Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Work in progress..





How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by sebastianyyz »

Wow! Amazing. Thank you

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

sebastianyyz wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:07 am
SunBeam wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:48 pm
sebastianyyz wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:14 pm
God mode was the best feature of this table
You have a script in [ Debug ] section called " Unreal Engine 'god' :) ". Try it out.
Thank you. That worked
Note that the PlayerPawn and VehiclePawn are 2 different Pawns. When you mount a vehicle, PlayerController receives the "current" Pawn. Which is the VechiclePawn. Meaning while you've activated god with that script for the Player, you could re-run the script (run it 2 times, Disable, Enable) to enable god for the Vehicle as well. And of course, if you transition, since Pawns are not Transient UObjects, you will need to redo the god enabling. Will post a script that does it automatically for you within a hook later on.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by TimFun13 »

So I found recoil and spread, but I'm having trouble with sway. Didn't know if you found any thing for that, yet.

Code: Select all

	Process				: Borderlands3.exe  -  (x64)
	Module				: Borderlands3.exe
	Game Title			: Borderlands3
	Game File Version 	:
	Game Version		:
	CE Version			: 7.1
	Script Version		: 0.0.1
	Date				: 04/26/20
	Author				: ShyTwig16
	Name				: WeaponRecoilHook

	Weapon Recoil Hook


define(address, Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9929)
define(bytes, F3 0F 58 8B A8 01 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobWeaponRecoilHook, Borderlands3.exe, F30F100FF30F588BA8010000F30F118BA8010000)
define(injWeaponRecoilHook, aobWeaponRecoilHook+4)
assert(injWeaponRecoilHook, bytes)

alloc(memWeaponRecoilHook, 0x400, injWeaponRecoilHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrWeaponRecoilHook],rbx
		xorps xmm1,xmm1
		// addss xmm1,[rbx+000001A8]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9929  -  000000015F4E9929
//// AOB address: 000000015F4E9925  -  Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9925
//// Process: Borderlands3.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module: Borderlands3.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module Size: 0000000025AAB000
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98CA:  0F29 74 24 30               -  movaps [rsp+30],xmm6               
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98CF:  48 89 CB                    -  mov rbx,rcx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98D2:  48 8B 89 18010000           -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000118]             
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98D9:  0F28 F3                     -  movaps xmm6,xmm3                   
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98DC:  0F29 7C 24 20               -  movaps [rsp+20],xmm7               
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98E1:  0F28 FA                     -  movaps xmm7,xmm2                   
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98E4:  48 89 D7                    -  mov rdi,rdx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98E7:  48 85 C9                    -  test rcx,rcx                       
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98EA:  0F84 93000000               -  je 15F4E9983                       
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98F0:  48 8B 01                    -  mov rax,[rcx]                      
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98F3:  FF 90 48010000              -  call qword ptr [rax+00000148]      
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98F9:  48 85 C0                    -  test rax,rax                       
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E98FC:  0F84 81000000               -  je 15F4E9983                       
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9902:  F3 0F10 44 24 70            -  movss xmm0,[rsp+70]                
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9908:  B2 01                       -  mov dl,01                          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E990A:  F3 0F11 83 BC010000         -  movss [rbx+000001BC],xmm0          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9912:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9915:  F3 0F11 BB B4010000         -  movss [rbx+000001B4],xmm7          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E991D:  F3 0F11 B3 B8010000         -  movss [rbx+000001B8],xmm6          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9925:  F3 0F10 0F                  -  movss xmm1,[rdi]                   <<<--- AOB Starts Here
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9929:  F3 0F58 8B A8010000         -  addss xmm1,[rbx+000001A8]          
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9931:  F3 0F11 8B A8010000         -  movss [rbx+000001A8],xmm1          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9939:  F3 0F10 47 04               -  movss xmm0,[rdi+04]                
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E993E:  F3 0F58 83 AC010000         -  addss xmm0,[rbx+000001AC]          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9946:  F3 0F11 83 AC010000         -  movss [rbx+000001AC],xmm0          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E994E:  F3 0F10 4F 08               -  movss xmm1,[rdi+08]                
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9953:  F3 0F58 8B B0010000         -  addss xmm1,[rbx+000001B0]          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E995B:  F3 0F11 8B B0010000         -  movss [rbx+000001B0],xmm1          
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9963:  8B 80 90070000              -  mov eax,[rax+00000790]             
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9969:  89 83 C0010000              -  mov [rbx+000001C0],eax             
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E996F:  0FB6 44 24 78               -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rsp+78]        
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9974:  88 83 C4010000              -  mov [rbx+000001C4],al              
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E997A:  48 8B 03                    -  mov rax,[rbx]                      
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E997D:  FF 90 58030000              -  call qword ptr [rax+00000358]      
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9983:  48 8B 5C 24 50              -  mov rbx,[rsp+50]                   
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9988:  0F28 74 24 30               -  movaps xmm6,[rsp+30]               
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E998D:  0F28 7C 24 20               -  movaps xmm7,[rsp+20]               
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9992:  48 83 C4 40                 -  add rsp,40                         
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9996:  5F                          -  pop rdi                            
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9997:  C3                          -  ret                                
Borderlands3.exe+1F4E9998:  CC                          -  int 3                              
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

