Cheat Engine Help

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Cheat Engine Help

Post by shopnoakash2706 »

Hello! How are y'all doing? I would be grateful if y'all could help me with some basic cheat engine stuff.

What I want to do:

1) I have a fixed value, for a fixed ability, that is in float: -1.759374976. It stays the same everytime and it is the only value that shows up when searched in Cheat Engine.

So, my question is, is there a way to let cheat engine search for that value by itself and freeze it automatically when it finds it, without me doing any of the searching?

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Re: Cheat Engine Help

Post by TimFun13 »

You can either set up a pointer, or you can use code injection. If you haven't done the CE tutorial you should start there, it goes over pointers and code injection.

Here's a playlist that goes over the basics and the CE tutorial.

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