Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by khidz29 »

hxide666 wrote:
Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:19 am
khidz29 wrote:
Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:02 pm
pogchamp wrote:
Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:46 pm
what do you all use to cheat on Legends of Idleon? I found about this forum today and 171 is alot to search. Can someone help me?
You just need to read this thread to open up a new world, a new game, a new gameplay, new experience.
valleymon wrote:
Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:13 pm
I added quite a lot now over many posts, so to summarise for those who haven't followed:

Firstly credits - this is based on the good work done here: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

I also made some changes to the injector:
Find as you type autocomplete for most cheats, item drops and monster spawns
Launch a debug session in chrome to inspect/edit game attributes with the command chromedebug(see below for explanation)
Ability to apply changes to z.js before the game loads, eg regex replace etc. Could be useful for some things going forward.

Latest version 05/01/2023

If you are just wanting to get cheating, you dont need to install node etc, just put InjectCheatsF5.exe, cheats.js and config.json in your idleon directory, then run InjectCheatsF5.exe. Remember to update the contents of cheats.js with the paste below as I will keep updating it over time, but won't be updating the file in the zip above

This is an update to cheats.js that adds a load of new commands, mostly w4 & w5 stuff that was not implemented.
Just fully replace the contents of cheats.js with this code above to enable these extra commands.
You probably want to go to the "mainframe" and "chipbonuses" sections from lines 102-162 to set values you like. I've put in some sensible defaults.
Same with w5 just below that, there's info below the paste about what you can do there.

Commands added are:
'damagemultiplier x': 'multiplies damage done by x'
'efficiencymultiplier x': 'multiplies efficiency for all skills by x'
'afkmultiplier x': 'multiplies afk gains by x'
'w3 globalshrines': 'shrines work and gain xp everywhere'
'w3 worshipspeed': 'charge worship fast'
'w3 freeworship': 'worship cost is 0 for all totems'
'w3 freebuildings': 'o material costs for buildings'
'w4 battleslots': 'all 6 battle slots'
'w4 eggcap': 'all egg slots'
'w4 fenceyard': 'all fenceyard slots'
'w4 petchance': '100% new pet chance'
'w4 genes': '0 gene upgrades'
'w4 fasteggs': 'fast incubation'
w4 fastforaging : collect spices fast
'w4 petupgrades': 'free pet upgrades'
'w4 petrng': 'max strength pets (for level and egg, with a tiny bit of randomness)'
w4 superpets: tough little fighters
'w4 labpx': 'long lab connections'
'w4 instameals': 'speedy meal cooking'
'w4 instarecipes': 'speedy recipe research'
'w4 luckychef': 'new recipe guarantee'
'w4 freekitchens': 'free kitchens and upgrades'
'w4 freeplates': 'free dinner plate upgrades'
'w4 candy': 'candy use in space'
'w4 labchips': 'give 20 of all lab chips'
w4 arena: unlimited arena entries
w4 mainframe: Enable (and customise) mainframe bonuses without needing anyone in the lab
w4 chipbonuses: Configure as many chip bonuses for your characters as you like
w4 sigilspeed: sets to 500 instead of 1
autoloot: enable autoloot for your account
wide gembuylimit x: sets the max number of purchasable items to x in the gemshop. Be careful not to overbuy things that might make the game upset, like build slots, golden hammer, fenceyard space etc.
wipe overpurchases: if you did accidentally overbuy something and the game won't load, run this on the character selection screen to fix things
w5 sailing: see below
w5 divinity: see below
w5 gaming: see below
chromedebug: Opens the game in a chrome debug window with access to all variables (see below)

Updated 17/10/2022:
New things added:

w4 mainframe
Enables mainframe bonuses without anyone in the lab. You can also set the value of those bonuses in many cases. take a look near the top of the file for mainframe in the cheatState variable if you wish to edit the values. For example you could set the cooking speed jewel bonus to 10 instead of the default max of 4.5.

w4 chipbonuses
Similar to the mainframe, this will apply the chip bonuses you describe to your characters. For now it's across all characters. Again values are customisable so you can eg set "move" to 60 rather than 30 and get a 60% movement speed buff.
Some bonuses only work with 1 or 0 (on or off). I tried to mark them in comments.

