gideon25 wrote: ↑Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:13 am
Im talking about inventory/loot stuff/item rarity/item rolls, how it works etc.
Actually I haven't found the need to activate any of the stuff that doesn't work. My warrior needed to drink maybe 10 healing potions throughout the game (not even full healing potions). I'm playing an archer/scout currently and haven't consumed a single potion yet. She is practically running around in God mode.
For a time, I did try to figure out how to get the Spells section working for me, but since yesterday I don't even need that. Here's how I get my God mode on:
1. Remove perk cap limit and max out most perks. There are several that I don't bother with, but I do max out almost all from the old table.
2. Add as many free attribute points as the game will allow. This part is messy because the game doesn't always allow you to add the number of points you input, but you can usually get maybe 50-80 points for free.
3. If you want to level up even quicker, max out the Serenity perk and just stand in a dungeon.
Now my character is already too strong for monsters at this level (character Level 0). I will maintain this super strength by maxing out xp gain.
4. Next, I need equipment. For this, I max out gold find and magic find. In the cathedral Level 1 itself the character will level up at least 5-6 times even on Easy/Horror, but you don't need to go that far yet. The first 5-10 chests will give you enough gold to legitimately buy good equipment for your current character level. If you want to cheat even the gold, see below.
5. With items, durability can become a factor. You might think this is important for melee characters, but your AC should be so high by now that monsters will hardly get a look in on you. It is more of a factor for rangers because bows and crossbows lose durability simply through usage. You can find a damn good bow, but if it has only 10 durability, you won't be killing too many monsters even with the Conservator perk maxed out. For Durability, I just keep restocking Griswold's standard items and buying Blacksmith potions.
6. Finally, I want spells. This was the part that had me flummoxed for so long, because I was trying to update code that I couldn't follow. Now I realize I can do it within the game itself. No, I can't enable all 65 spells, but I can max out whatever I am allowed for my character level. Enable the Magic Now cheat and set it to 255. If you don't enable it, the number will get reset to your current magic value. When enabled, Cheat Engine will force your input value (255) into the game every few milliseconds. If you don't have enough gold, do the same with the Total Gold Pieces cheat and set it to a reasonably high number, say 100000. Now keep restocking Adria's inventory and buying all the books you can learn. If you keep shift-clicking fast enough, you will get your bid through at the precise moment that Cheat Engine has hard set your gold value and the purchase will go through. Similarly, to learn the spell, you need to keep right-clicking the book fast enough to catch the precise moment at which your magic is 255.
The only spells I really care about are Fury, Teleport, Telekinesis (for those pesky trapped chests), Town Portal and all the novas. Of course, I don't limit myself to just these
With just the first 5 steps, my godly character has no match in an Easy/Horror game. With the free spells, I'm untakedownable. So I haven't found the need to tinker with any of the other cheats.
Sure, it would be nice to have all spells, lower cooldowns, permanent infravision, and auto item id, but my character is so damn powerful, I'm finding myself actually turning a few perks off to have slightly more fun in the game! Don't get me wrong -- I'm a weasel and still want an overpowered character and unbalanced game, but even I'm finding I have too much power!
By the way, my Archer/Scout has the Strafer trait. It's supposed to give me 5 arrows on multishot instead of 3. On screen, I always see only 3 arrows. Any idea what gives?