8:Anjanath III (+1 Attack)

9:Vespoid II (+1 Element)

10:Radobaan II (+1 Attack)

11:Kirin V (+1 Element)

12:Bazelgeuse IV (+1 Attack)

13:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

14:Coral Pukei-Pukei III (+1 Element)

15:Fulgur Anjanath IV (+1 Affinity)

16:Nightshade Paolumu III (+1 Affinity)

17:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

18:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

20:Namielle V (+1 Affinity)



1:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

2:Pukei-Pukei I (+1 Element)

3:Barroth I (+1 Attack)

4:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

5:Hornetaur II (+10 Defense)

6:Legiana III (+1 Element)

7:Odogaron III (+1 Attack)

8:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Element)

9:Rathalos IV (+1 Attack)

10:Dodogama II (+1 Attack)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

13:Coral Pukei-Pukei II (+1 Element)

14:Nightshade Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

15:Legiana+ VII (+10 Defense)

16:Ebony Odogaron IV (+1 Affinity)

17:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

18:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

19:Nargacuga III (+1 Affinity)

20:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

22:Namielle V (+1 Affinity)

23:Zinogre IV (+1 Element)

24:Stygian Zinogre VII (+1 Element)



1:Great Jagras I (+1 Attack)

2:Barroth I (+10 Defense)

3:Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Affinity)

4:Anjanath II (+1 Element)

5:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

6:Great Girros I (+1 Affinity)

7:Legiana III (+1 Element)

8:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Affinity)

9:Rathalos III (+1 Attack)

10:Jyuratodus I (+1 Element)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

12:Bazelgeuse V (+1 Element)

13:Fulgur Anjanath IV (+1 Element)

14:Legiana+ VII (+3 Affinity)

15:Vaal Hazak+ VI (+1 Affinity)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Bazelgeuse+ VI (+1 Element)

18:Nargacuga III (+1 Affinity)

19:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

20:Glavenus IV (+10 Defense)

21:Acidic Glavenus IV (+1 Attack)

22:Banbaro II (+1 Attack)

24:Yian Garuga IV (+1 Affinity)

Switch Axe


1:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Attack)

3:Barroth I (+5 Defense)

4:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

5:Paolumu I (+1 Affinity)

6:Legiana III (+1 Element)

7:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Affinity)

8:Rathalos III (+1 Affinity)

9:Diablos II (+1 Attack)

10:Uragaan VI (+10 Defense)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

12:Bazelgeuse V (+1 Element)

13:Pukei-Pukei I (+1 Element)

14:Coral Pukei-Pukei II (+1 Element)

15:Nightshade Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

16:Vaal Hazak+ VI (+1 Affinity)

17:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

18:Bazelgeuse+ VI (+1 Element)

19:Tigrex III (+1 Attack)

20:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

21:Glavenus III (+5 Defense)

22:Acidic Glavenus IV (+5 Defense)

23:Banbaro II (+5 Defense)

24:Zinogre IV (+1 Element)

26:Stygian Zinogre VII (+3 Affinity)

27:Yian Garuga IV (+1 Affinity)

29:Brute Tigrex V (+5 Defense)

31:Azure Rathalos IV (+1 Attack)

Charge Blade


1:Great Jagras I (+1 Attack)

2:Jyuratodus I (+1 Element)

3:Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Element)

4:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

5:Great Girros I (+1 Affinity)

6:Odogaron III (+1 Affinity)

7:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Element)

8:Rathalos III (+1 Element)

9:Diablos III (+1 Attack)

10:Dodogama I (+10 Defense)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

13:Beotodus II (+1 Attack)

14:Viper Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Affinity)

15:Vaal Hazak+ VI (+1 Attack)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Tigrex IV (+1 Attack)

18:Nargacuga IV (+1 Affinity)

20:Namielle V (+1 Affinity)

21:Black Diablos IV (+1 Element)

22:Brute Tigrex V (+10 Defense)

23:Stygian Zinogre VII (+3 Affinity)

Insect Glaive


1:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

2:Pukei-Pukei I (+1 Element)

3:Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Affinity)

4:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

5:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku I (+10 Defense)

6:Odogaron III (+1 Affinity)

7:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Element)

8:Rathalos III (+1 Element)

9:Diablos III (+1 Attack)

10:Dodogama I (+1 Attack)

11:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Sharpness)

13:Coral Pukei-Pukei II (+1 Element)

14:Beotodus II (+10 Defense)

15:Viper Tobi-Kadachi III (+10 Defense)

16:Nightshade Paolumu II (+1 Attack)

17:Vaal Hazak+ VI (+1 Attack)

18:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

19:Tigrex IV (+1 Attack)

20:Nargacuga IV (+1 Affinity)

22:Namielle V (+1 Affinity)

23:Black Diablos IV (+1 Element)

24:Brute Tigrex V (+10 Defense)

25:Stygian Zinogre VII (+3 Affinity)

Light Bowgun


1:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

2:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Affinity)

3:Xeno'jiiva VII (+2 Element)

4:Paolumu I (+1 Affinity)

5:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Attack)

6:Odogaron III (+1 Affinity)

10:Barroth I (+10 Defense)

13:Coral Pukei-Pukei II (+10 Defense)

16:Nightshade Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

17:Nergigante+ VII (+1 Attack)

18:Bazelgeuse+ VI (+1 Element)

19:Tigrex IV (+10 Defense)

20:Nargacuga III (+1 Attack)

21:Brachydios VI (+1 Attack)

22:Glavenus IV (+1 Attack)

24:Banbaro II (+1 Attack)

26:Yian Garuga III (+10 Defense)

27:Silver Rathalos VI (+1 Affinity)

28:Brute Tigrex V (+10 Defense)

30:Azure Rathalos IV (+1 Affinity)

31:Stygian Zinogre VII (+3 Affinity)

Heavy Bowgun


1:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

2:Xeno'jiiva VII (+2 Element)

3:Great Jagras I (+1 Attack)

4:Dodogama II (+10 Defense)

5:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

6:Diablos IV (+1 Attack)

7:Pukei-Pukei I (+10 Defense)

8:Radobaan II (+1 Attack)

9:Tobi-Kadachi II (+1 Affinity)

10:Anjanath IV (+1 Affinity)

11:Zorah Magdaros VI (+1 Attack)

13:Viper Tobi-Kadachi III (+1 Affinity)

14:Nightshade Paolumu III (+1 Attack)

15:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

16:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

18:Namielle V (+1 Affinity)

19:Coral Pukei-Pukei III (+10 Defense)



1:Nergigante V (+1 Attack)

2:Vaal Hazak V (+1 Element)

