Monster Hunter World - table v: 1.0 CT

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by jonasbeckman »

I guess it's not as simple as opening the config file and disabling or enabling DirectX 12 in case it's related to changes here and the stuff they're doing to protect the game seems kinda sensitive (Putting it mildly as I understand it.) so there's a chance of third party software interfering because of how unstable some of these designs are.

So it ends up as some sort of trial and error thing unless Capcom confirms they made a mistake and broke something another patch comes out and the current CE tables, trainers and the CRC bypass all need to be updated again anyway so perhaps just waiting a day or two and hearing if Capcom has some announcement on the Steam forum for a hotfix would be best?

EDIT: Or the tinkering requires something like the newest display driver due to whatever got changed but that should really only apply to D3D12 but then due to how some of these games are ported yeah that should can be a bit variable hah.
(For AMD that's still 20.2.1 for the GPU display driver, NVIDIA is 442.37 hotfix or the earlier 442.19 I think main driver and I doubt they'd outright require a hotfix branch driver barely a few days old.)

Probably they just tampered or changed something and it's not playing nice on some systems for well any number of reasons background programs, drivers or just general Windows stuff or common processes at worst and it's going to need a game update / hotfix to resolve. :)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by adi_a12 »

if you cant launch the game and use stracker loader mod before, remove or update it, the file are;
after i remove that 2 file, everything work perfectly

alternately, from another forum that have fix for this (i didnt try this, so i dont know if its work),
download last version of mhw from steam depot ([Link]), remove all mod, run it, load your save and save it without mod
after that update the game to new version

Code: Select all

download_depot 582010 582011 2276694299266086226

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by jonasbeckman »

Though the newer versions of that loader should throw a exception but it is possible to miss updates. :)
(Same as with these tables it injects and finds the address and then a update comes out and the utility needs a update for compatibility.) ... ?tab=files
Add error messagebox for exceptions during injection
It is a fairly recent addition though two versions old from January 22nd, easy to miss updates after all thus lots of compatibility problems when the game updates and things break because Capcom restricted modding and it had to be worked around too.

EDIT: I'm a bit crazy about keeping things updated though and at least there's a secondary workaround for getting back to a earlier version via Steam as well.

But at nearly 2 GB I have a feeling they threw in some other stuff and upcoming content as well for this patch instead of "merely" being a fix for a few various issues.

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by spacealien »

get item stop working after yesterday update

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Mirlmunir »

Yo guys, I try for testing to change my name hunter and it work, you can see it from gathering HUB or Guild card BUT in the departure window, the change don't apply and my ancien nickname still remain.. So i'm doing something wrong ?

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by HibikiRekka »

If you have Greenluma files in your steam folder, that might might be causing the crashes. Someone mentioned it over at the cs forum.

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by sHONJuNCes »

buff duration pointers are broken it seems

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Buttlight »

Void wrote:
Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:02 am
Buttlight wrote:
Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:04 am
joker897571 wrote:
Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:54 pm
Excuse me sir
Can you teach me how to use the Investigation Editor?
I really want Gold Rathian& Silver Rathalos Investigations
here is what i do to get an easy 5 box reward investigation quest:

1.1 Set the monsters on Monster 1, 2, and 3 (so far that i know only silver rathalos and brute tigrex is not listed yet but i find that brute tigrex code at least on mine is "F8 36 3A 91 33 3D 6B 2B 3F 7A 10 63 AA C4 46 AD 21 A4 DE EE") make sure all monsters is different.

1.2 YOU MUST ALSO KNOW THEIR NATURAL HABITAT to be able to create the investigation quest correctly. For monster that is not in the list, you have to find the investigation normally and well just set the "Attempt" to 10.

1.3 BY RULE ELDER DRAGON IS BETTER BE THE ONLY MONSTER IN THE INVESTIGATION so if you want and elder dragon set Monster 1 to elder dragon that you wanted, and then set Monster 2 and 3 to -none-

2. set "Health, Attack, Defense Modifier" to Lv. 5 (this will make the monster harder) and if you were also hunting crowns set the "size modifier" to "Large Chance"

3. set the "Type" of quest. whether its slaying or Capturing. hunting can be set to 3 Target (which is the monster that you have set on Monster 1, 2, 3) by choosing Hunt/3T/50 min. by nature, an elder dragon investigation can only be set to 1 target as well as capturing quest. here you can also set the time, shorter quest time means better reward.

4. "Faints", used to set how many times you can cart, the fewer the cart, the better the reward.

