made a simple script,
force costume.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"force costume"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<LastState Activated="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
mov rax,pCustomeInfo
mov [rax],rdi
mov rax,[rsp+90]
push rax
mov rax,pPlayerInfo
pop [rax]
mov rax,dForceCostume
mov eax,[rax]
test eax,eax
cmovge ebp,eax
mov [rdi+54],ebp
mov rax,[rbx+50]
jmp returnhere
dd ffffffff
dq 0
dq 0
jmp newmem
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
db 89 6F 54 48 8B 43 50
//Alt: mov [rdi+54],ebp
//Alt: mov rax,[rbx+50]
<DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">FFFFFFFF:Default
00000000:Leon Casual / Claire Jacket 1
00000001:Leon Police 1 / Claire Jacket 2
00000002:Leon Police 2 / Claire Jacket 3
00000003:Leon Police Injured 1 / Claire Tank Top 1
00000004:Leon Police Injured 2 / Claire Tank Top 2
00000005:Leon C. Police 1 / Claire C. Jacket 1
00000006:Leon C. Police 2 / Claire C. Jacket 2
00000007:Leon C. Police 3 / Claire C. Jacket 3
00000008:Leon Police Injured 1 / Claire C. No Jacket 1
00000009:Leon Police Injured 2 / Claire C. No Jacket 2
0000000A:Noir / Noir
0000000B:Arklay Hseriff / Military
0000000C:? / Elza Walker
<LastState Value="FFFFFFFF" RealAddress="156A50048"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
<Description>"player info"</Description>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="125A1340"/>
<VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
<LastState Value="00030000" RealAddress="125A1374"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
<LastState Value="00000003" RealAddress="125A1394"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
<LastState Value="00000000" RealAddress="125A13A8"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="11E531F0"/>
<VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
<LastState RealAddress="11E53218"/>
<Description>"costume info"</Description>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="11E59AD0"/>
<VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
<Description>"No Description"</Description>
<DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">FFFFFFFF:Default
00000000:Leon Casual / Claire Jacket 1
00000001:Leon Police 1 / Claire Jacket 2
00000002:Leon Police 2 / Claire Jacket 3
00000003:Leon Police Injured 1 / Claire Tank Top 1
00000004:Leon Police Injured 2 / Claire Tank Top 2
00000005:Leon C. Police 1 / Claire C. Jacket 1
00000006:Leon C. Police 2 / Claire C. Jacket 2
00000007:Leon C. Police 3 / Claire C. Jacket 3
00000008:Leon Police Injured 1 / Claire C. No Jacket 1
00000009:Leon Police Injured 2 / Claire C. No Jacket 2
0000000A:Noir / Noir
0000000B:Arklay Hseriff / Military
0000000C:? / Elza Walker
<LastState Value="00000000" RealAddress="11E59B24"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
activate before loading a game, or choose ANY costume in the costume menu.
don't bother asking if the DLC costume works without buying. if it works, it works.
did some preliminary trace a little about the character models, Leon is pl1100, Claire is pl3000...
most likely won't make a full character model swap like I did on rerev2 though, it took WAY too much time...
anyway, the script is almost useless as the costume can be selected in the costume menu ANYTIME anyway. the only good thing about it is you can select the chapter variations of the same costume, instead of the always-clean ones in the costume menu.
so.... it won't be add to the table.
KS212 wrote: ↑Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:39 pm
Wow, nobody's looking into a Mr X permanent knockdown/incapacitate or similar? You guys actually like him stomping after your asses?
I personally did like him.
with the headphone on, it's kinda fun to try to run away from him~