So, characters training points cannot be edited, they increase with character level.
What I don't understand is why I have 724 masteries discovered in the game but I only see 350 of them in the savegame database.
Btw I made a couple of scripts to increase all the masteries in the DB.
This one will merge with the masteries you guys already have and eventually delete the duplicate, if you guys have a longer list with the correct names please add it here:
Code: Select all
-- Create a temporary table to hold the new mastery entries
CREATE TEMP TABLE tempMasteryMaster(
masterIndex INTEGER,
masterName TEXT
-- Insert the provided list from the first text into the temporary table
INSERT INTO tempMasteryMaster (masterIndex, masterName) VALUES
(1, 'Ambush'),
(2, 'Patience'),
(3, 'Yearning'),
(4, 'CounterAttack'),
(5, 'HighSpeed'),
(6, 'LargeTopPocket'),
(7, 'PositiveMind'),
(8, 'TacticalEnvelopment'),
(9, 'SlashingResistance1'),
(10, 'WindResistance1'),
(11, 'Consideration'),
(12, 'PangOfConscience'),
(13, 'Bloodlet'),
(14, 'SharpBlade'),
(15, 'OpportunityStrikes'),
(16, 'WaterResistance1'),
(17, 'FairWind'),
(18, 'Concentration'),
(19, 'Alacrity'),
(20, 'ConcentratedFire'),
(21, 'SurvivalTraining'),
(22, 'Sunglasses'),
(23, 'ElectricPulse'),
(24, 'CleanHit'),
(25, 'LargeBottomPocket'),
(26, 'Acuity'),
(27, 'Berserker'),
(28, 'SoCloseYetFar'),
(29, 'Aggression'),
(30, 'Strategist'),
(31, 'SlashingResistance2'),
(32, 'Forestallment'),
(33, 'Nocturnality'),
(34, 'TreasureHunter'),
(35, 'MyDreamIsHero'),
(36, 'Bruise'),
(37, 'Gourmand'),
(38, 'PiercingResistance1'),
(39, 'QuickdrawSword'),
(40, 'Overcharge'),
(41, 'HeavyStrike'),
(42, 'BluntResistance3'),
(43, 'Retribution'),
(44, 'BodyTraining'),
(45, 'MaterialCollector'),
(46, 'DeftnessAttack'),
(47, 'AcutePain'),
(48, 'Bladestorm'),
(49, 'RoaringBlaze'),
(50, 'ForthrightStatement'),
(51, 'Overwatch'),
(52, 'PiercingShot'),
(53, 'PiercingResistance3'),
(54, 'ScreamyBlaze'),
(55, 'Fellowship'),
(56, 'MagicTheory'),
(57, 'MagicAcceleration'),
(58, 'Charging'),
(59, 'WillToSurvive'),
(60, 'IndomitableWill'),
(61, 'ShadowZone'),
(62, 'TacticalSense'),
(63, 'Reload'),
(64, 'Swordmaster'),
(65, 'Challenger'),
(66, 'VictoryShout'),
(67, 'WeaponBlocking'),
(68, 'GraciousRefusal'),
(69, 'ElementalHarmony'),
(70, 'RagingFlame'),
(71, 'FinalBlow'),
(72, 'CloseCombatant'),
(73, 'SpellStrike'),
(74, 'Willpower'),
(75, 'BurnSoul'),
(76, 'Frankness'),
(77, 'Outthrow'),
(78, 'MuscleTraining'),
(79, 'Stretching'),
(80, 'PriorPlanning'),
(81, 'Veteran'),
(82, 'EnhancedSuit'),
(83, 'ToadSkin'),
(84, 'OneByOne'),
(85, 'Zeroing'),
(86, 'MakeConcoction'),
(87, 'Devastate'),
(88, 'WoundInfection'),
(89, 'DetailedSnipe'),
(90, 'WhiteHeat'),
(91, 'Shaman'),
(92, 'LightningReflexes'),
(93, 'BoundingStride'),
(94, 'WindRush'),
(95, 'SecondHeart'),
(96, 'Luck'),
(97, 'LimitBreak'),
(98, 'Deftness'),
(99, 'HuntingDog'),
(100, 'ToughSpirit'),
(101, 'OpenMind'),
(102, 'SlashInjury'),
(103, 'RedThornSword'),
(104, 'TreasureOfKing'),
(105, 'ThrowPowerful'),
(106, 'MuscleArmor'),
(107, 'Robust'),
(108, 'PositionOfAdvantage'),
(109, 'SameTarget'),
(110, 'SerialShot'),
(111, 'FixedFire'),
(112, 'Hemorrhage'),
(113, 'BloodScent'),
