Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - Update 1

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Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - Update 1

Post by Rysefox »

I made a quick table for Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34

Table preview:
  • Unlimited Primary Attack
    Unlimited Secondary Attack
    Unlimited Boost
    Unlimited Health
    MouseOver OneHitKill
    Unlimited Shield
    Unlimited Money
    Unlimited Inventory Miscellaneous
    Max Stars On Equipment
    Unlimited Mission Time
    Remove Instant the Mission Timer
People who ask me how I work with flags:

This video is only "54" minutes long because I knew all stuff like compares. Total costs 2 hours.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(776.88 KiB) Downloaded 232 times
First Release
(772.9 KiB) Downloaded 160 times
Last edited by Rysefox on Fri Aug 09, 2019 1:11 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - First Relase

Post by fantomas »


You forgot Weapon Overheat cheat :)

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Subdivision
  Version: 0.9.34
  Date   : 2019-08-07
  Author : fantomas

if syntaxcheck then return end
cheat_name = "noWeaponOverheat"
local pattern = "F3 0F 58 49 54 0F" --"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F4: F3 0F 58 49 54 -  addss xmm1,dword ptr [rcx+54]
local replace = "?? ?? 5D ?? ?? ??"
-- edit the name of the cheat
-- edit the pattern to search
-- edit the replacement bytes
-- use ?? to ignore the bytes
-- do not edit the code below
local scans = AOBScan(pattern)
if scans == nil then
  showMessage("Unable to find pattern:\n"..pattern)
  local saved = {}
  local length = (#replace + 1) / 3
  for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
    local backup = readBytes(scans[i], length, true)
    local bytes = {}
    for hex in string.gmatch(replace, "%S+") do
      local size = #bytes + 1
      if hex == "??" then
        bytes[size] = backup[size]
        bytes[size] = tonumber(hex, 16)
    saved[i] = backup
    writeBytes(scans[i], bytes)
  _G[cheat_name] = {
    ["scans"] = scans,
    ["saved"] = saved
local vars = _G[cheat_name]
if vars ~= nil then
  local scans = vars.scans
  local saved = vars.saved
  for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
    writeBytes(scans[i], saved[i])
  vars.scans = nil
  vars.saved = nil
  vars = nil
  _G[cheat_name] = nil


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F4

"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52D8: 48 83 C4 58              -  add rsp,58
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DC: C3                       -  ret
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DD: CC                       -  int 3
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DE: CC                       -  int 3
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DF: CC                       -  int 3
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52E0: 48 83 EC 48              -  sub rsp,48
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52E4: 83 79 58 01              -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+58],01
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52E8: 74 60                    -  je Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe+4D534A
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52EA: F3 0F 59 49 50           -  mulss xmm1,[rcx+50]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52EF: F3 0F 10 41 38           -  movss xmm0,[rcx+38]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F4: F3 0F 58 49 54           -  addss xmm1,dword ptr [rcx+54]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F9: 0F 2F C8                 -  comiss xmm1,xmm0
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52FC: F3 0F 11 49 54           -  movss [rcx+54],xmm1
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5301: 72 40                    -  jb Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe+4D5343
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5303: 8B 41 3C                 -  mov eax,[rcx+3C]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5306: F3 0F 10 15 2A E7 C6 01  -  movss xmm2,[Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe+2143A38]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D530E: 48 8B 51 48              -  mov rdx,[rcx+48]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5312: 0F 28 DA                 -  movaps xmm3,xmm2
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5315: 89 41 5C                 -  mov [rcx+5C],eax
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5318: 33 C0                    -  xor eax,eax
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D531A: 48 89 44 24 30           -  mov [rsp+30],rax

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - First Relase

Post by Rysefox »

fantomas wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:03 pm

You forgot Weapon Overheat cheat :)

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Subdivision
  Version: 0.9.34
  Date   : 2019-08-07
  Author : fantomas

if syntaxcheck then return end
cheat_name = "noWeaponOverheat"
local pattern = "F3 0F 58 49 54 0F" --"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F4: F3 0F 58 49 54 -  addss xmm1,dword ptr [rcx+54]
local replace = "?? ?? 5D ?? ?? ??"
-- edit the name of the cheat
-- edit the pattern to search
-- edit the replacement bytes
-- use ?? to ignore the bytes
-- do not edit the code below
local scans = AOBScan(pattern)
if scans == nil then
  showMessage("Unable to find pattern:\n"..pattern)
  local saved = {}
  local length = (#replace + 1) / 3
  for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
    local backup = readBytes(scans[i], length, true)
    local bytes = {}
    for hex in string.gmatch(replace, "%S+") do
      local size = #bytes + 1
      if hex == "??" then
        bytes[size] = backup[size]
        bytes[size] = tonumber(hex, 16)
    saved[i] = backup
    writeBytes(scans[i], bytes)
  _G[cheat_name] = {
    ["scans"] = scans,
    ["saved"] = saved
local vars = _G[cheat_name]
if vars ~= nil then
  local scans = vars.scans
  local saved = vars.saved
  for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
    writeBytes(scans[i], saved[i])
  vars.scans = nil
  vars.saved = nil
  vars = nil
  _G[cheat_name] = nil


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F4

"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52D8: 48 83 C4 58              -  add rsp,58
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DC: C3                       -  ret
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DD: CC                       -  int 3
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DE: CC                       -  int 3
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52DF: CC                       -  int 3
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52E0: 48 83 EC 48              -  sub rsp,48
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52E4: 83 79 58 01              -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+58],01
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52E8: 74 60                    -  je Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe+4D534A
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52EA: F3 0F 59 49 50           -  mulss xmm1,[rcx+50]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52EF: F3 0F 10 41 38           -  movss xmm0,[rcx+38]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F4: F3 0F 58 49 54           -  addss xmm1,dword ptr [rcx+54]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52F9: 0F 2F C8                 -  comiss xmm1,xmm0
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D52FC: F3 0F 11 49 54           -  movss [rcx+54],xmm1
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5301: 72 40                    -  jb Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe+4D5343
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5303: 8B 41 3C                 -  mov eax,[rcx+3C]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5306: F3 0F 10 15 2A E7 C6 01  -  movss xmm2,[Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe+2143A38]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D530E: 48 8B 51 48              -  mov rdx,[rcx+48]
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5312: 0F 28 DA                 -  movaps xmm3,xmm2
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5315: 89 41 5C                 -  mov [rcx+5C],eax
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D5318: 33 C0                    -  xor eax,eax
"Subdivision-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4D531A: 48 89 44 24 30           -  mov [rsp+30],rax
Yia maybe :) I did not play the game much or had no game where my weapons could overheat.

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - First Release

Post by demorest »

Something wrong wuiith script - enemies immortal, rockets dosnt travel to the target. I removed healt script and these problems gone

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - First Release

Post by starsighter »

Same for me, except, deleting the health did absolutely jack squat.

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - First Release

Post by Rysefox »

I played the Complety campaign without any problems. I used all scripts except Unlimited Shield.
But I posted a new table above.

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - Update 1

Post by Schlumbi123 »

Hy there, is it possible to build the table for the V.0.9.37 please

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Re: Subdivision Infinity DX - V.0.9.34 - +11 - Update 1

Post by vuongot »

Please can you upgrade to the newest version of the game? thank you so much!

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