Code: Select all

	Process				: Borderlands3.exe  -  (x64)
	Module				: Borderlands3.exe
	Game Title			: Borderlands3
	Game File Version 	:
	Game Version		:
	CE Version			: 7.1
	Script Version		: 0.0.1
	Date				: 04/26/20
	Author				: ShyTwig16
	Name				: WeaponSpreadHook

	Weapon Spread Hook


define(address, Borderlands3.exe+1E7298C2)
define(bytes, F3 0F 10 BB A0 00 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobWeaponSpreadHook, Borderlands3.exe, E8xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxx45xxxxxx74)
define(injWeaponSpreadHook, aobWeaponSpreadHook+B)
assert(injWeaponSpreadHook, bytes)

alloc(memWeaponSpreadHook, 0x400, injWeaponSpreadHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		push rax
		mov rax,[ptrPlayerHook]
		test rax,rax
		jz o_code
			mov rax,[rax+678]
			test rax,rax
			jz o_code
				mov rax,[rax+68]
				test rax,rax
				jz o_code
					mov rax,[rax+180]
					test rax,rax
					jz o_code
						lea rax,[rax+9B0]
						cmp rax,rbx
						jne o_code
							mov [ptrWeaponSpreadHook],rbx
							xorps xmm7,xmm7
							movss [rbx+A0],xmm7
							jmp exit
		movss xmm7,[rbx+000000A0]
		pop rax
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: Borderlands3.exe+1E7298C2  -  000000015E7298C2
//// AOB address: 000000015E7298B7  -  Borderlands3.exe+1E7298B7
//// Process: Borderlands3.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module: Borderlands3.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module Size: 0000000025AAB000
Borderlands3.exe+1E72985D:  0F29 BC 24 80000000         -  movaps [rsp+00000080],xmm7         
Borderlands3.exe+1E729865:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1E729868:  44 0F29 44 24 70            -  movaps [rsp+70],xmm8               
Borderlands3.exe+1E72986E:  44 0F29 4C 24 60            -  movaps [rsp+60],xmm9               
Borderlands3.exe+1E729874:  44 0F29 5C 24 40            -  movaps [rsp+40],xmm11              
Borderlands3.exe+1E72987A:  44 0F29 64 24 30            -  movaps [rsp+30],xmm12              
Borderlands3.exe+1E729880:  E8 BB6A33E4                 -  call 142A60340                     
Borderlands3.exe+1E729885:  F3 0F10 BB A0000000         -  movss xmm7,[rbx+000000A0]          
Borderlands3.exe+1E72988D:  44 0F28 E0                  -  movaps xmm12,xmm0                  
Borderlands3.exe+1E729891:  0F2E BB E0000000            -  ucomiss xmm7,[rbx+000000E0]        
Borderlands3.exe+1E729898:  F3 44 0F10 43 38            -  movss xmm8,[rbx+38]                
Borderlands3.exe+1E72989E:  45 0F57 C9                  -  xorps xmm9,xmm9                    
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298A2:  F3 0F10 73 44               -  movss xmm6,[rbx+44]                
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298A7:  F3 41 0F5C F0               -  subss xmm6,xmm8                    
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298AC:  75 06                       -  jne 15E7298B4                      
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298AE:  41 0F2E F1                  -  ucomiss xmm6,xmm9                  
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298B2:  74 16                       -  je 15E7298CA                       
