Do the item editors (click or mouse over version) work on any of the current tables? The one I am using thats been posted in this thread doesn't seem to play nice. Everything else works okay.
Do the item editors (click or mouse over version) work on any of the current tables? The one I am using thats been posted in this thread doesn't seem to play nice. Everything else works okay.
click, work on my end, but..
multiply? yes
editing? no
Do the item editors (click or mouse over version) work on any of the current tables? The one I am using thats been posted in this thread doesn't seem to play nice. Everything else works okay.
click, work on my end, but..
multiply? yes
editing? no
Thanks yeah I cant even multiply. None of the items populate correctly in the editor its just a bunch of 8 digit random numbers.
Do the item editors (click or mouse over version) work on any of the current tables? The one I am using thats been posted in this thread doesn't seem to play nice. Everything else works okay.
click, work on my end, but..
multiply? yes
editing? no
Thanks yeah I cant even multiply. None of the items populate correctly in the editor its just a bunch of 8 digit random numbers.
im using korvax update on the previous page, enabled ALT+click are working as long as youve two of them, not one
Which one works fine? There have been many tables posted all over the pages of this thread, so it's difficult to understand which one to use now.
I've attached the table that I've been using found in this thread. When it comes to giving a crafted item infinite durability though, you'll have to use the table from the Underrail + Expedition thread here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25393&view=unread&s ... 5472579158 The two tables can't be used at the same time, and I use that table strictly for giving my LMGs and Miniguns unlimited durability because the weapons losing durability on a percentage of their durability makes me cry with lategame crafted weapons. Turns out Unlimited Durability is a flag attached either in 0 or 1 to each item, and since crafted items are unique in their data and don't reset upon loading a game, can retain the unlimited durability flag.
Now if only someone could figure out a way to innervate all psi abilities at once like in the pre-nerf days.
Heavy duty added the heavy guns skill which pushes all skills below to the next address/pointer/whatever similarly to how temporal pushed all the social skills. Mercantile got pushed out so i added it back in on top of fixing the skill names taking into account both DLCs.
Baby's first hack tested on GOG so do tell if there's some issue
Which one works fine? There have been many tables posted all over the pages of this thread, so it's difficult to understand which one to use now.
I've attached the table that I've been using found in this thread. When it comes to giving a crafted item infinite durability though, you'll have to use the table from the Underrail + Expedition thread here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25393&view=unread&s ... 5472579158 The two tables can't be used at the same time, and I use that table strictly for giving my LMGs and Miniguns unlimited durability because the weapons losing durability on a percentage of their durability makes me cry with lategame crafted weapons. Turns out Unlimited Durability is a flag attached either in 0 or 1 to each item, and since crafted items are unique in their data and don't reset upon loading a game, can retain the unlimited durability flag.
Now if only someone could figure out a way to innervate all psi abilities at once like in the pre-nerf days.
Unfortunately, I do not think that getting rid of innervation through CE is possible. If I had to guess, Styg assigned 11 memory slots max to save whichever skills are innervated at a given time so you will still have to deal with his FUN and INNOVATIVE solution of just railroading you into 3-4 sweaty psionics builds. I am not entirely sure if its possible to break that limit.
I don't suppose this table will be updated for Heavy duty?
It mostly works fine already since it's just reading the memory, but editing the inventory just involves following instructions mentioned earlier in the thread about the Pstrings. Plus the table-maker is likely going to get back into the game now that the 300% zoom-in function exists/
I'm able to get inventory editing to work using the method described in an earlier post... but none of the character related mods seems to work (except weight limit, that one works). Can't get any of the character or level-up tools to work (skill points, feat points, specialization points etc). Have you or anyone else found a way to make that work the way inventory editing does? (I tried the method used to make inventory editing work on the character functions of the cheat, but nothing works)
How did you get inventory editing to work? I tried setting the offset to 8 like one poster implied but that didn't work.
Which one works fine? There have been many tables posted all over the pages of this thread, so it's difficult to understand which one to use now.
I've attached the table that I've been using found in this thread. When it comes to giving a crafted item infinite durability though, you'll have to use the table from the Underrail + Expedition thread here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25393&view=unread&s ... 5472579158 The two tables can't be used at the same time, and I use that table strictly for giving my LMGs and Miniguns unlimited durability because the weapons losing durability on a percentage of their durability makes me cry with lategame crafted weapons. Turns out Unlimited Durability is a flag attached either in 0 or 1 to each item, and since crafted items are unique in their data and don't reset upon loading a game, can retain the unlimited durability flag.
Now if only someone could figure out a way to innervate all psi abilities at once like in the pre-nerf days.
Heavy duty added the heavy guns skill which pushes all skills below to the next address/pointer/whatever similarly to how temporal pushed all the social skills. Mercantile got pushed out so i added it back in on top of fixing the skill names taking into account both DLCs.
Baby's first hack tested on GOG so do tell if there's some issue
Are you able to use the item editor? It doesn't seem to work for me.
It's be really cool if you could add specialization, base, skill and feat points while you have 0 remaining at all and be able to use them, bad enough that there's no way to just add refurbished guns to your inventory, so I'm screwed if I use a new character and screwed if I don't.
It's be really cool if you could add specialization, base, skill and feat points while you have 0 remaining at all and be able to use them, bad enough that there's no way to just add refurbished guns to your inventory, so I'm screwed if I use a new character and screwed if I don't.
Wym by "refurbished guns" ? cause there is a way to do inventory editing if that is what you want although I am not sure if it can add new items outta nowhere, it can edit the stats of existing items in your inventory. If by refurbished you are talking about Old World Weapons you have to collect, then yeah you gotta go out of your way to collect them ig.
And in terms of specialization points, you can just use the XP multiplier to get yourself to the appropriate level. Besides, if you tweaked those level values too much you could soft lock your own leveling by not being able to spend all the points to confirm it.
It's be really cool if you could add specialization, base, skill and feat points while you have 0 remaining at all and be able to use them, bad enough that there's no way to just add refurbished guns to your inventory, so I'm screwed if I use a new character and screwed if I don't.
Wym by "refurbished guns" ? cause there is a way to do inventory editing if that is what you want although I am not sure if it can add new items outta nowhere, it can edit the stats of existing items in your inventory. If by refurbished you are talking about Old World Weapons you have to collect, then yeah you gotta go out of your way to collect them ig.
And in terms of specialization points, you can just use the XP multiplier to get yourself to the appropriate level. Besides, if you tweaked those level values too much you could soft lock your own leveling by not being able to spend all the points to confirm it.
I'm level 26 with enough spare xp to hit 30, I need to give myself specialization points so I can max out what I unlocked after levelling to 26, because you only get 11 and can't finalise anything without spending it all.
And you can't softlock, you just modify your points to 0 without checking the box next to the appropriate cheat, and remove then add the appropriate skill or feat and you are left with 0 points to allocate.
Would there be a way to paste inventory over to a new character. If not, I need specialization points and a way to get the add/remove buttons to turn up.
Well, I can activate chargen, but that isn't really useful when I have a level 26 character, I need main and I can't activate it, I've done nothing different to get to this point before any one of you get on me for it.
I launched underrail, opened a save, ran fearlessrevolution, then the CT file with the most downloads from page 1 like I did 2 hours ago