You can also change these on the fly with a command like w4 chipbonuses acc 100 (100% accuracy bonus).

Updated 04/10/2022:
Fixed w3 trapping as it didn't seem to be working. Traps take 1s to complete.
w3 buildcogs was actually just setting the build speed very high on all characters, so it has been changed to w3 buildspd (ie what it really does). I might look at adding back in a command just for cogs at some point.
w3 saltcost and w3 matcost were broken. They have been combined to w3 freebuildings

Updated 07/10/2022:
added w4 arena for unlimited arena entries (use command 'daily' if you've already used your entry for the day)

Updated 30/12/2022
Fixed candies in lab and cooking after w5 update. This was annoying and the fix is ugly but it works. w5 cheats coming soon!

Update 30//12/2022
Previous cheats were increasing gem shop item limits to 15 to allow extra purchases but this also allowed people to brick their accounts by overpurchasing items the game got grumpy about..
If that happened to you you can run wipe overpurchases on the character load screen and it should fix it.
You can now manually increase the purchase cap temporarily if you want to buy lots of a limited number item eg sailing chests, skilling keychains etc by using eg wide gembuylimit 30 to increase the cap to 30. wide gembuylimit 0 will reset back to normal

Update 30//12/2022
Added basic w5 cheats. If you look near the top of the file around line 102, you will see the values that are set as so:

Code: Select all

     w5: {
        sailing: {
            enable: false,
            IslandDistance: t => t / 2, // islands 50% closer
            MaxChests: t => 1000, // pile holds 1000 chests
            RareTreasureChance: t => t * 5, // 5x chance for rare treasure
            Minimumtraveltime: t => t / 3, // minimum travel time reduced from 2h to 40m
            BoatUpgCostType: t => t, // loot type for upgrade
            BoatUpgCostQty: t => t, // loot amount for upgrade, t => 0 for free upgrades
            boatValue: t => t * 2, // 2x boat loot
            BoatSpeed: t => t * 2, // 2x boat speed
            CloudDiscoverBonus: t => t * 2, // 2x cloud discover bonus
            ArtifactChance: t => t * 5, // 5x artifact discover bonus
            AncientChances: t => t * 5, // 5x ancient chance
            NewCaptBoatSlot: t => 0, // free boat and captain slots
            BuyCaptainCost: t => 0, // free captains
            ArtifactBonus: t => t // bonus from the artifact, needs investigation as to what can be done here!
        gaming: {
            enable: false,
            FertilizerUpgCosts: t => 0,
            SproutCapacity: t => Math.max(22, t + 2),
            MutateUpgCosts: t => 0,
            LogBookBitBonus: t => Math.max(20, t * 2),
            GamingExpPCT: t => t,
            NewMutantChanceDEC: t => t * 5, // new mutant chance multiplied by 5
            SproutGrowthCHANCEperMUT: t => t, // could be a bit fiddly
            SproutGrowthTime: t => t / 5, // sprouts grow 5x faster
            SaveSprinkler: t => t, // Don't use water when using the sprinkler. 1 is a guarantee
            ImportItemCOST: t => 0, // import item upgrades are free
            AcornShopCost: t => 0, //acorn shop upgrades are free
            BoxCost: t => 0 //new boxes are free
        divinity: {
            enable: false,
            StyleLvReq: t => 0, // allow all meditation styles from lvl 0
            DivPerHr: t => t * 3, // base div per hr
            DivPerHr_EXP: t => t * 2, // base xp per hr
            BlesssBonus: t => t * 2, // god blessing bonus
            Bonus_MAJOR: t => t, // link bonus, manipulating this tbd
            Bonus_Minor: t => t, // passive bonus, manipulating this tbd
            OfferingCost: t => 0, // free offerings
            OfferingOdds: t => 1, //offerings always work
w5 sailing, w5 gaming and w5 divinity will enable the respective cheats.
They work by transforming the original value generated by the game, here called 't' to the thing to the right of the =>. Feel free to edit these. You can put an expression involving t (such as t * 2, or t / 2), or replace it with a static value, such as 1 or 0.

