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Post by Csimbi »

The game was on sale just now, so I could pick it up and I had a look in order to fill this request.
Seems to be a .NET game, with obfuscation.
Looking at the code, I am getting the impression that the author has basic .NET skills with limited architecture/design/programming experience.
I mean no offense of course, it's just an observation.

I built these scripts for, but it's an AOB script so it might work with (or break) other versions. - should work in last update

So, being a .NET game, the code is generated only when it's actually used.
Since we can't tap into code that does not exist, it had to be broken up to multiple scripts.
That said, you can enable these smaller scripts only when you've triggered code generation.
My recommendation: you keep two saves (one in real time and one near and of a combat) - load each so you can have the appropriate code generated, enable everything and load up your real save in the end.
Anyway, when you open the table, you will see three scripts:
- CharGen only,
- main,
- Force Merchant Refresh.

The CharGen only script allows you to further customize your characters during Character Generation - it has no other use.
The Force Merchant Refresh causes merchant inventory to refresh instantly, when you open the barter dialog - so you no longer have to wait. To enable this script, you will need to have the barter dialog opened at least once.

That leaves us with the main script. This you can enable once you're in game (loaded up a save or something) provided there's an NPC in the area (the AOB signature we need is generated only then; no NPC: no AOB signature). If there's no NPC in the area, keep a save where there's one, load that up first and then load your real save. You must load a save with a character having Psi or else you won't be able to enable the main script. Removing bits and pieces of code will only get you a crash. Get a save with Psi! If you don't have one, use the CharGen only script to build a new character with Psi. If that's not clear, follow Korvax's instructions here.
The main scripts grants you:
- God mode
- Infinite Psi
- a shitload of pointers; do what you will with these, teleport if need be
- Additional scripts.

Here's the breakdown for the additional scripts.
- Max Carry Weight Mod; scales carry capacity in runtime so you can carry as much crap as you want. It should be easy to enable (even after savegame load). If you still can't enable it, drop or pick up some item.
- JetSki Weight Calc; forces the game to ignore player's weight when calculating the JetSki's total weight (so you can carry as much crap as you want on JetSki). It should be easy to enable (even after savegame load). If you still can't enable it, drop or add some item to the JetSki.
- XP Gain Mod; scales XP you gain. If you still can't enable it, gain some XP and try again.
- Movement Points Mod; scales the amount of movement point burnt with each step, provided that you hold ALT while moving (decided to do it this way rather than implementing a player/ally check). Set value to 0 for infinite. To enable this script, you will need to take at least one step in combat.
- Action Points Mod; scales the amount of action point burnt with each action, provided that you hold ALT while taking the action (decided to do it this way rather than implementing a player/ally check). Set value to 0 for infinite. To enable this script, you will need to take at least one action in combat.
- Item Editor; this script has two functions: a) quickly edit amount of items in the inventory grid by simply clicking on an item (disabled by default because it will interfere with shopping interface, too when you hold ALT) and b); to grab the pointer to the last clicked item so you can edit its properties, most importantly the max stack size ;-). Mind you, you can copy the player's current weapon pointer here if you don't want to unequip it and click on it. I guess it's needless to tell you that to enable this, you will need to click on an item in the inventory grid, right?
- Infinite Durability; prevents wear&tear on item use. Just fire a weapon or something if you can't enable it.
- Instant Cooldown; Real time any skill cooldown will reset instantly during the real-time phase. If you can't enable it, just use some skill once (cycle Stealth on/off for example). Once enabled, you also get a subscript called Instant Cooldown; Turn-based. Same logic as with real-time, but it triggers at end of each turn. If you can't enable it, just use some skill once and hit end turn.

Typing all that shit up tooks some time, so no support on this one.
If it breaks, you'll need to find someone to fix things.

Ta ta!

All hail Dark Byte!

Update #1
- Added XP Gain Mod.

Update #2
- Fixed the dropdown thingine reported by Torawakamaru.

Update #3
Big thanks to quantum2000 for gifting me the DLC, without his contribution this update would not have happened.
- Updated to
- Fixed crash on area Transition (I hope). Thanks to quantum2000 for the save and the explanation.
- Added Force Merchant Refresh script.

Update #4
- Workaround for the CE bug I explained here.
I kept the 'Old' table here in case DB wants to use it for testing, so be sure to get the new one from now on!

Update #5
- Item's value is a double, fixed pointer.

Update #6
- Fixed iQuality offset for craftable items.

Update #7
- Added Specialization points. Thanks FlipFloppy for the report.

Update #8
- Added JetSki weight calc script. Thanks Gregz for the report and the save.

Update #9
- Updated to Thanks Malik_Gynax for the save and the hints.

Update #10
- Fixed crash when God mode or Psi was disabled. Thanks Malik_Gynax for the report.

Update #11
- Fixed Component Quality.
- Exposed Armour Bonuses in Item Editor (ignore value when Stat name is invalid!).

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(132.21 KiB) Downloaded 15125 times
(122.31 KiB) Downloaded 1417 times
Old version to demonstrate CE bug
(93.62 KiB) Downloaded 982 times
Last edited by Csimbi on Sun May 23, 2021 12:23 pm, edited 25 times in total.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Kay »

aaaay nice. Game seems good but temp codes are annoying to use. +3

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Csimbi »

Anyone knows how to zoom in and out?
With higher resolutions it's really hard to see and click fishing rods.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Torawakamaru »

Csimbi wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 4:10 pm
Anyone knows how to zoom in and out?
With higher resolutions it's really hard to see and click fishing rods.
I feel your pain but there doesn't seem to be a zoom function.

