Hey there
Starting from your hook for ATTRIBUTES, I got this:
Code: Select all
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D93DA - FF 50 48 - call qword ptr [rax+48]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D93DD - E8 9E26ECFF - call IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA80 // enter [1]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D93E9 - 8B 78 48 - mov edi,[rax+48]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+7D93EC - 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA80 - 48 8B 05 71E06F03 - mov rax,[IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+3D99AF8]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA87 - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA8A - 75 15 - jne IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BAA1
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA8C - 48 8B 05 75B99503 - mov rax,[IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+3FF7408]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA93 - 48 8B 80 90020000 - mov rax,[rax+00000290]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BA9A - 48 89 05 57E06F03 - mov [IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+3D99AF8],rax
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BAA1 - 48 8B 40 70 - mov rax,[rax+70]
IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+69BAA5 - C3 - ret
So.. the Points for ATTRIBUTES are stored at: [[[IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+3D99AF8]+70]+48]. Like so:
Just edit the value to 18
before using it, click and arrow and back to refresh on-screen value.. and you're set
And filling everything in:
Kinda bugged me that they weren't properly fetched and one could only poke around that hook of yours
Also, note that your hook allows editing of the same attribute 2 times or breaks at times: