- Requires Cheat Engine 7.2/later. (used many features added on CE 7.2)
- Give Item is now an FName reference instead of an ID reference.
Menu must be opened at least once before the script can be used, as the list of FNames must be created.
Have fun
View options
- Script or Script that's no available for AOB Error
- AddressGroupHeader
- GroupHeader/Comment
- Variable
- Util:
- CE: Compact Mode
- CE: Add Hotkeys Menu
- CT: Save Active Scripts
- Note: Scripts under <scripts> can save/load checkbox states.
- CT: Load Active Scripts
- Field:
- Move Speed Multiplier
- times
- FOV Modifier
- value
- Rare Enemy Rate 100%
- Note: If not encountered, check the flags under Pointer->BattleManager.
- No Encount
- Free Camera
- Note: ↑, ↓, ←, → keys for movement. O, L keys for height.
- Player Teleporter
- camera speed
- Move Speed Multiplier
- Battle:
- Take No Damage
- Ignore Skill Costs
- Critical Rate 100%
- Critical Damage Modifier
- damage rate (%)
- Infinite HP
- Infinite SP
- Always MAX Boostable
- Note: If enabled during battle, there is a time lag before activation.
- Destroy Enemy Shields
- Note: Conditional One Hit Break. Applied after enemy/skill actions.
- Money Gained Multiplier
- times
- EXP Gained Multiplier
- times
- JP Gained Multiplier
- times
- Drop Item Rate 100%
- Player Data Editor
- REQ: In combat.
- Pointer->Selected Player Data
- m_nCharacterID
- m_cMasterParameter.HP
- m_cMasterParameter.MP
- m_cMasterParameter.BP
- m_cMasterParameter.SP
- m_cMasterParameter.POT
- m_cMasterParameter.ATK
- m_cMasterParameter.DEF
- m_cMasterParameter.MATK
- m_cMasterParameter.MDEF
- m_cMasterParameter.ACC
- m_cMasterParameter.EVA
- m_cMasterParameter.CON
- m_cMasterParameter.AGI
- m_nCurrentHP
- m_nDecreaseHPMax
- m_bIsChangedHPMax
- m_nCurrentMP
- m_nCurrentBP
- m_bUseBoost
- m_bExecBreakAct
- m_bIsUpdateWeakChangeData
- m_nBribeCounter
- m_fBribeRatio
- IsEnemy
- IsDead
- BoostPoint_OLD
- BreakPoint_Old
- BoostMax
- BreakMax_Old
- IsBreak
- UseBoost
- IsStepIn
- IsSelected
- SettledStealItem
- SettledStealMoney
- EquipmentParameter.HP
- EquipmentParameter.MP
- EquipmentParameter.BP
- EquipmentParameter.SP
- EquipmentParameter.POT
- EquipmentParameter.ATK
- EquipmentParameter.DEF
- EquipmentParameter.MATK
- EquipmentParameter.MDEF
- EquipmentParameter.ACC
- EquipmentParameter.EVA
- EquipmentParameter.CON
- EquipmentParameter.AGI
- BPRegeneration
- IsDisablePlayVoice
- Enemy Data Editor
- REQ: In combat.