5. Player, the number of the player that is able to participate, the fewer the better the reward.

6. bonus reward and zeni, pretty self explanatory and it doest affect reward quality so set it to max.

based on that i can create an investigation with 5 golden box rewards when i set a hunt with 15 minute rule, all lv. 5 modifier (time and lv modifier alone usually already yield 5 box reward) , set it to 2 players and either 3 or fewer faints. it also applies to tempered monster hunt, those rule will guarantee 5 box rewards
I just tried this but now it says I don't meet the requirements of the investigation. As i was just testing how this works I only used monsters I have already fought maybe not in masters rank but all stuff i have hunted before. I am also over MR100 got there using an xp multiplier so i don't think that's it.

step by step this is what i did.
1. Picked a random investigation I think it was in the Ancient Forest and to hunt 1 monster. Don't remember what the time limit was.
2. Changed it to a Hunt/2T/50 min.
3. Made monster 1 a Pink Rathian & monster 2 a Bazelgeuse. Both not tempered. And monster 3 set to none.
The Pink Rathian I have fought in master rank the Bazelgeuse I have not.
4. I set "Health, Attack, Defense Modifier" to Lv. 5 and set the "size modifier" to "Large Chance"
5. Changed the location to Wildspire Waste.

I did not touch "Faints", the number of the players, bonus reward and zeni.
The problem is, you can't set monster 3 to none in non-elder hunting. that is what makes it unable to load. by default all non elder dragon hunts at any given area must have 3 monsters, and you can't set the same monster twice nor thrice (i think, as far as i test it back then).

i think i would sum it up this way based on the template that i found

Normal Hunts:
- must have 3 monster.
- must have correct habitat.

Tempered Hunts:
- Must have 3 monsters
- Must have correct habitat
- No Great Jagras, Girros, Dodogama, Kulu-Ya Ku as tempered.

Elder Dragon (this one i still kinda try to figure out):
- one elder dragon
- correct habitat
- can only be set to 1H type quest
- i think you can add monsters like Deviljho, bazelguese and Rajang in the enviroment as Monster 2, you might also can put other elder dragons as long as you have the habitat correct. (this is the rule that i still can't figure out)

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Mariolas96 »

How does the duplicate save work?? thanks

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by tzup »

Mariolas96 wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:38 pm
How does the duplicate save work?? thanks
I can't figure out how to use it eighter. Can anyone help?

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by EdisonTrades »

Game crashes if I try to edit in "Peak Performance" and "Attack Boost" together on any armor piece in Armor Editor.

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Viceroy »

hello, i just tested that Investigation editor is not worked.
i thought the table is outdated but other options works fine.

Also, when i try to edit Endemic Life capture, somehow i cant edit platinum fish and bomb arowana great size.
it changes another fish great size. is there any workaround ?
Mariolas96 wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:38 pm
How does the duplicate save work?? thanks
select your source and destination
and click the Duplicate box.
works for me but cant change the source other than slot 1.

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Vandes »

So, apparently I'm a complete idiot for not backing up my save.
I used this table to add 1 unit to an existing item in my box, then saved and quit the game. Now I get "Failed to read saved data for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne" before even getting to the main menu. And obviously Steam Cloud being very efficient alredy has the most up-to-date and corrupted version of the save.
Is there anything I can try?

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by tzup »

Viceroy wrote:
Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:28 am
hello, i just tested that Investigation editor is not worked.
i thought the table is outdated but other options works fine.

Also, when i try to edit Endemic Life capture, somehow i cant edit platinum fish and bomb arowana great size.
it changes another fish great size. is there any workaround ?
Mariolas96 wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:38 pm
How does the duplicate save work?? thanks
select your source and destination
and click the Duplicate box.
works for me but cant change the source other than slot 1.
Well, i can't select the destination, everytime i select slot 2 as destination, it switches back to slot 1

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Re: [Steam] Monster Hunter World (Compendium)

Post by Hentai-san »

I want to propose a little change to the [Pointers] section.

It's using entirely hard-coded addresses that reference the process (i.e. MonsterHunterWorld+XXXXXXXX).

While it's amenable to mass offset changes, it's not easily trackable in debugging and not very easy to alter without the game running. It's also not great for defining macros and all that.

I cooked up a little script to just register symbols for each hard-coded address. On each update one needs only change the address in the script. About as easy as offset changes still without having to use any AOBScans.
A replacement Pointers section
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