S7A599D4 wrote: ↑Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:20 pm
predprey wrote: ↑Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:42 pm
Updated scripts in Squall8's table that require StealthEdit. Bypasses integrity check crashes by recalculating valid hashes. Should work on both CODEX and STEAM version, more importantly the former because StealthEdit is in conflict with CODEX's routines.
There may be a really small chance an integrity check triggers while activating the script before the hash has been updated. To prevent crashing due to this pause the game process using CE before activation and deactivation of any scripts.
Note to table makers:
1. To list all hashed blocks, their offsets and their size, use Lua script below:
Code: Select all
for i = 1,#hashTable do
print("Block "..i)
print(string.format("Hash Addr: %X", hashTable[i].offset))
print(string.format("Block Start: %X", hashTable[i].blkStart))
print(string.format("Block End: %X\r\n", hashTable[i].blkStart + hashTable[i].blkSize))
2. rehashHelper(...) can be used for searching all affected checksums instead of manually hard coding in the rehash function, but hooks points must all be registered as symbols and must not be unregistered on deactivation. Pass all symbols into the function e.g. rehashHelper("infitemuse1","infitemuse2")
Thanks to @ShyTwig16 for the
[Link] module
Good work!
But it seems there are 2 mismatched hash entry though. Maybe there is an error in the hash computation?
Code: Select all
1: Start=1000 Size=1BA00 Hash=8601AC750769C6D4 True Hash=912B85E67BB2996D [Hash Mismatch]
2: Start=1A75440 Size=2A53A0 Hash=8197BD3B7B070026 True Hash=8197BD3B7B070026
3: Start=2A55000 Size=E64C00 Hash=990E1F06B99A6D7B True Hash=D9E856DBD1A205A3 [Hash Mismatch]
4: Start=1539D0 Size=1529D0 Hash=2991739987733EA9 True Hash=2991739987733EA9
5: Start=2A63A0 Size=1529D0 Hash=AF176EBF4BA3162A True Hash=AF176EBF4BA3162A
6: Start=3F8D70 Size=1529D0 Hash=4F74744C83EE089C True Hash=4F74744C83EE089C
7: Start=54B740 Size=1529D0 Hash=20BFEE325C7E14E1 True Hash=20BFEE325C7E14E1
8: Start=69E110 Size=1529D0 Hash=E963D02507BDB190 True Hash=E963D02507BDB190
9: Start=7F0AE0 Size=1529D0 Hash=F6D4A50C8C66B2A7 True Hash=F6D4A50C8C66B2A7
A: Start=9434B0 Size=1529D0 Hash=E0529FC38646FEE4 True Hash=E0529FC38646FEE4
B: Start=A95E80 Size=1529D0 Hash=C136D24B6C3749D True Hash=C136D24B6C3749D
C: Start=BE8850 Size=1529D0 Hash=232A018B358D2AD6 True Hash=232A018B358D2AD6
D: Start=D3B220 Size=1529D0 Hash=E4642D2C781A51AA True Hash=E4642D2C781A51AA
E: Start=E8DBF0 Size=1529D0 Hash=66BF7A99D8C1032E True Hash=66BF7A99D8C1032E
F: Start=FE05C0 Size=1529D0 Hash=D08855A2D123FC2B True Hash=D08855A2D123FC2B
10: Start=1132F90 Size=1529D0 Hash=90E8C0559631C577 True Hash=90E8C0559631C577
11: Start=1285960 Size=1529D0 Hash=87BE054A7B358E80 True Hash=87BE054A7B358E80
12: Start=13D8330 Size=1529D0 Hash=D5011A630AA592C4 True Hash=D5011A630AA592C4
13: Start=152AD00 Size=1529D0 Hash=A16F4C9FBDDBB70E True Hash=A16F4C9FBDDBB70E
14: Start=167D6D0 Size=1529D0 Hash=8CCF9739F1EC3E5B True Hash=8CCF9739F1EC3E5B
15: Start=17D00A0 Size=1529D0 Hash=5AB1754B1CD382C4 True Hash=5AB1754B1CD382C4
16: Start=1922A70 Size=1529D0 Hash=AFA1EF3444E15952 True Hash=AFA1EF3444E15952
17: Start=1A75440 Size=1529D0 Hash=8950277713E204D7 True Hash=8950277713E204D7
18: Start=1BC7E10 Size=1529D0 Hash=308BA04CFDB299B9 True Hash=308BA04CFDB299B9
19: Start=1D1A7E0 Size=1529D0 Hash=E25DD0C3224DFD29 True Hash=E25DD0C3224DFD29
1A: Start=1E6D1B0 Size=1529D0 Hash=DA7AC255AE656DE3 True Hash=DA7AC255AE656DE3
1B: Start=1FBFB80 Size=1529D0 Hash=8C8D0196C6AE4E6A True Hash=8C8D0196C6AE4E6A
