Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

qwerkya wrote:
Sun Aug 29, 2021 11:01 pm
Guys my first liquid's number is NAN, is there any way to fix that?
Dread122113 wrote:
Mon Aug 30, 2021 12:47 am
Mine did that too. I dont know what the fix is, it has something to do with an erroneous playersave (probably an index out of bounds issue to generating liquid too fast), to which I don't know how to fix, BUT there is good news, there is a bandaid fix for this so that your character isnt effectively 'soft-bricked' on alch and its as follows.

You can use the method for editing the Z.js file to change the required material of that water thats bugged to zero. I did this for the 'shop' (the one where you use the liquid to buy talent points, crappy obols, and gems.. etc) and it works fine since everything there that requires that liquid is now free. I figured if its gonna bug out then I can just make it where its not even needed as an ingredient. You can also do this for stuff like the vials (change the recipes) and the stuff needed to increase the bubbles. Just put a zero anywhere that it calls for the first liquid and it should fix it or you can edit the recipe accordingly and just remove that water from the game.

As it is right now, like you im showing a NAN (NAN means its a placeholder for a value that doesnt exist in that table) value for the water and a (B) value when you go look at how much 'water' is generated so that water cauldron is effectively broken but its a non-issue because of the already stated fixes I put above. :)

Hope this helped!
A while back I've released the setalch command, which has the ability to manually set the value of all your liquids, see this documentation: viewtopic.php?p=205940#p205940
The safest thing to do would be setalch liquid 0 so that you won't obtain liquid for the unreleased 4th liquid 'cause that'd be a bit suspect, but then again... Having NaN liquid at least once on your account is already suspicious enough xD

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Creater0822 wrote:
Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:33 am
...then again... Having NaN liquid at least once on your account is already suspicious enough xD

Totally agree with this. I think your fix is better, that way it 'normalizes' the value so that it isnt suspect. I actually forgot about your setalch command.
I might just have to implement that so that it fixes it. Thanks for the reminder!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by kjelldan »

I see there is a command to make upgrade stones work 100% of the time, as well as a small dedicated section under the Runescape tree to alter which stats are upgraded dependent on what class you are. Is there any piece of this I can take to easily edit as a command to change which stats a stone will alter on the fly?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

kjelldan wrote:
Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:59 pm
I see there is a command to make upgrade stones work 100% of the time, as well as a small dedicated section under the Runescape tree to alter which stats are upgraded dependent on what class you are. Is there any piece of this I can take to easily edit as a command to change which stats a stone will alter on the fly?
No in this case not really: Instead of altering the upgrade stone effect, what I've done in the keybind cheat is altering the upgrade stone related stat attributes on the item. Altering what stats the upgrade stones give works via a different methodology than what I've written in any of my public cheats so far.

Z.js inspection
If you're going with the Z.js editing route, you will for instance find the three lines of code that define the respective upgrade stone you'd like to edit, for example the Warped weapon stone (if beautified through VS Code). These three lines still have terrible readability, which is when I'd manually copy/paste it into a new-unsaved file and Regex replace , null into , \nnull to add new lines in between, before the code becomes comfortable enough for me to read.

From there you can look for the line that reads the effect attribute: As of the Z.js of today's current patch, this line of code reads: null != d.Effect ? oQ.setReserved("Effect", "Weapon_Power,3.Random_Stat,4") : oQ.h.Effect = "Weapon_Power,3.Random_Stat,4", where the oQ changes to another random variable name upon a new patch. From here you can see that the warped upgrade stone's effect is defined by the string "Weapon_Power,3.Random_Stat,4".

Console inspection
In case you want to go with the console route and design a cheat command (for convenience and futureproof against future patches), then you can observe this same item object structure in-game via my egga and eggk commands. For this I'll give the step by step instructions on how to conduct the research.

Given my preset alias const itemDefs = this["scripts.ItemDefinitions"].itemDefs.h; you can execute the following kind of commands to view the data structure:
  1. eggk itemDefs lists down the id of every single item in existence, which is not really what we want.
  2. search item warped yields the answer that the item id of a Warped weapon upgrade stone equals StoneW6, interesting!!
  3. eggk itemDefs["StoneW6"] and eggk itemDefs.StoneW6 are both valid JavaScript subset syntax, and both return the key name h.
  4. eggk itemDefs["StoneW6"].h gives us a list of all key names, which in this context equals every attribute that the item you're looking at holds. Here we indeed see the attribute Effect, nice!
  5. egga itemDefs["StoneW6"].h gives us these same item attribute names, and also gives us the value associated to each of these keys.
  6. egga itemDefs["StoneW6"].h["Effect"] returns a total of 28 characters, counting from 0 to 27. This shows us that this Effect attribute indeed holds the string "Weapon_Power,3.Random_Stat,4" as value, which is exactly what we saw inside Z.js.
Console editing (highly dangerous)
With this in mind there are indeed multiple ways that lead to the same answer. Knowing what we've discovered from the console, you can manually execute this following command, so that your warped upgrade stone gives 30 WP, 40 random stats and 50 defence.

Code: Select all

chng this["scripts.ItemDefinitions"].itemDefs.h["StoneW6"].h["Effect"]="Weapon_Power,30.Random_Stat,40.Defence,50"
Yeah the reason for needing to type this["scripts.ItemDefinitions"].itemDefs.h here, is because I haven't defined the itemDefs alias for my chng command. Despite that this methodology works as intended, I would highly disrecommend the usage of chng, as a singular typo could absolutely destroy your account.

By putting this post out here I'd indeed like to introduce you guys to a glimpse of my procedure in creating new cheats, as long as you know and understand what you're doing and take the precaution in trying this kind of stuff on a dummy account.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by kjelldan »

Thanks a lot! Looks like I need to create a few spare accounts to test around with. I haven't fiddled with Java/Python in over 10 years, so to say that I would make a typo is an understatement! I'll repost if I end up figuring out how to make any convenient commands. My goal would be to do something along the lines of "upstones AGI" or "upstones MISC" to have some more control over the end result of an item. Nothing gamebreaking, but more convenient than "drop"ing an item a hundred times until your random stat rolls start going the way you'd like.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Found a possible location for daily revives. My default was 1 but I set it to 50. I think it takes effect when the shops/post/mingames/tasks all reset so i will do some testing to confirm, but here it is:

Line 176367 in Notepad++
null != d.InstaRevives ? _e.setReserved("InstaRevives", 50) : _e.h.InstaRevives = 50, 0 == b.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[7] && (b.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[7] = 1);

and HERE:
Line 192845 in Notepad++
if (null != d.InstaRevives ? rt.setReserved("InstaRevives", 50) : rt.h.InstaRevives = 50, 0 != b.engine.getGameAttribute("GemItemsPurchased").length)
Last edited by Dread122113 on Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

kjelldan and Creater0822:

I modified 4 type of update stone to weapon / armor / tools so that they give +4 str/int/agi/luk 100% chances in Z.js, it is not that hard if you found the right section. here is my code:

null != d.displayName ? iQ.setReserved("displayName", "Warped_Weapon|Upgrade_Stone") : iQ.h.displayName = "Warped_Weapon|Upgrade_Stone",
null != d.sellPrice ? iQ.setReserved("sellPrice", 25e3) : iQ.h.sellPrice = 25e3,
null != d.typeGen ? iQ.setReserved("typeGen", "dStone") : iQ.h.typeGen = "dStone",
null != d.ID ? iQ.setReserved("ID", 0) : iQ.h.ID = 0,
null != d.Type ? iQ.setReserved("Type", "UPGRADE") : iQ.h.Type = "UPGRADE",
null != d.lvReqToCraft ? iQ.setReserved("lvReqToCraft", "3") : iQ.h.lvReqToCraft = "3",
null != d.common ? lQ.setReserved("common", iQ) : lQ.h.common = iQ;
var oQ = new l;
null != d.desc_line1 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line1", "Drag_onto_any_Weapon_to_apply.") : oQ.h.desc_line1 = "Drag_onto_any_Weapon_to_apply.",
null != d.desc_line2 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line2", "Success_Chance;_*%") : oQ.h.desc_line2 = "Success_Chance;_*%",
null != d.desc_line3 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line3", "Uses_up_#_item_slots.") : oQ.h.desc_line3 = "Uses_up_#_item_slots.",
null != d.desc_line4 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line4", "WARNING:Slots_are_used_up_even") : oQ.h.desc_line4 = "WARNING:Slots_are_used_up_even",
null != d.desc_line5 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line5", "if_the_Upgrade_fails!") : oQ.h.desc_line5 = "if_the_Upgrade_fails!",
null != d.desc_line6 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line6", "Filler") : oQ.h.desc_line6 = "Filler",
null != d.desc_line7 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line7", "Filler") : oQ.h.desc_line7 = "Filler",
null != d.desc_line8 ? oQ.setReserved("desc_line8", "Filler") : oQ.h.desc_line8 = "Filler",
null != d.Effect ? oQ.setReserved("Effect", "Weapon_Power,3.LUK,4") : oQ.h.Effect = "Weapon_Power,3.LUK,4", // This gives +3 weapon power and +4 luk
null != d.Amount ? oQ.setReserved("Amount", 100) : oQ.h.Amount = 100, //This is success chance
null != d.Trigger ? oQ.setReserved("Trigger", 1) : oQ.h.Trigger = 1,
null != d.Cooldown ? oQ.setReserved("Cooldown", 1) : oQ.h.Cooldown = 1,
null != d.consumable ? lQ.setReserved("consumable", oQ) : lQ.h.consumable = oQ,
w.addNewConsumable("StoneW6", lQ);

OR you can just alter the status on the weapon:

null != d.displayName ? gA.setReserved("displayName", "Wooden_Spear") : gA.h.displayName = "Wooden_Spear",
null != d.sellPrice ? gA.setReserved("sellPrice", 265) : gA.h.sellPrice = 265,
null != d.typeGen ? gA.setReserved("typeGen", "aWeapon") : gA.h.typeGen = "aWeapon",
null != d.ID ? gA.setReserved("ID", 4) : gA.h.ID = 4,
null != d.Type ? gA.setReserved("Type", "SPEAR") : gA.h.Type = "SPEAR",
null != d.lvReqToCraft ? gA.setReserved("lvReqToCraft", "3") : gA.h.lvReqToCraft = "3",
null != d.common ? mA.setReserved("common", gA) : mA.h.common = gA;
var dA = new l;
null != d.lvReqToEquip ? dA.setReserved("lvReqToEquip", 4) : dA.h.lvReqToEquip = 4,
null != d.Class ? dA.setReserved("Class", "ALL") : dA.h.Class = "ALL",
null != d.Speed ? dA.setReserved("Speed", 5) : dA.h.Speed = 5,
null != d.Reach ? dA.setReserved("Reach", 70) : dA.h.Reach = 70,
null != d.Weapon_Power ? dA.setReserved("Weapon_Power", 7) : dA.h.Weapon_Power = 7,
null != d.STR ? dA.setReserved("STR", 3) : dA.h.STR = 3,
null != d.AGI ? dA.setReserved("AGI", 0) : dA.h.AGI = 0,
null != d.WIS ? dA.setReserved("WIS", 1) : dA.h.WIS = 1,
null != d.LUK ? dA.setReserved("LUK", 0) : dA.h.LUK = 0,
null != d.Defence ? dA.setReserved("Defence", 0) : dA.h.Defence = 0,
null != d.UQ1txt ? dA.setReserved("UQ1txt", "0") : dA.h.UQ1txt = "0", // line 1
null != d.UQ1val ? dA.setReserved("UQ1val", 0) : dA.h.UQ1val = 0, // line 1
null != d.UQ2txt ? dA.setReserved("UQ2txt", "0") : dA.h.UQ2txt = "0", // line 2
null != d.UQ2val ? dA.setReserved("UQ2val", 0) : dA.h.UQ2val = 0, // line 2
null != d.Upgrade_Slots_Left ? dA.setReserved("Upgrade_Slots_Left", 1) : dA.h.Upgrade_Slots_Left = 1,
null != d.equip ? mA.setReserved("equip", dA) : mA.h.equip = dA, w.addNewEquip("TestObj1", mA);

Once you update the weapon, the status will be given base on this and you DON"T NEED to use update stone any more, you can also add moving speed /exp% increase or other status to line 1 and 2, it's all up to your imagination.

**In the current game, there is a set of + skill efficient equipment and normal fighting equipment, imagine you merge all those together, a weapon/armor/ring/etc... that gives "% CHOP/MINING/CATCHING/FISHING/TRAPPING/WORSHIP EFFICIENCY, you don't have to switch gear anymore.

The good thing about this is whatever you change is IN YOUR OWN GAME, when other people clicked on your character, they will see the status base on the code in THEIR VERSION. Which mean you can have an OP status equipment +99 on everything and other still see it as normal :)

Anything above is subject to change / retest when Lava update his code for party dungeon which coming out soon!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Dread122113 wrote:
Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:27 am
Found a possible location for daily revives. My default was 1 but I set it to 50. I think it takes effect when the shops/post/mingames/tasks all reset so i will do some testing to confirm, but here it is:

Line 176367 in Notepad++
null != d.InstaRevives ? _e.setReserved("InstaRevives", 50) : _e.h.InstaRevives = 50, 0 == b.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[7] && (b.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[7] = 1);

and HERE:
Line 192845 in Notepad++
if (null != d.InstaRevives ? rt.setReserved("InstaRevives", 50) : rt.h.InstaRevives = 50, 0 != b.engine.getGameAttribute("GemItemsPurchased").length)
Update: After my town resets and everything reset for the day I was given 50 insta revives. So I can report that confirmed the code above does work.
Now I might have to look at the other stuff (in the same area as the code above) like game replays, post office shipping boxes, etc as well.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Excalion89 »

So finally got shadowbanned by accidental use of ability cooldown had it on my clipboard and thought i had copied an item to clipboard just right click enter without thinking and didnt realise while i was in colo, i was absolutely slaughtering the waves got some rediculous score and it put me on a leaderboard also didnt realise i dropped like 4 levels into pickle joe lmao Needless to say, upon seeing this i think lava just went full ham and set all my towers to some stupid level so im hoping someone finds the location of the tower levels idc if im shadowbanned but i do still enjoy playing the game relatively vanilla, i barely used some of the commands as it were but its an incredible gathering of cheats and i do love abusing the hell outta it on my second account lmao

Does anyone have a link or something similar for Tap Titans 2? Recently picked that up and my god is it grindy, far more than Idleon imo lol Would love something similar to this or really anything :)

Keep up the great work guys, saw the recent findings and additions, wish i was capable to help. Time restraints with family and what not keep me from learning all this to an extensive point :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Excalion89 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:40 am
lava just went full ham and set all my towers to some stupid level
Wait that is really a thing?!?! OMG that dope xD
But indeed: I've recently found A-LOT of values (mostly thanks to the efforts of Dread and VM), that I have not yet used to make new cheats.

Side-note: Recently I've True Trimmed (Runescape terminology for exact-100% game completion) in Yakuza Like a Dragon, then got absolutely sad in Yakuza 3 Remastered as it was sooooo much worse than any other Yakuza game I've ever played. So tomorrow I might go ham on Idleon again, using up those newly discovered variables to create even more cheats :D

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Shrine lvl question:
Excalion89 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:40 am
lava just went full ham and set all my towers to some stupid level
So in response to Lava's tower lvl trolling, I would like to design a new preloaded Proxy cheat to always trap the tower lvls at N, given that its lvl is greater or equal to M. So for example as simple as: if Crystal Shrine >= M then Crystal Shrine = N

Now since you guys are the ones actively playing the game, I'd like to hear which M and N you guys prefer, where M equals the value your shrine lvls shouldn't surpass and N being the value its lvl resets to.

Psst: Later tonight will be an action packed release, as I've got TONS of new cheats coming out (and as of this moment I'm not even done scripting :D ).

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Excalion89 »

Creater0822 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:49 am
Excalion89 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:40 am
lava just went full ham and set all my towers to some stupid level
Wait that is really a thing?!?! OMG that dope xD
Yep I have never once on my main account used anything to increase the levels of my shrines at all and they are all now between level 2k and 8k lmao its a little stupid but if i can just roll them back to wehre they were ( lvl 12 ish ) then i dont really care about the shadowban or manual ban makes little to no difference to me can still play and collect GP lol

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Changelog 02/09/21 01am:
Original post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

It's yet again been some time since my last release, and with this one I'm bringing lots of small but fun stuff:
  • Reworked sub-command unlock portals: More efficient code.
  • Reworked sub-command godlike food:
    Made into a Proxy cheat to nullify consumption chance on boost food. The caveat is that it doesn't do anything to health food anymore, but now you can disable the cheat.
  • Added sub-command lvl shrine:
    This one indeed allows you to manually set the amount of levels on all of your shrines. You guys can finally reduce the lvl value in case you've got too many levels through my w3 cheats.
  • Added sub-command wide crystal: This cheat overwrites the spawning of giant mobs!
    100% chance to spawn crystal mob.
  • Added sub-command wide giant: This cheat will be muted by wide crystal
    100% chance to spawn giant mob, ofc you still need the Tachion of the Titans prayer active to get giant spawns at all.
  • Added sub-command wide obol:
    Nullifies obol reroll cost (both gold and fragments).
  • Added sub-command unlock revive:
    Free revives and sets your amount to 1 in case it was 0 before activation. (You guys know the drill if you've used my other cheats before :D )
  • Added command daily:
    Triggers the daily shop stock and post office order to reset.
  • Expanded command noob:
    Allows a numerical parameter to set the amount of health, and still equals suicide (e.g. hp set to 0) if no optional parameter is given.
  • Expanded sub-command list map:
    Added an extra column Num_Id, which is as the name suggests the numerical map id.
  • Removed the w3 shrinehr trigger from (executing) w3:
    This cheat will only work if you manually run w3 shrinehr, because 1 shrine lvl-up per second is too stupidly high for most players. Now you guys can safely run nullify and w3 without this issue.
But there is more!! These cheats however, either don't work as intended, or cause issues of their own:
  • (Commented out) godlike buff:
    Traps the up-time of all active buff effects at 5s remaining (hence limitless), which works as intended. But as soon as you activate a new buff your game will crash.
  • (Commented out) w1 statue:
    As intended, leveling up your statues only require a singular statue. This however pushes your walk speed too stupidly high, to the point of breaking the game indeed.
  • (Imperfect but active) godlike dmg:
    Sets the return values of _customBlock_DamageDealed() to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and disables your crits. This cheat is made with the intention to freeze the damage output at the highest non-overflowing value for characters with too OP stats. For some reason, having this cheat active results in lower non-overflowing damage than some of the hits I can deal without it. Yeah... This damage issue requires further investigation...
  • (Not working? but active) cloudz:
    Traps the value of bEngine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD") at 235, thus freezing the game at 5 seconds away from triggering a cloudsave. This however doesn't seem to work as intended...

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by kjelldan »

Creater0822 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:32 pm

[*] Added command daily:
Triggers the daily shop stock and post office order to reset.
Out of abundant caution & curiosity; was this as simple as triggering a state, or did it involve a riskier memory edit? Essentially, where does it fall on your list of Safe/Risky within your toolkit

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

kjelldan wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:27 am
Creater0822 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:32 pm

[*] Added command daily:
Triggers the daily shop stock and post office order to reset.
Out of abundant caution & curiosity; was this as simple as triggering a state, or did it involve a riskier memory edit? Essentially, where does it fall on your list of Safe/Risky within your toolkit
That's a good question... I haven't done any kind of research against safety, though it can go either way. The inspiration behind this cheat originates from VM (aka virtualmachine007), where he went for the static parameter editing whilst I'm assigning a value to the respective variable. Presumably VM's method is safe as he didn't report shadowing, but whether my methodology is at least equally safe has yet to be confirmed.

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