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298B4:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298B7:  E8 940934E4                 -  call 142A6A250                     <<<--- AOB Starts Here
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298BC:  F3 44 0F10 43 38            -  movss xmm8,[rbx+38]                
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298C2:  F3 0F10 BB A0000000         -  movss xmm7,[rbx+000000A0]          
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298CA:  F3 44 0F10 5B 50            -  movss xmm11,[rbx+50]               
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298D0:  45 0F2E D9                  -  ucomiss xmm11,xmm9                 
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298D4:  74 54                       -  je 15E72992A                       
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298D6:  44 0F29 54 24 50            -  movaps [rsp+50],xmm10              
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298DC:  31 D2                       -  xor edx,edx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298DE:  F3 44 0F10 53 5C            -  movss xmm10,[rbx+5C]               
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298E4:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298E7:  E8 147D33E4                 -  call 142A61600                     
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298EC:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298EE:  74 06                       -  je 15E7298F6                       
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298F0:  F3 44 0F58 53 68            -  addss xmm10,[rbx+68]               
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298F6:  F3 0F10 83 E4000000         -  movss xmm0,[rbx+000000E4]          
Borderlands3.exe+1E7298FE:  0F28 CF                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm7                   
Borderlands3.exe+1E729901:  41 0F2F C1                  -  comiss xmm0,xmm9                   
Borderlands3.exe+1E729905:  76 0B                       -  jna 15E729912                      
Borderlands3.exe+1E729907:  F3 41 0F58 C2               -  addss xmm0,xmm10                   
Borderlands3.exe+1E72990C:  44 0F2F E0                  -  comiss xmm12,xmm0                  
Borderlands3.exe+1E729910:  72 12                       -  jb 15E729924                       
Borderlands3.exe+1E729912:  C7 83 E4000000 00000000     -  mov [rbx+000000E4],00000000        
Borderlands3.exe+1E72991C:  F3 41 0F58 F3               -  addss xmm6,xmm11                   
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

The spread cheat is using my player hook to filter, not sure if there is another way to do it.

Code: Select all

	Process				: Borderlands3.exe  -  (x64)
	Module				: Borderlands3.exe
	Game Title			: Borderlands3
	Game File Version 	:
	Game Version		:
	CE Version			: 7.1
	Script Version		: 0.0.1
	Date				: 04/26/20
	Author				: ShyTwig16
	Name				: PlayerHook

	Player Hook


define(address, Borderlands3.exe+A98E5E)
define(bytes, 48 85 C0 0F 84 2F 01 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobPlayerHook, Borderlands3.exe, F3xxxxxxxxxxxxxx48xxxx0F84xxxxxxxx48xxxxE8xxxxxxxx48xxxxxx44)
define(injPlayerHook, aobPlayerHook+8)
assert(injPlayerHook, bytes)