3:Xeno'jiiva VII (+1 Element)

4:Rathalos III (+1 Affinity)

5:Kulu-Ya-Ku I (+1 Affinity)

6:Legiana III (+1 Element)

7:Diablos III (+10 Defense)

8:Pukei-Pukei I (+10 Defense)

10:Tobi-Kadachi I (+1 Element)

11:Anjanath II (+1 Attack)

13:Fulgur Anjanath IV (+1 Element)

14:Nightshade Paolumu II (+1 Affinity)

15:Vaal Hazak+ VI (+1 Attack)

16:Nergigante+ VII (+2 Attack)

17:Barioth VII (+3 Affinity)

18:Tigrex IV (+1 Attack)

19:Glavenus III (+1 Attack)

20:Acidic Glavenus IV (+10 Defense)

21:Banbaro I (+1 Attack)

23:Gold Rathian VI (+1 Element)

24:Silver Rathalos VI (+1 Affinity)

25:Brute Tigrex V (+1 Affinity)

26:Azure Rathalos IV (+1 Affinity)

27:Pink Rathian II (+1 Element)

28:Coral Pukei-Pukei II (+10 Defense)

Layered Weapon

Code: Select all

Great Sword


0:No Parts Set

1:Iron Blaze (Base)

2:Single Edge Iron (Base)

3:Iron Axe (Base)

4:Iron Scythe (Base)

5:Giant Bone Blade (Base)

6:Double Edge Bone (Base)

7:Single Edge Bone (Base)

8:Thorn Bone (Base)

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Lunastra Single Edge (Base)

11:Kulve Taroth (Base)

12:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

13:Kjárr (Base)

14:Kjárr+ (Base)

15:Great Jagras (Parts)

16:Great Girros (Parts)

17:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

18:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

19:Barroth (Parts)

20:Beotodus (Parts)

21:Banbaro (Parts)

22:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

23:Radobaan (Parts)

24:Rathalos (Parts)

25:Lavasioth (Parts)

26:Nargacuga (Parts)

27:Glavenus (Parts)

28:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

29:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

30:Zorah Magdaros (Parts)

31:Zinogre (Parts)

32:Nergigante (Parts)

33:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

34:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

35:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

36:Anjanath (Unique)

37:Fulgur Anjanath (Unique)

38:Barioth (Unique)

39:Rathalos (Unique)

40:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

41:Brachydios (Unique)

42:Tigrex (Unique)

43:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

44:Deviljho (Unique)

45:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

46:Vaal Hazak (Unique)

47:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Unique)

48:Kushala Daora (Unique)

49:Kirin (Unique)

50:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

51:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

52:Nergigante (Unique)

53:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

54:Rajang (Unique)

55:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

56:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

57:Furious Rajang (Unique)

58:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

62:Workshop (Unique)

63:Wyvern Ignition (Unique)

64:Frozen Speartuna (Unique)

65:Guild Palace (Unique)

Long Sword


0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Cleaver Iron (Base)

3:Serrated Iron (Base)

4:Iron Hookblade (Base)

5:Basic Bone (Base)

6:Angled Bone Blade (Base)

7:Thorn Bone (Base)

8:Crescent Bone (Base)

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Lunastra Single Edge (Base)

11:Kulve Taroth (Base)

12:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

13:Kjárr (Base)

14:Kjárr+ (Base)

15:Hornetaur (Parts)

16:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Parts)

17:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

18:Jyuratodus (Parts)

19:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

20:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

21:Banbaro (Parts)

22:Anjanath (Parts)

23:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

24:Barioth (Parts)

25:Legiana (Parts)

26:Uragaan (Parts)

27:Glavenus (Parts)

28:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

29:Brachydios (Parts)

30:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

31:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Parts)

32:Zorah Magdaros (Parts)

33:Nergigante (Parts)

34:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

35:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

37:Workshop (Unique)

38:Rathian (Unique)

39:Pink Rathian (Unique)

40:Rathalos (Unique)

41:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

42:Legiana (Unique)

43:Shrieking Legiana (Unique)

44:Nargacuga (Unique)

45:Tigrex (Unique)

46:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

47:Bazelgeuse (Unique)

48:Seething Bazelgeuse (Unique)

49:Deviljho (Unique)

50:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

51:Teostra (Unique)

52:Namielle (Unique)

53:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

54:Yian Garuga (Unique)

55:Zinogre (Unique)

56:Gold Rathian (Unique)

57:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

58:Nergigante (Unique)

59:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

60:Rajang (Unique)

61:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

62:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

63:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

64:Furious Rajang (Unique)

68:Azure Star (Unique)

69:Scavenger Pickaxe (Unique)

70:Guild Palace (Unique)

71:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

Sword & Shield


0:No Parts Set

1:Single Edge Iron (Base)

2:Iron Hookblade (Base)

3:Iron Hatchet (Base)

4:Double Edge Iron (Base)

5:Bone Kukri (Base)

6:Crooked Bone (Base)

7:Bone Club (Base)

8:Giant Bone Blade (Base)

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Lunastra Hookblade (Base)

11:Kulve Taroth (Base)

12:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

13:Kjárr (Base)

14:Kjárr+ (Base)

15:Great Jagras (Parts)

16:Great Girros (Parts)

17:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

18:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

19:Barroth (Parts)

20:Anjanath (Parts)

21:Paolumu (Parts)

22:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

23:Radobaan (Parts)

24:Barioth (Parts)

25:Rathalos (Parts)

26:Legiana (Parts)

27:Glavenus (Parts)

28:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

29:Kirin (Parts)

30:Namielle (Parts)

31:Nergigante (Parts)

32:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

33:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

34:Anjanath (Unique)

35:Fulgur Anjanath (Unique)

36:Rathian (Unique)

37:Pink Rathian (Unique)

38:Barioth (Unique)

39:Rathalos (Unique)

40:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

41:Legiana (Unique)

42:Shrieking Legiana (Unique)

43:Nargacuga (Unique)

44:Brachydios (Unique)

45:Tigrex (Unique)

46:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

47:Deviljho (Unique)

48:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

49:Teostra (Unique)

50:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

51:Zinogre (Unique)

52:Gold Rathian (Unique)

53:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

54:Nergigante (Unique)

55:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

56:Rajang (Unique)

57:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

58:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

59:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

60:Furious Rajang (Unique)

61:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

65:Witcher (Unique)

66:Workshop (Unique)

67:Workshop+ (Unique)

68:Guild Palace (Unique)

Dual Blades


0:No Parts Set

1:Single Edge Iron (Base)

2:Iron Hatchet (Base)

3:Iron Chainsaw (Base)

