Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Thanks to Norway-_-1999 (viewtopic.php?t=6393):

Code: Select all

local player = GetLocalPlayerId();
local xPos = CAPI_Entity.GetEntityPosition(player, 0);
local yPos = CAPI_Entity.GetEntityPosition(player, 1);
local zPos = CAPI_Entity.GetEntityPosition(player, 2);

local Name = "9015185544566758";
local Prop = SpawnEntityFromArchetype_Legacy(Name, xPos, yPos, zPos, 0,0,0);
Spawns this:


Then another test for "9015176822933759":


So I started doing this:


Will take a bit, there's over 5K identifiers :)

As an update, I can give the player almost anything (reveal map locations, resources, bandido leaders, keys, skills, etc.) except clothes, weapons, etc. -- will get there -- so I'm currently documenting everything in a big ass Excel. I get you'd want to help -- some of you -- but explaining what to do would take a bit. So it's a one man job for now.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by AkashiGamer »

You are the best, Sun)

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by SunBeam »

How to use the Give Resource script

[ The code snippets below are from v1.1.1 version of the game. Just so you know in the future ]

Alright. Been working on this one for quite a while now, namely gathering data to be used with it. I've done quite a bit of debugging to determine where exactly Dunia is adding resources to your inventory (especially since the fuckers @ Ubi use VMProtect mutation in the function decoding/encoding the values; read here: viewtopic.php?p=216819#p216819) and what would the function arguments be. Figured out the logic happens here:

Code: Select all

FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F04602 - 48 8B 07              - mov rax,[rdi]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F04605 - 45 8B C6              - mov r8d,r14d
FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F04608 - 44 8B 4C 24 34        - mov r9d,[rsp+34]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F0460D - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F04610 - 48 8B 16              - mov rdx,[rsi]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F04613 - FF 90 58010000        - call qword ptr [rax+00000158]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+1F04619 - 44 8B E8              - mov r13d,eax
The dynamic CALL goes into this function:

Code: Select all

FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD40 - 48 89 6C 24 10        - mov [rsp+10],rbp
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD45 - 48 89 74 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rsi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD4A - 48 89 7C 24 20        - mov [rsp+20],rdi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD4F - 41 56                 - push r14
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD51 - 48 83 EC 30           - sub rsp,30 { 48 }
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD55 - 48 8B F9              - mov rdi,rcx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD58 - 49 63 E9              - movsxd  rbp,r9d
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD5B - 48 8B CA              - mov rcx,rdx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD5E - 45 8B F0              - mov r14d,r8d
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD61 - 48 8B F2              - mov rsi,rdx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD64 - E8 B72B8BFF           - call FC_m64d3d12.dll+2312920
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD69 - 84 C0                 - test al,al
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD6B - 74 25                 - je FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD92
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD6D - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD70 - E8 DB450200           - call FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A84350
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD75 - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD78 - 74 18                 - je FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD92
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD7A - 4C 8B 10              - mov r10,[rax]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD7D - 44 8B CD              - mov r9d,ebp
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD80 - 45 8B C6              - mov r8d,r14d
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD83 - 48 8B D6              - mov rdx,rsi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD86 - 48 8B C8              - mov rcx,rax
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD89 - 41 FF 92 58010000     - call qword ptr [r10+00000158]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD90 - EB 50                 - jmp FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDE2
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD92 - 44 8B CD              - mov r9d,ebp
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD95 - 48 89 5C 24 40        - mov [rsp+40],rbx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD9A - 45 8B C6              - mov r8d,r14d
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FD9D - C6 44 24 20 01        - mov byte ptr [rsp+20],01 { 1 }
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDA2 - 48 8B D6              - mov rdx,rsi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDA5 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDA8 - E8 03130000           - call FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A610B0
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDAD - 8B D8                 - mov ebx,eax
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDAF - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDB1 - 74 28                 - je FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDDB
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDB3 - 4D 8B CE              - mov r9,r14
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDB6 - 48 89 6C 24 20        - mov [rsp+20],rbp
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDBB - 4C 8B C6              - mov r8,rsi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDBE - 33 D2                 - xor edx,edx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDC0 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDC3 - E8 78830600           - call FC_m64d3d12.dll+2AC8140
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDC8 - 48 8B 0D A9CC3C04     - mov rcx,[FC_m64d3d12.dll+6E2CA78] { (21618A84150) }
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDCF - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDD2 - 74 07                 - je FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDDB
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDD4 - 33 D2                 - xor edx,edx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDD6 - E8 D57A2CFF           - call FC_m64d3d12.dll+1D278B0
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDDB - 8B C3                 - mov eax,ebx
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDDD - 48 8B 5C 24 40        - mov rbx,[rsp+40]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDE2 - 48 8B 6C 24 48        - mov rbp,[rsp+48]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDE7 - 48 8B 74 24 50        - mov rsi,[rsp+50]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDEC - 48 8B 7C 24 58        - mov rdi,[rsp+58]
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDF1 - 48 83 C4 30           - add rsp,30 { 48 }
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDF5 - 41 5E                 - pop r14
FC_m64d3d12.dll+2A5FDF7 - C3                    - ret 
And the args are:
  • rcx == CInventoryComponent
  • rdx == hash
  • r8d == quantity
  • r9d == type
So the function goes like this: CInventoryComponent::GiveResourceByHash( hash, quantity, type ). Keep in mind rcx is self-implied, as this is a virtual function. In Cheat Engine Lua you will see 4 arguments, as the class has to be explicitly declared (see Give Resource script):

