Looks like this is the place to dump CK3 info.
ck3.exe+29B1BF0 is the base address of the structure containing ironman flag & the integrity/checksum flag
+F9 = checksum/integrity, 0 disables achievements
+FA = ironman, 0 disables ironman
- The +F9 check seems to be a rollup of all the different checks that are done (mod checksum, save file modification, debug mode enabled) that were independent flags in CK2
ck3.exe+29B076A is the debug/console enabled flag (normally enable by setting -debug_mode as a flag in a shortcut to the exe)
- Unlike in CK2, running console commands does not flip the integrity switch, instead it only checks against the debug/console enabled flag.
A very basic achievement test did appear to succeed, though the ingame achievement menu is fubared (displays nothing).
Code: Select all
// Reading ironman flag
ck3.exe+337229 - 48 89 05 C0A96702 - mov [ck3.exe+29B1BF0],rax { (A6CCEBE000) }
ck3.exe+337230 - 0FB6 80 FA000000 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+000000FA] - reads ironman flag
ck3.exe+337237 - 48 8D 54 24 48 - lea rdx,[rsp+48]
Code: Select all
// on hitting console button (~), check for debug mode enabled
ck3.exe+1461870 - 40 57 - push rdi
ck3.exe+1461872 - 48 83 EC 50 - sub rsp,50 { 80 }
ck3.exe+1461876 - 48 C7 44 24 20 FEFFFFFF - mov qword ptr [rsp+20],FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE { -2 }
ck3.exe+146187F - 48 89 5C 24 60 - mov [rsp+60],rbx
ck3.exe+1461884 - 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
ck3.exe+1461887 - 80 3D DCEE5401 00 - cmp byte ptr [ck3.exe+29B076A],00 { (1),0 } - compares debug mode (console) flag
ck3.exe+146188E - 75 09 - jne ck3.exe+1461899
ck3.exe+1461890 - C6 41 48 00 - mov byte ptr [rcx+48],00 { 0 }
ck3.exe+1461894 - E9 C8000000 - jmp ck3.exe+1461961
ck3.exe+1461899 - 48 8B 49 50 - mov rcx,[rcx+50]
Code: Select all
// checking if debug/console enabled & setting the integrity flag
ck3.exe+13196EF - 80 3D 74706901 00 - cmp byte ptr [ck3.exe+29B076A],00 { (0),0 } - checks against debug mode flag
ck3.exe+13196F6 - 0F94 C0 - sete al
ck3.exe+13196F9 - 20 83 F9000000 - and [rbx+000000F9],al - writes integrity flag