Store page: [Link]
Last version compatible: (June 11th 2022) [STEAM ONLY]
- Infinite Energy
Energy won't decrease when talking, dating or playing Adventures.
- Infinite Date Moves
Date moves won't decrease.
- No Adventure Cooldown
Actions in adventures won't have any cooldown.
- No Girl Fatigue
Girls won't get fatigued when talking.
- No Date/Sex Fatigue
You'll be able to date girls all you want, they won't reject you.
- Easy Dates
Just one move will make you complete the date.
- Free Skills
All skills will cost 0.
- Free Gift
All gifts will cost 0.
- Free Personality Traits
All personality traits will cost 0.
- Free Power-Ups
All date Power-Ups will cost 0.
- Free Location Upgrades
Upgrades won't cost anything (Diamonds purchase, not materials.)
- Free Sex Date Upgrades
Sex date upgrades won't cost anything.
- Unlock All Girls
Unlock all girls. Enable the script, go on a date, and once it's finished, you'll unlock all girls.
- Unlock All Messages + Images
Unlock all messages and their respective images. Enable the script, go in the phone tab, and it will automatically unlock everything.
- All Locations Available
Unlock the requirements of all locations from the beginning.
- Unlock Asa Akira
Activated Asa Akira on the Steam version of the game. Enable the script before you go to the loading screen.
- All Outfits are Available
Makes all outfits be available even if not unlocked.
- Locations Always Open
All locations will always be opened, no matter the time it is.
- Free Gacha
Single and Multi Gacha tickets will be free of cost.
- Show Facts (Even if locked)
Shows all girls facts, even if they are locked. This doesn't make the be unlocked, but visible.
- Facts Require Nothing
Clicking talk will be enough to trigger the fact unlocking dialogue.
- Free Skip Quests
Skipping quests will be free.
- Auto Complete Event Quests
Make Event and Daily Quests redeemable. You won't need to do anything to complete them.
- All Daily Chests Available + Infinite Use
All daily chests will be available, even if you didn't complete any quest, and you'll be able to redeem them infinitely.
- +1000 Phone Slots per Purchase
Any purchase to get more phone slots will add +1000 slots. One purchase is enough to see all images from the game.
- Get Current Girl
This will show some info about the girl you're talking to. Like, name, current location, current sex pose, current background, fatigue, and a couple more. BE CAREFUL CHANGING STUFF, YOU'LL COMPLETELY BREAK YOUR SAVE.
- Get Normal Quests
Show the info of 10 of your normal quests. Info like: Quest name, Conditions to complete the quest, rewards, and a couple of options. You can change the reward to whatever item or quantity that you desire, I don't have the name of every item, that's on you. You can change the condition to make it have none too. I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY KIND OF BAN THAT YOU MIGHT GET BECAUSE YOU GAVE YOURSELF MILLIONS OF DIAMONDS.
- Get Location
Shows some info about the last clicked location. You can see the current girls in that location, the bonus reward object, and its interval.
This is basically a way to easily get any item/girl from the game. Make sure you know what you're doing when changing the bonus reward. I'm not responsible for any kind of glitches or save corruption.
- Unlocker NEW
This group will have multiple things that you can do, which are: Unlocking Girls, Locations, Stickers, Interactive Scenes, Girl Variations and Facts, and then also Add or Remove Items.
Double Click the "Do Action" value to open a dropdown menu, to see what you can do, which will specify what it needs. For example:
"Add Inventory Item [Item, Amount]" means that you need to double click the "Item" value, and choose what you want, and then double click "Amount" and choose the amount of that item to add. Once you do so, double click the "Do Action" value again and choose the option that you wanted, in this case being "Add Inventory Item".
- [Extra] ID Dumper
Dumps every ID from the game, like items, garments, girls, types and any other kind of information. If you want to change the directory where it saves the dump files, do open the script and there will be a brief explanation on top.
- Added "Girls Are Always Available" script.
- Added "Infinite Phone Storage" script.
- Added "Get Selected Girl" script.
Update 2:
- Added "No Girl Fatigue" script.
- Added "Free Date Extra Moves" script.
- Added "Free Energy Refill" script.
- Added "Free Multi Gacha" script.
- Added "100x Multi Gacha" script.
- Added "Get Current Girl" script.
- Added "Get Quests" script.
- Changed script "Unlock Locations" to "Unlock Some Requirements", as it's more precise. New accounts might suddenly unlock every single image.
- Removed "Infinite Date Moves" script, as it wasn't working. You should be fine using the "Free Date Extra Moves" script.
Update 3:
- Added 'Get Location' script.
- Added 4 more quests to the 'Get Quests' to a total of 10. It will probably stay at 10.
- Added every type of reward to the 'Reward Type' section as a dropdown.
- Removed 'Get Selected Girl' script. You can still do the same thing using 'Get Location'
Update 4:
(November 14th 2019)
- Fixed 'Get Quests' script not working on the new update.
- Changed 'Unlock Some Requirements' script to 'Unlock Locations'. It has been fully fixed and it won't be changed again.
- Added 'Auto Complete Event and Daily Quests' script.
- Added 'Complete Daily Quests Infinitely' script.
- Fixed size problem that the table had. Now it's way smaller.
Update 5:
(November 15th 2019)
- Added 'Unlock All Girls/Messages/Images' script.
- Added 'Locations Always Open' script.
- Fixed a couple of scripts that were broken with the new update.
Update 6:
(November 19th 2019)
- Added 'Show Facts' script.
- Added 'Get Clothes Name' script. It's inside the 'Get Current Girl In Wardrobe' script.
- Added '[Phone]+1000 Slots per Purchase' script.
- Added 'Free Phone Upgrades' script.
- Added 'Facts Require 1 Correct Answer' script.
- Added 'Infinite Adventure Energy' script.
- Added 'Adventure No Cooldown' script.
- Added 'Free Location Upgrades' script.
- Added 'No Date Fatigue' script.
- Removed 'Infinite Phone Storage' script, as there are two new ones that will make your slots be permanent.
Update 7:
(December 3rd 2019)
- Added table compatible with version
- Added 'Infinite Date Moves' script.
- Added 'Easy Dates' script.
- Added 'All Daily Chests Available + Infinite Use' script.
- Added 'Length' address to the 'Get Clothes Name' script so you don't need to count yourself. Yes, I forgot to add this one on the last update, oops.
- Changed the structure of the 'Get Quests' script to make it easier to find the quest you want to change.
- Fixed 'Get Location' script not updating correctly when changing location.
- Removed 'Complete Daily Quests Infinitely', as it's pretty much useless now.
(December 22nd 2019)
- Added table compatible with version
- Removed 'Infinite Free Gacha Uses' script, as it was useless when the other ones are already free and better.
(February 14th 2020)
- Added table compatible with version
- Changed how most scripts work to avoid future version incompatibility due to small game changes.
(March 12th 2020)
- Added table compatible with version
(March 20th 2020)
- Added table compatible with version
Update 8:
(June 23rd 2020)
- Made fully compatible with version
- Added 'Unlock All Messages + Their Images' script.
- Added 'Free Skip Quests' script.
- Fixed/Changed 'Unlock All Girls' script to make it work.
- Added extra 'Date Reward' tab in the 'Get Location' script.
- Added new 'Player' group. So far it has inventory items, and probably will stay like that. IMPORTANT: Click the alert on top of the group before changing anything.
- Removed 'Girls Are Always Available' script, as it seems that it's not necessary. Just leave 'Locations Always Open' enabled, and all girls unlocked will be available (If I'm wrong, the script is still inside the TESTING group).
- Fixed some scripts that weren't working but were never reported.
(July 2nd 2020)
- Added table compatible with version
Update 9:
(Forgot to add the date X Xth 2020)
- Added table compatible with version
- Removed 'Free Energy Refill' and 'Free Date Extra Moves' scripts. Due to having better alternatives.
- Removed 'Current Clothes' from the 'Get Current Girl In Wardrobe' script, due to changes on how it works.
- Removed 'Get Player Inventory' script, due to changes on how it works. This one is problematic. It's possible to get editable values, but it's messy for a script and needs lots of testing. We'll see in the future if I do it and add it.
- Changed a few scripts to make them better and less cluttered.
Update 10:
(January 4th 2021)
- Added table compatible with version
- Removed 'Free Multi Gacha' and '100x Multi Gacha' scripts, due to not working. As far as I've seen, they seem to be server-sided. Unless it's me missing something.
- Added 'Free Ticket + 10 Rewards' script in exchange for previous gacha scripts.
- Added 'Free Sex Date Upgrades' script.
- Changed 'Facts Require 1 Correct Answer' script to 'Facts Require Nothing'. (Just click talk and it'll trigger the fact unlocking dialogue)
- Changed how the 'Get Quests' script works, to make my life easier when updating the table. Just double click the 'Current Quest' address (Where it says Quest 1 on enabling the script), and choose the quest number that you want to see. Under it, it'll say how many available quests you have. If it shows the wrong amount of quests, reopen the quests window.
Update 11:
(October 31st 2021)
- Added table compatible with version [STEAM ONLY].
- Added 'Unlock Asa Akira' script.
- Added 'All Outfits are Available' script.
Update 11.1:
(November 1st 2021)
- Changed Main Script and 'Get Location' to make them work better and more consistently.
- Changed '100x Multi Gacha' to 'Custom Multi Gacha Amount'. So you can choose a custom value between 0 and 255.
- Added 'ID Dumper' script. It dumps all IDs from the game database.
Spreadsheet with names and some other info: [Link]NEW
Update 12:
(June 11th 2022)
- Added table compatible with version [STEAM ONLY].
- Added 'Unlocker' script, which allows you to unlock Girls, Locations, Stickers, Interactive Scenes, Girl Variations and Facts, and then also Add or Remove Items.
- Changed stuff a bit, removed, merged and improved some scripts.
If you use the Nutaku version of the game, you have a table here:viewtopic.php?p=222608#p222608
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1