Sorry for asking but when i activate the race editing/creation the civic points on the table keep the value 0 no matter what i do and if i change the number nothing happens im using the gog version in the update 2.6.1.
Sorry for asking but when i activate the race editing/creation the civic points on the table keep the value 0 no matter what i do and if i change the number nothing happens im using the gog version in the update 2.6.1.
Civics and Ethics are unaffected by that script.
They are updated manually, because they are static pointers.
Check this post for the updated pointers, just change them yourself for now: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9635&start=180#p126729
Also: CompactDisc have a great guide how to find them on the first page.
P.s: Just a small warning, I have tried to create a race with 4 points of ethic, and after going to the 'Game Details' page, i change it back to 3 again(to not make the AI nations have 4 points of ethics too), but when I start to generate the universe, the game crash.
p.p.s: Not reverting the number down to 3 don't change anything .... the game still crashes.
Sorry for asking again something but i wanted to know how exactly i use these pointers,if someone could recoomend me a tutorial it would be much appreciated!
Edit:Also i found the define file and changed to a big number already just wanted to find this code to make a table so that not every race has an absurd amount of points,also someone know how can i choose more than 6 points on civic?Because the ui keeps me from seeing the others civics when i have more than a certain number,as the already chosen civics continue on the screen until there is no space,maybe a ui mod can help me?
the main table works fine. the main scripts activates normally, but the only options that i use is Minimum Res/special res, Quick research and building.
i am playing the game right now and additionally quick productions, quick survey works too.
Main Table doesn't activate for me since 2.6.2, though it activated normally through 2.6.1. Luckily 2.6.1 became a Beta Opt-In yesterday so I'm just going to roll back the game version for now. None of the bugs Paradox cited appeared in my game.
The Category of "Some Ressources Info" is broken.
Means pointers for Alloys, Influence and Unity are outdated and not working.
Anyone with more brain as myself could possibly check and update this category?
Resource pointers only work for vanilla stellaris (no mods).
All the popular mods (planetary diversity for example) make those parts of the table no longer work. Use one of the cheatmods instead.
If it ain't working for your vanilla stellaris apologies. But in my experience it always is some mod. Same thing like PDX releasing a hotfix immediately after Recifense finishes his table.
Thank you Alaunus. Identified the culprit Mod
I have a shitload activated like Planet Diversity and Districts etc. But it was a mod which I lately added ...