Code: Select all

line 25: executeCodeEx( 0, nil, GiveResource, CInventoryComponent, hash, quantity, index )
To get to the CInventoryComponent: local CInventoryComponent = readQword( CPawn + 0x178 ) :) It's stored in our CPawn which my [ Enable ] script conveniently exposes.

So I started from the above figuring out how to add resources. Then I realized the function can grant a shit load of other stuff:
  • time savers (revealing icons on map for chests, idols, roosters, usb sticks, jewelry boxes, fishing/hunting spots, etc.)
  • keys
  • quest items
  • skills/specializations
  • bandido leaders
So I started collecting them:

(192.3 KiB) Downloaded 2292 times

Some are tested, left in comments, some aren't, so please chime in where possible with at least naming them. How to help: see the last section.

How to use the FC6_items.xlsx file in conjunction with above script

When you open the Excel file you will see 3 tabs:
  • MapReveal
  • Resources
  • Archetypes
The first two are to be used with Give Resource script. The last one has another purpose (explained here: viewtopic.php?p=217584#p217584).

If you want to REVEAL ICONS ON THE MAP, then:
  • right-click script > Change script
  • edit line 19: index = 0x7 to index = 0x1B (see column E in the Excel sheet)
  • click OK
  • click the checkbox in front of the script
  • fill the input field with hash|qty values (e.g.: 00200792424EDCA6|1 -- will give you the Jewelry reveal time saver)
Repeat the above for Resources sheet.

  • for now there aren't any "quick" ways to get EVERYTHING you want, so please don't barge in asking for 'simpler' methods
  • in general, if you don't need a specific quantity of an item, use the default 1 (e.g.: keys don't have quantities > 1; only resources do)

How to help out

The two sheets have several entries on column B that are blank. What you can do is open up the Excel file, get the item from a line and pay attention at the screen when granted. Then open Inventory, head to the item and type in its in-game name on this column. Like I did here:


The more you can fill in, the better. Share the updated file here or PM me.

Happy hacking,

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by frog »

I noticed that in the Give Resources sheet there's no hash for Moneda, is it because it's server sided (I believe it can be earned by playing both online and in single player) or is just because it hasn't been found yet? I found the address and am able to change the value in game, but whenever I try to buy stuff on the black market it says that the service is currently unavailable.. I can't seem to see what access the address either because when I try to do so the game simply crashes.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by Underx01 »

Hi all,

Is there a way to add the Wingsuit into your inventory somehow?
My save game/playthrough got bugged after I've build a hide-out post at the first camp and it didn't unlock the wingsuit for me (its know bug for some before the first patch, but the latest 1.1.1. patch didn't add a fix for it.

Thanks in advance for the reply.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by SunBeam »

frog wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:23 pm
I noticed that in the Give Resources sheet there's no hash for Moneda, is it because it's server sided (I believe it can be earned by playing both online and in single player) or is just because it hasn't been found yet? I found the address and am able to change the value in game, but whenever I try to buy stuff on the black market it says that the service is currently unavailable.. I can't seem to see what access the address either because when I try to do so the game simply crashes.
It's been discussed already, in this and other games from Ubisoft: online currency (Moneda and Coins) can't be gained through normal means, as they're checked on use.
Underx01 wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:31 am
Hi all,

Is there a way to add the Wingsuit into your inventory somehow?
My save game/playthrough got bugged after I've build a hide-out post at the first camp and it didn't unlock the wingsuit for me (its know bug for some before the first patch, but the latest 1.1.1. patch didn't add a fix for it.