alloc(memPlayerHook, 0x400, injPlayerHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrPlayerHook],rax
		test rax,rax
		reassemble(injPlayerHook+3) // je 140A98F96
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: Borderlands3.exe+A98E5E  -  0000000140A98E5E
//// AOB address: 0000000140A98E56  -  Borderlands3.exe+A98E56
//// Process: Borderlands3.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module: Borderlands3.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module Size: 0000000025AAB000
Borderlands3.exe+A98E13:  41 0F28 F0                  -  movaps xmm6,xmm8                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E17:  EB 08                       -  jmp 140A98E21                      
Borderlands3.exe+A98E19:  0F2F F7                     -  comiss xmm6,xmm7                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E1C:  72 03                       -  jb 140A98E21                       
Borderlands3.exe+A98E1E:  0F28 F7                     -  movaps xmm6,xmm7                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E21:  66 41 0F6E C6               -  movd xmm0,r14d                     
Borderlands3.exe+A98E26:  0F28 CF                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm7                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E29:  0F5B C0                     -  cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0                 
Borderlands3.exe+A98E2C:  F3 0F5C CE                  -  subss xmm1,xmm6                    
Borderlands3.exe+A98E30:  F3 0F59 C8                  -  mulss xmm1,xmm0                    
Borderlands3.exe+A98E34:  F3 44 0F2C F1               -  cvttss2si r14d,xmm1                
Borderlands3.exe+A98E39:  45 85 F6                    -  test r14d,r14d                     
Borderlands3.exe+A98E3C:  7F 05                       -  jg 140A98E43                       
Borderlands3.exe+A98E3E:  45 33 F6                    -  xor r14d,r14d                      
Borderlands3.exe+A98E41:  EB 0F                       -  jmp 140A98E52                      
Borderlands3.exe+A98E43:  41 81 FE FF000000           -  cmp r14d,000000FF                  
Borderlands3.exe+A98E4A:  7C 06                       -  jl 140A98E52                       
Borderlands3.exe+A98E4C:  41 BE FF000000              -  mov r14d,000000FF                  
Borderlands3.exe+A98E52:  48 8B 45 88                 -  mov rax,[rbp-78]                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E56:  F3 0F10 35 162D6903         -  movss xmm6,[14412BB74]             [(float)0.0833]<<<--- AOB Starts Here
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
Borderlands3.exe+A98E5E:  48 85 C0                    -  test rax,rax                       
Borderlands3.exe+A98E61:  0F84 2F010000               -  je 140A98F96                       
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
Borderlands3.exe+A98E67:  48 8B C8                    -  mov rcx,rax                        
Borderlands3.exe+A98E6A:  E8 F134FA01                 -  call 142A3C360                     
Borderlands3.exe+A98E6F:  48 8D 4D 98                 -  lea rcx,[rbp-68]                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E73:  44 0F28 C8                  -  movaps xmm9,xmm0                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E77:  48 89 4C 24 70              -  mov [rsp+70],rcx                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E7C:  45 33 ED                    -  xor r13d,r13d                      
Borderlands3.exe+A98E7F:  90                          -  nop                                
Borderlands3.exe+A98E80:  66 41 0F6E CD               -  movd xmm1,r13d                     
Borderlands3.exe+A98E85:  0F5B C9                     -  cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1                 
Borderlands3.exe+A98E88:  F3 0F59 CE                  -  mulss xmm1,xmm6                    
Borderlands3.exe+A98E8C:  41 0F2F C9                  -  comiss xmm1,xmm9                   
Borderlands3.exe+A98E90:  73 7A                       -  jae 140A98F0C                      
Borderlands3.exe+A98E92:  4C 63 21                    -  movsxd  r12,dword ptr [rcx]        
Borderlands3.exe+A98E95:  41 8B C4                    -  mov eax,r12d                       
Borderlands3.exe+A98E98:  25 03000080                 -  and eax,80000003                   [000000E3]
Borderlands3.exe+A98E9D:  7D 07                       -  jnl 140A98EA6                      
Borderlands3.exe+A98E9F:  FF C8                       -  dec eax                            
Borderlands3.exe+A98EA1:  83 C8 FC                    -  or eax,-04                         
Borderlands3.exe+A98EA4:  FF C0                       -  inc eax                            
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:59 pm
I've updated main post with my recent stuff. Just run the [ Enable ] script to get all the stuff displayed nicely in [ Debug ] section. I'm currently seeing this:


