Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by xsmittyx94 »

ok so im a complete noob when it comes to this but what source code was creator talking about for the very first step us he talking about the Z file?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Antonium57 »

How do i use candy on w5 using z.js?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by khidz29 »

Antonium57 wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:04 pm
How do i use candy on w5 using z.js?
Follow this guide.
valleymon wrote:
Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:13 pm
I added quite a lot now over many posts, so to summarise for those who haven't followed:

Firstly credits - this is based on the good work done here: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

I also made some changes to the injector to have find as you type autocomplete for most cheats, items and monsters etc
it's here:
or here:

If you are just wanting to get cheating, you dont need to install node etc, just put InjectCheatsF5.exe, cheats.js and config.json in your idleon directory, then run InjectCheatsF5.exe. Remember to update the contents of cheats.js with the paste below as I will keep updating it over time, but won't be updating the file in the zip above

This is an update to cheats.js that adds a load of new commands, mostly w4 stuff that was not implemented.
Just fully replace the contents of cheats.js with this code above to enable these extra commands/
You probably want to go to the "mainframe" and "chipbonuses" sections from lines 102-162 to set values you like. I've put in some sensible defaults.

Commands added are:
'damagemultiplier x': 'multiplies damage done by x'
'efficiencymultiplier x': 'multiplies efficiency for all skills by x'
'afkmultiplier x': 'multiplies afk gains by x'
'w3 globalshrines': 'shrines work and gain xp everywhere'
'w3 worshipspeed': 'charge worship fast'
'w3 freeworship': 'worship cost is 0 for all totems'
'w3 freebuildings': 'o material costs for buildings'
'w4 battleslots': 'all 6 battle slots'
'w4 eggcap': 'all egg slots'
'w4 fenceyard': 'all fenceyard slots'
'w4 petchance': '100% new pet chance'
'w4 genes': '0 gene upgrades'
'w4 fasteggs': 'fast incubation'
'w4 petupgrades': 'free pet upgrades'
'w4 petrng': 'max strength pets (for level and egg, with a tiny bit of randomness)'
w4 superpets: tough little fighters
'w4 labpx': 'long lab connections'
'w4 instameals': 'speedy meal cooking'
'w4 instarecipes': 'speedy recipe research'
'w4 luckychef': 'new recipe guarantee'
'w4 freekitchens': 'free kitchens and upgrades'
'w4 freeplates': 'free dinner plate upgrades'
'w4 candy': 'candy use in space'
'w4 labchips': 'give 20 of all lab chips'
w4 arena: unlimited arena entries
w4 mainframe: Enable (and customise) mainframe bonuses without needing anyone in the lab
w4 chipbonuses: Configure as many chip bonuses for your characters as you like
autoloot: enable autoloot for your account
w5 sailing: see below
w5 divinity: see below
w5 gaming: see below

Updated 17/10/2022:
New things added:

w4 mainframe
Enables mainframe bonuses without anyone in the lab. You can also set the value of those bonuses in many cases. take a look near the top of the file for mainframe in the cheatState variable if you wish to edit the values. For example you could set the cooking speed jewel bonus to 10 instead of the default max of 4.5.

w4 chipbonuses
Similar to the mainframe, this will apply the chip bonuses you describe to your characters. For now it's across all characters. Again values are customisable so you can eg set "move" to 60 rather than 30 and get a 60% movement speed buff.
Some bonuses only work with 1 or 0 (on or off). I tried to mark them in comments.

You can also change these on the fly with a command like w4 chipbonuses acc 100 (100% accuracy bonus).

Updated 04/10/2022:
Fixed w3 trapping as it didn't seem to be working. Traps take 1s to complete.
w3 buildcogs was actually just setting the build speed very high on all characters, so it has been changed to w3 buildspd (ie what it really does). I might look at adding back in a command just for cogs at some point.
w3 saltcost and w3 matcost were broken. They have been combined to w3 freebuildings

Updated 07/10/2022:
added w4 arena for unlimited arena entries (use command 'daily' if you've already used your entry for the day)

Updated 30/12/2022
Fixed candies in lab and cooking after w5 update. This was annoying and the fix is ugly but it works. w5 cheats coming soon!