For exmple:
BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
Regardless of the original cost to make a boat upgrade, it will now always be 0

BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
Whatever your original boat speed was, it will now be doubled. If you change to t * 3 it will be tripled, t + 1000 and it will have 1000 added to it.

ArtifactBonus: t => t
This is going to leave the artifact finding bonus exactly as it was. I haven't yet had a chance to experiment, but assume it could be possible to eg increase the bonus provided by an artifact.

This was very rough and ready, im sure it can be refined but it's long past bedtime.

Update 05/01/2023:
I uploaded a new version of InjectCheatsF5. You need to download from the link to get these changes. Main ones are:
  • Launch a debug session in chrome to inspect/edit game attributes with the command chromedebug (see below for explanation)
  • Aims to be more future proof by offloading more functionality to cheats.js so hopefully InjectCheats itself doesn't need updating.
  • Autocomplete choices are defined in getAutoCompleteSuggestions() in cheats.js. Add your own if you like.
  • Ability to apply changes (eg regex replace etc) to z.js before the game loads. Could be useful for some things going forward. The zjs code is passed to the function inside

    Code: Select all

    function getZJSManipulator() {
    	return function (zjs) {
    		// I'm putting this here in case it's helpful to manipulate z.js directly.
    		// Most cheats are simple enough to implement without doing so, but there are some cases where it's just very handy.
    		// InjectCheatsF5 (as of Jan 2023 release) will pass the z.js code to this function to allow for regex replacing etc before it is loaded by the game
    		return zjs;
  • Cleaned up the way the cheat code is attached to the game to make better use of existing page events. This ensures smooth initialisation of cheats on game load and makes sure they aren't initialised more than once (which isn't a disaster, but causes some slightly unpredictable behaviour).
  • w4 sigilspeed
  • w4 fastforaging
Using chrome to cheat
Lastly, there's a million things you may want to fiddle with using gga/chng. That's all fine, but I want to share this alternative as it's a fair bit more user friendly, lets you explore much more freely and you are much less likely to misedit a value and break your account than using chng:
Just run the command


A new window will pop up, showing your idleon game. To the right you will see the chrome developer tools. Make sure you are in the "Console" tab.


into the console and hit enter. You are now looking at the gameAttributes list (the same you can see with eg list gga) and are free to roam around, take a look at things, and edit values just by double clicking on them and typing in a new value.
I've attached an example of editing the level of one of my boat captains. Overall, you ought to mostly be able to figure out what each value represents by comparing with your game. I've shown here an example of editing a captain from level 7 to level 9.
Overall just be looking at each captain and comparing with my game, it is pretty simple to see that the values in order represent:
0: appearance/hat (or -1 for unpurchased)
1: First bonus type
2: Second bonus type
3: level
4: progress to next level
5: first boost base value (multiplies with level to give actual boost)
6: second boost base value


Good luck
Please learn to do spoilers, kind of annoying seeing a wall of text. Could have just given the links
True brother, my bad x)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by okloolikese »

is there a way to change how ESC key works in InjectCheatsF5 window? the new version close the game when we press ESC key, and I press ESC key to cancel wrong typed commands.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by pogchamp »

khidz29 wrote:
Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:02 pm
pogchamp wrote:
Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:46 pm
what do you all use to cheat on Legends of Idleon? I found about this forum today and 171 is alot to search. Can someone help me?
You just need to read this thread to open up a new world, a new game, a new gameplay, new experience.
valleymon wrote:
Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:13 pm
I added quite a lot now over many posts, so to summarise for those who haven't followed:

Firstly credits - this is based on the good work done here: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

I also made some changes to the injector:
Find as you type autocomplete for most cheats, item drops and monster spawns
Launch a debug session in chrome to inspect/edit game attributes with the command chromedebug(see below for explanation)
Ability to apply changes to z.js before the game loads, eg regex replace etc. Could be useful for some things going forward.

Latest version 05/01/2023

If you are just wanting to get cheating, you dont need to install node etc, just put InjectCheatsF5.exe, cheats.js and config.json in your idleon directory, then run InjectCheatsF5.exe. Remember to update the contents of cheats.js with the paste below as I will keep updating it over time, but won't be updating the file in the zip above

This is an update to cheats.js that adds a load of new commands, mostly w4 & w5 stuff that was not implemented.
Just fully replace the contents of cheats.js with this code above to enable these extra commands.
You probably want to go to the "mainframe" and "chipbonuses" sections from lines 102-162 to set values you like. I've put in some sensible defaults.
Same with w5 just below that, there's info below the paste about what you can do there.

