It's literaly the first thin in "UI Overhaul Dynamic"s description Spoiler
For 3.0.2 - Use Beta for 3.0.3
Changelog Beta Version Older Versions 2.8.1 2.7.2 Paradox Mods[]
Mod Compatibility & Patches
Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it!
Game Title : Stellaris Nemesis x64
Game Version : 3.0.3 (d281)
Game Sponsor : Ubykh + WalletGifts + darkedone02 + hbpateiv + PF
Process Name : stellaris.exe
Relevant Info : 64bits/Space RTS with Pause
Script Version: 15.2 - AOB (x64)
CE Version : 7.0
Release date : 20-May-2021
Author : Recifense
13-Jun-2019: First Release for 64bits (v2.3.1-7b85) (s11.0) (test_branch)
13-Jun-2019: Release for 64bits (v2.3.1-bcd1) (s11.1)
15-Jun-2019: AOB release of the script + Split Research (s11.2)
18-Jun-2019: Release for 64bits (v2.3.2-00a6) (s11.3)
11-Jul-2019: Release for 64bits (v2.3.3-9b71) (s11.4)
12-Jul-2019: Quick Excavation (Phases in 5 days/Difficulty Level/minimum Clues) (s12.0)
09-Oct-2019: Release for 64bits (v2.4.0-2226) (s12.1)
10-Oct-2019: Release for 64bits (v2.4.1-73ad) (s12.2)
19-Mar-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.6.0-6a97) (Federations) (s13.0)
19-Mar-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.6.1-65d2) (s13.1)
23-Mar-2020: A change for non-steam. Script is compliant with v2.6.0 (s13.2)
15-Apr-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.6.3-ae56) (s13.3)
12-May-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.7.1-a5aa) (s13.4)
30-Oct-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.8.0-a756) (s13.5)(Necroids)
01-Nov-2020: Fix for GM during Planet Invasion(s13.6)
06-Nov-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.8.0-ce2a) (s14.0) (Colossus Quick Cracking is back)
07-Nov-2020: Fix for Quick Research option (S14.1)
20-Nov-2020: Release for 64bits (v2.8.1-dfce) (s14.2)
24-Nov-2020: Changed HPt for MOSM (v2.8.1-dfce) (s14.3)
17-Apr-2021: Release for 64bits (v3.0.1-c04b) (s15.0)(Nemesis)
24-Apr-2021: Release for 64bits (v3.0.2-91c1) (s15.1) + Improvements
20-May-2021: Release for 64bits (v3.0.3-d281) (s15.2)
- Minimum Resources: [1]
- Energy
- Minerals
- Food
- Goods (new)(v10.0)
- Alloys (new)(v10.0)
- Influence
- Unity (can be included or not)
- Minimum Special Resources: [2] (new)(v10.0)
- Volatile Motes
- Exotic Gases
- Rare Crystals
- Living Metals
- Zro
- Dark Matter
- Nanites
- Quick Research [3]
- Special Projects Only [31] (by TranscendPerfection)
- Quick Task (for some ships): [4]
- Survey
- Investigation
- Quick Production [5]
- Ship Construction
- Troop Recruitment
- Quick Colonization [6]
- Phase 1 by ship
- Phase 2 by the Player him/her/self
- Quick Population Growth [6] (new)(v10.0)
- Beings (a day)
- Machines (a month) (new)(s10.1)
- Quick Buiding [7]
- By Planet
- All kind of Districts (new)(v10.0)
- Buildings
- Clearing Blockers
- By Constructor Ship:
- Stations
- Quick Contruction of Megastructures [7]
- Phase 1 by ship
- Phases 2/3 by the player him/her/self
- God Mode: [8]
- ships (Hull/Shield/Armor)
- Stations (Hull/Shield/Armor)
- Troops
- Minimum Production per tile (new) [9]
- Troop Morale [B]
- Pretty Quick Fleet Move (original by transcendperfection) [C]
- Player's Characters quick level-up to max (v7.5) [D]
- Colossus Quick Actions (2 days) new (v8.1) [E]
- Minimum Stability [F]( new)(v10.0)
- Quick Excavation:
- Phases in 5 days [G] (new) (s12.0)
- Difficulty - always easy [H] (new) (s12.0)
- Minimum Clues (3) [I] (new) (s12.0)
- Quick First Encounter:
- Phases in 5 days [J] (new) (s15.0)
- Difficulty - always easy [K] (new) (s15.0)
- Minimum Insights (4) [L] (new) (s15.0)
- Some Pointers
[1] It will not go under MAximum/2;
[2] It will not go under 68;
[3] It may take a few days or months (but always faster than normal);
[31] Only Special Projects will be affected;
[4] It may take a few days (but always faster than normal);
[5] It may take a few days (but always faster than normal);
[6] It may take a few days or months (but always faster than normal);
[7] It may take a few days (but always faster than normal);
[8] That's it;
[9] Minimum Resource = 20; (looking at the planet surface)
[B] Morale will not decrease during battle;
[C] Human Player's fleets will travel pretty quickly;
[D] Human Player's characters will level to max pretty quickly;
[E] Human Player's Colossus will act quickly (~2 days);
[F] Colony statibility will not go under 90;
[G] Human Player' Excavation: Each Phase takes 5 days;
[H] Human Player' Excavation: Always Easy Difficulty;
[I] Human Player' Excavation: Starting clues = 3;
[J] Human Player's First Encounter: Each Phase takes 5 days;
[K] Human Player's First Encounter: Always Easy Difficulty;
[L] Human Player's First Encounter: Starting Insights = 4;
[M] Used at the table;
1) Run CE70 or greater;
2) Run Game;
3) Load the game process "stellaris.exe" in CE;
4) Load this table and activate the main script;
5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;
6) Game On;
- None defined
Save your game before unsing the cheats.
Tested on Win 10 64bits
BIG THANKS to Ubykh for providing the game.
Have Fun!
Please read the Table Extras or the information above. Pay special attention to [USAGE];
Note: The scripts use the CE command AOBScan and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.
Is anyone else having issue with the Mega Structure build speed? Doesn't seem to be working for me in the latest table. I must be doing something wrong.