Update 30//12/2022
Previous cheats were increasing gem shop item limits to 15 to allow extra purchases but this also allowed people to brick their accounts by overpurchasing items the game got grumpy about..
If that happened to you you can run wipe overpurchases on the character load screen and it should fix it.
You can now manually increase the purchase cap temporarily if you want to buy lots of a limited number item eg sailing chests, skilling keychains etc by using eg wide gembuylimit 30 to increase the cap to 30. wide gembuylimit 0 will reset back to normal

Update 30//12/2022
Added basic w5 cheats. If you look near the top of the file around line 102, you will see the values that are set as so:

Code: Select all

 w5: {
        sailing: {
            enable: false,
            IslandDistance: t => t / 10,
            MaxChests: t => 100,
            RareTreasureChance: t => t * 5,
            Minimumtraveltime: t => t / 10,
            BoatUpgCostType: t => t,
            BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
            boatValue: t => t * 2, // Loot
            BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
            CloudDiscoverBonus: t => t * 2,
            ArtifactChance: t => t * 5,
            AncientChances: t => t * 5,
            NewCaptBoatSlot: t => 0,
            BuyCaptainCost: t => 0,
            ArtifactBonus: t => t
        gaming: {
            enable: false,
            FertilizerUpgCosts: t => 0,
            SproutCapacity: t => Math.max(22, t + 2),
            MutateUpgCosts: t => 0,
            LogBookBitBonus: t => Math.max(20, t * 2),
            GamingExpPCT: t => t,
            NewMutantChanceDEC: t => t * 5,
            SproutGrowthCHANCEperMUT: t => t * 2,
            SaveSprinkler: t => t,
            ImportItemCOST: t => 0,
            AcornShopCost: t => 0,
        divinity: {
            enable: false,
            StyleLvReq: t => 0,
            DivPerHr: t => t * 3,
            DivPerHr_EXP: t => t * 2,
            BlesssBonus: t => t * 2,
            Bonus_MAJOR: t => t,
            Bonus_Minor: t => t,
            OfferingCost: t => 0,
            OfferingOdds: t => 1,
w5 sailing, w5 gaming and w5 divinity will enable the respective cheats.
They work by transforming the original value generated by the game, here called 't' to the thing to the right of the =>. Feel free to edit these. You can put an expression involving t (such as t * 2, or t / 2), or replace it with a static value, such as 1 or 0.

For exmple:
BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
Regardless of the original cost to make a boat upgrade, it will now always be 0

BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
Whatever your original boat speed was, it will now be doubled. If you change to t * 3 it will be tripled, t + 1000 and it will have 1000 added to it.

ArtifactBonus: t => t
This is going to leave the artifact finding bonus exactly as it was. I haven't yet had a chance to experiment, but assume it could be possible to eg increase the bonus provided by an artifact.

This was very rough and ready, im sure it can be refined but it's long past bedtime

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by valleymon »

MinyaKinar wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:55 pm
Updating the cheats to W5 fails to load the game.
Can you elaborate? Are you using InjectCheatsF5, I'm probably not going to keep checking that every change i make works with F4

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by valleymon »

VlateKk wrote:
Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:23 pm
I apologies for my english.
I just beautified Z.js using either VS code prettier or JS-Beautify and tried editing some stuff then repacked it into an asar archive.
Thing is when I replace the old app.asar with mine, the game won't run.

I don't know what I'm missing / doing bad. Can the game read that Z.js beautified ? Or maybe i'm missing something while repacking it into an asar archive.

Any help or redirect would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ^^
It's even a little better than this. You can
extract the whole of app.asar into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Legends of Idleon\resources\app
prettify the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Legends of Idleon\resources\app\distBuild\static\game\Z.js
rename C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Legends of Idleon\resources\app.asar to app.asar.bak or whatever

In the absence of an app.asar, it will load the game from the unpacked folder app, no need to keep repackaging it

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by VlateKk »

hxide666 wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:18 pm
VlateKk wrote:
Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:23 pm
I apologies for my english.
I just beautified Z.js using either VS code prettier or JS-Beautify and tried editing some stuff then repacked it into an asar archive.
Thing is when I replace the old app.asar with mine, the game won't run.

I don't know what I'm missing / doing bad. Can the game read that Z.js beautified ? Or maybe i'm missing something while repacking it into an asar archive.

Any help or redirect would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ^^
Are you extracting and repacking the asar file? I suggest to not do that, just use 7zip - open archive - copy the Z.js to a folder - edit that one - paste it back to the archive.
Yep been extracting & repacking. I might try what you're suggesting, thanks !