Commands added are:
'damagemultiplier x': 'multiplies damage done by x'
'efficiencymultiplier x': 'multiplies efficiency for all skills by x'
'afkmultiplier x': 'multiplies afk gains by x'
'w3 globalshrines': 'shrines work and gain xp everywhere'
'w3 worshipspeed': 'charge worship fast'
'w3 freeworship': 'worship cost is 0 for all totems'
'w3 freebuildings': 'o material costs for buildings'
'w4 battleslots': 'all 6 battle slots'
'w4 eggcap': 'all egg slots'
'w4 fenceyard': 'all fenceyard slots'
'w4 petchance': '100% new pet chance'
'w4 genes': '0 gene upgrades'
'w4 fasteggs': 'fast incubation'
w4 fastforaging : collect spices fast
'w4 petupgrades': 'free pet upgrades'
'w4 petrng': 'max strength pets (for level and egg, with a tiny bit of randomness)'
w4 superpets: tough little fighters
'w4 labpx': 'long lab connections'
'w4 instameals': 'speedy meal cooking'
'w4 instarecipes': 'speedy recipe research'
'w4 luckychef': 'new recipe guarantee'
'w4 freekitchens': 'free kitchens and upgrades'
'w4 freeplates': 'free dinner plate upgrades'
'w4 candy': 'candy use in space'
'w4 labchips': 'give 20 of all lab chips'
w4 arena: unlimited arena entries
w4 mainframe: Enable (and customise) mainframe bonuses without needing anyone in the lab
w4 chipbonuses: Configure as many chip bonuses for your characters as you like
w4 sigilspeed: sets to 500 instead of 1
autoloot: enable autoloot for your account
wide gembuylimit x: sets the max number of purchasable items to x in the gemshop. Be careful not to overbuy things that might make the game upset, like build slots, golden hammer, fenceyard space etc.
wipe overpurchases: if you did accidentally overbuy something and the game won't load, run this on the character selection screen to fix things
w5 sailing: see below
w5 divinity: see below
w5 gaming: see below
chromedebug: Opens the game in a chrome debug window with access to all variables (see below)

Updated 17/10/2022:
New things added:

w4 mainframe
Enables mainframe bonuses without anyone in the lab. You can also set the value of those bonuses in many cases. take a look near the top of the file for mainframe in the cheatState variable if you wish to edit the values. For example you could set the cooking speed jewel bonus to 10 instead of the default max of 4.5.

w4 chipbonuses
Similar to the mainframe, this will apply the chip bonuses you describe to your characters. For now it's across all characters. Again values are customisable so you can eg set "move" to 60 rather than 30 and get a 60% movement speed buff.
Some bonuses only work with 1 or 0 (on or off). I tried to mark them in comments.

You can also change these on the fly with a command like w4 chipbonuses acc 100 (100% accuracy bonus).

Updated 04/10/2022:
Fixed w3 trapping as it didn't seem to be working. Traps take 1s to complete.
w3 buildcogs was actually just setting the build speed very high on all characters, so it has been changed to w3 buildspd (ie what it really does). I might look at adding back in a command just for cogs at some point.
w3 saltcost and w3 matcost were broken. They have been combined to w3 freebuildings

Updated 07/10/2022:
added w4 arena for unlimited arena entries (use command 'daily' if you've already used your entry for the day)

Updated 30/12/2022
Fixed candies in lab and cooking after w5 update. This was annoying and the fix is ugly but it works. w5 cheats coming soon!

