gradius12 wrote: ↑Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:12 am
i think theres some script that access other things too since my quest training with the general never goes up with the matches i had with him since he always says that was match 3 and i fought him already 4 times i will look into it what script it is but works calling
Edit: i think its most likely the seal charge script that causes it since it's the only one that comes in my mind with a 3
Try this one. I used a cmp that compares the value of the wind type seal, so other things shouldn't have those values at -C
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(InfSealCharge,sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe,FE FF 40 88 3C 18 48 8B 5C 24 30) // should be unique
cmp [rax+rbx-C],1
je InfiniteSealPower
cmp [rax+rbx-C],2
je InfiniteSealPower
jmp code
mov [rax+rbx],3
mov rbx,[rsp+30]
jmp return
mov [rax+rbx],dil
mov rbx,[rsp+30]
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 4
db 40 88 3C 18 48 8B 5C 24 30
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDB6
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CD95: 57 - push rdi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CD96: 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CD9A: 8B D9 - mov ebx,ecx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CD9C: 8B FA - mov edi,edx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CD9E: 8D 83 E0 FC FF FF - lea eax,[rbx-00000320]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDA4: 83 F8 64 - cmp eax,64
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDA7: 77 11 - ja sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDBA
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDA9: 81 FB 00 08 00 00 - cmp ebx,00000800
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDAF: 73 09 - jae sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDBA
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDB1: E8 DA A9 FE FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+1267790
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDB6: 40 88 3C 18 - mov [rax+rbx],dil
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDBA: 48 8B 5C 24 30 - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDBF: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC3: 5F - pop rdi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC4: C3 - ret
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC5: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC6: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC7: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC8: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDC9: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+127CDCA: CC - int 3
Mirfah wrote: ↑Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:43 am
621 is the ID of the awakened/upgraded legendary weapons.
I will check once I get at least one.l I don't want to auto-unlock the achivement by doing the test.
misterwashimashi wrote: ↑Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:05 am
dunno if it's okay to ask here but, does anyone have a save file of the completed main story? i reset my pc yesterday due to issues and forgot to upload my backup save, starting from scratch would be a hard slog.
Steam Cloud should be saving a copy. Even if not, with ths table and skipping the story, it shouldn't be that long. I haven't finished the game yet and I am not rushing (+ all the time I use making the table).
Rienfleche wrote: ↑Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:10 pm
Items (Food and Medicine) Set to 9 when use or discard (Need min 2 Qty), it's seem fine no problem until now chapter 9
{ Game : sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe
Date : 2023-10-07
Author : Rienfleche
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(Items,sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe,66 89 5F 50 E9 40 FD FF FF) // should be unique
cmp bx,#9
je code
mov bx,#9
mov [rdi+50],bx
jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5AAA
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 4
db 66 89 5F 50 E9 40 FD FF FF
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D61
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D37: 0F B7 4F 50 - movzx ecx,word ptr [rdi+50]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D3B: 44 8B C5 - mov r8d,ebp
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D3E: 88 44 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],al
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D42: 8B D3 - mov edx,ebx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D44: C6 44 24 30 3E - mov byte ptr [rsp+30],3E
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D49: C6 44 24 28 3D - mov byte ptr [rsp+28],3D
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D4E: 48 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rsi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D53: E8 B8 10 EF FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10C6E10
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D58: 66 89 6F 50 - mov [rdi+50],bp
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D5C: E9 49 FD FF FF - jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5AAA
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D61: 66 89 5F 50 - mov [rdi+50],bx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D65: E9 40 FD FF FF - jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5AAA
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6A: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6B: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6C: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6D: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6E: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6F: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D70: 40 53 - push rbx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D72: 41 56 - push r14
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D74: 41 57 - push r15
Hardcoding them to 9 ike that seems a bad idea, food can go far higher and there not really any filter by type, so it is doome to provoke issues when trying to get rid of other items, maybe even Key items, breaking the game or leaving you permanently with a key item you shouldn't.
I went to that same process and made a different script, which I think will have less issues and be more useful. Infinite Food and Potions. Edit: Script already works. Due to how it internally works, hving 2 is also a requeriment for it to work or it dfeletes it from inventory instead of touching the quantity.
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(InfFoodPots,$process,66 89 5F 50 E9 40 FD FF FF) // should be unique
cmp word ptr [rdi+2],#358
je InfiniteFoodPotions
cmp word ptr [rdi+2],#356
je InfiniteFoodPotions
jmp code
//mov [rdi+50],bx
jmp $process+11D5AAA
jmp return
mov [rdi+50],bx
jmp $process+11D5AAA
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 4
db 66 89 5F 50 E9 40 FD FF FF
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D61
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D37: 0F B7 4F 50 - movzx ecx,word ptr [rdi+50]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D3B: 44 8B C5 - mov r8d,ebp
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D3E: 88 44 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],al
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D42: 8B D3 - mov edx,ebx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D44: C6 44 24 30 3E - mov byte ptr [rsp+30],3E
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D49: C6 44 24 28 3D - mov byte ptr [rsp+28],3D
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D4E: 48 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rsi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D53: E8 B8 10 EF FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10C6E10
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D58: 66 89 6F 50 - mov [rdi+50],bp
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D5C: E9 49 FD FF FF - jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5AAA
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D61: 66 89 5F 50 - mov [rdi+50],bx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D65: E9 40 FD FF FF - jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5AAA
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6A: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6B: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6C: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6D: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6E: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D6F: CC - int 3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D70: 40 53 - push rbx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D72: 41 56 - push r14
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+11D5D74: 41 57 - push r15
demorest2 wrote: ↑Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:26 pm
Unlock all medals script, pls. Still doesnt work when put 10000 or 9999 n hit. Other options r 0k
I don't have them all not knnow what they are or how they work internally, so I can't make a script for them. I got it fine, but try what gradius12 told you.
ksiame wrote: ↑Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:49 pm
the godmode is making so im one hp
It shouldn't since it puts your current Hp = max hp. On the last version I am certain what you are telling doesn't happen, when it was as pointer back on the demo it had a problem like this.
If you are on the last version, tell me your Script_cmp just in case.