For the current Weapon I'm holding, the culprits are:
  • [[0320]+0010] WeaponRecoilPatternComponent
  • [[0320]+0018] WeaponSwayComponent
You're to make 0 the values with a *, namely Attr2 in each :) Note the 2 components are dynamic, in the sense that for some weapons they might be stored at +/-8 in the components block. If you can't see proper DWORDs, then open the tree and change this:


For my current Weapon the WeaponRecoilPatternComponent is at 0x10 in the chain. Like I said, for some other weapons, it may be at 0x18 or 0x20. Depends how UE4 initializes the component tree. Of course, there's Engine functions that can get the right component for you, starting from Weapon. I don't remember if both components behaved liked this or just the Sway one. Oh, and speaking of Recoil, check "[0028] CameraModifier .bExclusive|.bDebug" and set it to 0xC :P No more stupid screen shaking when shooting your weapon.


P.S.: Sure, debug the shit out of it and write some hook scripts :P

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

I've taken a quick look at your PlayerHook. I've back-traced and compared it to what happens in my demo ShooterGame. The path is this:

Code: Select all

0000000148069FE9 | E8 823F39F8 | CALL <borderlands3.FEngine::Loop>
00000001403FEF63 | E8 98530E01 | CALL <borderlands3.FTicker::Tick>
00000001414E4528 | FF50 38     | CALL QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+38] // UGbxGameInstance::Tick
0000000140BE77F7 | E8 34810300 | CALL borderlands3.140C1F930 // UOakGameInstance::Tick
0000000142C7E544 | 48:8B01     | MOV RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RCX] // GameInstance
0000000142C7E547 | FFA0 78030000 | JMP QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+378] // borderlands3.140B7F8D0 == GameInstance::Tick
0000000140B8072E | 48:85C0     | TEST RAX,RAX // your hook

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by sebastianyyz »

Thank you for making the option of removing screen shaking, I hate that

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by TimFun13 »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:05 am
I've taken a quick look at your PlayerHook. I've back-traced and compared it to what happens in my demo ShooterGame. The path is this:

Code: Select all

0000000148069FE9 | E8 823F39F8 | CALL <borderlands3.FEngine::Loop>
00000001403FEF63 | E8 98530E01 | CALL <borderlands3.FTicker::Tick>
00000001414E4528 | FF50 38     | CALL QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+38] // UGbxGameInstance::Tick
0000000140BE77F7 | E8 34810300 | CALL borderlands3.140C1F930 // UOakGameInstance::Tick
0000000142C7E544 | 48:8B01     | MOV RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RCX] // GameInstance
0000000142C7E547 | FFA0 78030000 | JMP QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+378] // borderlands3.140B7F8D0 == GameInstance::Tick
0000000140B8072E | 48:85C0     | TEST RAX,RAX // your hook
Inturesting, I'll have to take a look at that. Unfortunately I can't use your table without the game crashing, but that mite be because I haven't gotten the steam version yet. Money is a little tight, hopefully in the next week or so I will be able to buy it on steam.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:19 am
Inturesting, I'll have to take a look at that. Unfortunately I can't use your table without the game crashing, but that mite be because I haven't gotten the steam version yet. Money is a little tight, hopefully in the next week or so I will be able to buy it on steam.
It's not that. It's hogging memory, so the hook [Enable] script applies eats more than 5 bytes :) Table should work for any platform-specific version you try :P I play the Epic Store one.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by jonasbeckman »

Trying to hook it to the Steam version throws a immediate exception error same as the other table so it might be a bit sensitive to some of the changes between these two versions then again the game is sensitive to hooks overall and frequently crashes on exit with other stuff injected like the generic UE4 console unlocker which I've been using for various tweaks even if the more cheat related cvars are mostly unavailable from this method. :)

Just mentioning it, not like it's expected that every version can or could be supported when it's a full price retail title and even with discounts that's still 40 - 50 US Dollars at best and without that it's up to around 60 - 80 dollars or more depending on version of the game, regional pricing and all that which could be better used for other things.