Update 30//12/2022
Previous cheats were increasing gem shop item limits to 15 to allow extra purchases but this also allowed people to brick their accounts by overpurchasing items the game got grumpy about..
If that happened to you you can run wipe overpurchases on the character load screen and it should fix it.
You can now manually increase the purchase cap temporarily if you want to buy lots of a limited number item eg sailing chests, skilling keychains etc by using eg wide gembuylimit 30 to increase the cap to 30. wide gembuylimit 0 will reset back to normal

Update 30//12/2022
Added basic w5 cheats. If you look near the top of the file around line 102, you will see the values that are set as so:

Code: Select all

     w5: {
        sailing: {
            enable: false,
            IslandDistance: t => t / 2, // islands 50% closer
            MaxChests: t => 1000, // pile holds 1000 chests
            RareTreasureChance: t => t * 5, // 5x chance for rare treasure
            Minimumtraveltime: t => t / 3, // minimum travel time reduced from 2h to 40m
            BoatUpgCostType: t => t, // loot type for upgrade
            BoatUpgCostQty: t => t, // loot amount for upgrade, t => 0 for free upgrades
            boatValue: t => t * 2, // 2x boat loot
            BoatSpeed: t => t * 2, // 2x boat speed
            CloudDiscoverBonus: t => t * 2, // 2x cloud discover bonus
            ArtifactChance: t => t * 5, // 5x artifact discover bonus
            AncientChances: t => t * 5, // 5x ancient chance
            NewCaptBoatSlot: t => 0, // free boat and captain slots
            BuyCaptainCost: t => 0, // free captains
            ArtifactBonus: t => t // bonus from the artifact, needs investigation as to what can be done here!
        gaming: {
            enable: false,
            FertilizerUpgCosts: t => 0,
            SproutCapacity: t => Math.max(22, t + 2),
            MutateUpgCosts: t => 0,
            LogBookBitBonus: t => Math.max(20, t * 2),
            GamingExpPCT: t => t,
            NewMutantChanceDEC: t => t * 5, // new mutant chance multiplied by 5
            SproutGrowthCHANCEperMUT: t => t, // could be a bit fiddly
            SproutGrowthTime: t => t / 5, // sprouts grow 5x faster
            SaveSprinkler: t => t, // Don't use water when using the sprinkler. 1 is a guarantee
            ImportItemCOST: t => 0, // import item upgrades are free
            AcornShopCost: t => 0, //acorn shop upgrades are free
            BoxCost: t => 0 //new boxes are free
        divinity: {
            enable: false,
            StyleLvReq: t => 0, // allow all meditation styles from lvl 0
            DivPerHr: t => t * 3, // base div per hr
            DivPerHr_EXP: t => t * 2, // base xp per hr
            BlesssBonus: t => t * 2, // god blessing bonus
            Bonus_MAJOR: t => t, // link bonus, manipulating this tbd
            Bonus_Minor: t => t, // passive bonus, manipulating this tbd
            OfferingCost: t => 0, // free offerings
            OfferingOdds: t => 1, //offerings always work
w5 sailing, w5 gaming and w5 divinity will enable the respective cheats.
They work by transforming the original value generated by the game, here called 't' to the thing to the right of the =>. Feel free to edit these. You can put an expression involving t (such as t * 2, or t / 2), or replace it with a static value, such as 1 or 0.

For exmple:
BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
Regardless of the original cost to make a boat upgrade, it will now always be 0

BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
Whatever your original boat speed was, it will now be doubled. If you change to t * 3 it will be tripled, t + 1000 and it will have 1000 added to it.

ArtifactBonus: t => t
This is going to leave the artifact finding bonus exactly as it was. I haven't yet had a chance to experiment, but assume it could be possible to eg increase the bonus provided by an artifact.

This was very rough and ready, im sure it can be refined but it's long past bedtime.

Update 05/01/2023:
I uploaded a new version of InjectCheatsF5. You need to download from the link to get these changes. Main ones are:
  • Launch a debug session in chrome to inspect/edit game attributes with the command chromedebug (see below for explanation)
  • Aims to be more future proof by offloading more functionality to cheats.js so hopefully InjectCheats itself doesn't need updating.
  • Autocomplete choices are defined in getAutoCompleteSuggestions() in cheats.js. Add your own if you like.
  • Ability to apply changes (eg regex replace etc) to z.js before the game loads. Could be useful for some things going forward. The zjs code is passed to the function inside

