It's hard to hack the game, you need to use big endians, and each map has it's own xp, health and x,y,z head pos and original pos values... I have orick, axbridge, chicago for health and x,y,z pointers rn...
If you want to get pointers you need 300000000, 380000000, as the range, and make sure you do not check the 32 bit and whateva is below it
max offset value set it to 12999999, then just test..
Nvm, pointers do not work. But i made a god, infinite orb and infinite ammo, the infinite orb
Make sure to disable God mode on main menu
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.0
Update: Stalker Damage Multiplier for Player - (15.08 KiB) Downloaded 12 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.1
Update: Infinite Cellular Grenade - (121.34 KiB) Downloaded 12 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.2
Update: Added rapid fire and accuracy - (127.93 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.3
Update: Added Rapid Secondary Fire - (131.03 KiB) Downloaded 10 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.4
Added checks so enemies not spam you with rockets lol - (132.69 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.5
Added infinite misc and rapid misc throw. Rapid misc throw is buggy, not my fault - (155.54 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.6
Added Addresses, still WIP, I have health rn which usually do not work lol - (166.93 KiB) Downloaded 9 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.7
Added XP multiplier and grey tech multiplier
Tried to add an aob for greytech but no uniqueness :( - (171.14 KiB) Downloaded 9 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.8
Fixed XP Multiplier so that it also applies to all classes - (178.74 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
- resistance 2.CT
- v 1.0.9
Added instant reload, infinite max ammo, covers the other guns that weren't cover for deadshot
Update: Made a global xp multiplier symbol instead of each class having one - (187.47 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
This version is the latest and probly works with 2 serials (NPEA00431) and (BCUS98120)
- resistance 2.CT
- Added mission completer, idk if it works well gl
- (175.39 KiB) Downloaded 8 times