4:Double Edge Iron (Base)

5:Crooked Bone (Base)

6:Angled Bone Blade (Base)

7:Bone Club (Base)

8:Giant Bone Blade (Base)

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Lunastra Single Edge (Base)

11:Kulve Taroth (Base)

12:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

13:Kjárr (Base)

14:Kjárr+ (Base)

15:Hornetaur (Parts)

16:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Parts)

17:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

18:Jyuratodus (Parts)

19:Beotodus (Parts)

20:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

21:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

22:Banbaro (Parts)

23:Anjanath (Parts)

24:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

25:Diablos (Parts)

26:Black Diablos (Parts)

27:Odogaron (Parts)

28:Lavasioth (Parts)

29:Nargacuga (Parts)

30:Brachydios (Parts)

31:Tigrex (Parts)

32:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

33:Zorah Magdaros (Parts)

34:Nergigante (Parts)

35:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

36:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

37:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

39:Barioth (Unique)

40:Rathalos (Unique)

41:Odogaron (Unique)

42:Ebony Odogaron (Unique)

43:Glavenus (Unique)

44:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

45:Bazelgeuse (Unique)

46:Seething Bazelgeuse (Unique)

47:Deviljho (Unique)

48:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

49:Blizzard and Blaze (Unique)

50:Kirin (Unique)

51:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

52:Yian Garuga (Unique)

53:Zinogre (Unique)

54:Rathalos+ (Unique)

55:Nergigante (Unique)

56:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

57:Rajang (Unique)

58:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

59:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

60:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

61:Furious Rajang (Unique)

65:Witcher (Unique)

66:Workshop (Unique)

67:Workshop+ (Unique)

68:Dragonbone (Unique)

69:Downy Crake (Unique)

70:Whetfish Sabers (Unique)

72:Guild Palace (Unique)

73:Raging Brachydios (Unique)



0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Iron Demon (Base)

3:Iron Multiblade (Base)

4:Round Bone (Base)

5:Angled Bone (Base)

6:Fang Bone (Base)

7:Velkhana (Unique)

8:Lunastra Demon (Base)

9:Kulve Taroth (Base)

10:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

11:Kjárr (Base)

12:Kjárr+ (Base)

13:Great Girros (Parts)

14:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

15:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

16:Barroth (Parts)

17:Banbaro (Parts)

18:Anjanath (Parts)

19:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

20:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

21:Radobaan (Parts)

22:Barioth (Parts)

23:Diablos (Parts)

24:Black Diablos (Parts)

25:Uragaan (Parts)

26:Tigrex (Parts)

27:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

28:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

29:Yian Garuga (Parts)

30:Nergigante (Parts)

31:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

32:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

33:Workshop Ice (Unique)

34:Workshop (Unique)

35:Pukei-Pukei (Unique)

36:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Unique)

37:Rathalos (Unique)

38:Nargacuga (Unique)

39:Glavenus (Unique)

40:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

41:Brachydios (Unique)

42:Tigrex (Unique)

43:Deviljho (Unique)

44:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

45:Vaal Hazak (Unique)

46:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Unique)

47:Kushala Daora (Unique)

48:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

49:Zorah Magdaros (Unique)

50:Zinogre (Unique)

51:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

52:Nergigante (Unique)

53:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

54:Rajang (Unique)

55:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

56:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

57:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

58:Furious Rajang (Unique)

59:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

63:Bristly Pincushion (Unique)

64:Well-Done Hammer (Unique)

65:Space Lord Hammer (Unique)

66:Guild Palace (Unique)

Hunting Horn


0:No Parts Set

1:Iron Pipe (Base)

2:Iron Drum (Base)

3:Iron Gong (Base)

4:Basic Bone (Base)

5:Insect Husk (Base)

6:Angled Bone (Base)

7:Velkhana (Unique)

8:Lunastra Drum (Base)

9:Kulve Taroth (Base)

10:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

11:Kjárr (Base)

12:Kjárr+ (Base)

13:Vespoid (Parts)

14:Dodogama (Parts)

15:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

16:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

17:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

18:Anjanath (Parts)

19:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

20:Paolumu (Parts)

21:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

22:Radobaan (Parts)

23:Barioth (Parts)

24:Legiana (Parts)

25:Brachydios (Parts)

26:Bazelgeuse (Parts)

27:Kirin (Parts)

28:Namielle (Parts)

29:Nergigante (Parts)

30:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

31:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

33:Vespoid (Unique)

34:Rathian (Unique)

35:Pink Rathian (Unique)

36:Legiana (Unique)

37:Shrieking Legiana (Unique)

38:Nargacuga (Unique)

39:Glavenus (Unique)

40:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

41:Tigrex (Unique)

42:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

43:Bazelgeuse (Unique)

44:Seething Bazelgeuse (Unique)

45:Deviljho (Unique)

46:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

47:Teostra (Unique)

48:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

49:Yian Garuga (Unique)

50:Zinogre (Unique)

51:Gold Rathian (Unique)

52:Nergigante (Unique)

53:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

54:Rajang (Unique)

55:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

56:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

57:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

58:Furious Rajang (Unique)

62:Guild Palace (Unique)

63:Raging Brachydios (Unique)



0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Iron Blade (Base)

3:Iron Multiblade (Base)

4:Iron Drill (Base)

5:Basic Bone (Base)

6:Spiral Bone (Base)

7:Bone Pincer (Base)

8:Bone Waraxe (Base)

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Lunastra Multiblade (Base)

11:Kulve Taroth (Base)

12:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

13:Kjárr (Base)

14:Kjárr+ (Base)

15:Hornetaur (Parts)

16:Dodogama (Parts)

17:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

18:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

19:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

20:Barroth (Parts)

21:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

22:Barioth (Parts)

23:Rathalos (Parts)

24:Legiana (Parts)

25:Shrieking Legiana (Parts)

26:Odogaron (Parts)

27:Ebony Odogaron (Parts)

28:Nargacuga (Parts)

29:Brachydios (Parts)

30:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

31:Namielle (Parts)

32:Zinogre (Parts)

33:Nergigante (Parts)

34:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

35:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

36:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

38:Workshop (Unique)

39:Barioth (Unique)

40:Rathalos (Unique)

41:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

42:Glavenus (Unique)

43:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

44:Tigrex (Unique)

45:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

46:Bazelgeuse (Unique)

47:Seething Bazelgeuse (Unique)

48:Deviljho (Unique)

49:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

50:Vaal Hazak (Unique)

51:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Unique)

52:Kushala Daora (Unique)

53:Kirin (Unique)

54:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

55:Yian Garuga (Unique)

56:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

57:Nergigante (Unique)

58:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

59:Rajang (Unique)

60:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

61:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

62:Furious Rajang (Unique)

66:First Fleet Lance (Unique)

67:Second Fleet Lance (Unique)

68:Guild Palace (Unique)

69:Raging Brachydios (Unique)



0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Wide Iron Blade (Base)

3:Iron Multiblade (Base)

4:Iron Waraxe (Base)

5:Basic Bone (Base)

6:Wide Bone Blade (Base)

7:Thorn Bone (Base)

8:Sharp Bone (Base)

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Lunastra Broadblade (Base)

11:Kulve Taroth (Base)

12:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

13:Kjárr (Base)

14:Kjárr+ (Base)

15:Great Jagras (Parts)

16:Great Girros (Parts)

17:Barroth (Parts)

18:Jyuratodus (Parts)

19:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

20:Banbaro (Parts)

21:Anjanath (Parts)

22:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

23:Rathalos (Parts)

24:Legiana (Parts)

25:Shrieking Legiana (Parts)

26:Nargacuga (Parts)

27:Glavenus (Parts)

28:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

29:Brachydios (Parts)

30:Bazelgeuse (Parts)

31:Seething Bazelgeuse (Parts)

32:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

33:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Parts)

34:Yian Garuga (Parts)

35:Nergigante (Parts)

36:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

37:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

39:Tobi-Kadachi (Unique)

40:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Unique)

41:Rathian (Unique)

42:Pink Rathian (Unique)

43:Barioth (Unique)

44:Rathalos (Unique)

45:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

46:Tigrex (Unique)

47:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

48:Deviljho (Unique)

49:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

50:Kushala Daora (Unique)

51:Namielle (Unique)

52:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

53:Zorah Magdaros (Unique)

54:Zinogre (Unique)

55:Gold Rathian (Unique)

56:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

57:Nergigante (Unique)

58:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

59:Rajang (Unique)

60:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

61:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

62:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

63:Furious Rajang (Unique)

67:Gajalaka (Unique)

68:Guild Palace (Unique)

69:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

Switch Axe


0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Giant Ironblade (Base)

3:Sharp Bone (Base)

4:Basic Bone (Base)

5:Giant Bone Blade (Base)

6:Thorn Bone (Base)

7:Velkhana (Unique)

8:Lunastra Giantblade (Base)

9:Kulve Taroth (Base)

10:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

11:Kjárr (Base)

12:Kjárr+ (Base)

13:Great Jagras (Parts)

14:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

15:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

16:Barroth (Parts)

17:Jyuratodus (Parts)

18:Banbaro (Parts)

19:Paolumu (Parts)

20:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

21:Rathalos (Parts)

22:Azure Rathalos (Parts)

23:Diablos (Parts)

24:Legiana (Parts)

25:Uragaan (Parts)

26:Glavenus (Parts)

27:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

28:Brachydios (Parts)

29:Tigrex (Parts)

30:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

31:Bazelgeuse (Parts)

32:Seething Bazelgeuse (Parts)

33:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

34:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Parts)

35:Yian Garuga (Parts)

36:Zinogre (Parts)

37:Silver Rathalos (Parts)

38:Nergigante (Parts)

39:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

40:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

41:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

43:Anjanath (Unique)

44:Fulgur Anjanath (Unique)

45:Rathian (Unique)

46:Barioth (Unique)

47:Diablos (Unique)

48:Black Diablos (Unique)

49:Legiana (Unique)

50:Shrieking Legiana (Unique)

51:Nargacuga (Unique)

52:Deviljho (Unique)

53:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

54:Teostra (Unique)

55:Kirin (Unique)

56:Namielle (Unique)

57:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

58:Gold Rathian (Unique)

59:Nergigante (Unique)

60:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

61:Rajang (Unique)

62:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

63:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

64:Furious Rajang (Unique)

68:Guild Palace (Unique)

69:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

Charge Blade


0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Angled Iron Blade (Base)

3:Iron Hookblade (Base)

4:Basic Bone (Base)

5:Giant Bone Blade (Base)

6:Angled Bone Blade (Base)

7:Velkhana (Unique)

8:Angled Lunastra Blade (Base)

9:Kulve Taroth (Base)

10:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

11:Kjárr (Base)

12:Kjárr+ (Base)

13:Great Jagras (Parts)

14:Great Girros (Parts)

15:Dodogama (Parts)

16:Jyuratodus (Parts)

17:Beotodus (Parts)

18:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

19:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

20:Rathalos (Parts)

21:Diablos (Parts)

22:Black Diablos (Parts)

23:Odogaron (Parts)

24:Nargacuga (Parts)

25:Tigrex (Parts)

26:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

27:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

28:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Parts)

29:Namielle (Parts)

30:Nergigante (Parts)

31:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

32:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

33:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

34:Rathian (Unique)

35:Pink Rathian (Unique)

36:Barioth (Unique)

37:Rathalos (Unique)

38:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

39:Odogaron (Unique)

40:Ebony Odogaron (Unique)

41:Glavenus (Unique)

42:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

43:Brachydios (Unique)

44:Deviljho (Unique)

45:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

46:Kushala Daora (Unique)

47:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

48:Zorah Magdaros (Unique)

49:Zinogre (Unique)

50:Gold Rathian (Unique)

51:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

52:Nergigante (Unique)

53:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

54:Rajang (Unique)

55:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

56:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

57:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

58:Furious Rajang (Unique)

59:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

63:Dante's Devil Sword (Unique)

64:Guild Palace (Unique)

65:Black Eagle (Unique)

Insect Glaive


0:No Parts Set

1:Double Edge Iron (Base)

2:Iron Crescent (Base)

3:Iron Trident (Base)

4:Single Edge Bone (Base)

5:Bone Axe (Base)

6:Angled Bone (Base)

7:Velkhana (Unique)

8:Lunastra Crescent (Base)

9:Kulve Taroth (Base)

10:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

11:Kjárr (Base)

12:Kjárr+ (Base)

13:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Parts)

14:Dodogama (Parts)

15:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

16:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

17:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

18:Beotodus (Parts)

19:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

20:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

21:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

22:Rathalos (Parts)

23:Diablos (Parts)

24:Black Diablos (Parts)

25:Odogaron (Parts)

26:Nargacuga (Parts)

27:Tigrex (Parts)

28:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

29:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

30:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Parts)

31:Namielle (Parts)

32:Nergigante (Parts)

33:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

34:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

35:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

36:Anjanath (Unique)

37:Fulgur Anjanath (Unique)

38:Barioth (Unique)

39:Rathalos (Unique)

40:Azure Rathalos (Unique)