Thanks in advance for the reply.
There is an excel file in my previous post. Download it, open it, learn to use Ctrl+F (find/search) and you'll get it. And please read the instructions I've left. I don't want to hear you don't know how to use this and that, you don't have knowledge, etc. -- learn to gain it.

If even after you manage to add the Wingsuit to your inventory nothing happens, then your save-game's bricked. The assumption here is you don't have it at all in your inventory; and not that you have it, but it's bugged. Cuz if you already have it, then nothing's gonna happen when you use Give Resource script.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by frog »

SunBeam wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:13 am
It's been discussed already, in this and other games from Ubisoft: online currency (Moneda and Coins) can't be gained through normal means, as they're checked on use.
Oh I see. Sorry, I didn't know it had already been discussed somewhere else and thought that because you could also gain some in single player there could be some kind of way to hack it. I'm guessing I'll just have to wait until we find a way to unlock weapons and cosmetics from both the black market and the online store.

From what I've read, people were able to get paid cosmetic from the store in AC Valhalla. Do you think we'll eventually be able to do the same on FC6? I know you said that just because it is made by Ubi doesn't mean it's all the same shit, but I'm really hoping I wont have to pay for some cosmetics.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by crainger »

frog wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:54 am
From what I've read, people were able to get paid cosmetic from the store in AC Valhalla. Do you think we'll eventually be able to do the same on FC6? I know you said that just because it is made by Ubi doesn't mean it's all the same shit, but I'm really hoping I wont have to pay for some cosmetics.
It's already possible and it has been mentioned in this thread. Start with the Far Cry 6 Mod Installer on Nexus and follow the instructions to install and find mods on the FC6 modding Discord.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by SunBeam »

^ Good point :)

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by ResidentMedievil »

Doing some test with the Mods this what I've discovered so far:

1) with Nothurn's mod everything is unlocked with the exception of the weapons/gear and rearview window items for the car from the Helix shop.
2) Using the Qstlijku's Total Unlocker FC6 it is possible to buy from the Guerrila Garrison Helix's weapons and gear, promotional items (such as the AMD Ryzen shirt) and items from Lola.
3) some dashboard props for the car cause the game to crash.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by JayKoZa »

Added some Ammo Hashes, not tested all but 'Ammo/Pouches/DynamitePouch, WorldWide, Ammo, WeaponType, 4, 002007479AE00408' called with 9 Value gives me 9 Dinamite so have Fun!

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by Underx01 »

SunBeam wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:13 am
There is an excel file in my previous post. Download it, open it, learn to use Ctrl+F (find/search) and you'll get it. And please read the instructions I've left. I don't want to hear you don't know how to use this and that, you don't have knowledge, etc. -- learn to gain it.

If even after you manage to add the Wingsuit to your inventory nothing happens, then your save-game's bricked. The assumption here is you don't have it at all in your inventory; and not that you have it, but it's bugged. Cuz if you already have it, then nothing's gonna happen when you use Give Resource script.
Thank you for your clear & instructed response, but you assumed that I didn't do all of that before asking (which is totally understandable) and I also assumed that my MS-Excel-was working fine but it wasn't cause somehow, without any warnings/pop-ups, it kinda corrupted the content of your Excel-file which didn't show most of the 3 tabs content (the bottom tabs/pages: MapReveal/Resources/Archetypes) don't know why but because of that I couldn't find the wingsuit (not through the search-function or by filtering A>Z),
so once I read your message I opened the Excel-file via Google Sheets and voilá all content was visible, thank you.

So I added the "Wingsuit" like this (using your Give Resource script/table) as instructed:
& it works like a charm! (I didn't have it in my inventory before)

I do apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused and thank you again & hope this also helps others with the same issue till "UbiFox-devs" decide to fix it themselves.

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Underx01 wrote:
Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:55 pm
Glad it worked out for you! Cheers! :)

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by staticjones »

It would appear the new update has done something to interfere with this table. When I attempt to enable it, I get the Lua engine window with the message, ">> 'aob_ClipAmmo' not found. << "

Help, please?

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Re: Far Cry 6 [Engine: Dunia 2]

Post by SunBeam »

staticjones wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:08 pm
It would appear the new update has done something to interfere with this table. When I attempt to enable it, I get the Lua engine window with the message, ">> 'aob_ClipAmmo' not found. << "

Help, please?
Sorry, can't track this title anymore. If you require table updates, please check my signature.

P.S.: And for the Nth time.. the Patreon model is a subscription covering not 1 table, but N tables.

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