If you're able to use PlayerControlUpdate ->godMode from the latest table, then you can playing with one of many in-game debug inputs.
Code: Select all
//Player Inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha1 = add "Complex_RepairTool" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha2 = add "Advanced_Pistol" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha3 = add "Advanced_AssaultRifle" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha4 = add "Complex_Scanner" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha5 = add "Advanced_Laser" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha6 = add "Complex_Chisel" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha7 = add "Complex_Shovel" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha8 = add "Complex_Container" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha9 = add "Compound_BotanyKit" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha0 = add "Advanced_HeavyAssaultRifle" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Minus = add "Complex_Wire" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Equals = add "Complex_CircuitBoard" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Backspace = add "Complex_Battery" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+LeftBracket = add "Compound_InflatableDomeKit" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Q = add "ComplexPart_AirFilter" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+W = add "ComplexPart_Fan" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+E = add "ComplexPart_Hydraulic" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+R = add "ComplexPart_LiquidFilter" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+T = add "ComplexPart_Motor" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Y = add "ComplexPart_PowerCell" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+U = add "ComplexPart_WaterPump" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+I = add "ComplexPart_VacuumPump" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+O = add "ComplexPart_Transformer" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Tab = add "ComplexPart_TorqueMotor" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+A = add "Complex_ScrewDriver" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+S = add "Complex_Wrench" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+D = add "Complex_SolderingIron" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+F = add "Complex_Vice" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+G = add "Complex_Multimeter" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+H = add "Complex_LiquidBarrel" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+J = add "Complex_Barrel" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Z = add "Advanced_AssaultRifleMagazine" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+X = add "Advanced_BlasterCell" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha1 = add "Liquid_Water" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha2 = add "Material_Rubber" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha3 = add "Material_Plastic" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha4 = add "Liquid_Phencyclidine" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha5 = add "Liquid_PCX" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha6 = add "Liquid_Flourescence" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha7 = add "Liquid_Hydrazine" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha8 = add "Compound_Explosive" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha9 = add "Compound_BotanyKit" in inventory
RightShift+Period+W = add "Compound_Bandage" in inventory
RightShift+Period+E = add "Compound_Medkit" in inventory
RightShift+Period+R = add "Compound_SuitWaterTank" in inventory
RightShift+Period+T = add "Compound_SuitOxygenTank" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Y = add "Complex_SuitBattery" in inventory
RightShift+Period+U = add "Compound_SuitHoverFuel" in inventory
RightShift+Period+I = add "Complex_PatchTape" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha1 = add "Material_Steel" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha2 = add "Material_Glass" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha3 = add "Complex_Barrel" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha4 = add "Fruit_Apple" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha5 = add "Fruit_Potato" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha6 = add "Fruit_Carrot" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha7 = add "Fruit_Berry" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+A = add "Mineral_Aluminum" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+S = add "Mineral_Azurnium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+D = add "Mineral_Carbon" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+F = add "Mineral_Chromium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+G = add "Mineral_Cobalt" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+H = add "Mineral_Copper" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+J = add "Mineral_Diamond" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+K = add "Mineral_Gold" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+L = add "Mineral_Iron" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Z = add "Mineral_Lead" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+X = add "Mineral_Lithium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+C = add "Mineral_Magnesium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+V = add "Mineral_Mercury" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+B = add "Mineral_Molybdenum" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+N = add "Mineral_Nickel" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+M = add "Mineral_Obsidian" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Q = add "Mineral_Plutonium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+W = add "Mineral_Tin" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+E = add "Mineral_Titanium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+R = add "Mineral_Tungsten" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+T = add "Mineral_Zinc" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Y = add "Mineral_Zirconium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+U = add "Gas_Nitrogen" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+I = add "Gas_Hydrogen" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+O = add "Gas_Oxygen" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+P = add "Gas_Flourine" in inventory
//RightShift alone
RightShift+Alpha1 = add "Gas_Chlorine" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha2 = add "Particle_Dirt" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha3 = add "Particle_Sand" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha4 = add "Particle_Snow" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha5 = add "Particle_Soil" in inventory
//Player Health
RightShift+F12 = "INVINCIBLE"
RightShift+F2+RightControl = "DECREASE HEALTH"
RightShift+F3+RightControl = "DECREASE SUIT INTEGRITY"
RightShift+F4+RightControl = "DECREASE OXYGEN"
RightShift+F5+RightControl = "INCREASE HUNGER"
RightShift+F6+RightControl = "DECREASE THIRST"
RightShift+F7+RightControl = "DECREASE SUIT TEMP"
Once you put godMode on Yes, open the inventory up, hold down the 'Right Shift' key + slash/period/comma then use input
[Link] you wish.
And if the current script does not work in your system, please try this one (copy/past this code to overwrite the current one):
Code: Select all
//Game: Osiris: New Dawn
//Version: Open Beta 0.1.1175 [ Sept 25, 2019 ]
mov [playerControlUpdate_ptr],rax
movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+3A]
test eax,eax
jmp return
jmp newmem
db 0F B6 40 3A 85 C0
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: PlayerControl:Update+f4
167B34EBEB8: 75 1D - jne 167B34EBED7
167B34EBEBA: 48 8B CE - mov rcx,rsi
167B34EBEBD: 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20
167B34EBEC1: 49 BB 9E BF 4E B3 0F B6 40 3A - mov r11,3A40B60FB34EBF9E
167B34EBECB: 85 C0 - test eax,eax
167B34EBECD: D3 48 83 - ror [rax-7D],cl
167B34EBED0: C4 20 E9 87 00 - xchg [rax],dx,r8w
167B34EBED5: 00 00 - add [rax],al
167B34EBED7: 48 B8 E0 AB BD FF 67 01 00 00 - mov rax,00000167FFBDABE0
167B34EBEE1: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
167B34EBEE4: 0F B6 40 3A - movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+3A]
167B34EBEE8: 85 C0 - test eax,eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
167B34EBEEA: 0F 84 3E 00 00 00 - je 167B34EBF2E
167B34EBEF0: B9 2F 01 00 00 - mov ecx,0000012F
167B34EBEF5: 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20
167B34EBEF9: 49 BB F6 86 4E B3 67 01 00 00 - mov r11,00000167B34E86F6
167B34EBF03: 41 FF D3 - call r11
167B34EBF06: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
167B34EBF0A: 85 C0 - test eax,eax
167B34EBF0C: 75 1E - jne 167B34EBF2C
167B34EBF0E: B9 31 01 00 00 - mov ecx,00000131
167B34EBF13: 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20