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Haerwho »

Anyone know where dungeon credits values are in the arrays? I accidentally gave myself way too much and now Im stuck at rank 1

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by kurumimi »

valleymon wrote:
Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:13 pm
I added quite a lot now over many posts, so to summarise for those who haven't followed:

Firstly credits - this is based on the good work done here: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

I also made some changes to the injector to have find as you type autocomplete for most cheats, items and monsters etc
it's here:
or here:

If you are just wanting to get cheating, you dont need to install node etc, just put InjectCheatsF5.exe, cheats.js and config.json in your idleon directory, then run InjectCheatsF5.exe. Remember to update the contents of cheats.js with the paste below as I will keep updating it over time, but won't be updating the file in the zip above

This is an update to cheats.js that adds a load of new commands, mostly w4 stuff that was not implemented.
Just fully replace the contents of cheats.js with this code above to enable these extra commands/
You probably want to go to the "mainframe" and "chipbonuses" sections from lines 102-162 to set values you like. I've put in some sensible defaults.

Commands added are:
'damagemultiplier x': 'multiplies damage done by x'
'efficiencymultiplier x': 'multiplies efficiency for all skills by x'
'afkmultiplier x': 'multiplies afk gains by x'
'w3 globalshrines': 'shrines work and gain xp everywhere'
'w3 worshipspeed': 'charge worship fast'
'w3 freeworship': 'worship cost is 0 for all totems'
'w3 freebuildings': 'o material costs for buildings'
'w4 battleslots': 'all 6 battle slots'
'w4 eggcap': 'all egg slots'
'w4 fenceyard': 'all fenceyard slots'
'w4 petchance': '100% new pet chance'
'w4 genes': '0 gene upgrades'
'w4 fasteggs': 'fast incubation'
'w4 petupgrades': 'free pet upgrades'
'w4 petrng': 'max strength pets (for level and egg, with a tiny bit of randomness)'
w4 superpets: tough little fighters
'w4 labpx': 'long lab connections'
'w4 instameals': 'speedy meal cooking'
'w4 instarecipes': 'speedy recipe research'
'w4 luckychef': 'new recipe guarantee'
'w4 freekitchens': 'free kitchens and upgrades'
'w4 freeplates': 'free dinner plate upgrades'
'w4 candy': 'candy use in space'
'w4 labchips': 'give 20 of all lab chips'
w4 arena: unlimited arena entries
w4 mainframe: Enable (and customise) mainframe bonuses without needing anyone in the lab
w4 chipbonuses: Configure as many chip bonuses for your characters as you like
autoloot: enable autoloot for your account
w5 sailing: see below
w5 divinity: see below
w5 gaming: see below

Updated 17/10/2022:
New things added:

w4 mainframe
Enables mainframe bonuses without anyone in the lab. You can also set the value of those bonuses in many cases. take a look near the top of the file for mainframe in the cheatState variable if you wish to edit the values. For example you could set the cooking speed jewel bonus to 10 instead of the default max of 4.5.

w4 chipbonuses
Similar to the mainframe, this will apply the chip bonuses you describe to your characters. For now it's across all characters. Again values are customisable so you can eg set "move" to 60 rather than 30 and get a 60% movement speed buff.
Some bonuses only work with 1 or 0 (on or off). I tried to mark them in comments.

You can also change these on the fly with a command like w4 chipbonuses acc 100 (100% accuracy bonus).

Updated 04/10/2022:
Fixed w3 trapping as it didn't seem to be working. Traps take 1s to complete.
w3 buildcogs was actually just setting the build speed very high on all characters, so it has been changed to w3 buildspd (ie what it really does). I might look at adding back in a command just for cogs at some point.
w3 saltcost and w3 matcost were broken. They have been combined to w3 freebuildings

Updated 07/10/2022:
added w4 arena for unlimited arena entries (use command 'daily' if you've already used your entry for the day)

Updated 30/12/2022
Fixed candies in lab and cooking after w5 update. This was annoying and the fix is ugly but it works. w5 cheats coming soon!

