Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by 2billman »

virtualmachine007 wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:45 am

Shadow banned means no one is able to see you in the game, i don't think it will prevent you from doing guild point... unless party dungeon is required in one of the future question when the update occurred. Since no one can see you, I think all shadow banned people will not be able to find any parties.
I was also wondering the same thing about party dungeons. But thank you for responding about guild points!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

I think I found the value for the interval of cloud save:
var ue = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD")[0];
if (240 < (null == ue ? 0 : "number" == typeof ue ? e.__cast(ue, k) : "number" == typeof ue && (0 | ue) === ue ? e.__cast(ue, n) : "boolean" == typeof ue ? e.__cast(ue, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof ue ? parseFloat(ue) : parseFloat(g.string(ue))) && (b.engine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD")[0] = 0, -1 == h.getCurrentSceneName().indexOf("Tutorial")))

Note the "240" on there, ive been hearing that cloud save is 4 minutes, or 240 seconds. I believe if you change this number to something really high like 86400 (24 hours) it will prevent a "cloud save" for an entire day but I need to test this and confirm.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Nicely discovered to the both of you guys :D
virtualmachine007 wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:40 am
1) This piece of code control the reset time of shop

if (86400 < (null == De ? 0 : "number" == typeof De ? e.__cast(De, k) : "number" == typeof De && (0 | De) === De ? e.__cast(De, n) : "boolean" == typeof De ? e.__cast(De, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof De ? parseFloat(De) : parseFloat(g.string(De)))) {
var Me = b.engine.getGameAttribute("TimeAway");
null != d.ShopRestock ? Me.setReserved("ShopRestock", 86400) : Me.h.ShopRestock = 86400

i tried to change all three 86400 (60x60x24) seconds to 60, the shop reset every 1 minute... but somehow the post office and daily task ALSO reset every 1 minute. You can play around with it and see which one control ONLY the shop but not others.

The good thing about this is you can CHOOSE your own reset time, change it to 60 (or 10 if you want) > wait 60 (or 10) seconds and everything reset > exit and change the code back to 86400, the rest point will go back to 24 hours.

2) about the guild quest / point, sorry I don't bother to change it since it is one of the fun thing to do everyday for me :)

3) about the skill variable K, D, S, I think I tried to change the number + / - but I don't see the different about it. The only thing I notice is K/D/S = 1 when the skill is a self buff. The other thing I tried to change is AFKtype: "line", I tried to change the skill ENERGY_BOLT from afk:auto to line, I don't see it flies off like the fire ball. you can play around with it and see what happened. :) My theory is those value is for calculation on AFK exp and how many mob you can kill. My first instinct on K/D/S is k=? d=distance and s=speed, that's all I can think of at this moment. I hope those help you~
Yess I have horribly overlooked this one game attribute called TimeAway!!
(Fun fact, I have seen this variable dozens of times, but always made biased correlation to just the Afk calculations and looked the other way :shock: )

Either way, here's a closer in-game look at the object:
What we see by constantly re-running this command egga bEngine.getGameAttribute("TimeAway").h is the real-time changing of its values. For this one we'll ignore the GlobalTime as well as the other elements with equivalent value.

As we can see here there is indeed a ShopRestock and PostOfficeRefresh in sight, interesting interesting!! These two numbers basically vanish to zero, before it restarts at its max value, which would likely be 86400. Through Z.js editing you can indeed alter the static parameter within the conditional statement, as well as what it sets itself back to. However, the more dynamic approach would be to design a Proxy cheat that traps the in-game attribute e.g. bEngine.getGameAttribute("TimeAway").h["ShopRestock"] into setting itself to (let's say) 3600 aka 1 hour, if the value within this variable exceeds 3600. This way again: Your modification becomes update-proof against future game patches, and the modification could be turned on/off at any given time.
Dread122113 wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:48 am
I think I found the value for the interval of cloud save:
var ue = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD")[0];
if (240 < (null == ue ? 0 : "number" == typeof ue ? e.__cast(ue, k) : "number" == typeof ue && (0 | ue) === ue ? e.__cast(ue, n) : "boolean" == typeof ue ? e.__cast(ue, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof ue ? parseFloat(ue) : parseFloat(g.string(ue))) && (b.engine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD")[0] = 0, -1 == h.getCurrentSceneName().indexOf("Tutorial")))

Note the "240" on there, ive been hearing that cloud save is 4 minutes, or 240 seconds. I believe if you change this number to something really high like 86400 (24 hours) it will prevent a "cloud save" for an entire day but I need to test this and confirm.
Ah yes, as for this one in particular: I have indeed seen it before, and your guess should be correct. I for one chose not to tamper with this variable, so as on whether it works or not has indeed yet to be confirmed if you do :D .