- Pointer->Selected Enemy Data
- m_nCharacterID
- m_cMasterParameter.HP
- m_cMasterParameter.MP
- m_cMasterParameter.BP
- m_cMasterParameter.SP
- m_cMasterParameter.POT
- m_cMasterParameter.ATK
- m_cMasterParameter.DEF
- m_cMasterParameter.MATK
- m_cMasterParameter.MDEF
- m_cMasterParameter.ACC
- m_cMasterParameter.EVA
- m_cMasterParameter.CON
- m_cMasterParameter.AGI
- m_nCurrentHP
- m_nDecreaseHPMax
- m_bIsChangedHPMax
- m_nCurrentMP
- m_nCurrentBP
- m_nCurrentBPMax
- m_nCurrentShieldPoint
- m_nShieldPointMax
- m_bIsAutoTameMonster
- m_bEnableBlind
- m_bIsUpdateWeakChangeData
- m_cRSCD.m_nShieldPointMax
- m_bIsUpdateShieldChangeData
- IsEnemy
- IsDead
- IsTameMonster
- IsBreak
- EnemyData.EnemyID
- EnemyData.EnemyLevel
- EnemyData.DamageRatio
- EnemyData.NPCFlag
- EnemyData.Param.HP
- EnemyData.Param.MP
- EnemyData.Param.BP
- EnemyData.Param.SP
- EnemyData.Param.POT
- EnemyData.Param.ATK
- EnemyData.Param.DEF
- EnemyData.Param.MATK
- EnemyData.Param.MDEF
- EnemyData.Param.ACC
- EnemyData.Param.EVA
- EnemyData.Param.CON
- EnemyData.Param.AGI
- EnemyData.Exp
- EnemyData.JobPoint
- EnemyData.Money
- EnemyData.StealMoney
- EnemyData.TameEnable
- EnemyData.DefaultTameRate
- EnemyData.StealGuard
- EnemyData.DropProbability
- EnemyData.StealMoneyGuard
- NoResult
- Misc:
- Freeze Game Play Time
- Infinite Money
- Give Item
- Give EXP for All Playable Characters
- Give JP for All Playable Characters
- Playable Character Data Editor
- Give Skills (EX-skills are excluded)
- List of Skill Acquisition Flags
- Note: Created Child records under P->AcquisitionAbilityList
- Selected Playable Character Data
- CharacterID
- Level
- Exp
- RawHP
- RawMP
- RawPOT
- FirstJobID
- SecondJobID
- JobPoint
- Equipment.Sword
- Equipment.Lance
- Equipment.Dagger
- Equipment.Axe
- Equipment.Bow
- Equipment.Rod
- Equipment.Shield
- Equipment.Head
- Equipment.Body
- Equipment.Accessory_00
- Equipment.Accessory_01
- P->EquipSupportSkill
- [0]
- [1]
- [2]
- [3]
- P->AcquisitionAbilityList
- AcquisitionAbilityList_size
- DopingParam.HP
- DopingParam.MP
- DopingParam.BP
- DopingParam.SP
- DopingParam.POT
- DopingParam.ATK
- DopingParam.DEF
- DopingParam.MATK
- DopingParam.DEF
- DopingParam.ACC
- DopingParam.EVA
- DopingParam.CON
- DopingParam.AGI
- Town Data List
- Inventory Data List
- Pointer->World
- P->KSGameInstance
- P->KSCharacterBase
- P->CapsuleComponent
- y coordinate
- x coordinate
- z coordinate
- P->CharacterMovementComponent
- MaxWalkSpeed
- MaxWalkSpeedCrouched
- MaxSwimSpeed
- MaxFlySpeed
- MaxCustomMovementSpeed
- MaxAcceleration
- P->CineCameraComponent
- y coordinate
- x coordinate
- z coordinate
- FieldOfView
- AspectRatio
- PostProcessBlendWeight
- Filmback.SensorWidth
- Filmback.SensorHeight
- Filmback.SensorAspectRatio
- FocusSettings.ManualFocusDistance
- P->CapsuleComponent
- P->KSCharacterBase
- P->KSGameInstance
- Pointer->KSSaveDataManager
- P->MJSaveData
- P->TameMonsterList
- [0]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [1]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [2]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [3]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [4]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [5]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [6]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [7]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [8]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [9]
