Tier 12 gem (stack size 10)
Code: Select all
"InventoryX": 0,
"InventoryY": 0,
"Rarity": 1,
"Quality": 1,
"Type": 6,
"ItemType": "Gem",
"Value": "18561",
"Level": 55,
"Gem": {
"Name": "Special_gem",
"StackSize": 10
Unique 2 hander sword (edited, but kept the special action of it)
Code: Select all
"InventoryX": 0,
"InventoryY": 0,
"Rarity": 6,
"Quality": 0,
"Type": 3,
"ItemType": "Sword2H",
"Value": "44460",
"Level": 57,
"Weapon": {
"Name": "Unique_stone_sword_max",
"DamageMin": 125,
"DamageMax": 250,
"ResourceGeneration": 250
"Sockets": [{
"Effect": 6,
"Gem": {
"Name": "Utility_Gem_Tier_07"
}, {
"Effect": 6,
"Gem": {
"Name": "rend_Gem_Tier_07"
}, {
"Effect": 6,
"Gem": {
"Name": "Special_gem"
"MagicEffects": {
"Default": [{
"EffectId": "rage_conservation_time",
"EffectName": "implicit_rage_conservation",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DurationFlatInt",
"value": 7
}, {
"EffectId": "attackspeed_score",
"EffectName": "w_attackspeed_score_5",
"MaxStack": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "CharacteristicScoreInt",
"value": 35
}, {
"EffectId": "local_damage_percent_all",
"EffectName": "local_damage_2h",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentFloat",
"value": 35
"RolledAffixes": [{
"EffectId": "rage_per_strike_percent",
"EffectName": "ac_rage_per_strike_percent_5",
"MaxStack": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "ResourcePercentInt",
"value": 35
}, {
"EffectId": "criticaldamage_pts",
"EffectName": "w_global_critical_strike_damage_5",
"MaxStack": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentInt",
"value": 30
}, {
"EffectId": "local_damage_flat_physical",
"EffectName": "slow_w_local_damage_flat_physical_4",
"MaxStack": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagesFlatInt_Min",
"value": 75
}, {
"semantic": "DamagesFlatInt_Max",
"value": 100
}, {
"EffectId": "local_damage_flat_toxic",
"EffectName": "slow_w_local_damage_flat_toxic_5",
"MaxStack": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagesFlatInt_Min",
"value": 75
}, {
"semantic": "DamagesFlatInt_Max",
"value": 100
}, {
"EffectId": "local_damage_percent_material",
"EffectName": "unique_rigard_material_damage_percent_2",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentFloat",
"value": 200
}, {
"EffectId": "stunchance_on_dash",
"EffectName": "unique_rigard_stunchance_on_dash_2",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "PossibilityInt",
"value": 1
"FromGems": [{
"EffectId": "damage_percent",
"EffectName": "g_sarisel_damage_percent",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentInt",
"value": 10
}, {
"EffectId": "criticaldamage_pts",
"EffectName": "g_criticaldamage_pts_7",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentInt",
"value": 15
}, {
"EffectId": "dotdamage_percent_bleed",
"EffectName": "g_dotdamage_percent_bleed_7",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentFloat",
"value": 10
Unique bruiser helm
Code: Select all
"InventoryX": 0,
"InventoryY": 0,
"Rarity": 6,
"Quality": 0,
"Type": 2,
"ItemType": "Helmet",
"Value": "39014",
"Level": 51,
"Armor": {
"Name": "unique_warmonger_helmet",
"Resistance": 22,
"Health": 238
"MagicEffects": {
"RolledAffixes": [{
"EffectId": "rage_on_kill_pts",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_rage_on_kill_pts",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "ResourceFlatFloat",
"value": 12.15
}, {
"EffectId": "life_leech_percent_against_bleeding",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_life_leech_percent_against_bleeding",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentFloat",
"value": 1.36
}, {
"EffectId": "ferocity_pts",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_ferocity_pts",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "AttributeFlatInt",
"value": 17
}, {
"EffectId": "criticaldamage_pts",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_criticaldamage_pts",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentInt",
"value": 30
}, {
"EffectId": "local_health_percent",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_local_health_percent",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "LocalPercentFloat",
"value": 91.31
Unique Bruiser helm same as above with gem slot, haven't tested it (seems you can't just add sockets: to the line)
Code: Select all
"InventoryX": 0,
"InventoryY": 0,
"Quality": 0,
"Type": 2,
"ItemType": "Helmet",
"Value": "39014",
"Level": 51,
"Armor": {
"Name": "unique_warmonger_helmet",
"Resistance": 22,
"Health": 238
"Sockets": [{
"Effect": 7
"MagicEffects": {
"RolledAffixes": [{
"EffectId": "rage_on_kill_pts",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_rage_on_kill_pts",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "ResourceFlatFloat",
"value": 25
}, {
"EffectId": "life_leech_percent_against_bleeding",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_life_leech_percent_against_bleeding",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentFloat",
"value": 5
}, {
"EffectId": "ferocity_pts",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_ferocity_pts",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "AttributeFlatInt",
"value": 50
}, {
"EffectId": "criticaldamage_pts",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_criticaldamage_pts",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "DamagePercentInt",
"value": 75
}, {
"EffectId": "local_health_percent",
"EffectName": "unique_warmonger_helmet_local_health_percent",
"MaxStack": 1,
"bDefault": 1,
"Parameters": [{
"semantic": "LocalPercentFloat",
"value": 150