Don't think it matters too much but I am on a AMD GPU as well and their driver situation has been less than stellar for over a year now with D3D9 to D3D11 affected pretty badly so it's Vulkan even if it's going via a D3D11 wrapper or D3D12 ha ha.
(Or not but what to do but laugh when this both resolves most if not all software related stability issues and causes a 40 - 60% performance increase for the VLK wrapper which should normally be around a 10 - 20% decrease for the overhead introduced.)

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by sebastianyyz »

I am using the Steam version and most of the options work. Although I only wanted god mode, there are more things that I use such as accuracy and no screen shake.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:19 am
Please re-download the table in post #1. I've rearranged the [ Enable ] script; should be stable now, as it's not using allocations anymore :P You can always rely on the "hospitality" of the PE header for quite a huge code-cave :D

Code: Select all

local gameProcess = process
local gameModule = getAddress( gameProcess )
local Init = gameModule + 0x500
fullAccess( Init, 0xB00 )
unregisterSymbol( "Init" )
registerSymbol( "Init", Init, true )
jonasbeckman wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:12 pm
I'm telling you it's the [ Enable ] script, as it's the only one allocating memory. Let me give you an example: you start Borderlands 3, go in a map; you then switch to Desktop and do other stuff, open other programs; or you already have youtube running in a browser, along with several other tabs, let's say Photoshop open and some other shit in your taskbar. With all of this piled up, CE will have a hard time allocating memory close to the game process (even if you specify that 3rd parameter - alloc( x, size, {process} ) - CE will still allocate that 1MB in high-memory). When this happens, any hook that's supposed to do "jmp alloc" will be assembled as "FF 25 {14 bytes}" and not as "E9 {4 bytes}". Most, if not all scripts I saw on FRF, do not ever take this fact into account. That CE might allocate in high memory. Then comes user Billy who has a shit load of apps running at the same time with the game (Discord, watching Twitch, etc.) and notices his game crashes as soon as he enables some script. And without too much knowledge will do this "script dun work for me; ctd" (tried to mimic the language these people use). Why? It's not because of the game version, it's not because some AOB isn't found; it's because of paging.

Regarding the DLL and the crashing you mentioned: please keep in mind the DLL is creating the Console UObject only when the GameViewportClient UObject has been initialized. The "only when" is not a condition I check in the DLL :) So if the UObject wasn't created to begin with, then "mov rax,[ptr]" // and it's 0 == mov rax,[0] == crash. Which is why I recommend you run the injector at least when you are at main menu (not before, not when movies are playing, not when Claptrap is moving left-right and game is loading).

Back to the table: you can now use "Inline OakCheatManager", which will make sure the CheatManager will always be created when a transition happens (on a normal Shipping build with this compiled in, the call happens in APlayerController::PostInitializeComponents function; I just inlined it in, so there's no escaping :D good job, devs.. NOT!). But yeah, even with this UObject created, stuff like god, fly, ghost still needs to be initialized (via dynamic initializers, like I did in the past; will be available, just looking for a generic way that wouldn't require me to fix the script each update).

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by TimFun13 »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:35 pm
Well the game doesn't crash with this one, but it seems the offsets differ for my version. But I think I can start to figure some things out with the table and the other stuff you posted. Thanks for the help.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:42 am
SunBeam wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:35 pm
Well the game doesn't crash with this one, but it seems the offsets differ for my version. But I think I can start to figure some things out with the table and the other stuff you posted. Thanks for the help.
They should differ only for Recoil and Sway; like I said, those are depending on the Weapon you currently have equipped.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by kingkongbro »


steam version

Item Spawner, Does the feature not work?

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