Im told it works on windows version but theres a different process you need to do to get it to run. I dont have windows version to test, so you will need to find someone who got it running and ask them what they did
Ya I have been trying to get it to work to no avail. Just looks like I'm putting in the wrong process or something.
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Update OUTRIDERS New Horizon-Multiplayer-1.16.00-V1
Everything was broke and now its fixed.. Download on main page.. Same bypass works.. If its not working you did something wrong... This took all damn day to fix.. So hope u enjoy it
Im told it works on windows version but theres a different process you need to do to get it to run. I dont have windows version to test, so you will need to find someone who got it running and ask them what they did
Ya I have been trying to get it to work to no avail. Just looks like I'm putting in the wrong process or something.
Is this the Xbox Game Pass Version? If so i have a buddy that has it and ill see if i can get some info from him for u
Im told it works on windows version but theres a different process you need to do to get it to run. I dont have windows version to test, so you will need to find someone who got it running and ask them what they did
Ya I have been trying to get it to work to no avail. Just looks like I'm putting in the wrong process or something.
Is this the Xbox Game Pass Version? If so i have a buddy that has it and ill see if i can get some info from him for u
Yes, it is. That would be awesome, I appreciate it!
Update OUTRIDERS New Horizon-Multiplayer-1.16.00-V2
You can download the new update from the main page
Fixed an Issue With Currency And Should Be Fixed Now
I know that Currency Only Has 5 Types.. But Depending On When You Started The Game The Address's Could Be Different So There Is Now 6 Values.. Just Change All 6 Values To 999999 And It Will Max Currency And Wont Hurt Anything
I try to change Attributes on gloves (From Cooldown reduction to Close Range Damage). I change ID and then I relog from game and return and change does not apply.
I try to change Attributes on gloves (From Cooldown reduction to Close Range Damage). I change ID and then I relog from game and return and change does not apply.
What am I doing wrong?
After u make a change.. head to zahidi and change a mod on the gear you edited to force the change to save.. You can always change the mod back after u relog
Accolades not unlocking.
message popup that i get reward but i dont get any.
i think game counts sub accolades
It works for some and not others.. It wont unlock everything, but was more for getting the lvl 30 chair emote.. but seems like half can get it to work and half cant..
When i try to use the bypass i do the .bak and all that but now when i click play it says launching then it just stops and says play again, its still doing it after 2 reinstalls.
There's a sure fire way to get the by pass to work for those that say it don't. This is what I did and it works. I followed the same method with a tweak. Rename the 3 original dlls in the easy anti cheat folder to .bak at end of them. Then take the 3 by pass ones and copy and paste them one by one into the folder and when your done you'll have 6 dlls. 3 original with .bak at the end of them you renamed to then the 3 from by pass. Works 1000%. Hope this helps some ppl who can't get it to work the other way. Works perfect for me.
By renaming them do I have to change them from .dll to .bak or .dll.bak?
just literally put .bak at the end of the original 3 dlls names keep em the same just put .bak at the very end of each one thats it
I try to change Attributes on gloves (From Cooldown reduction to Close Range Damage). I change ID and then I relog from game and return and change does not apply.
What am I doing wrong?
After u make a change.. head to zahidi and change a mod on the gear you edited to force the change to save.. You can always change the mod back after u relog
Now i see the error of my ways here I have a different by pass then yours that has 3 dlls instead of 2 that was made by someone who charged an arm and a leg for them a while back I got em passed to me by someone that purchased the bypass and its never done me wrong since i got it. @yellowsub if you would like I can donate to the cause and shoot you the 3 dll bypass to help others as well I know it works 1,000,000% been using it since the day i got it not a single issue by the way outside of here I'm friends with your buddy PM me I'll explain.
For item mod editing, do I need to do anything to the IDs generated in the Mod Assets DataTable list?
The IDs pulled doesn't match the existing 2 mod IDs listed on equipment I have.
For item mod editing, do I need to do anything to the IDs generated in the Mod Assets DataTable list?
The IDs pulled doesn't match the existing 2 mod IDs listed on equipment I have.
I honestly never use the mod IDs tool to edit mods. I simple go to zahidi and slot a mod I want. Example, I put a mod in slot 1. I then go to the mod section in the cheat table and copy slot 1 to slot 2 so now I have the same mod in both slots. Then I go back to zahidi and change slot 1 to the second mod I want. Now I have the original mod I wanted in my locked slot and the new one in unlocked slot. This is the easiest way I know of to get 2 t3 mod on 1 item