xynthos wrote: ↑Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:16 am
I guess I just want some semblance of playing the game still, just cutting out some of the grind, not all of it. But I understand that I may be alone here on these forums for that, and asking someone to do extra work for me is unreasonable.
You could gradually increase it as you play, it's not particularly hard to do.
Also, there is still a grind for progression, as you'll be picking up weapons as you go.
You could also just not give yourself max armor to begin with, and just use the "Disable Max Pickup Radius" script. The default hotkeys are F+G to activate it, and you don't need to leave the game to use it. You can change the hotkey to be whatever you want in the right click menu by selecting the script in the table if you don't want it to be F+G. That works fine for me, as they are right next to each other and within easy reach if you're using WASD.
If you're using a gamepad to play, you can just use the Steam Controller Config to set up a double tap activator to input a double button input for F+G. You can do this with any gamepad. You don't need to be using KB+M controls in game for it to work, because the hotkeys are for sending input to CE and not EDF.
You have to activate the script and then deactivate it to get it to work, which means tapping the hotkeys twice to enable it if it is unchecked to begin with. Using the hotkeys it's super easy to do without even leaving the game.
If you turn it on right when you clear a level, it will grab every drop left in the level at once, giving you a lot more armor as you progress than you'd normally get.
You can also turn it on and off if you need a quick heal and there aren't any nearby if there are still health drops that you left behind earlier in the level.
Don't just leave it on though. Some people in this thread report that the script occasionally breaks if you do that, because anything that changes your pickup radius while it is turned on, such as sprinting or flying, and can reportedly break the script so that it stops working until you restart the game.
I haven't run into this issue myself, but I don't leave it on all the time either and just activate it as needed and deactivate it when I'm done. Just tap the hotkeys twice and you'll hear the "pickup" chime if it worked, then tap them again after that to disable it again. There's also an audio cue when you activate and deactivate it as CE plays a beep when you do so. Plus there's a visual cue when it's activated, as you'll see the radius lines on the ground. So it's easy to tell when it's enabled or not.
This also has the added benefit that you can focus on playing the game rather than running around grabbing drops all the time. There's no need to leave that one lingering enemy alive, and hoping the NPCs or other players don't kill it before you can grab all the drops you want. Plus it makes the probe effectively useless, so you can use other support items instead.
You'll also collect and upgrade weapons faster, but without breaking progression on that end either. Higher level weapons won't drop before certain levels in the game anyway, and some you have to play on harder difficulties to obtain. A few can only drop on the later levels of Inferno difficulty.
This should functionally give you the result you want, more armor faster, without maxing it out and having to set it where you want manually.
I also don't recommend using it during online play, as it grabs all the drops and other players aren't likely to appreciate that.