[REQ] The Last Federation 3.005

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[REQ] The Last Federation 3.005

Post by DwarfWarden »

Game Name: The Last Federation
Game Engine: Not sure
Game Version: 3.005
Options Required: Most of what existed on Shinkansen's outdated table: Set Turns to 2, Hull Damage set to 0, etc.
Game/Steam Website:
Other Info: As I said before Shinkansen had a perfect table for this game. It's easily found on this site, STN did some updates to it, but it hasn't been updates in some time (I think the last table was updated for 2.003).


Since we're on 3.005 now this table could use an update, if possible. I've heard the game now apparently has some sort of anti-cheat but since it's not well-known my source for this is like two replies to old threads.

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