41:Odogaron (Unique)

42:Ebony Odogaron (Unique)

43:Glavenus (Unique)

44:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

45:Brachydios (Unique)

46:Deviljho (Unique)

47:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

48:Kushala Daora (Unique)

49:Kirin (Unique)

50:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

51:Zinogre (Unique)

52:Silver Rathalos (Unique)

53:Nergigante (Unique)

54:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

55:Rajang (Unique)

56:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

57:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

58:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

59:Furious Rajang (Unique)

60:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

64:Gae Bolg (Unique)

65:Guild Palace (Unique)

Light Bowgun


0:No Parts Set

4:Basic Iron (Base)

5:Basic Iron (Base) - Silencer

6:Basic Iron (Base) - Long Barrel

10:Basic Bone (Base)

11:Basic Bone (Base) - Silencer

12:Basic Bone (Base) - Long Barrel

13:Velkhana (Unique)

14:Velkhana (Unique) - Silencer

15:Velkhana (Unique) - Long Barrel

16:Basic Lunastra (Base)

17:Basic Lunastra (Base) - Silencer

18:Basic Lunastra (Base) - Long Barrel

19:Kulve Taroth (Base)

20:Kulve Taroth (Base) - Silencer

21:Kulve Taroth (Base) - Long Barrel

22:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

23:Kulve Taroth+ (Base) - Silencer

24:Kulve Taroth+ (Base) - Long Barrel

25:Kjárr (Base)

26:Kjárr (Base) - Silencer

27:Kjárr (Base) - Long Barrel

28:Kjárr+ (Base)

29:Kjárr+ (Base) - Silencer

30:Kjárr+ (Base) - Long Barrel

31:Great Jagras (Parts)

32:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

33:Barroth (Parts)

34:Jyuratodus (Parts)

35:Beotodus (Parts)

36:Banbaro (Parts)

37:Anjanath (Parts)

38:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

39:Paolumu (Parts)

40:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

41:Rathalos (Parts)

42:Azure Rathalos (Parts)

43:Odogaron (Parts)

44:Lavasioth (Parts)

45:Nargacuga (Parts)

46:Glavenus (Parts)

47:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

48:Brachydios (Parts)

49:Tigrex (Parts)

50:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

51:Bazelgeuse (Parts)

52:Seething Bazelgeuse (Parts)

53:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

54:Yian Garuga (Parts)

55:Silver Rathalos (Parts)

56:Nergigante (Parts)

57:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

58:Stygian Zinogre (Parts)

59:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

61:Onigashima (Unique)

62:Onigashima (Unique) - Silencer

63:Onigashima (Unique) - Long Barrel

64:Workshop (Unique)

65:Workshop (Unique) - Silencer

66:Workshop (Unique) - Long Barrel

67:Barioth (Unique)

68:Barioth (Unique) - Silencer

69:Barioth (Unique) - Long Barrel

70:Odogaron (Unique)

71:Odogaron (Unique) - Silencer

72:Odogaron (Unique) - Long Barrel

73:Ebony Odogaron (Unique)

74:Ebony Odogaron (Unique) - Silencer

75:Ebony Odogaron (Unique) - Long Barrel

76:Deviljho (Unique)

77:Deviljho (Unique) - Silencer

78:Deviljho (Unique) - Long Barrel

79:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

80:Savage Deviljho (Unique) - Silencer

81:Savage Deviljho (Unique) - Long Barrel

82:Vaal Hazak (Unique)

83:Vaal Hazak (Unique) - Silencer

84:Vaal Hazak (Unique) - Long Barrel

85:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Unique)

86:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Unique) - Silencer

87:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Unique) - Long Barrel

88:Kushala Daora (Unique)

89:Kushala Daora (Unique) - Silencer

90:Kushala Daora (Unique) - Long Barrel

91:Kirin (Unique)

92:Kirin (Unique) - Silencer

93:Kirin (Unique) - Long Barrel

94:Namielle (Unique)

95:Namielle (Unique) - Silencer

96:Namielle (Unique) - Long Barrel

97:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

98:Shara Ishvalda (Unique) - Silencer

99:Shara Ishvalda (Unique) - Long Barrel

100:Zinogre (Unique)

101:Zinogre (Unique) - Silencer

102:Zinogre (Unique) - Long Barrel

103:Nergigante (Unique)

104:Nergigante (Unique) - Silencer

105:Nergigante (Unique) - Long Barrel

106:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

107:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique) - Silencer

108:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique) - Long Barrel

109:Rajang (Unique)

110:Rajang (Unique) - Silencer

111:Rajang (Unique) - Long Barrel

112:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

113:Stygian Zinogre (Unique) - Silencer

114:Stygian Zinogre (Unique) - Long Barrel

115:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

116:Safi'jiiva (Unique) - Silencer

117:Safi'jiiva (Unique) - Long Barrel

118:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

119:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique) - Silencer

120:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique) - Long Barrel

121:Furious Rajang (Unique)

122:Furious Rajang (Unique) - Silencer

123:Furious Rajang (Unique) - Long Barrel

134:Guild Palace (Unique)

135:Guild Palace (Unique) - Silencer

136:Guild Palace (Unique) - Long Barrel

137:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

138:Raging Brachydios (Unique) - Silencer

139:Raging Brachydios (Unique) - Long Barrel

Heavy Bowgun


0:No Parts Set

3:Basic Iron (Base)

4:Basic Iron (Base) - Power Barrel

7:Basic Bone (Base)

8:Basic Bone (Base) - Power Barrel

9:Velkhana (Unique)

10:Velkhana (Unique) - Power Barrel

11:Basic Lunastra (Base)

12:Basic Lunastra (Base) - Power Barrel

13:Kulve Taroth (Base)

14:Kulve Taroth (Base) - Power Barrel

15:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

16:Kulve Taroth+ (Base) - Power Barrel

17:Kjárr (Base)

18:Kjárr (Base) - Power Barrel

19:Kjárr+ (Base)

20:Kjárr+ (Base) - Power Barrel

21:Great Jagras (Parts)

22:Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Parts)

23:Dodogama (Parts)

24:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

25:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

26:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

27:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

28:Anjanath (Parts)

29:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

30:Radobaan (Parts)

31:Barioth (Parts)

32:Diablos (Parts)

33:Namielle (Parts)

34:Zorah Magdaros (Parts)

35:Nergigante (Parts)

36:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

37:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

38:Great Jagras (Unique)

39:Great Jagras (Unique) - Power Barrel

40:Anjanath (Unique)

41:Anjanath (Unique) - Power Barrel

42:Fulgur Anjanath (Unique)

43:Fulgur Anjanath (Unique) - Power Barrel

44:Diablos (Unique)

45:Diablos (Unique) - Power Barrel

46:Black Diablos (Unique)

47:Black Diablos (Unique) - Power Barrel

48:Legiana (Unique)

49:Legiana (Unique) - Power Barrel

50:Shrieking Legiana (Unique)

51:Shrieking Legiana (Unique) - Power Barrel

52:Nargacuga (Unique)

53:Nargacuga (Unique) - Power Barrel

54:Glavenus (Unique)

55:Glavenus (Unique) - Power Barrel

56:Acidic Glavenus (Unique)

57:Acidic Glavenus (Unique) - Power Barrel

58:Brachydios (Unique)

59:Brachydios (Unique) - Power Barrel

60:Tigrex (Unique)

61:Tigrex (Unique) - Power Barrel

62:Brute Tigrex (Unique)

63:Brute Tigrex (Unique) - Power Barrel

64:Deviljho (Unique)

65:Deviljho (Unique) - Power Barrel

66:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

67:Savage Deviljho (Unique) - Power Barrel

68:Teostra (Unique)

69:Teostra (Unique) - Power Barrel

70:Kirin (Unique)

71:Kirin (Unique) - Power Barrel

72:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

73:Shara Ishvalda (Unique) - Power Barrel

74:Zinogre (Unique)

75:Zinogre (Unique) - Power Barrel

76:Nergigante (Unique)

77:Nergigante (Unique) - Power Barrel

78:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

79:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique) - Power Barrel

80:Rajang (Unique)

81:Rajang (Unique) - Power Barrel

82:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

83:Stygian Zinogre (Unique) - Power Barrel

84:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

85:Safi'jiiva (Unique) - Power Barrel

86:Furious Rajang (Unique)

87:Furious Rajang (Unique) - Power Barrel

88:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

89:Raging Brachydios (Unique) - Power Barrel

96:Guild Palace (Unique)

97:Guild Palace (Unique) - Power Barrel



0:No Parts Set

1:Basic Iron (Base)

2:Iron Gear (Base)

3:Iron Cutwing (Base)

4:Basic Bone (Base)

5:Solid Bone (Base)

6:Thornwing Bone (Base)

7:Velkhana (Unique)

8:Lunastra Gear (Base)

9:Kulve Taroth (Base)

10:Kulve Taroth+ (Base)

11:Kjárr (Base)

12:Kjárr+ (Base)

13:Kulu-Ya-Ku (Parts)

14:Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

15:Coral Pukei-Pukei (Parts)

16:Tobi-Kadachi (Parts)

17:Banbaro (Parts)

18:Anjanath (Parts)

19:Fulgur Anjanath (Parts)

20:Rathian (Parts)

21:Pink Rathian (Parts)

22:Nightshade Paolumu (Parts)

23:Barioth (Parts)

24:Rathalos (Parts)

25:Azure Rathalos (Parts)

26:Diablos (Parts)

27:Legiana (Parts)

28:Glavenus (Parts)

29:Acidic Glavenus (Parts)

30:Tigrex (Parts)

31:Brute Tigrex (Parts)

32:Vaal Hazak (Parts)

33:Blackveil Vaal Hazak (Parts)

34:Gold Rathian (Parts)

35:Silver Rathalos (Parts)

36:Nergigante (Parts)

37:Ruiner Nergigante (Parts)

38:Xeno'jiiva (Parts)

39:Workshop (Unique)

40:Tobi-Kadachi (Unique)

41:Viper Tobi-Kadachi (Unique)

42:Diablos (Unique)

43:Black Diablos (Unique)

44:Legiana (Unique)

45:Shrieking Legiana (Unique)

46:Uragaan (Unique)

47:Nargacuga (Unique)

48:Brachydios (Unique)

49:Deviljho (Unique)

50:Savage Deviljho (Unique)

51:Kushala Daora (Unique)

52:Namielle (Unique)

53:Shara Ishvalda (Unique)

54:Zinogre (Unique)

55:Nergigante (Unique)

56:Ruiner Nergigante (Unique)

57:Rajang (Unique)

58:Stygian Zinogre (Unique)

59:Safi'jiiva (Unique)

60:Awakened Safi'jiiva (Unique)

61:Furious Rajang (Unique)

62:Raging Brachydios (Unique)

67:Azure Star (Unique)

68:Guild Palace (Unique)


Code: Select all


0:Bronze Guild Medal

1:Silver Guild Medal

2:Gold Guild Medal

3:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Red)

4:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Yellow)

5:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Blue)

6:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Pink)

7:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Green)

8:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Gray)

9:Bronze Sigil Scarf (Brown)

10:Silver Sigil Scarf (White)

11:Silver Sigil Scarf (Red)

12:Silver Sigil Scarf (Green)

13:Silver Sigil Scarf (Cyan)

14:Silver Sigil Scarf (Purple)

15:Silver Sigil Scarf (Pink)

16:Silver Sigil Scarf (Orange)

17:Gold Sigil Scarf (Brown)

18:Gold Sigil Scarf (White)

19:Gold Sigil Scarf (Dark Green)

20:Gold Sigil Scarf (Light Green)

21:Gold Sigil Scarf (Purple)

22:Gold Sigil Scarf (Orange)

23:Gold Sigil Scarf (Blue)

24:Guiding Emerald Crystal

25:Guiding Verdant Crystal

26:Guiding Sun Crystal

27:Guiding Dusk Crystal

28:Guiding Morganite Crystal

29:Guiding Celestite Crystal

30:Guiding Citrine Crystal

31:Guiding Diamond Crystal

32:Guiding Crimson Crystal

33:Guiding Hematite Crystal

34:Guiding Glacier Crystal

35:Guiding Tanzanite Crystal

36:Guiding Forest Star

37:Guiding Wasteland Star

38:Guiding Coral Star

39:Guiding Effluvial Star

40:Guiding Magma Star

41:Guiding Rime Star

42:Bronze Hunter Symbol

43:Silver Hunter Symbol

44:Gold Hunter Symbol

45:Diamond Master Symbol

46:Ruby Master Symbol

47:Emerald Master Symbol

48:Amber Master Symbol

49:Sapphire Master Symbol

50:Topaz Master Symbol

51:Amethyst Master Symbol

52:Gold Red Master Symbol

53:Gold Blue Master Symbol

54:Bronze Master Symbol

55:Ice Blue Master Symbol

56:Violet Master Symbol

57:Obsidian Master Symbol

58:Rathalos Red Master Symbol

59:Rathian Green Master Symbol

60:Rathian Pink Master Symbol

61:Blooming Bouquet

64:Lucky Crimson Tiger

65:Sky Blue Silverwisp

66:Rajang Claws

67:Furious Rajang Horn

68:Stygian Zinogre Claws

69:Heroic Red Horn

70:Raging Brachydios Shard

72:Gold Rathian Claws

73:Silver Rathalos Claws

82:Arch-tempered Namielle Shard



90:Moly Pendant - Luck

91:Moly Pendant - Health

92:Moly Pendant - Safety

93:Moly Pendant - Love

94:Moly Pendant - Protection

95:Moly Pendant - Passion

96:Moly Pendant - Peace

97:Stuffed Felyne Teddy

101:Blooming Bouquet (Pink)

