I found that the Noclip command caused the crash. All the other cheats seem to work just fine for me. On both SunBeam's and Zanzer's tables
It's a funny thing when you read that, go test stuff yourself with or without Denuvo Anti-Cheat on and can't reproduce the crash. Sorry, everything works perfectly here still.
Strange, SunBeam. I get a pretty consistent crash when I enable noclip. Hmmm. Maybe something corrupted on my end?
Are you playing single-player solo, with no Internet feature turned on? If not, then that might be a possibility. Remember Denuvo AC kicks in as soon as you open the game. I think it queries if you have join/host capabilities turned on.
anyone figure out how to hide the display of your weapons on screen so no weapons are shown? i've read through all the pages but no luck.
Is there an equivalent to cg_drawGun 0 from quake3 arena? thanks
also does the pistol cheat still work? g_enablepistol 1? it doesn't seem to work on my end anymore,
I found that the Noclip command caused the crash. All the other cheats seem to work just fine for me. On both SunBeam's and Zanzer's tables
It's a funny thing when you read that, go test stuff yourself with or without Denuvo Anti-Cheat on and can't reproduce the crash. Sorry, everything works perfectly here still.
Noclip/Notarget cheats were working 100% fine for a whole day. When I resumed where I stopped in the other day I noticed that my game would crash from time to time if I had Noclip/Notarget activated. Disabled them and played another 10 hour straight without any more crashes.
No problem though, I only had them activated just in case, but used just once.
Maybe anyone asked this one.
Do we have command that give berserker power up?
I don't know the exact name of the item, but I'm pretty sure you can figure out this way: load a map that includes the powerup then grab it. As soon as you have it activated, pause the game, open the console and type
Try getting one in-game and then pause the game, type in the console: [code]listInventory[/code]
Go through the text output and see if you find 'berserker' power up anywhere. If you find it, use
[code]give [/code]
eg.:[code]give weapon/player/bfg[/code]
Please, share with us if you manage to get it working
VERY useful command which ironically speaking most of the commands are already know....
I used a similar command "pm_equippedItemLogging 1" which tells what you are equipping at that moment and still got no info about the powerups in general. I could get information about a collectible toy but not about powerups. It seems that the powerups are not considered equipment items. Not even the praetor and mastery tokens not even the sentinel batteries. It seems to me that these stuff are entirely different thing that might not even a console command will help you acquire them( at least this is what I think) When you start a level the console shows that the game is always checking what you have discovered and what not. To be more specific the praetor tokens, toys, batteries and etc have a unique code such as: "pickups_progress_rune_1_e2m1". I think there is a lot of restrictions and chain commands. I think not even a trainer yet exist for that......
What I discovered after a lot of digging is this:
There is a lot of categories: weapons, equipment, ability, throwable, ammo, keys, collectible etc...
For example:
give ability_dash = will give the dash
give abilities/blood_punch = will give you bloodpunch
give ammo/sharedammopool/cells 100 = will give you 100 cells
give weapon/player/double_barrel = will give the the double barrel shotgun
give throwable/player/frag_grenade = will give the frag grenade BUT you will not be able to use it(the same goes for the ice bomb and flame belch) without acquiring the shoulder grenade launcher. which is "give equipmentlauncher/equipmentlauncherleft"
This is the only information about powerups in the console I found:
weapon/player/fists_berserk (this one you always have it ????)
I hope this will help even a little
Last edited by Nightmarekiller on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
First and foremost my biggest thanks to Mr. SunBeam for creating this cheat table and secondly I decided to post some useful console commands for people to find them in one place instead page by page. Please feel free to add some stuff yourselves.
1) g_permagodmode 1
NOTE: This command is different from the "God" command, with this one you can stay in God mode through the whole game until you exit through Desktop
2) g_weaponkick 0 = No recoil from weapons
3) p_infinitebloodpunch 1 = Unlimited Blood Punch
NOTE: you MUST have at least one blood punch for this to work, if your blood punch is zero and you enable this cheat it will stay at zero
4) pm_disablenighmaregodmode 1 = this will enable you to use god command in Ultra-Nightmare mode
5) g_ammoscalar # = depending the number value you will input(for example g_ammoscalar 2) it will make all your ammo doubled(or more) including your chainsaw, so don't be surprised that it will look empty(there 3 lines but it will become six)
6) campaign_giveupgradedweaponsandmods = this will give all the weapons,mods and upgrades BUT they will not be mastered
NOTE: Use it at your own risk unless if you don't care about completion. Also do that AFTER you acquired your first mod in the beginning of the game.
7) campaign_giveallweaponsandmods = this will give all the weapons and mods BUT no upgrades and Mastery.
8) give all = this will give you all the weapons, mods, upgrades and they will be mastered too
NOTE: Use it at your own risk unless if you don't care about completion.Also do that AFTER you acquired your first mod in the beginning of the game.
9) mainmenu_unlockallmasterlevels 1 = this will unlock all master levels from the main menu after you select a profile, even though they will look locked you can access them
10) weapon_autofullcharge 1 = this will make the plasma rifle heat blast auto charged.
11) g_doom5melee_forcemeleelevel 1,2 or 3 = this will make your NORMAL punch stronger, level 3 can kill easily the weakest enemies and give good damage to strong enemies.