    Code: Select all

    function getZJSManipulator() {
    	return function (zjs) {
    		// I'm putting this here in case it's helpful to manipulate z.js directly.
    		// Most cheats are simple enough to implement without doing so, but there are some cases where it's just very handy.
    		// InjectCheatsF5 (as of Jan 2023 release) will pass the z.js code to this function to allow for regex replacing etc before it is loaded by the game
    		return zjs;
  • Cleaned up the way the cheat code is attached to the game to make better use of existing page events. This ensures smooth initialisation of cheats on game load and makes sure they aren't initialised more than once (which isn't a disaster, but causes some slightly unpredictable behaviour).
  • w4 sigilspeed
  • w4 fastforaging
Using chrome to cheat
Lastly, there's a million things you may want to fiddle with using gga/chng. That's all fine, but I want to share this alternative as it's a fair bit more user friendly, lets you explore much more freely and you are much less likely to misedit a value and break your account than using chng:
Just run the command


A new window will pop up, showing your idleon game. To the right you will see the chrome developer tools. Make sure you are in the "Console" tab.


into the console and hit enter. You are now looking at the gameAttributes list (the same you can see with eg list gga) and are free to roam around, take a look at things, and edit values just by double clicking on them and typing in a new value.
I've attached an example of editing the level of one of my boat captains. Overall, you ought to mostly be able to figure out what each value represents by comparing with your game. I've shown here an example of editing a captain from level 7 to level 9.
Overall just be looking at each captain and comparing with my game, it is pretty simple to see that the values in order represent:
0: appearance/hat (or -1 for unpurchased)
1: First bonus type
2: Second bonus type
3: level
4: progress to next level
5: first boost base value (multiplies with level to give actual boost)
6: second boost base value


Good luck
Thank you so much! Enjoy your 2023 :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by magiman »

New Update, woo.

For editing the Atom Collider to have 0 upgrade costs, look for "AtomInfo = function" and edit the two middle numbers in each upgrade to be 0, like:

"Hydrogen_-_Stamp_Decreaser 1 0 0 1 Every_day_you_log_in,_the_resource_cost_to_upgrade_a_stamp's_max_lv_decreases_by_{%_up_to_a_max_of_90%._This_reduction_resets_back_to_0%_when_upgrading_any_stamp_max_lv."

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by stillquantum »

Can you explain how the chromedebug works? I can't seem to get it to work. When I type in chromedebug into the command prompt it just closes and nothing else opens.
Last edited by stillquantum on Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by NotAnyoneThatUKnow »

I upgraded a tower too much.
How can i revert back using chromedebug?
I can't find where the buildings lvls are stored.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by roooroar »

some values like total chest space is stored in DNSM and DummyList
Have not had much sucess with editing the two of them thus far, like if I do chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("DNSM")["MaxChestSpace"][0] I got an undefined error

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by neobex »

I'm wondering if the update broke anything
Last edited by neobex on Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by jamirreno »

I made a new character and can't use auto/attacks. Am I shadow-banned ?
I only used wide mtx and spawned 4 crystal carrots

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by neobex »

jamirreno wrote:
Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:05 am

I made a new character and can't use auto/attacks. Am I shadow-banned ?
I only used wide mtx and spawned 4 crystal carrots
You're good, it's just the new tutorial, you gotta unlock it now

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by stillquantum »

I think I might've upgraded too much stuff and now my class exp value is too high. I tried reverting everything I remember changing, does anyone know what else could be modifying it?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Cheatertothemoon »

Hi, i am new here i just wanted the fishing minigame cheater, but the link gives a 404 error. Does anybody have a mirror for me?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by jamirreno »

neobex wrote:
Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:08 am
jamirreno wrote:
Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:05 am

I made a new character and can't use auto/attacks. Am I shadow-banned ?
I only used wide mtx and spawned 4 crystal carrots
You're good, it's just the new tutorial, you gotta unlock it now
Thank you :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Messiah58 »

Cheatertothemoon wrote:
Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:42 am
Hi, i am new here i just wanted the fishing minigame cheater, but the link gives a 404 error. Does anybody have a mirror for me?
I use a VPN to access the link. Try Proton VPN. There you can connect to the USA for free :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Keoeope »

Has anyone figured a way to add talents to the bar yet? I wanna add printer go brrr and the squire refinery one to my Bubon

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