Update 20200612
1.0368 CE table is revised to be R-20200611,
- add infravision+mouse pointer identify cr. [USER=415]@Lucy[/USER],
- add enable all 61 spells cr. [USER=32047]@Tivrusky[/USER],
- add "Select Current Spell Button" cr. [USER=42680]@veirdstuff[/USER]
- add All Hero Preset
[SPOILER="Tips for all Diablo Fans to have more fun and pleasure time :"]
Hero Address header
- cross mark all sub choices 2 times Base Attrib. Str Mag Dex Vit
- cross mark Magic Find +7677
Gold header
- cross mark Add min Gold Find Now and Add max Gold Find Now
Exp Gain header
- cross mark Add min-max Exp Gain Now
Offensive Header
- cross mark min+max Damage/Crit Damage
DFE/DMG Resist header
- cross mark DMG (Melee Damage) Resist % - Limitation
All Items header
- cross mark Dura Now. Beware the number of Dura Now will stay on new equipped items even number lesser than Dura Max, but still able to edit anytime
Other header and sub are your choices
and ofcourse for more mileage people and more challenge just deselect some options.
On the first level get free attrib. points 5 -> 36 or 39 points(depend on character) by edit the attrib. points put some number greater than 39, it will adjust to be 36 or 39. The later level will get 7,8,9 instead of 5 depend on level
[SPOILER="Revised table R-20200611, huh ?"]
This table is for version 1.0368, divides to 12 headers - All Hero Preset, Hero Address, Magic Find, Regen - Health, Mana, Gold, Exp. Gain, Spell, Offensive, Defensive, Resist Buffs, Durability and Utilities
All Hero Preset header - activate this options will set all the heroes into top level (still not an immortal), to be the starting point for someone new to table to get familiar to character status. By setting of the charater attribute stat, magic find, gold, exp. gain, offense and defense. After gain some experience then deactivate this header, and play around with the other headers. With this preset - Mage Mage hero pass the first level in hard mode 49k Gold, level 8 and couple rare and unique items no casualty
Hero Address header - contains the hero stat ie. hero class, hero level, hero name, Strength(Str), Magic(Mag), Dexterity(Dex) and Vitality(Vit), including Attribute Point(Attr. Points), current experience points, next level experience points. All of these can be editted (except Base Stats) but limited to game design, eg.
- character stat limit to 1,000 points each - put more number the game will revert to 1,000
- attrib. points first ten level will limit to 7 points (game give only 5) except the first level can be change from 5 to 36 or 39 depend on character. Second ten level will be 8 points limit, Third ten level 9 points limit.
- experience point will not go beyond next level experience (revert back too) this way can speed up level.
Magic Find header - contains the socall "Luck". Try to put any number and see wheter it is what you expect. The number 7677 give unique and rare items (after defeat level monster boss). Seem to have some effect to gold find.
Regen - Health,Mana header - set how many time of cuurrent health/mana regeneration
Gold header - edit both % on top of 100 % and gold pieces obtain each time spawn (min max Gold Now)
tip: 50k will enough to buy magic gears from Griswold or 100k for buying the spell books, still can enable/disable these setting anytime
Exp. Gain header - contain % on top of 100% and experience point each time killing a monster (min max Exp. Now), first couple level character will be 10+ level
tip: get faster level up by edit the experience points to be less than next level experience.
Offensive header and Defensive header - contain editable offense (To Hit (Accuracy), Physical Damage, Crit Damage) and defense (Armor Class, DFE, Damge (Melee Damage) Resist)
tip: even the not emphasized defesive character like mage or rouge have to set these or else dying so easily from just tiny monster like fallen one
Spell header - contains
- setting to Enable All 61 Spells (on enable this option, disable after enable will revert to have all spells specific to character setting - less than 61 spells).
- enable spell level to use spell without learning from spell books and maximize spell levels too.
- "Select Current Spell Button" - showing name and spell number, type acquirement and spell level ( cr. [USER=32047]@Tivrusky[/USER] and [USER=42680]@veirdstuff[/USER])
Resist Buffs header - contaians acid resist, magic resist, fire resist, cold resist, lightning resist and arrow resit. All have 85% max except Arrow Resist max at 60-90%
Durability header - contains editable dura now and dura max of equipped active slot items ie. head slot, active right hand slot, active left hand slot, torso slot, hand slot, belt slot and foot slot. Increase and decrese Item Durability. Freezing the dura now making item to be indestructible but this setting will take effect on the new equipped gears too (can edit later).
Utilities header - contain setting enable will play game smoothier (both cr. [USER=415]@Lucy[/USER]) ,
-Infravision (Seeing Spell ?) - infrared vision see monsters beyond light radius as red silhouette
-Identified item on mouse pointer (Identity Spell ?)
[SPOILER="Play around this table, how ?"]
- On every option of this table have a number (offset number), see the table sreeshot. This number will add to the Hero Address number (present on the Hero Address header). Compare like this, plan to the specific destination, the Hero address is the number of main street, the offset number is lane number.
Screenshot 2, the Hero address is 00C617A0 (main street number). The Hero Class has +1f (lane number). Adding lane number to main street number will get the destination = 00C617A0+1f got 00C617BF.
The value of this address will be 8 which infer to be Mage. But this address isn't editable.
- Another editable example - Att. Points +184 = 00C617A0+184 -> 00C61924. The value now is 0 which is editable but not beyond the program preset. Normally passing a level will got 5 points, edit to any number like 30 -> revert to 7 points (the level 2 to level 15). Promoting from level 1 to level 2 has a spcial more free points ie. got 36 or 39 points, just put the number more than 39, the game will revert it accordingly. This principle will apply to all the options of the other headers.
- Another editable example address - Current Experience +1bc address 00C6195C, now is 0. Put the number will get experience without killing any monster (still can put more than the adjacent address - Next Level Experience +1c4 00C61964 = 3500). Put 3500 into Current Experience +1bc 00C6195C will be ready to promote to level 2, attain by killing just one monster.
- With the Cheat Engine features, get the opcodes that doing something relate to the address. By creating the scripts (assembly scripts - another feature of Cheat Engine). Doulbe Click on the "
Last edited by
veirdstuff on Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.