NOTE: there is some issues with this command, if you try to break a wall or a chains it might not work. My solution was to jump and dash forward to break them or just return the value to 0
13) give weapon/player/crucible = gives you the Crucible
14) give weapon/player/unmaykr = gives you the Unmaykr
15) give weapon/player/heavy_cannon =gives you the Heavy Cannon
16) give weapon/player/bfg
17) give weapon/player/rocket_launcher
18) give weapon/player/plasma_rifle
19) give weapon/player/chaingun
20) give weapon/player/gauss_rifle = gives you the Ballista
21) give weapon/player/double_barrel = gives you the double barrel shotgun
22) judgementmeter_Enableregen 1 = this will make the Crucible regenerate itself after using it
23) judgementmeter_Infinite = unlimited energy for the Crucible
24) Runes_maxallrunes = this will give you all the runes in the game. Use it at your own risk unless if you don't care about completion.
25) g_weaponspreadscale 0 = makes all weapons to have perfect accuracy
NOTE: this command affects GREATLY the shotgun full auto, it makes the shots like a single slug
26) proj_emp_overrideInflueneTimeInSeconds 100 = makes frozen enemies stay frozen for a loooooong time
27) give ammo = will give you full ammo, very useful if you are using the command "g_ammoscalar", my suggestion is to bind this to a key, for example: bind INS "give ammo". Because is very difficult to manage to have full ammo on bfg, if you use a higher ammo capacity.
28) weapon_ignoreChargeTimeout 1 = ignores the charge time of weapons
NOTES: The good things:
a) Makes the Heavy Cannon Micro Missiles to shoot unlimited missiles, exactly like the "bottomless missiles mastery")
b) If you use the command "weapon_autofullcharge 1" and combine it with this command "weapon_ignoreChargeTimeout 1" it will make the Plasma Rifle Heat Blast "power surge" mastery faster to shoot. In the default settings it takes about a second or two after the Heat Blast attack to start shooting the power surge(red beams). While holding the the primary fire and pressing once secondary fire before the time ends, you will be able to shoot the power surge without interruption.
c) Makes the Chaingun Energy Shield to be able to deploy it instantly after being depleted by time or after throwing it or after release.
d) The Super Shotgun Meat Hook can be used instantly. No wait time to recharge.
e) Makes the Heavy Cannon Precision Bolt faster(very little faster mind you, is barely noticeable)
The Bad things:
a) Makes the Ballista weapon unusable. It can make both mods of Ballista to shoot instantly charged attacks but after 1 shot they stuck. Another issue is if you master the "Incremental Blade" you don't have the leisure to shoot a blade that costs 16 and 32 plasma.
A "solution" to this problem is after you shoot once change to another mod or reset the command to it's default setting. Another solution is to bind it to some keys.
30) Unlimited quick dash: Use these 2 commands: WARNING, possible motion sickness :mrgreen:
a) envSuit_dashIgnoreMeter 1
b) envSuit_dashRetriggerTime 0
31) loot_debug_dropEverything 1 = when you kill an enemy(glory kill or normal) they will drop all type of ammo and health(it does not refill you).
32) loot_noAmmoDrops 1 = no ammo drops from kills
33) g_enablepistol 1 OR give/weapon/player/pistol (this one shows animation when you pickup the weapon)
NOTES: An unused weapon which is also buggy. When you pickup anything that has animation(such as when you pickup the grenade launcher for the first time), you will stuck being "empty handed", you will not be able to choose other weapons.
SOLUTION: In my case when that happens I press the button for the Crucible to equip, press again the button to unequip, after that it fixes the issue.
Use the command "give weapon/player/crucible" to have it early and being able to use the pistol too without issues.
The pistol will be at the "last slot", meaning if the BFG is your last weapon, after that it will be the pistol.
Only with mouse wheel you will be able to find it and use it.
If anytime you want to remove the weapon just type "g_enablepistol 0". Maybe/think is possible also a game crash.
34) give ability_dash (you might not be able to progress in the game, use noclip)
35) give abilities/blood_punch (you might not be able to progress in the game, use noclip)
36) First use this command: "give equipmentlauncher/equipmentlauncherleft" and then:
a) give throwable/player/ice_bomb (this will affect VEGA telling you to take the ice bomb, so just go to the prison to be able to continue)
b) give throwable/player/frag_grenade
c) give weapon/player/equipment_flame_belch (this will affect VEGA telling you to take the flame belch, so just pickup the Sentinel Crystal Upgrade and you will be able to continue)
37) Ammo commands(after you type the command also type the number of ammo you want):
a) give ammo/sharedammopool/shells ***
b) give ammo/sharedammopool/bullets ***
c) give ammo/sharedammopool/cells ***
d) give ammo/sharedammopool/ rockets***
e) give ammo/sharedammopool/fuel ***
f) give ammo/sharedammopool/bfg ***
g) give ammo/sharedammopool/crucible ***
General tips about weapons commands:
It is possible to have all the weapons from the beginning of the game as long as you remember these things:
a) Don't use "give all" or "campaign_giveupgradedweaponsandmods" in the beginning of the game BEFORE you acquire your first mod for the shotgun.
b) There is a chance at the Cultist Base, where you pick up the Rocket Launcher(but assuming you already have it with cheats), the doors will not open. To bypass the problem use the noclip command.
c) If there are people who are using trainers to edit the Praetors Tokens, Weapon Upgrade Tokens, Mastery Tokens and Sentinel Batteries just keep in mind this: DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING inside the Fortress of Doom that requires Sentinel Batteries that you shouldn't have BEFORE starting and playing the map the Cultist Base. You will stuck and will cannot proceed.
d) If you care about completion of the levels(finding all the mods, runes, etc) don't use the commands "give all" or "campaign_giveupgradedweaponsandmods" and "Runes_maxallrunes". The solution is to use the "give/weapon/player" commands. Basically you can have all the weapons early in the game BUT without mods already installed(the only exception is the Super Shotgun, it doesn't require mods). You can use trainers to buy weapons abilities and master the weapons.