1C: Start=2112550 Size=1529D0 Hash=E44BE51515A605B5 True Hash=E44BE51515A605B5
1D: Start=2264F20 Size=1529D0 Hash=D4C14B8A1238D731 True Hash=D4C14B8A1238D731
1E: Start=23B78F0 Size=1529D0 Hash=F598F0B2FB2A9CB8 True Hash=F598F0B2FB2A9CB8
1F: Start=250A2C0 Size=1529D0 Hash=CD5F19321A419664 True Hash=CD5F19321A419664
20: Start=265CC90 Size=1529D0 Hash=39DD4EF982E51627 True Hash=39DD4EF982E51627
21: Start=27AF660 Size=1529D0 Hash=B97921451503F8AE True Hash=B97921451503F8AE
22: Start=2902030 Size=1529D0 Hash=99668F26DD0328A6 True Hash=99668F26DD0328A6
23: Start=1000 Size=1529D0 Hash=2B5A94F9AFF3262 True Hash=2B5A94F9AFF3262
Code: Select all
if syntaxcheck then return end
function computeHash(hashBlock)
local initVector = 0x10AB36B6C49A6F8E
local startAddr = baseAddr + hashBlock.blkStart
local inDWord
local hash = initVector
local LSFBit
for i = 0,(hashBlock.blkSize / 4) - 1 do
inDWord = readInteger(startAddr + i * 4)
hash = ((hash | inDWord) & ~(hash & inDWord))
LSFBit = (~hash + 1) & 1
if (hash >> 63) == 0 then
hash = hash & ~1
hash = hash | 1
hash = (hash >> 1) | (hash << 63)
hash = ~(~hash | 0x8000000000000000)
hash = hash | (0x8000000000000000 * LSFBit)
return hash
baseAddr = getAddress("MonsterHunterWorld.exe")
if baseAddr == 0 then
messageDialog("Attach to game process first!", mtError, mbOK)
hashTable = {}
local curOffset = 0x2E25690
local i = 1
fullAccess(baseAddr + curOffset, 0x1190)
while true do
local nextOffset = readQword(baseAddr+curOffset + 0x38)
local hash = readQword(baseAddr + curOffset + 0x0)
local start = readQword(baseAddr + curOffset + 0x08)
local size = readQword(baseAddr + curOffset + 0x10)
hashTable[i] = {}
hashTable[i].offset = curOffset
hashTable[i].blkStart = start
hashTable[i].blkSize = size
local trueHash = computeHash(hashTable[i])
local str = string.format("%X:\tStart=%X\tSize=%X\tHash=%X\tTrue Hash=%X",i,start,size,hash,trueHash)
if (hash ~= trueHash)then
str = str .. "\t[Hash Mismatch]"
i = i + 1
if nextOffset < curOffset then break
else curOffset = nextOffset end
if syntaxcheck then return end
Yeah, I know about that, and I did look into it before. If I am right, the memory block containing all the hashes is checked by hash 3, but there are some skips here and there, probably the hashes themselves are skipped. But there is also some peculiarity about the hashing algorithm in that because it is ORing the bytes read in, some values will reset the hash, forgoing any traces of previous bytes hashed, e.g. 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xCCCCCCCC. So it might be because the hashes themselves were checked and then the hash got reset. Anyway, it doesn't seemed like changing the other hashes affected hash number 3, but if you want to calculate out hash 3, use 0xD3C78A32441B92D9 as the initialization vector, 0x2E26820 as the starting offset, and 0xA933E0 as the size.
EDIT: I wouldn't exactly call them skips but the hashing routines for that entire block is split up separately, so before 0x2E26820 is somewhere and after is elsewhere. The routine after is still the same, but I didn't bother reversing the one before. I am 80% sure the block with the hashes are checked for integrity and as I said the hash probably got reset.
EDIT2: Ok, I looked into it some more, the hash metadata themselves are skipped. Block 3 still uses the initialization vector of 0x10AB36B6C49A6F8E, starts hashing from +0x2A55D30 until +2E25690 where the first hash metadata starts. Then it hashes the 0x10 bytes at +0x2E25810 "steam_api64.dll." then skips the remaining metadata. The hash at this stage will be the 0xD3C78A32441B92D9 above. It then continues hashing from +0x2E26820.