[Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

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[Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

Game Name: Waves of Rotting Flesh
Game Engine: Not Sure
Game Version: Not Sure
Options Required:
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Health
Super Damage -or- One Hit Kills Enemies
Infinite Barricade Durability
Whatever other options you can come up with for this game
Steam Website:
Other Info: This game is currently on sale for literally only 99 cents until January 5, 2022.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

Ah, I forgot. We should "sell" people on the game we want a table made for.

Very well: I can buy it for whoever will make a table for it since it is dirt cheap.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

Since the version number and engine isn't listed in the game, here is a screenshot of the game folder location as someone requested:


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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Hylician Legend wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 7:07 am
it's a bit of an annoying game as doing some stuff changes what instructions are used for weapons to completely different instructions nearly every time.
here is a table I did but I am not too sure whether it will work or not.
The instructions used for infinite ammo are ones that seem to work as long as you don't use the rapid fire but I made the bullet amount an insane number so you can use it and they change back to that instruction when you stop the rapid fire.

I did have rapid fire cheats that make it a million times faster but those instructions are quite unreliable and have to be found nearly every start up for some. If you want to do it that way you will have to also find new infinite ammo cheats for every weapon that goes off an dec instruction. The easiest way to find all ammo is have a fully reloaded pistol search for a 4 byte 6 then shoot once and search 5 and so on till you get one. Then browse that memory region and all the ammo is in that area for the clips and ammo. Some guns just have ammo and no clip. To do the rapid fire script its just pull out the weapon you want to rapidly fire and find out what accesses the rapid fire byte once it is populated and just make a script off the cmp to mov 0 into the address that is being compared before the cmp.

Everything in the game is a 4 byte as far as I have seen. I couldn't really find enemies hp as i kept finding some values that crashed the game lol. you can really only search on the bull enemy as everyone elase dies too fast.

This table has:
  • HP and Ammo (Activate only when you first see a walker close to the house)
    • Inf HP
    • Inf Ammo (may lag your pc)
    • Give 999,999,999 Ammo
    • Health
    • Single Shot Ammo
    • Double Barrel Shotgun Clip
    • Small Pistol Ammo
    • Small Pistol Clip
    • Large Pistol Ammo
    • Large Pistol Clip
    • Hunting Rifle Ammo
    • Assault Rifle Clip
    • Assault Rifle Ammo
  • Rapid Fire
  • Inf Baricade Durability (Let a window take a fair bit of damage before activating)


  • Old inf ammo cheats put into a section
  • Added an ammo section where you need to shoot the small pistol once to activate
  • Just another edit as I forgot to mention you need to shoot the small pistol again before the ammo populates and the ammo cheats work

Update 2

  • Removed unnecessary stuff
  • Changed some cheats so they might actually work better
1FRjavaw Update 2.CT
(21.65 KiB) Downloaded 58 times
1FRjavaw Update.CT
(29.79 KiB) Downloaded 52 times
(18.51 KiB) Downloaded 51 times
Last edited by Glowmoss on Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

Thank you glowmoss! This is pretty much what I was looking for.

It partially works for me. Some of the Infinite Ammo options, such as large pistol and single shot shotgun are not working, however. I only turned it on when I actually acquired the weapon, of course.

Also for some reason, having the cheats on leaves me unable to pick an upgrade, but weapon rolls work just fine. Not sure why that is? Guess I have to turn them off temporarily when I want to upgrade.

Thanks again for making this cheat table! Not many people are into the more obscure and niche weird/artsy indie games that I like.

Forgot to add that it also makes the game a little laggy and the table itself lags sometimes in cheatengine. No problems other than that.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Hylician Legend wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:17 am
I think I figured out the rapid fire cheats and it seems to be the same for the infinite ammo cheats just shoot it once before activating. It would lag like hell if it cant find the AOB.

That's strange about not being able to pick an upgrade I never had the issue. Did you pick a second weapon as I know you can't pick an upgrade after that.

I found with the inf barricade sometimes you need to have the door open and and let it get hit before it activates. I probably can't help if it's just lagging in general as it's fine on my end unless cheat engine can't find the aob then it would lag like hell as I said and won't activate.

I will upload my updated table now in my above post.
It may help if you just use the give 999,999,999 ammo cheat at the start of each round as the new inf ammo cheat constantly writes 999,999,999 to all gun's ammo which I feel like you don't really need because you can just click the give ammo again if you did somehow go through that much ammo with the rapid fire lol. I didn't have any issues but maybe on a lower end pc you might with the inf ammo.
I did leave the old inf ammo cheats on there but the instruction for the small pistol one is being used for the ammo section so I didn't leave that there.

I also removed the rapid fire byte as I felt like 99% of the time it wasn't in that spot when I went on tonight lol
let me know how the updated table goes

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Hylician Legend wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:17 am
I would also be interested to know whether the walkers remaining address was the same on ur PC as I will remove it if it isn't as its a bit useless if it isn't lol

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Also yeah not many people are really into these strange games lol. I like messing about with some of them though. This one wasn't too bad it's just a bit harsh on the eyes with all the white

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

Thank you for the update! I appreciate that BIG time. As soon as I get back from town, I can test out the options you mentioned and report back. If it helps you improve it and your skills, I am all for it.

I'm okay without rapidfire since I didn't really need it. Although I realize I should have maybe asked for no reload in the OP. The animation for the hunting rifle and single shotgun are pretty slow. Not mandatory though, I can live without that too.

And yes, I did choose the second weapon. Not sure why it didn't let me select an upgrade.
Glowmoss wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:08 am
Also yeah not many people are really into these strange games lol. I like messing about with some of them though. This one wasn't too bad it's just a bit harsh on the eyes with all the white
I agree on the harshness, but I dig it other than that.

This is gonna be a mouthful, but: My fascination with weird/strange/artsy/hallucinogenic/trippy/surreal/psychedelic started with the game EarthBound in the early 1990s and that fascination only grew from then on.

Most of the ones I play are RPGs, but every now and then I'll play something like this or the game "Broken Reality".

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Hylician Legend wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:33 pm
I think I did mention but the way the game does things makes it so the rapid fire with a lot of ammo is the closest thing to no clip you can get with some weapons as you will see when you try out the update only some weapons have a clip and the ones that do the ammo cheats all do a no clip. The add ammo cheat also adds 999,999,999 to the clip of any weapon with a clip.

Just a warning though some of the weapons are loud as hell with the rapid fire as you would know if you have used it before in most games as they generally are. The AR is probably the quietest then the shotguns sound the same as normal but you can see the walkers get annihilated very quickly lol

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

Sorry I'm late on this. So, update:

Infinite health works, Infinite Barricade works. I could not get the rapid fire script to work or the ammo script to work, despite following instructions exactly to the letter. The reduce wave number scripts also do not work for me. In fact, the on where you can manually reduce the wave number had a really LONG number value instead of the actual amount in the wave and changing it to zero did nothing.

I am guessing it is somewhat different for each of us outside of infinite health and and barricade, I guess. Still, I'm sure this can be fixed somehow. But if it's a pain in the ass, just let me know. I didn't expect a small indie game like this to be hard to cheat. I thought it would be easy-peasy at first, lol.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Hylician Legend wrote:
Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:44 am
Did you see my edit earlier I forgot to mention you need to shoot again after enabling that ammo section to populate the list and so the ammo cheats work.

Idk what is going on with the rapid fire cheats then as I have been able to reliably use them all after shooting the weapon before activation.
The game does some strange stuff though like lately the inf barricade aob doesn't appear for ages for me.

I didn't think the walkers remaining would be the same it was just that it was always the same address for me. It's an easy one to find for yourself though just search for a 4byte and whatever number is in the top left. Kill walkers and keep scanning till you find it. You can probably just keep that value as it's likely the same every time you boot up like mine is for me.

Yeah some of these weird games are easy and some are just weird lol I might try and test my table on a friend's pc some time this week to see if the rapid fire instructions are different.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

So I finally got the ammo script to work, plus the "9,999,999"ammo option to work. Still can't get rapidfire to active properly. I can open the rapidfire section, but the options under it don't activate, despite shooting a second time right after activation.

Not sure why the ammo option didn't work last time, no matter how many times I fired. It seems to only activate on the very first shot you ever make in the first round/wave.

Infinite Barricade is definitely a little wonky when trying to activate, but it does eventually.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Glowmoss »

Hylician Legend wrote:
Wed Jan 05, 2022 4:21 pm
Hopefully this is my last change. Try out the new table if you can. I changed the aobscans to lua ones so they don't hang cheat engine so bad if they aren't found they will just give an error. I think I got the rapid fire cheat working you don't have to do anything before activating it should just activate even at the main menu. The main problem with the rapid fire cheats was the aob had part of an address in it and I didn't notice until I tested it on another pc lol I am blind sometimes.
I changed the ammo section to just use the hp cmp so there is now a hp and ammo section. I got rid of the walkers remaining and old scripts.

Do note the lua aobscan will mean there is slightly longer activation times but its better than a massive hang if it couldn't find the aob.

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Re: [Request] Waves of Rotting Flesh

Post by Hylician Legend »

This actually works a LOT better, thank you! (Even the rapidfire) I really appreciate this update.

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