function cycleFullCompact()
local state = not(compactmenuitem.Caption == 'Compact View Mode')
compactmenuitem.Caption = state and 'Compact View Mode' or 'Full View Mode'
getMainForm().Splitter1.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel4.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel5.Visible = state
function addCompactMenu()
if compactmenualreadyexists then return end
local parent = getMainForm().Menu.Items
compactmenuitem = createMenuItem(parent); parent.add(compactmenuitem)
compactmenuitem.Caption = 'Compact View Mode'
compactmenuitem.OnClick = cycleFullCompact
compactmenualreadyexists = 'yes'
PROCESS_NAME = 'stellaris.exe'
-------- Auto Attach
local autoAttachTimer = nil ---- variable to hold timer object
local autoAttachTimerInterval = 1000 ---- Timer intervals are in milliseconds
local autoAttachTimerTicks = 0 ---- variable to count number of times the timer has run
local autoAttachTimerTickMax = 5000 ---- Set to zero to disable ticks max
local function autoAttachTimer_tick(timer) ---- Timer tick call back
---- Destroy timer if max ticks is reached
if autoAttachTimerTickMax > 0 and autoAttachTimerTicks >= autoAttachTimerTickMax then
---- Check if process is running
if getProcessIDFromProcessName(PROCESS_NAME) ~= nil then
timer.destroy() ---- Destroy timer
openProcess(PROCESS_NAME) ---- Open the process
autoAttachTimerTicks = autoAttachTimerTicks + 1 ---- Increase ticks
autoAttachTimer = createTimer(getMainForm()) ---- Create timer with the main form as it's parent
autoAttachTimer.Interval = autoAttachTimerInterval ---- Set timer interval
autoAttachTimer.OnTimer = autoAttachTimer_tick ---- Set timer tick call back
how do you get this to work? it says it requires recifense script, but i don't know how to do that
Load up Cheat Engine.
Load Reci's table
Load extentions table, say "Yes" when CE asks to merge.
Start the game
Attach CE to stellaris process (not launcher)
Enable modded achievement during load if you want that
Enable Reci's table
Enable other scripts