Another Metroid 2 Remake 1.5.5 Cannot Make Scripts, Help Wanted

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Another Metroid 2 Remake 1.5.5 Cannot Make Scripts, Help Wanted

Post by Gear2ndGandalf »

I've never had a game give me this much trouble aside from Silent Hill Homecoming. Can someone help?

So I take a hit to lose HP while scanning for what writes to or accesses that address. fstp qword prt [edi] among a few other things appear when I take a hit. [edi], [ebp+00], or [eax] are being my pointed to HP addresses at the time. If I try to make a script with mov [edi],99 the game gets screwy and I still take on damage when hit.


I've tried messing with all of these in the pictures above and don't try nopping them out because the game will crash. There seem to be hundreds if not thousands of addressing passing through these lines in disassembler.

It's as if the true HP code is lock away somewhere behind this, but finding the HP pointer and locking it is no problem.

Is there a tutorial out there I can read or watch to get around this so I can finally make a decent script?

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Re: Another Metroid 2 Remake 1.5.5 Cannot Make Scripts, Help Wanted

Post by Messy6666 »

Gear2ndGandalf wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:28 pm
I've never had a game give me this much trouble aside from Silent Hill Homecoming. Can someone help?
Is there a tutorial out there I can read or watch to get around this so I can finally make a decent script?
Engine is GameMaker
GameMaker Info:

by aSwedishMagyar:
- CScript Manipulation viewtopic.php?f=10&t=15885
- Objects and Instances viewtopic.php?f=10&t=16018
- Variable Names and Indexes viewtopic.php?f=10&t=17695

by Cake-San:
- Basic Table (template) viewtopic.php?t=18027

by Stephen Chapman:
Tutorial: How to Hck GameMaker Games!

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Re: Another Metroid 2 Remake 1.5.5 Cannot Make Scripts, Help Wanted

Post by Gear2ndGandalf »

Thx messy! I did follow Stephen Chapman's tutorial to the letter but no dice. This games hates me putting mov edx,[ebp-C4] after pushing edx onto stack to compare and popping it out afterwards. AM2R instantly crashes when I enable this script. Can you see anything wrong?
It seems to work totally fine for Stephen C. tho.


As for the template by Cake-San it actually works and can find all of these CScripts, Names, and Objects. The thing is, I currently don't know how to put any of this to use for a script yet. I need to be educated so I'll do some digging.


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Re: Another Metroid 2 Remake 1.5.5 Cannot Make Scripts, Help Wanted

Post by Messy6666 »

^ the code in your script does not contains anything wrong.
The problem is that at that injection point any reference to [ebp] will crash the game, probably something todo with the memory region? (didn't analyze it). So that's not your fault.
ps. other injection points are not giving any crashes, like EB 1E 00 DD 1E 83 C4 08 but ofc the stack is different there.

I have not looked into games made with GameMaker before, so i won't be of any help.
I was curious about it, hence i had that information at hand.

About the info by aSwedishMagyar and Cake-San.
I took the dirty way (which is not always available) to "browse around".
To get an "understanding" of all the info those gents have provided.
No Need to say their approach and methods are way better and prefered.


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