been stuck for hours, help please!

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been stuck for hours, help please!

Post by thebeardedlady »

Hey, so i'm new to reverse engineering and assembly in general, however I've been stuck on something for quite some time.

So basically i'm trying to figure out how to place objects anywhere rather than just on floors, and I think i've come close. I found a mov opcode that when NOP'd doesn't let me place the object anywhere (even on floors) and i've also found opcodes that control the object color (red indicating it can't be placed here and normal indicating it can). I've been stuck here for hours now and everything just leads to more dead ends and crashes. I'd really appreciate if anyone could help me and if you're really interested in helping out PM me please.
Thank you Smile

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Re: been stuck for hours, help please!

Post by Betcha »

Drop the item on the floor and find the coordinates of it,
Once find coordinates of the item who is dropped on the ground,
Can write a script with custom coordinates for it, so you can set appearing locations.

Other than that, if its locked and allowed locations to place stuff on ground then,
It's all about scanning the stuff where you aim, changed / unchanged scans and nop the "red"

If it's online game, have to play it smart (thinking outside the box, on how to, get what u want) .
In other words, if its online, you have to go the hard way and learn the CE, cause nobody will help you about it.

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Re: been stuck for hours, help please!

Post by thethiny »

find the code that makes it red, go back a few steps, that's the call that decided "you can't place this here" and change it to "can place this here". Basically the color comes AFTER the game decides if it can or cannot be placed. So if u get what calls that function you can just change the variable.

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