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Re: Returnal

Post by Snowbunny »

MBRKiNG wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:33 am
Snowbunny wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:27 am
MBRKiNG wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:33 am


-IGNORE_KEYS_OBOLITES (does not work with fractured keys)
Ayy, thanks for the addition. Airjumps/Dash work great. Happen to know what I could replace the values with in your NO_ALTFIRE_CD script to place at least a bit of a delay, maybe half a second or a second? Simply to keep my eardrums from blowing out with the 15-20 alt-fires that come out per second as is lol.

Copy/Paste(CTRL+V) Code below into CE

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(ALTFIRE_COOLDOWN_VAL,Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.dll,C5 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 84 ?? 0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D)
  vmovss xmm6,[cooldown]
  jmp return

dq (float)0.5 // 0.5 is your current alt fire cd, change it to the value u like

  jmp newmem
  nop 3
  db C5 FA 10 B1 24 03 00 00

Killer, works perfectly thanks! The skill reloading sound is way more bearable than straight bass from the attack itself (although still annoying. Nothing to be done about that though lol).

Seriously, appreciated!

Edit: Not looking for a fix, but just posting this for anyone else that may run into the same thing. It stopped working after I picked up a parasite that increases Alt-Fire CD by 5S. The activation sound still occurs in whatever delay you have set in that script but in actuality it'll still be charging. Guessing that additional time gets processed/applied after the modified cooldown script which makes sense. Still works beautifully in the majority of scenarios.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Returnal

Post by Cybot »

Thanx for the table, great work.

but enabling"One Hit Kill" makes the obolite chunks and the red vines that are supposed to be destroyed with the sword become bugged and cannot be destroyed and spheres can no longer be shot to reveal platforms.

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Re: Returnal

Post by Disillusioned »

I don't suppose it'd be possible to make a script to increase the maximum number of artifacts?

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Re: Returnal

Post by Toasters2039 »

MBRKiNG wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:33 am


-IGNORE_KEYS_OBOLITES (does not work with fractured keys)
Do you think there's a way to make ignore ether work completely? As of now it just completely takes the option to cleanse ground items away, but will save you ether if you're interacting with something static like the reanimator things.

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Re: Returnal

Post by Akira »

Toasters2039 wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:50 pm
Do you think there's a way to make ignore ether work completely? As of now it just completely takes the option to cleanse ground items away, but will save you ether if you're interacting with something static like the reanimator things.
Pretty sure it's called Clarity in the game code, I'm not fully sure where the actual value is located but in my table you can find some references in the Savegame class and in the PlayerState class I think.
Under "Research" in my table should also be two addresses listed related to the removing of clarity but had no time to fully test things.

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Re: Returnal

Post by johhney »

is there a way to spawn sunfragment key ?

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Re: Returnal

Post by Popojiju »

I'm hoping for a weapon leveler, faster or instant level up.

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Re: Returnal

Post by ScratScrobbler »

jonaaa wrote:
Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:10 pm
ScratScrobbler wrote:
Thu Feb 16, 2023 4:28 pm
Possible to add an option to instant max weapon mod progress?
If you explore enough I'm sure you find something related to it, I've seen options related to overheat, damage, weapon proficiency, char proficiency, adrenaline, etc

Most of them will reset after reloading the game but some are permanent

I'm looking for something to change the weapon stats without depending of proficiency, maybe it's located in those pointers.
I can't find it.

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Re: Returnal

Post by kregisterli »

thank you Akira for great tables again!

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Re: Returnal

Post by Akuma »

@ Akira; Nice work

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Re: Returnal

Post by deten »

Have an issue where using inf health and falling down a cavern gives a black screen on respawn.

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Re: Returnal

Post by fakerlol »

Popojiju wrote:
Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:05 pm
I'm hoping for a weapon leveler, faster or instant level up.
I also wanted one so after searching a while I found a point in the code where I could set the number of kills needed to get a weapon trait to 1, which means the trait will get instantly learned after killing something.
It's an AOB so expect it to not work after a while.

Copy the code below and paste it into your CE-Window.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Instant Weapon Trait"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>// Game   : Returnal-Win64-Shipping.exe
// Executable Version:
// Module Version    :
// Script Date       : 2023-03-11
// Author : Atminisdrator
aobscanmodule(aob_InstantWeaponTrait,Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.dll,c4 c1 78 10 07 c5 f8 11 03 8B)


  cmp dword ptr [r15+10], 0
  je short @f
  mov dword ptr [r15+10], 1
  vmovups xmm0,[r15]
  jmp return_InstantWeaponTrait