102:Blooming Bouquet (Orange)

103:Blooming Bouquet (Red)

104:Blooming Bouquet (Blue)

113:Lucky Peach Tiger

114:Lucky Green Tiger

115:Lucky Violet Tiger

116:Lucky Sky Blue Tiger

117:Peach Silverwisp

118:Red Silverwisp

119:Blue Silverwisp

120:Green Silverwisp

122:Blooming Bouquet (Green)

123:Blooming Bouquet (Purple)

128:Lucky Dark Green Tiger

129:Lucky Orange Tiger

130:Purple Silverwisp

131:Onyx Silverwisp

132:The Tofu Survivor

133:Red Sacred Veil

134:Reb Abyssal Veil

135:White Felyne Teddy

136:Stuffed Melynx Teddy

137:Pink Felyne Teddy

138:Grape Felyne Teddy

139:Mint Felyne Teddy

140:Orange Felyne Teddy

141:Green Sacred Veil

142:Azure Sacred Veil

143:Sky Blue Sacred Veil

144:Purple Sacred Veil

145:Orange Sacred Veil

146:Pink Sacred Veil

147:Green Abyssal Veil

148:Azure Abyssal Veil

149:Sky Blue Abyssal Veil

150:Purple Abyssal Veil

151:Orange Abyssal Veil

152:Pink Abyssal Veil

153:Pukei Strap

154:Coral Pukei Strap

155:Strollin' Paolumu

156:Strollin' Nightshade

157:Swinging Rajang

158:Swinging Furious Rajang

159:Flying Meduso

160:Red Balloon

161:Red & White Balloons

162:Rainbow Balloons

163:Flying Meduso Colony

164:Lone Star Amulet

165:Golden Kulve Pendant

166:Golden Kjárr Pendant

167:Emerald Kulve Heart

168:Ruby Kulve Heart

169:Crystal Kulve Heart

170:Topaz Kulve Heart

171:Sapphire Kulve Heart

172:Rosegem Kulve Heart

Thank you

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(1.23 MiB) Downloaded 292 times
Last edited by Mood on Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:14 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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[Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Shirokaido »

I've borked my gunlances somehow and can't think of where else to ask this. Let me state clearly what is going on, as I know others have had issues, but I believe mine are unrelated:

-My game loads JUST fine; no need to use any bypasses or item clearing script.

-I have NOT added anything to my inventory, period. I mainly modify the quantity of materials I already have, so there's 0 chance that it's material/unreleased weapon related.

-Safi weapons are unaffected.

All of my weapons work just fine, with the exception of a small amount of gunlances. Upon selecting them in any relevant box, the game crashes. And before you ask, no, it's not Safi weapons. Those work just fine, interestingly. I haven't been able to figure out what the issue is, but my best assumption is that I somehow modified a value on those specific few weapons that I shouldn't have, but this was months ago, so I have no clue what it could be, and my attempts to fix it haven't worked.

The only thing I can think of that would save me would be a save editor, but those don't exist afaik, not for Iceborne content. Has anyone ever had this issue? What resolved it? I don't even use gunlances that often, I just don't wanna be scrolling through my box and get hit with a force close.

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Akirano »

@Shirokaido My issue is the same, on 3 weapons slots. But my game dont load well :/

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Samueladi »

woshikie wrote:
Thu May 21, 2020 1:22 pm
Hey all, I was just screwing around and challenged myself to use this table to receive most of the buffs available in game.

All Hunting Horn Buff

Code: Select all



define(HHBUFF_TIMES, #57)











push RAX

mov RAX, [HHBUFF_player_data]

add RAX, 0x80

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x7D20

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x38

mov [AllHHBuffBase], RAX

pop RAX


push RCX

push RBX

push RAX

mov RAX, [AllHHBuffBase]

//mov RBX, #224

mov RBX, #0



//add RAX, RBX

mov [RAX+RBX], (float)10

dec RCX

add RBX, 4

//sub RBX, 4

//inc RBX

cmp RCX, 0

jne AllHHBuffLoopPayload

pop RAX

pop RBX

pop RCX

//After Payload

mov ecx, #5000

call kernel32.sleep

cmp [AllHHBuffEnd],1

jne AllHHBuffLoopMain






dd 0


dd 0


dd 0



dd 1

All Palico Buffs

Code: Select all



define(PBUFF_TIMES, #16)











push RAX

mov RAX, [PBUFF_player_data]

add RAX, 0x80

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x7D20

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x11C

mov [AllPBuffBase], RAX

pop RAX


push RCX

push RBX

push RAX

mov RAX, [AllPBuffBase]

//mov RBX, #60

mov RBX, #0



//add RAX, RBX

mov [RAX+RBX], (float)10

dec RCX

add RBX, 4

//sub RBX, 4

//inc RBX

cmp RCX, 0

jne AllPBuffLoopPayload

pop RAX

pop RBX

pop RCX

//After Payload

mov ecx, #5000

call kernel32.sleep

cmp [AllPBuffEnd],1

jne AllPBuffLoopMain






dd 0


dd 0


dd 0



dd 1

All Other Buffs

Code: Select all



define(OPBUFF_TIMES, #27)











push RAX

mov RAX, [OPBUFF_player_data]

add RAX, 0x80

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x7D20

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x694

mov [AllOPBuffBase], RAX

pop RAX


push RCX

push RBX

push RAX

mov RAX, [AllOPBuffBase]

//mov RBX, #60

mov RBX, #0



//add RAX, RBX

mov [RAX+RBX], (float)10

dec RCX

add RBX, 4

//sub RBX, 4

//inc RBX

cmp RCX, 0

jne AllOPBuffLoopPayload

pop RAX

pop RBX

pop RCX

//After Payload

mov ecx, #5000

call kernel32.sleep

cmp [AllOPBuffEnd],1

jne AllOPBuffLoopMain






dd 0


dd 0


dd 0



dd 1

Hi! I've tried using your script code but the game always crash after I enable one of the buffs scripts. Is there anything that I should do before enabling the cheats? Thanks

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by woshikie »

Samueladi wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:14 pm
woshikie wrote:
Thu May 21, 2020 1:22 pm
Hey all, I was just screwing around and challenged myself to use this table to receive most of the buffs available in game.

All Hunting Horn Buff

Code: Select all



define(HHBUFF_TIMES, #57)











push RAX

mov RAX, [HHBUFF_player_data]

add RAX, 0x80

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x7D20

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x38

mov [AllHHBuffBase], RAX

pop RAX


push RCX

push RBX

push RAX

mov RAX, [AllHHBuffBase]

//mov RBX, #224

mov RBX, #0



//add RAX, RBX

mov [RAX+RBX], (float)10

dec RCX

add RBX, 4

//sub RBX, 4

//inc RBX

cmp RCX, 0

jne AllHHBuffLoopPayload

pop RAX

pop RBX

pop RCX

//After Payload

mov ecx, #5000

call kernel32.sleep

cmp [AllHHBuffEnd],1

jne AllHHBuffLoopMain






dd 0


dd 0


dd 0



dd 1

All Palico Buffs

Code: Select all



define(PBUFF_TIMES, #16)











push RAX

mov RAX, [PBUFF_player_data]

add RAX, 0x80

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x7D20

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x11C

mov [AllPBuffBase], RAX

pop RAX


push RCX

push RBX

push RAX

mov RAX, [AllPBuffBase]

//mov RBX, #60

mov RBX, #0



//add RAX, RBX

mov [RAX+RBX], (float)10

dec RCX

add RBX, 4

//sub RBX, 4

//inc RBX

cmp RCX, 0

jne AllPBuffLoopPayload

pop RAX

pop RBX

pop RCX

//After Payload

mov ecx, #5000

call kernel32.sleep

cmp [AllPBuffEnd],1

jne AllPBuffLoopMain






dd 0


dd 0


dd 0



dd 1

All Other Buffs

Code: Select all



define(OPBUFF_TIMES, #27)











push RAX

mov RAX, [OPBUFF_player_data]

add RAX, 0x80

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x7D20

mov RAX, [RAX]

add RAX, 0x694

mov [AllOPBuffBase], RAX

pop RAX


push RCX

push RBX

push RAX

mov RAX, [AllOPBuffBase]

//mov RBX, #60

mov RBX, #0



//add RAX, RBX

mov [RAX+RBX], (float)10

dec RCX

add RBX, 4

//sub RBX, 4

//inc RBX

cmp RCX, 0

jne AllOPBuffLoopPayload

pop RAX

pop RBX

pop RCX

//After Payload

mov ecx, #5000

call kernel32.sleep

cmp [AllOPBuffEnd],1

jne AllOPBuffLoopMain






dd 0


dd 0


dd 0



dd 1

Hi! I've tried using your script code but the game always crash after I enable one of the buffs scripts. Is there anything that I should do before enabling the cheats? Thanks
Hey there, looks like the offset changed
(1.06 MiB) Downloaded 84 times

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by haku12tlv »

detected an incorrect value in the save data.
returning to the title screen

help tell me that after I use the table,
I made a backup yesterday before using the table
it tells me the same please stop the game remains the same

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Compeador »

after latest update today the evil anti cheat says my save data is incorrect after I login, I bypassed the check with the cheat table but it gives me 230-MW1 error code if I try to make online session

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by 0353015360a »

Please update for ver 14.00.00. Thank you!

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Whoopie »

Compeador wrote:
Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:56 am
after latest update today the evil anti cheat says my save data is incorrect after I login, I bypassed the check with the cheat table but it gives me 230-MW1 error code if I try to make online session
There's new time gate filter for stuff that haven't released yet. You could do:
1. Check the mods site on how to bypass this.
2. Use your method to bypass the check, and sell/ destroy the normally-unobtainable stuff. (true armor sphere, giant dragonvein coal, etc)

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by j242 »

Whoopie wrote:
Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:16 am
Compeador wrote:
Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:56 am
after latest update today the evil anti cheat says my save data is incorrect after I login, I bypassed the check with the cheat table but it gives me 230-MW1 error code if I try to make online session
There's new time gate filter for stuff that haven't released yet. You could do:
1. Check the mods site on how to bypass this.
2. Use your method to bypass the check, and sell/ destroy the normally-unobtainable stuff. (true armor sphere, giant dragonvein coal, etc)
I used the CE to get my PC save up to the level that my PS4 save was and am now getting the incorrect save data error which I assume is due to having augmented equipment with monster parts that still show as ?? ingame. Am I correct to assume this and if that's the case would "discovering" those monster parts in-game fix the discrepancy?
I have also read there was a known issue that giving yourself the Safi weapons can cause this problem. Is that still the case? Thank you

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by darkenemy11 »

j242 wrote:
Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:44 pm
Whoopie wrote:
Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:16 am
Compeador wrote:
Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:56 am
after latest update today the evil anti cheat says my save data is incorrect after I login, I bypassed the check with the cheat table but it gives me 230-MW1 error code if I try to make online session
There's new time gate filter for stuff that haven't released yet. You could do:
1. Check the mods site on how to bypass this.
2. Use your method to bypass the check, and sell/ destroy the normally-unobtainable stuff. (true armor sphere, giant dragonvein coal, etc)
I used the CE to get my PC save up to the level that my PS4 save was and am now getting the incorrect save data error which I assume is due to having augmented equipment with monster parts that still show as ?? ingame. Am I correct to assume this and if that's the case would "discovering" those monster parts in-game fix the discrepancy?
I have also read there was a known issue that giving yourself the Safi weapons can cause this problem. Is that still the case? Thank you
not having the monster parts shouldn't be a problem(not having any problems with it personally). But having items that are not officially in the game yet is like tickets that are not released yet.
Having the incorrect value's of safi weapons is another trigger.

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by alphamatrix »

For some reason, since today morning, the game crashes when I try to change decos of my current equipment. I haven't touched decos at all for weeks, only touching material counts since Alatreon dropped. Does anyone know of a fix?

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

As promised the title update will have a cheat table, and it is now up to date. There may be some mission values still but generally all previous pointers and scripts will work just fine.

NOTICE: There are still sanity checks, so don't end up with an incorrect value in your save data!

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)


can u update the voucher for palico and hunter?

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by 0353015360a »

Marcus101RR wrote:
Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:22 am
As promised the title update will have a cheat table, and it is now up to date. There may be some mission values still but generally all previous pointers and scripts will work just fine.

NOTICE: There are still sanity checks, so don't end up with an incorrect value in your save data!
Thanks so much! You are the hero!

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