Besides requesting an update, I am taking the initiative of attempting to update the table myself.
I have asked GreenHouse for permission to use his table as my template and he has given it. All thanks go to GreenHouse !
I have basic assembly skills from long ago but lua scripting is new to me. I am learning as I go !
I did some basic aob searches and modified a couple of hooks.
You can now ENABLE the cheats.
These scripts seem to work :
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Stamina
- Infinite Ammo
- Don't Alert Police when Burglaring
- Lock / Window Breaking Items won't Break
- Infinite Vehicle Health
Known to be NOT working :
- Freeze Race Timer ( couldn't find unique aob yet )
I have not done extensive testing and I have not tried the other options either.
I am presenting to you my first attempt to get you going on version 1.1.19054.
You may find the available working cheats will suit your needs.
I will be working on the rest of the table as my skill and time permit.
Enjoy !
' It's only 0's and 1's, so what if the order is a little off... '