(114, 'Bloodthirst'),
(115, 'HeadShot'),
(116, 'Sharpshooter'),
(117, 'LuckyShot'),
(118, 'AcuteSense'),
(119, 'OwlEye'),
(120, 'HawkEye'),
(121, 'HoldPosition'),
(122, 'IronBullet'),
(123, 'ShadowSniper'),
(124, 'DrainSoul'),
(125, 'Magician'),
(126, 'ShootingStar'),
(127, 'Eclipse'),
(128, 'Abundance'),
(129, 'Recluse'),
(130, 'GunbarrelEnhancement'),
(131, 'RiflingEnhancement'),
(132, 'ElementalBinding'),
(133, 'TreasureIsland'),
(134, 'AliBaba'),
(135, 'Parry'),
(136, 'Sentinel'),
(137, 'ClenchedFist'),
(138, 'Rend'),
(139, 'ReleaseEnergy'),
(140, 'NeutralizingEnergy'),
(141, 'BorrowingEnergy'),
(142, 'Training100'),
(143, 'Rearrange'),
(144, 'SupportExpert'),
(145, 'ElectricShock'),
(146, 'SubMagicCircuit'),
(147, 'Sniper'),
(148, 'GunRemodeling'),
(149, 'GunWeightLightening'),
(150, 'RagingWind'),
(151, 'Charisma'),
(152, 'Heaviness'),
(153, 'ApplicationKnowledge'),
(154, 'ExpandProtocol'),
(155, 'Thermodynamics'),
(156, 'MajorTextbooks'),
(157, 'Educationalbooks'),
(158, 'Catharsis'),
(159, 'ArchScholar'),
(160, 'PracticedHand'),
(161, 'SlashingResistance3'),
(162, 'SummonObjectCounterAttack'),
(163, 'DoubleGear'),
(164, 'Module_EnhancedRader'),
(165, 'Module_AimOptimaztion'),
(166, 'Module_LightbandSensor'),
(167, 'Module_SystemDummyProgram'),
(168, 'Module_BigDataProcessing'),
(169, 'Module_InformationCalOptimization'),
(170, 'SolidMechanics'),
(171, 'FluidMechanics'),
(172, 'Dynamics'),
(173, 'FineTuning'),
(174, 'MachineHunter'),
(175, 'Principlism'),
(176, 'Module_Insulation'),
(177, 'BladeEvasion'),
(178, 'GlaringBlade'),
(179, 'BladeParry'),
(180, 'ContinuousAttack'),
(181, 'StrongCannon'),
(182, 'StaticElectricity'),
(183, 'ConversionOfEnergy'),
(184, 'AccelerationEnergy'),
(185, 'Capacitor'),
(186, 'Lightningmage'),
(187, 'ThunderBolt'),
(188, 'LightningRod'),
(189, 'WitchTrick'),
(190, 'FrostSword'),
(191, 'FrozenScythe'),
(192, 'IceBolt'),
(193, 'Icemage'),
(194, 'IceShield'),
(195, 'BoneChilling'),
(196, 'Resilient'),
(197, 'FrozenTouch'),
(198, 'NimbleFinger'),
(199, 'ElectricShockHeavy'),
(200, 'DelayedThrow'),
(201, 'BeastTraining'),
(202, 'LuckyNumberSeven'),
(203, 'LuckyNumberNine'),
(204, 'LuckyNumberEight'),
(205, 'MagicSwordControl'),
(206, 'Algorithm'),
(207, 'Camouflage'),
(208, 'GoodBodyControl'),
(209, 'AbsoluteZero'),
(210, 'Vehemence'),
(211, 'HitAndRun'),
(212, 'Avalon'),
(213, 'DivideAndConquerAlgorithm'),
(214, 'Professionalism'),
(215, 'TrapHunter'),
(216, 'HeartOfHunter'),
(217, 'LightOfSalvation'),
(218, 'VeteranSpirit'),
(219, 'LoveHate'),
(220, 'GloriousScar'),
(221, 'ReasonablySuspects'),
(222, 'Learning'),
(223, 'MagicReactor'),
(224, 'RageLiberation'),
(225, 'Brazenface'),
(226, 'Shatter'),
(227, 'Informant'),
(228, 'LiftupSpirit'),
(229, 'HeavyPressure'),
(230, 'VastSpirit'),
(231, 'Sortilege'),
(232, 'Persuasion'),
(233, 'SelfExamination'),
(234, 'Sophistry'),
(235, 'SpellOptimization'),
(236, 'SpellLiberation'),
(237, 'MagicImprovement'),
(238, 'MagicVariety'),
(239, 'Flexibility'),
(240, 'Hysterie'),
(241, 'UnderstatedMovements'),
(242, 'FrostWind'),
(243, 'ShowClose'),
(244, 'EnergySuit'),
(245, 'ChainTactics'),
(246, 'PriorInformation'),
(247, 'MonsterTame'),