I have a question regarding your table. The iQuality section for CraftableOnly is weird. I click on items and can see the numerical values but when i want to change them, i get an impact-speed-dropdown-menu. Is that broken? Am i using it wrong?

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Csimbi »

Yeah, there was a copy-paste error there.
I fixed it.
Thanks for reporting it!

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Torawakamaru »

Heya, your script is awesome, thanks for your work!

But i sometimes the script refuses to work, so i did this:
I copied your script into the auto assembler window and hit execute.
Then i get an error message: an array of byte could not be found (in one case aobHealthOffsets).
What's the meaning of this?
Do i only have to check the box often enough until it works? Because that is what i did in these cases (and it worked - sometimes).

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Csimbi »

Well, that's supposed to get the health offset - I never had and issue with that.
Not sure what you need to actually generate that code anymore, but I suppose you could try opening the character panels with various stats.
It's built like this in case the offset changes (sometimes it does and nobody likes a crash).

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Re: UnderRail

Post by quantum2000 »

Concerning the script failure to execute - for some reason certain areas rather consistently fail to initialize the script (upper caves when entered from cave south of the southgate station) also disabling the god mode and infinite psi often results in random game crashes especially in level up screen, save screen and in transit between areas

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Dimensionist »

Whenever I try to use the table in my game, the game crashes whenever it saves. Can anyone help me identify what exactly the problem is, or suggest a fix?

EDIT: Yep, disabling God Mode/Infinite Psi seems to be the problem. Anyway to fix that? Constantly switching it on and off whenever saving/leveling up/transitioning to a new area would be annoying as heck (because I'm certainly not leaving it on).

Actually, is there a way to safely remove God Mode and Infinite Psi from the table, without compromising the rest of the table functions and thus fixing the problem? Those options are pretty unnecessary anyway.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Dimensionist »

Alright, due to my lacking knowledge of coding, I couldn't fix the script without sacrificing some functions. More particularly, the player coordinates had to be sacrificed by deleting line number 46 in the main script.

It's a workaround for anyone like me, who wants to use other aspects of the table but can't tolerate the constant crashing.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by ichthyic »

Dimensionist wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:33 am
Alright, due to my lacking knowledge of coding, I couldn't fix the script without sacrificing some functions. More particularly, the player coordinates had to be sacrificed by deleting line number 46 in the main script.

It's a workaround for anyone like me, who wants to use other aspects of the table but can't tolerate the constant crashing.
I'm having the same problem, but telling someone to look for line 46 in the main script is a bit vague. nobody know where you started counting.

why not just post the exact text of the lines you removed? then I could just search on the text.

otherwise it makes no sense.

also? if the thing is ever updated, "line 46" will be completely meaningless.

just copypaste the exact lines you removed?


I can confirm the the instability in this script comes from the god-mode script as well. it starts enabled instead of disabled, which is bad. didn't even notice until I should have died from an explosion, then suddenly realized I took no damage.

I'd like to simply remove all related lines of that script without breaking the rest.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by ichthyic »

...hell, all I ever really wanted was just the unlimited weight script :P

I can manually change all the stats, skill, number of items, etc. not hard.

but you can't edit the max carryweight and have it stick; gotta run that script.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Dimensionist »

ichthyic wrote:
Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:05 pm
Dimensionist wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:33 am
Alright, due to my lacking knowledge of coding, I couldn't fix the script without sacrificing some functions. More particularly, the player coordinates had to be sacrificed by deleting line number 46 in the main script.

It's a workaround for anyone like me, who wants to use other aspects of the table but can't tolerate the constant crashing.
I'm having the same problem, but telling someone to look for line 46 in the main script is a bit vague. nobody know where you started counting.

why not just post the exact text of the lines you removed? then I could just search on the text.

otherwise it makes no sense.

also? if the thing is ever updated, "line 46" will be completely meaningless.

just copypaste the exact lines you removed?


I can confirm the the instability in this script comes from the god-mode script as well. it starts enabled instead of disabled, which is bad. didn't even notice until I should have died from an explosion, then suddenly realized I took no damage.

I'd like to simply remove all related lines of that script without breaking the rest.
Already answered in the PM you sent. Also, reiterating - asking once in the thread is more than enough. Taking it to PMs, especially with your attitude, is not.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by ichthyic »

line 46 in the main script is:

"mov ecx,[eax+ecx]"

this one?


yeah, for anybody trying to edit the file, look for that text.

some of the functions inside the main script are still hit or miss (sometimes they work, sometimes they don't), but at least this makes it more stable.

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Re: UnderRail

Post by Korvax »

So the expansion pack is finally out and a number of options no longer work. In fact, it seems that Cheat Engine just hangs when trying to load the main script half the time. Edit: I'll clarify the options that don't work, namely every option below the Script: Max Carry Weight Mod option doesn't work.
The XP Gain Mod, Movement Points Mod, Action Points Mod, Item Editor, Infinite Durability, and Instant Cooldown; Realtime do not function as of the latest update to
Edit: Not sure how much it's worth pointing out, but the game got a minor update to 1.1.10 and based off of the first post and the game being .NET with AOB scripting, I'm guessing an update will be needed especially to account for the additional Temporal manipulation skill, Specialization Points and Veteran Feats.

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