  jmp newmem_InstantWeaponTrait

  db C4 C1 78 10 07


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11B7

Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1150: 48 39 0B              - cmp [rbx],rcx
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1153: 74 5F                 - je Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11B4
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1155: 48 83 C3 10           - add rbx,10
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1159: 48 3B D8              - cmp rbx,rax
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+115C: 75 F2                 - jne Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1150
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+115E: 8D 42 01              - lea eax,[rdx+01]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1161: 89 47 08              - mov [rdi+08],eax
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1164: 3B 47 0C              - cmp eax,[rdi+0C]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1167: 7E 08                 - jle Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1171
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1169: 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+116C: E8 9F 11 BA FF        - call Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.UHealthComponent::ResetSoftDamageCapTracking+15A0
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1171: 48 8B 07              - mov rax,[rdi]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1174: C4 C1 78 10 07        - vmovups xmm0,[r15]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1179: C4 A1 78 11 04 E0     - vmovups [rax+r12*8],xmm0
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+117F: 45 84 F6              - test r14l,r14l
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1182: 0F 84 98 00 00 00     - je Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1220
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1188: 48 8D 9E E0 03 00 00  - lea rbx,[rsi+000003E0]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+118F: 48 3B DF              - cmp rbx,rdi
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1192: 0F 84 88 00 00 00     - je Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1220
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1198: 48 63 6F 08           - movsxd  rbp,dword ptr [rdi+08]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+119C: 48 8B 3F              - mov rdi,[rdi]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+119F: 44 8B 43 0C           - mov r8d,[rbx+0C]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11A3: 89 6B 08              - mov [rbx+08],ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11A6: 85 ED                 - test ebp,ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11A8: 75 5A                 - jne Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1204
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11AA: 45 85 C0              - test r8d,r8d
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11AD: 75 55                 - jne Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1204
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11AF: 89 6B 0C              - mov [rbx+0C],ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11B2: EB 6C                 - jmp Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1220
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11B4: 8B 6B 08              - mov ebp,[rbx+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11B7: C4 C1 78 10 07        - vmovups xmm0,[r15]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11BC: C5 F8 11 03           - vmovups [rbx],xmm0
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11C0: 8B 4B 08              - mov ecx,[rbx+08]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11C3: 3B CD                 - cmp ecx,ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11C5: 7D 05                 - jnl Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11CC
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11C7: 89 6B 08              - mov [rbx+08],ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11CA: 8B CD                 - mov ecx,ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11CC: 45 84 F6              - test r14l,r14l
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11CF: 74 12                 - je Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11E3
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11D1: 48 8D 8E E0 03 00 00  - lea rcx,[rsi+000003E0]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11D8: 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11DB: E8 60 B0 E2 FF        - call "Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.UWaveGenBlock::operator new"+D0
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11E0: 8B 4B 08              - mov ecx,[rbx+08]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11E3: 4C 8B 06              - mov r8,[rsi]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11E6: 3B CD                 - cmp ecx,ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11E8: BA 03 00 00 00        - mov edx,00000003
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11ED: B8 01 00 00 00        - mov eax,00000001
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11F2: 0F 4F C2              - cmovg eax,edx
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11F5: 48 8B CE              - mov rcx,rsi
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11F8: 0F B6 D0              - movzx edx,al
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+11FB: 41 FF 90 68 02 00 00  - call qword ptr [r8+00000268]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1202: EB 2A                 - jmp Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+122E
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1204: 8B D5                 - mov edx,ebp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1206: 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1209: E8 92 02 BA FF        - call Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.UHealthComponent::ResetSoftDamageCapTracking+730
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+120E: 48 8B 0B              - mov rcx,[rbx]
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1211: 4C 8B C5              - mov r8,rbp
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1214: 49 C1 E0 04           - shl r8,04
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1218: 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+121B: E8 5C 15 34 00        - call Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AkMotionInitializeScePadFunctions+661C
Returnal-Returnal-Win64-Shipping.AMeleeWeaponBase::UpdateStateBeforeMovement+1220: 48 8B 06              - mov rax,[rsi]

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Re: Returnal

Post by Upisir »

How to paste in CE window?I load process and then table.Where code paste?

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Re: Returnal

Post by maifa2022 »

Akira wrote:
Wed Feb 15, 2023 11:59 pm

Code: Select all

Game Name:		Returnal
Game Process:  		Returnal-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game Version:		?
Game Engine:		Unreal Engine - - Modified
Game DLL:		-
Anti-Cheat: 		-
Savegame Folder:	C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Returnal\<Steam/Epic Games>\Saved\SaveGames
Steam App ID:		1649240
Steam Website:
If you like my work then please rate this post positive.
If you want to share the table then share the link to this post but do not upload this table anywhere else.

-God Mode
-Fly Mode
--Ghost Mode
-Inf. Health
--One Hit Kill
-Inf. Jumps
-Inf. Clip Ammo
-Rate of Fire Modifier
-No Recoil
-No Spread
-No Alt Fire Cooldown
-No Dash Cooldown
-No Key Requirement
-No Obolite Requirement
-FoV Modifier
-World Gravity Modifier
-World Time Dilation Modifier
-Character Time Dilation Modifier
--Entity Time Dilation Modifier
-Save Player Coordinates
-Load Saved Coordinates

I added many pointer, some of the more useful classes are pink.
Some ppl were asking for Adrenaline, you can find some stuff for it here:
I didn't had much time to play yet, still at the point where you encounter the first enemies, so might make some more scripts as I progress in the game.
The Table can also be found in our Discord Server:
If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask there, we have tables for a lot other games as well.
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