Ah that makes sense, woops! I'll give it a try when I'm home.
Just to check, does the search "Twitch" work or does it *have* to be "DLC_Twitch"?
You mean these?
Sorry, what I mean is - if I use the MultiTool to look for the Twitch items, do I have to search for "DLC_Twitch", or would just searching for "Twitch" make them show?
Which pak file am I supposed to be extracting to find UUID's for non-generic items such as location specific or quest items?
I'm new to using Cheat Engine in this way, but I have the tools setup. However, looking through this thread everyone just refers to the files to extract as "the data files" which isn't clear to me. I've tried extracting several of the pak files (Gustav, Game, Shared) but none of them contain the ID I'm looking for (Icy Helve) as far as I can tell. I've probably just missed it.
I'm willing to find it myself, I just need someone to tell me the specific file I should be extracting and looking inside.
For the people asking for codes for the twitch drops... the twitch drops are still going on. Just go to twitch, browse by category and click Baldur's Gate 3 and open someone with drops enabled. Set it to like 160p, mute the tab, and leave it open for 2 hours. Super easy. If you have the BetterTTV add-on you can even have it auto-claim the drop for you as well.
Anyone know what the UUID for Icy Helve is or where I might find it?
I extracted the files myself but I can't seem to locate the string for it. Cheers.
Extract the english localization and convert it to xml using the ConvertApp.exe. Search for the in-game name in english.xml file to find the DisplayName handle. Then copy that handle and do a search using the multitool. Remember to index files first. Can take a while.
You will usually find the correct ID from the RootTemplates file, as it's the filename you found using this approach.
Ah that makes sense, woops! I'll give it a try when I'm home.
Just to check, does the search "Twitch" work or does it *have* to be "DLC_Twitch"?
You mean these?
Sorry, what I mean is - if I use the MultiTool to look for the Twitch items, do I have to search for "DLC_Twitch", or would just searching for "Twitch" make them show?
Yea, you can just search for "twitch". I actually did that first, then narrowed the search to exclude the results I didn't want to see.
I've attached .txt files for the item Object UUIDs and Feats in case anyone needs them for reference.
I'm sure you've guys have figured it out by now but just copy/paste the UUIDs of item you want into the script:
Same goes for Feats scripts but with the feat string name values instead of the the UUIDs:
(though it's a little trickier since some Feats have extra features you have to account for so pay attention to the feat PassivesAdded & Selector attributes and how the various scripts address those in assembly)
Added Weapons.txt and Armor.txt
Progressions.lsx has all the class features/feats if anyone is interested.
(You can build your own custom classes using this one)
Update: added Passives.txt (shared/public/shared/stats/generated/data)
Seems to have every passive/feat/ability in there.
I made an updated .ct table with all the passives/feats/features I think are are in the game.
They are all listed in Console Commands>Register Commands>Passive/Feat Cheats
Have fun
What to we need to change to increase ability boost higher then 1?
Put this file in the game's installation folder: Baldurs Gate 3\Data\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data
I would make a pak file for this for ez mod manager installation but I'm lazy and not focused on this atm
Not sure if someone else already did this but I figured doing something like this would be a game changer for some who want to uncap/increase the score limits. Just simply set the two values I mentioned in the file to whatever you need them to be and you should be good to go!
is this minus from say your roll? Or does it make it so if you roll 5 or higher its a crit?
This effects critical hits, but not like that, it subtracts the base value needed to count as one (20). So 5 would be 20-5 (15). So a 15 or higher will crit.