Update 30//12/2022
Previous cheats were increasing gem shop item limits to 15 to allow extra purchases but this also allowed people to brick their accounts by overpurchasing items the game got grumpy about..
If that happened to you you can run wipe overpurchases on the character load screen and it should fix it.
You can now manually increase the purchase cap temporarily if you want to buy lots of a limited number item eg sailing chests, skilling keychains etc by using eg wide gembuylimit 30 to increase the cap to 30. wide gembuylimit 0 will reset back to normal

Update 30//12/2022
Added basic w5 cheats. If you look near the top of the file around line 102, you will see the values that are set as so:

Code: Select all

 w5: {
        sailing: {
            enable: false,
            IslandDistance: t => t / 10,
            MaxChests: t => 100,
            RareTreasureChance: t => t * 5,
            Minimumtraveltime: t => t / 10,
            BoatUpgCostType: t => t,
            BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
            boatValue: t => t * 2, // Loot
            BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
            CloudDiscoverBonus: t => t * 2,
            ArtifactChance: t => t * 5,
            AncientChances: t => t * 5,
            NewCaptBoatSlot: t => 0,
            BuyCaptainCost: t => 0,
            ArtifactBonus: t => t
        gaming: {
            enable: false,
            FertilizerUpgCosts: t => 0,
            SproutCapacity: t => Math.max(22, t + 2),
            MutateUpgCosts: t => 0,
            LogBookBitBonus: t => Math.max(20, t * 2),
            GamingExpPCT: t => t,
            NewMutantChanceDEC: t => t * 5,
            SproutGrowthCHANCEperMUT: t => t * 2,
            SaveSprinkler: t => t,
            ImportItemCOST: t => 0,
            AcornShopCost: t => 0,
        divinity: {
            enable: false,
            StyleLvReq: t => 0,
            DivPerHr: t => t * 3,
            DivPerHr_EXP: t => t * 2,
            BlesssBonus: t => t * 2,
            Bonus_MAJOR: t => t,
            Bonus_Minor: t => t,
            OfferingCost: t => 0,
            OfferingOdds: t => 1,
w5 sailing, w5 gaming and w5 divinity will enable the respective cheats.
They work by transforming the original value generated by the game, here called 't' to the thing to the right of the =>. Feel free to edit these. You can put an expression involving t (such as t * 2, or t / 2), or replace it with a static value, such as 1 or 0.

For exmple:
BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
Regardless of the original cost to make a boat upgrade, it will now always be 0

BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
Whatever your original boat speed was, it will now be doubled. If you change to t * 3 it will be tripled, t + 1000 and it will have 1000 added to it.

ArtifactBonus: t => t
This is going to leave the artifact finding bonus exactly as it was. I haven't yet had a chance to experiment, but assume it could be possible to eg increase the bonus provided by an artifact.

This was very rough and ready, im sure it can be refined but it's long past bedtime
Somehow when i use cheatinjectF5 then swtich to mobile it crash whenever i press start. I only use caudron, drop some matt and wide gemshop( this not work for me btw) work fine on steam and web or other account
here my app.asar if someone can help [Link]
Edits: it cauldron lvl null, anyone have a way to reset that?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by ToxicEnergy »

bubjames wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:40 pm
Not sure if this has been asked yet but how can i dup items via Cheat Engine in the W5 update
broo no one is using cheat engine for Idleon anymore

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by ToxicEnergy »

Haerwho wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:02 am
Anyone know where dungeon credits values are in the arrays? I accidentally gave myself way too much and now Im stuck at rank 1
I dud it too :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tibasichelp »

ToxicEnergy wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:33 pm
Haerwho wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:02 am
Anyone know where dungeon credits values are in the arrays? I accidentally gave myself way too much and now Im stuck at rank 1
I dud it too :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by sultan »

guys help, yesterday it was fine but today i log in, my damage become "NANm-NANm", how could this happen?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by khidz29 »

sultan wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:45 pm
guys help, yesterday it was fine but today i log in, my damage become "NANm-NANm", how could this happen?
What features did you use?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by sultan »

khidz29 wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:40 pm
sultan wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:45 pm
guys help, yesterday it was fine but today i log in, my damage become "NANm-NANm", how could this happen?
What features did you use?
yesterday it was just fine, i was just doing dungeon and after that nothing really happen. but i log in today, i realize my damage become NAN

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tibasichelp »

kurumimi wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:57 am
Somehow when i use cheatinjectF5 then swtich to mobile it crash whenever i press start. I only use caudron, drop some matt and wide gemshop( this not work for me btw) work fine on steam and web or other account
here my app.asar if someone can help [Link]
Edits: it cauldron lvl null, anyone have a way to reset that?
Should really use the search bar up top.
Look at CauldronP2W[1] array

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