Similarly I would also suggest using a Proxy cheat on this one rather than Z.js modifying, as again you wouldn't have to change the parameters static behaviors of the game, and you can toggle it on/off. As for this one, the value inside bEngine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD")[0] is in constant increment until 240 where it drops down to zero. So the Proxy cheat is a get and set to trap the value at zero.
Just a section divider to separate the stuff I want to talk about :)
Anyway anyway, very nicely done you guys! With the dynamic implementation of these things done (if it all ends up working) you've set another new meta to pushing this game's boundaries in Cheating :D :) :D :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by oh no cringe »

Spent a few hours trying to create pointers for this game, so I don't have to keep searching for the values over and over. I'm aware there are some advanced editors/clients available, but I'm trying to learn some basics with this game on my own for a bit.

Something tells me it's not possible to create pointers for values, or I lack the skill in doing so in this game.
The addresses are weirdly long (12 characters). And, what the hell kind of offset is this? [r9+r12*4+07]

Would love to hear from the experts the subject.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Anyone able to find Obol combine chance? I feel like 14% chance to combine something that is mostly readily available from the CASH SHOP is overly arbitrary and so the 14% chance needs to be higher.. I DID find this but I think its only for the text. I changed some stuff and it said 267% combine chance but it still failed =/ so I think its just for text. Anyhoo, here it is if anyone wants to take a gander:

Line 124399 in notepad++
s._DummyText = "$_OBOL_COMBINE_SUCCESS_CHANCE_~_" + Math.round(1 / Math.round(1 + Oo) * 100) + "%";
var xo = "" + s._DummyText,
wo = Math.round(430 - t.font.getTextWidth(s._DummyText) / b.SCALE / 2);
if (null == t.font && (t.font = t.defaultFont, t.font.fontScale != b.SCALE && (t.font.fontScale = b.SCALE)), t.drawActor)
if (null != t.actor && t.actor.isHUD) var Xo = t.x + wo * t.scaleX,
Qo = t.y + 35 * t.scaleY;
else Xo = t.x + wo * t.scaleX - b.cameraX, Qo = t.y + 35 * t.scaleY - b.cameraY;
else Xo = t.x + wo * t.scaleX, Qo = t.y + 35 * t.scaleY;
t.mtx.identity(), t.mtx.translate(Xo, Qo);

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by weaselofdeath »

Creater0822 wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:14 am
Alright, I've opened a folder in Google Drive to host all of my id lists, as well as my fork of ibelg's console:
Can't promise to always keep things up to date, but I may be updating the stuff from time to time.

This Google drive hosts a bunch of id lists, as well as various different kinds of cheat consoles. One day, I'd play to release a somewhat complete cheating guide to showcase all the things that have been going on. (No eta)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

weaselofdeath wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:49 pm
Creater0822 wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:14 am
Alright, I've opened a folder in Google Drive to host all of my id lists, as well as my fork of ibelg's console:
Can't promise to always keep things up to date, but I may be updating the stuff from time to time.

This Google drive hosts a bunch of id lists, as well as various different kinds of cheat consoles. One day, I'd play to release a somewhat complete cheating guide to showcase all the things that have been going on. (No eta)

Tutorial posts: Changelog
How do you use z.js?
Good question! Now that I'm already going to explain it, I might as well make this a tutorial post to add to my tool post later on.

Info: What is Z.js?
This game Legends of Idleon (the pc version) is basically a kind of browser game that runs JavaScript on a webpage. The Steam version of the game is basically an Electon app, e.g. a mini user agent dedicated to running the webpage that is the game Idleon.

Locally within the installation folder of your game (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Legends of Idleon) you'll find a file called app.asar, located inside the resources folder. This app.asar is basically an archive file similar to rar and zip. This asar archive format can be opened for extraction or file replacement through 7-Zip, with the asar7z plugin. So here are the download links:
7Zip: [Link]
Asar7Z: [Link]

Now finally, the Z.js file is located within app.asar inside \distBuild\static\game\, there you'll find it. As the extension type suggests, this is of course a plain text file containing the JavaScript to run the game. By the installation defaults everything is compressed into a singular line of code, which is of course absolutely unreadable.

In order to "beautify" the JavaScript into something that's more readable you can either use VS Code (Visual Studio Code) with the Beautify extension, or you can use this web application: [Link]
I for one recommend using VS Code as it's a singular application with both a beautify feature that's already a decent looking text editor itself. Yes Notepad++ is a good choice too if you're using it to read an already beautified Z.js, 'cause it doesn't handle the one line Z.js too well.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

My post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916
Alright guys, I just gave my mega-post a quick new decoration to describe my stuff slightly better than before. Hopefully it'll serve as a good reference for new players. (Oh yeah, I also cleaned my Drives folder a bit, cause it was messy A.F. xD)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by GearEditTools »

Is there any way to manipulate Drop Rarity Stat with Z.js or Inject Cheat Console???

In addition to that, there was an ability called Class EXP, which is a useless number...

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

GearEditTools wrote:
Sun Aug 29, 2021 8:53 am
Is there any way to manipulate Drop Rarity Stat with Z.js or Inject Cheat Console???

In addition to that, there was an ability called Class EXP, which is a useless number...
The easiest way to manipulate drop rate would be to edit some card properties, as some cards increase your total drop rate. My cheat collection doesn't include something that alters drop rate, since the drop command already makes dropping anything 100% :D

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Creater0822 wrote:
Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:28 pm
GearEditTools wrote:
Sun Aug 29, 2021 8:53 am
Is there any way to manipulate Drop Rarity Stat with Z.js or Inject Cheat Console???

In addition to that, there was an ability called Class EXP, which is a useless number...
The easiest way to manipulate drop rate would be to edit some card properties, as some cards increase your total drop rate. My cheat collection doesn't include something that alters drop rate, since the drop command already makes dropping anything 100% :D
Basically this. You can edit stuff like Obols (which other players cannot see) to give more LUK/money/droprate even though luck, (outside of Jman/Mman/Beginner) is arguably the worst stat in the entire game!, in the Z.js as well as spells/talents/abilities (for instance the archer talent which gives direct increase to drop rarity can be changed to give more % per talent point spent). But the simplest answer is what Creater said. Id recommend against editing items which are shown when a player inspects you (dbl clicks you), and although you didnt mention this if you are streaming be be on your guard with this kind of stuff because viewers can watch and see everything you do on the game. Think of it as "all these people are watching me as if they were sitting beside me in my living room, so they can see everything I do on here", kind of mentality. But the simplest answer is as Creater said, editing card stats. But if you don't want to be relegated to having to equip certain cards to get good or better drop rates, there are the methods I also mentioned above.

You can also increase direct spawn rate, I changed the spawn rate of mobs in blunder hills to 3 seconds and went to the wode boards and afk my guy there on the bottom platform with a loot macro sweeping across the screen and afk'ed (active) for about an hour or so and killed enough crystal spawn mobs to give my guy all the crystal carrot cards. Increasing the mob spawn directly increases drops because you have more kills. Furthermore increasing AFK gains (mobs killed per hour) by way of cards (as Creater mentioned) or other methods like stamps and multikill obols will also net you more loot when you use a time candy or come back from 1+ hours (longer is better) offline session.

Good luck to you!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

LMAO! I love editing spells and talents :D


Guess this will bring new meaning to "shitstorm" once I hit the sewers lolololol!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by qwerkya »

Guys my first liquid's number is NAN, is there any way to fix that?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Mine did that too. I dont know what the fix is, it has something to do with an erroneous playersave (probably an index out of bounds issue to generating liquid too fast), to which I don't know how to fix, BUT there is good news, there is a bandaid fix for this so that your character isnt effectively 'soft-bricked' on alch and its as follows.

You can use the method for editing the Z.js file to change the required material of that water thats bugged to zero. I did this for the 'shop' (the one where you use the liquid to buy talent points, crappy obols, and gems.. etc) and it works fine since everything there that requires that liquid is now free. I figured if its gonna bug out then I can just make it where its not even needed as an ingredient. You can also do this for stuff like the vials (change the recipes) and the stuff needed to increase the bubbles. Just put a zero anywhere that it calls for the first liquid and it should fix it or you can edit the recipe accordingly and just remove that water from the game.

As it is right now, like you im showing a NAN (NAN means its a placeholder for a value that doesnt exist in that table) value for the water and a (B) value when you go look at how much 'water' is generated so that water cauldron is effectively broken but its a non-issue because of the already stated fixes I put above. :)

Hope this helped!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

I solved the conundrum regarding many item drops on the screen while actively playing (but not necessarily at the computer).

So what I did was edited the droptables of all non-boss world 1 mobs (effectively the trash) to where money (COIN) drops 1/64th of the time, while increasing the VALUE of the default value of each coin drop by 64x. What this does is effectively, for example: say I had green mushrooms in the first map after town, they were set to drop coin 70% of the time (.7 droprate) they are killed and they drop 30 coins each time a coin drops. Well now the droprate is set to 0.0109375 (basically 1.01% droprate for coin) but when a coin drops, instead of dropping only 30 value its 1920 (1 silver, 20 copper) per drop. What this does is essentially removes coins from the screen for the CPU to render by 64 times less than what it was before, im estimating about a 90% something increase in LESS CPU time being used just for coins.

I also did this with the same formula for mob parts (spore caps, bean slices...etc) and im getting ths same amount of bean slices and whatnot active now as I was before, I just have to wait longer for a drop to happen but its about the same time. In other words, if you had two scenarios where in scenario (A) you were killing mobs normally and getting drops normally (but in my case mobs were spawning every 3 seconds instead of 40 seconds) you would have a lot of lag on your screen and your CPU usage really high after say 5 or more minutes. This way in scenario (B) you still get the same exact drops across the board in the same amount of time but its way less taxing on your PC. Hope this helped someone out. I don't know why Lava didn't do this to begin with but I am sure he had his reasons.

Have fun and take care everyone!

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