Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by virusposter »

Here's the most recent version (still old, but works with 6.7)

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by jaksropo »

Hello, dude. can you share the source code of stealth edit?

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by film189 »

thank ser

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by StakFallT »

This plugin was made to deal with memory integrity checks that you may find in single player games sometimes. If a game has such protection, it will scan the game codes in the memory and in case it will find some difference compared to the original codes, it will usually just crash the game.
-- STN

Not sure if it's been mentioned here or not, but Wizardry 8 is a BIG culprit of this crap. It's weird because I don't recall seeing it mentioned anywhere (not just here, but anywhere really), but everytime I've used cheat engine on it and make a change to a value, the game automatically goes to a Falcon Northwest ad that when you click to get past, the game then auto-closes. I'm guessing it's a game-exit ad that occurs every time you exit the game (I can't recall, been a long while since I played the game), and I remember there were only trainers for like version 1.00 (or something like that) and version 1.01 is the version on my disc (and Steam I think as well since I bought the collection there also). And it's not just once every now and then like the game just got confused and "inflated its airbags", no; it was consistent. everytime.

Sorry to add to an aging post (especially as my 1st post :/), but I kinda wanted to document that game as falling into the case of some sort of memory integrity check in case someone else is doing internet searches trying to find info on the very thing I was dealing with (i.e. you're not alone, it's not you :)) I could have created a new topic, but it seems like it would be an "empty" post to create a new topic just for that, especially when I personally feel like it fits better here since this plugin deals with the very thing I'm documenting :)

Come to think of it, if the point of the memory integrity check is to prevent crackers, I wonder if a cracked copy wouldn't have that issue... It's not like I don't own (at this point) two copies of it.

Disclaimer: It MAY have changed since then (i.e. there may be trainers out there for the 1.01? version), I don't know. As I mentioned, it's been a long while since I played the game, but last I played it, it was that way and it sucked because I was on a store-bought copy of the game (pressed-disc) and didn't have access to an earlier version short of maybe downloading an older executable off the net somewhere.

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by Csimbi »

virusposter wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:27 pm
Here's the most recent version (still old, but works with 6.7)

Sorry about resurrecting this thread.
It is not mentioned above, this appears to be StealthEdit version 2.4.2.
Is this still the newest version?

Is the source code available somewhere for educational purposes?

Thank you!

I am trying to use 2.4.2
I use cheatengine-x86_64.exe, so I add umstealthedit-x86_64.dll as a plugin.
I attach to a 32bit process, and try 'Stealthedit this page" in the Memory Viewer.
A short hang and I get this:
Any ideas why umstealthedit-x86_64.dll plugin would want to load an i386 worker?
Just for the kick of it, I copied seworker-x86_64.dll over seworker-i386.dll - and I got the same error.

For the record, I tried adding the i386 plugin (umstealthedit-i386.dll) and I got this:

Thank you!

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by VampTY »

Csimbi wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:12 pm

Hey Csimbi

Read the info provided on some table i've shared


I've also added the plugin made by the Lord STN here viewtopic.php?p=337774#p337774 in case i've messed up the download link.

Not many people use it, though is quite useful, i've tested it from Cheat Version 7 to the 7.5 and worked.

Take care! :P

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by DarkIceCore »

VampTY wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:03 pm

Read the info provided on some table i've shared

Take care! :P
in this "topic":
VampTY wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:48 am
- First thingy is to make sure to add (if you don't have it) the folder stealth edit in your Cheat Engine "\plugins" folder (the version must be 2.4.2 or newer, make sure also to add the right files corresponding to your CPU, either the 32 version or the 64 version, not both).
- Then enable the plugin in Cheat Engine through "Edit/Settings/Plugins" and select, regarding your CPU, either "umstealthedit-i386" or "umstealthedit-x86_64.dll" and "Usermode Stealthedit functionality for CE 6.5 and later (Version 2.4.2)" and finish with "OK".
VampTY wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:03 pm
make sure also to add the right files corresponding to your CPU, either the 32 version or the 64 version, not both).
yep, i need update my hardware from lovly Zilog Z8000.
maybe, only maybe, there was about OS.
i'm just learning.

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Re: Stealthedit plugin for dealing with memory checks (Last update: 21th May, 2012)

Post by Csimbi »

VampTY wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:03 pm
Thanks Vi!
My problem was DEP - it had to be enabled for all processes.

Turns out, you can have both -i386 and -x86_64 in the same folder, only one will show up in CE.
I unzipped it as is and it works (now that DEP is set correctly).

That package you linked is stealthedit 2.4.2 - just in case anyone needs to know.

Thank you!

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