Alright seems like I've deleted the real document, just found some notes and arrays I left behind when playing 2007, and since I don't want to buy that recycled steam game just for testing, I will put up instructions how to use it
First, Instructions:
1. This method use CE Memory Editing, meaning you either use search for Array of Bytes or use Memory View find and replace
2. The XX here is hex value of in-game value
example: Your armor has Stun Defence +20 and Ignite Defense +500
20=14 in hex and 500=1F4
then if you want to modifiy the value you will have to search for
Stun Defense : 01 00 80 1F 14 00 00 00
Ignite Defense: 02 00 80 1F F4 01 00 00
Because in CE Memory view a 2 bytes hex is reversed 1F4 or 01F4= F4 01, 13A3= A3 13
3. Some adresses have their own instructions to find them in CE, so sorry if it's a little long
4. Using CE Memory view
1. Close your inventory(or menu that opens), pause the game (ESC)
2. Memory View
3. Search Memory>>(array of) bytes
4. Search from 00000000
5. Paste the array and change the XX to in-game hex value, OK
6. Change the found result, find again, don't change the from
7. Do step 6 until there's no more arrays found
8. Back to game, Exit to Main Menu, load your save
9. Look at the item
5. Using CE Scan Search
1. Value Type: Array of Byte
2. Paste The array and change the XX to in-game hex value
3. Close your inventory(or menu that opens), pause the game (ESC)
4. First Scan
5. Change All of the addresses found (or the one that looks familiar from repeated arrays cheating)
6. Back to game, Exit to Main Menu, load your save
7. Look at the item
Here are the arrays I've saved:
Health: 00 00 80 01 00 xx 00 00
Start health: 00 00 C0 01 00 xx 00 00
Power: 00 00 40 03 00 xx 00 00
Start power: 00 00 C0 03 00 xx 00 00
Accuracy: 00 00 80 05 xx 00 00 00
Strength: 00 00 80 08 xx 00 00 00
Stamina: 00 00 00 06 xx 00 00 00
Will: 00 00 80 06 xx 00 00 00
Crit chance: 00 00 C0 12 xx 00 00 00
Palladium: 00 00 40 24 xx 00 00 00
Stat points: 00 00 40 25 xx 00 00 00
Skill points: 00 00 80 51 xx 00 00 00
Luck: 00 00 00 82 xx 00 00 00
You must use a value 10 times larger than what showed ingame, eg. use 1000, if you want 100.
Remember! 1 Bytes value capped at 255 (FF) and 2 Bytes capped ate 65535 (FF FF) so before you change the value, change the value type first
Luck capped at a total of 5000 (50000), hardcoded-ly
Elemental defence: 00 00 80 1f xx 00 00 00
Stun defence: 01 00 80 1f xx 00 00 00
Ignite defence: 02 00 80 1f xx 00 00 00
Shock defence: 03 00 80 1f xx 00 00 00
Phase defence: 04 00 80 1f xx 00 00 00
Poison defence: 05 00 80 1f xx 00 00 00
Total shield: 00 00 80 1b 00 xx 00 00
Base shield: 00 00 00 1b 00 xx 00 00
Bonus shields:00 00 40 1b 00 xx 00 00
If an armor has +shield bonus only, search and change total shield and bonus shield (value: total = bonus shield)
If an armor has shield and +shield, search and change total, base, bonus shield (value: total = base + bonus)
If an armor has sield and no +shield bonus, search and change total and base shield (value: total = base shield)
Critical chance: 00 00 c0 12 xx 00 00 00
Critical chance multiplier: 00 00 00 13 xx 00 00 00
Critical damage %: 00 00 00 14 xx 00 00 00
+% to critical damage: 00 00 40 14 xx 00 00 00
1. Augments arrays can change Mod's Augments too
2. Warning: shorter arrays will give more results when searched (eg. Base Shield) and if changing some arrays will results in crash
3. You can change the augments, for example you search for luck and change the array to shield, find an equipment with a lot of augments so you can change the augments to your needs
Will post more later, Try and tell me if it works (or not) for steam version