Does anyone know how to remove miss chance? I can't enojoy this game when I miss 3/4 attacks during every combat.
game doesn't track miss chance so much as a "to hit" chance. just use the tables presented or various mods to up your bonus to attack rolls to something ridiculous like +100 or something. you'll always have a 5% chance of rolling a critical failure which misses no matter your bonus, but you can mitigate that with rerolls like lucky and inspiration and advantage
Guys, someone know how add/name passive spell "Bounded weapon" (impossible to knock the weapon out of the hands, returns it after throwing, etc.) to weapon?
In game that skill is on the legendary dagger "Blade of the first strike".
new entry: "MAG_WYR_Orin_Bhaalist_Dagger"
type "Weapon"
using "WPN_Dagger_2"
data "RootTemplate" "d90abf24-3c4e-4bbf-84aa-def05ca9962a"
data "ValueUUID" "d24c441f-7ebe-4229-8522-cf34c257ff20"
data "Rarity" "Legendary"
data "Boosts" " UnlockSpell(Target_MAG_TrueStrike)"
data "BoostsOnEquipOffHand" " AC(1)"
data "PassivesOnEquip" "MAG_WYR_Orin_Bhaalist_Dagger_ImprovedCritical_Passive"
data "PassivesMainHand" " MAG_TheClover_Mainhand_Passive"
data "PassivesOffHand" " MAG_TheClover_OffHand_Passive"
data "Unique" "1"
*but in code there are no that skill))))
Last edited by WeisseSoldat on Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
I have had mostly no problems with the cts and or mods in general, but I have wondering if it has been answered regarding adding spells to the actuall class spellbook and not the action bar/racial choice cantrips? Take Wizard as the primary example since they can learn most of any arcane spell through scrolls, I am fine with just adding the scrolls to the game but there are a select few spells, mostly cantrips, that do not have a scroll form in game at all. So when adding spells using ct files they always become racial cantrips/actions instead of using the resources and going in the proper some cases don't scale up properly.
Mostly just asking if the workaround to them being added to the actual class spellbook has been found.
You're probably better off waiting for a mod that lets you select more spells during level up, seems to be much easier to edit the files than figuring out how to add spells through a script.
Not dirrectly related to the table but if anyone willing to dig in assembly please check viewtopic.php?p=307751#p307751 as I'm trying (and failing) to allow changing prepared spells during combat.
for anyone curious if you give lae'zel this weapon
Silver Sword of the Astral Plane (legendary Gith Greatsword)
she will get a ! and new dialogue about it
pretty sure it's very story relevant to act 3 so be careful
Hey, so this is probably the most random thing I've asked here but I can't find it- has anyone found a way to use the item spawner to spawn dye? I can't believe how hard it is to find black dye! I'm playing a rogue, I'm contractually obligated to wear black!
I found the item lists, but I don't know how to work that into the spawner.
you grab the uuid, which looks like 54cd5913-5226-4143-9186-6c1a8499de1c as an example
you double click on <script>
you replace the uuid in there at the top with the dye uuid
you save it
now the spawn item will be the dye instead of what the text says