(248, 'RapidReaction'),
(249, 'TeamPlayer'),
(250, 'LonelyWolf'),
(251, 'OneShotOneKill'),
(252, 'Miracle'),
(253, 'HolyShield'),
(254, 'BlessOfRegeneration'),
(255, 'InnerFlame'),
(256, 'FigterBook'),
(257, 'RageBlow'),
(258, 'MadnessDash'),
(259, 'Madness'),
(260, 'Frenzy'),
(261, 'HardshipBattle'),
(262, 'WarriorSoul'),
(263, 'ColdRefusal'),
(264, 'TacticalRetreat'),
(265, 'BoilingPoison'),
(266, 'FlowOfBlood'),
(267, 'HeavyRain'),
(268, 'LongTimeinfection'),
(269, 'Whirlwind'),
(270, 'Unlocker'),
(271, 'QuickSlashing'),
(272, 'Quickthrow'),
(273, 'GustWind'),
(274, 'PiercingStrikes'),
(275, 'Grappling'),
(276, 'Stealth'),
(277, 'SkilledFinger'),
(278, 'AntiCounterAttack'),
(279, 'RapidUnderstandingBattle'),
(280, 'MagicResonance'),
(281, 'MuscleResistance'),
(282, 'Feint'),
(283, 'Archmage'),
(284, 'Haze'),
(285, 'Sharpening'),
(286, 'RevengeStrikes'),
(287, 'WhiteWeaponMaster'),
(288, 'ThiefReflexes'),
(289, 'HeadWind'),
(290, 'ColdWave'),
(291, 'StealthyFootsteps'),
(292, 'Subterfuge'),
(293, 'Sage'),
(294, 'TricksTrade'),
(295, 'AttackWeakpoint'),
(296, 'MusclePower'),
(297, 'Windway'),
(298, 'WindWall'),
(299, 'FullSprint'),
(300, 'Windmage'),
(301, 'FullyReady'),
(302, 'SneakAttack'),
(303, 'CunningHands'),
(304, 'OriginOfLife'),
(305, 'Insight'),
(306, 'SpellPowerOfCrack'),
(307, 'OpportunityCreation'),
(308, 'RapidPreparation'),
(309, 'IronHeart'),
(310, 'FireBolt'),
(311, 'ResistWill'),
(312, 'Comradeship'),
(313, 'HeroResponsibility'),
(314, 'DirectShot'),
(315, 'SwordsmanshipBook'),
(316, 'Excitement'),
(317, 'Prosperity'),
(318, 'ImpulseFields'),
(319, 'Grouping'),
(320, 'SoulHealer'),
(321, 'Jealousy'),
(322, 'Curse'),
(323, 'ContainingAttack'),
(324, 'Waiting'),
(325, 'MentalStability'),
(326, 'WindBlade'),
(327, 'IronWall'),
(328, 'MagicOuterArmor'),
(329, 'Shockwave'),
(330, 'Mutation'),
(331, 'BreakArmor'),
(332, 'WitchJealousy'),
(333, 'Solo'),
(334, 'ThrowHigh'),
(335, 'InvisibleSword'),
(336, 'ControlReactor'),
(337, 'SilencingShot'),
(338, 'MagicField'),
(339, 'Solidification'),
(340, 'Predator'),
(341, 'SpellPowerCopy'),
(342, 'TraceOn'),
(343, 'HealingWave'),
(344, 'DeepseaEscape'),
(345, 'Supporter'),
(346, 'Superiority'),
(347, 'PoisonBullet'),
(348, 'SupportHeal'),
(349, 'InnerPeace'),
(350, 'WindHammer');
-- Insert into masteryMaster only those that are not already present
INSERT INTO masteryMaster (masterName)
SELECT masterName
FROM tempMasteryMaster
WHERE masterName NOT IN (SELECT masterName FROM masteryMaster);
-- Create a new temporary table to store updated indices
CREATE TEMP TABLE tempUpdatedMasteryMaster AS
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY masterName) AS masterIndex, masterName
FROM masteryMaster;
-- Clear the original table
DELETE FROM masteryMaster;
-- Insert renumbered rows back into the original table
INSERT INTO masteryMaster (masterIndex, masterName)
SELECT masterIndex, masterName FROM tempUpdatedMasteryMaster;
-- Drop temporary tables
DROP TABLE tempMasteryMaster;
DROP TABLE tempUpdatedMasteryMaster;
-- Verify the updates
SELECT * FROM masteryMaster ORDER BY masterIndex;
Then if you want all your characters to load all the masteries you can use this other code I made: