GameHacker's Toolkit

Want Cheat Engine to do something specific and no idea how to do that, ask here. (From simple scripts to full trainers and extensions)
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GameHacker's Toolkit

Post by SunBeam »

Hello, Lua users.

Thought of an idea that might be (or not) something very useful to you/us. Been meaning to compile a library of Lua scripts that you can easily dump in main.lua and CE will be able to load it upon being started. That being said, you'd then be able to make use of those functions anytime during writing or executing of your own Lua. If you want to share such scripts with the community, please do so in this thread. Anything at all, useful for gamehacking.

I'll help compile the whole stuff into one giant Lua helper file :) Of course, you can keep as much as you want in/from it, as long as it won't clog CE to the point of not being able to open in a timely manner.


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Re: GameHacker's Toolkit

Post by predprey »

I2 CE Lua Script Template Generator

Not the same thing but maybe a collaborative effort can serve to benefit both scripts since if we call the helper functions in our own scripts, we would also need to include the code of the helper functions into our table so users do not need to download the helper library as a dependency. Can't think of any helper functions that I use commonly though, most Lua scripts I write are specifically tailored for each game.

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GameHacker's Toolkit

Post by Empress_Ravenna »

oh this helps alot, CE was missing these D;<

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