- enemyID
- count
- used
- [0]
- TameMonsterList_size
- IsRadarMapVisible
- P->PlayerParty.MainMemberID
- [0] MainMemberID
- [1] MainMemberID
- [2] MainMemberID
- [3] MainMemberID
- PlayerParty.MainMemberID_size
- P->PlayerParty.SubMemberID
- [0] SubMemberID
- [1] SubMemberID
- [2] SubMemberID
- [3] SubMemberID
- [4] SubMemberID
- [5] SubMemberID
- [6] SubMemberID
- [7] SubMemberID
- PlayerParty.SubMemberID_size
- PlayerBackpack.Money
- P->PlayerMember
- PlayerMember_size
- P->TownData
- TownData_size
- P->TameMonsterList
- P->TemporaryBackpackItemList
- TemporaryBackpackItemList_size
- P->MJSaveData
- Pointer->TimeManager
- m_nGamePlayTime
- Pointer->BattleManager
- m_cRareCatlinParam.RareEnemyFlag
- m_cRareCatlinParam.RareEnemyRate
- m_cRareCatlinParam.RareEnemyCnt_Low
- m_cRareCatlinParam.RareEnemyCnt_Middle
- m_cRareCatlinParam.RareEnemyCnt_High
- m_cRareOctlinParam.RareEnemyFlag
- m_cRareOctlinParam.RareEnemyRate
- m_cRareOctlinParam.RareEnemyCnt_Low
- m_cRareOctlinParam.RareEnemyCnt_Middle
- m_cRareOctlinParam.RareEnemyCnt_High
- P->BattlePlayer
- m_acBattlePlayer_size
- P->BattleEnemy
- m_acBattleEnemy_size
- m_nTotalRewardMoney
- m_nTotalRewardExp
- m_nTotalRewardJP
- m_nRewardLuckyMoney
- m_nRewardLuckyExp
- m_nRewardLuckyJP
- m_fMoneyRatioByAbility
- m_fExpRatioByAbility
- m_fJPRatioByAbility
- m_fMoneyRatioByEquipment
- m_fExpRatioByEquipment
- m_fJPRatioByEquipment
- m_fMoneyRatioBySupport
- m_fExpRatioBySupport
- m_fJPRatioBySupport
- m_fExpRatioBySupportInNight
- m_fJPRatioBySupportInNight
- m_bOverrideBattleSpeed
- m_bAllowChangeBattleSpeed
- P->BattleCommandMenuActor
- SelectCommand
- ID
- AbilityType
- AbilityUseType
- CostType
- CostValue
- HitRatio
- CriticalRatio
- CriticalPower
- AbilityRatio
- EnableDiffusion
- EnableReflection
- EnableCounter
- EnableHideOut
- EnableRepeat
- EnableCover
- EnableProvoke
- EnableDisableMagic
- EnableEnchant
- EnableChaseAttack
- EnableWeakCheckAll
- EnableNormalAttackAll
- EnableSession
- EnableBusinessSupport
- EnableForceWeakness
- EnableNoUseMaterial
- EnableSwitchWeapon
- EnableCompensationMagic
- EnableExcitement
- SongAbilityFlag
- DanceAbilityFlag
- EnableAutoTameMonster
- SelectCommand
- DebugPlayerInvisible
- DebugEnemyInvisible
- DebugResultExpRatio
- DebugResultJPRatio
- DebugResultMoneyRatio
- DebugResultDropRatio
- DebugDisableDamageRandom
- Pointer->EncountManager
- HasActiveEncount
- StepCount
- RandomStepA
- EncountStepMin
- RandomStepB
- EncountEnable
- PrePlayerPos.X
- PrePlayerPos.Y
- PrePlayerPos.Z
- UE version
- NamePoolData
- GUObjectArray
- pointer
View update history
Find other contributions
- Table by Raynard
- Field Command Always Success by sonycman
How to merge with other contributions
- We cannot provide support for issues caused by merging, it just shows you how.
If you can't do that, give up or work it out yourself.
- Place them anywhere under my main script. (invalid under <settings>)
That way Save/Load Checkbox States works equally well for other contributions.
- Here's just my table that I had achieved through trial & error.
What he did is his contribution so I'm not posting to change/add to his contribution without permission.
Also, since I already have Give Item, I don't feel the need to steal 100% in Battle.
Don't be a chaotic option collector, please.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1