Imperator Rome v2.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2021-Feb-20

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by CompactDisc »

gorgutzer wrote:
Thu May 09, 2019 6:48 pm
the last time he posted the 1.01 nation address aswell, together with the console the current faction pointer.
This was his response to 1.0.1:
fearless123456 wrote:
Thu May 02, 2019 10:38 pm
No more scripts and pointers will be posted here (by me at least), as Paradox has deleted the game's pdb file in the latest update.
Please see Recifense's table: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9317

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by gorgutzer »

he posted it in this topic
fearless123456 wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 6:36 am
Ironman Console + Current Faction Pointers
(Not accepting any requests.)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Ironman Console 2"</Description>
      <LastState Value="1" RealAddress="1DC49B871B5"/>
      <Description>"Ironman Console 1"</Description>
      <LastState Value="1" RealAddress="1DC49B871B5"/>
      <Description>"Current Faction Being Controlled"</Description>
      <LastState Value="62" RealAddress="1DC49B86FB4"/>

Alternative script for above

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"GameState Pointers"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(gameState,imperator.exe,45 33 C9 4C 89 54 24 20) // should be unique



push rbx
mov rbx,CgameState
mov [rbx],rdx
pop rbx

  xor r9d,r9d
  mov [rsp+20],r10
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 45 33 C9 4C 89 54 24 20


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "imperator.exe"+C63D0C

"imperator.exe"+C63CDD: CC                    -  int 3 
"imperator.exe"+C63CDE: CC                    -  int 3 
"imperator.exe"+C63CDF: CC                    -  int 3 
"imperator.exe"+C63CE0: 48 83 EC 38           -  sub rsp,38
"imperator.exe"+C63CE4: 80 B9 DF 00 00 00 00  -  cmp byte ptr [rcx+000000DF],00
"imperator.exe"+C63CEB: 0F 85 3D 02 00 00     -  jne imperator.exe+C63F2E
"imperator.exe"+C63CF1: 80 3D FE 4C D6 00 00  -  cmp byte ptr [imperator.exe+19C89F6],00
"imperator.exe"+C63CF8: 0F 85 30 02 00 00     -  jne imperator.exe+C63F2E
"imperator.exe"+C63CFE: 48 8B 15 7B 4D D6 00  -  mov rdx,[imperator.exe+19C8A80]
"imperator.exe"+C63D05: 4C 8D 15 34 22 6E 00  -  lea r10,[imperator.exe+1345F40]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"imperator.exe"+C63D0C: 45 33 C9              -  xor r9d,r9d
"imperator.exe"+C63D0F: 4C 89 54 24 20        -  mov [rsp+20],r10
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"imperator.exe"+C63D14: 4C 8B 82 00 01 00 00  -  mov r8,[rdx+00000100]
"imperator.exe"+C63D1B: 44 38 8A 45 02 00 00  -  cmp [rdx+00000245],r9l
"imperator.exe"+C63D22: 74 54                 -  je imperator.exe+C63D78
"imperator.exe"+C63D24: 48 8D 4A 08           -  lea rcx,[rdx+08]
"imperator.exe"+C63D28: 48 85 C9              -  test rcx,rcx
"imperator.exe"+C63D2B: 48 8D 41 08           -  lea rax,[rcx+08]
"imperator.exe"+C63D2F: 49 0F 44 C1           -  cmove rax,r9
"imperator.exe"+C63D33: 8B 00                 -  mov eax,[rax]
"imperator.exe"+C63D35: 89 44 24 28           -  mov [rsp+28],eax
"imperator.exe"+C63D39: 0F B6 41 0C           -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0C]
          <Description>"Ironman Console"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="1DC49B871B5"/>
          <Description>"Current Nation Being Controlled"</Description>
          <LastState Value="98" RealAddress="1DC49B86FB4"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by gorgutzer »

bah i found the way, i found 2 nations that are with rare bytes so i got on 0045 then switch to 0143 and it always shows 4 adresses 2 are useless 1 makes permanent change 1 does the popping then i do pointer scan for this adress and managed to get it. hope u can update ironman xD now. :roll:

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by rambo99jose »

after a major headache I managed to find country pointer for 1.0.2 by backtracking, still working on it but need a nap.
Search for array of bytes with this 48 83 EC 28 33 D2 E8
You get a couple hits, but should be the 2nd that starts with 7
In my game address is imperator.exe+B61A90
THEN you go up a few lines and compare with script.
The pointers will need added 20 , Ill finda way to do it globally after a nap maybe.

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by fearless123456 »

1.0.2 Gamestate Pointers

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Nation Controlled"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : imperator.exe
  Date   : 2019-05-10
  Author : 0

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(ccontrolled,imperator.exe,49 0F 44 C6 8B 00 89 45 44) // should be unique



cmove rax,r14
mov eax,[rax]


mov eax,[cNation102]

  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 49 0F 44 C6 8B 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "imperator.exe"+B32CB0

"imperator.exe"+B32C93: 48 8B CE                    -  mov rcx,rsi
"imperator.exe"+B32C96: FF 12                       -  call qword ptr [rdx]
"imperator.exe"+B32C98: 8B D0                       -  mov edx,eax
"imperator.exe"+B32C9A: 48 8B CB                    -  mov rcx,rbx
"imperator.exe"+B32C9D: FF 57 08                    -  call qword ptr [rdi+08]
"imperator.exe"+B32CA0: 48 85 C0                    -  test rax,rax
"imperator.exe"+B32CA3: 74 04                       -  je imperator.exe+B32CA9
"imperator.exe"+B32CA5: 4C 8D 78 F8                 -  lea r15,[rax-08]
"imperator.exe"+B32CA9: 49 8D 47 18                 -  lea rax,[r15+18]
"imperator.exe"+B32CAD: 4D 85 FF                    -  test r15,r15
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"imperator.exe"+B32CB0: 49 0F 44 C6                 -  cmove rax,r14
"imperator.exe"+B32CB4: 8B 00                       -  mov eax,[rax]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"imperator.exe"+B32CB6: 89 45 44                    -  mov [rbp+44],eax
"imperator.exe"+B32CB9: 48 8B 0D C8 7D E9 00        -  mov rcx,[imperator.exe+19CAA88]
"imperator.exe"+B32CC0: E8 AB A9 D9 FF              -  call imperator.exe+8CD670
"imperator.exe"+B32CC5: 48 85 C0                    -  test rax,rax
"imperator.exe"+B32CC8: 74 09                       -  je imperator.exe+B32CD3
"imperator.exe"+B32CCA: 0F BF 40 48                 -  movsx eax,word ptr [rax+48]
"imperator.exe"+B32CCE: C1 E8 05                    -  shr eax,05
"imperator.exe"+B32CD1: 24 01                       -  and al,01
"imperator.exe"+B32CD3: 88 45 48                    -  mov [rbp+48],al
"imperator.exe"+B32CD6: BA 10 00 00 00              -  mov edx,00000010
          <Description>"Current Nation"</Description>
          <LastState Value="99" RealAddress="1B9098C0000"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
      <Description>"Gamestate Pointers 1.2 (activate by trying to console cheat)"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : imperator.exe
  Date   : 2019-05-10
  Author : 0

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(gState,imperator.exe,41 38 B0 5D 02 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? BG 88 13 00 00) // should be unique



push rbx
mov rbx,CgameState102
mov [rbx],r8
pop rbx

  cmp [r8+0000025D],sil
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 41 38 B0 5D 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "imperator.exe"+1E562D

"imperator.exe"+1E55FE: 48 C7 45 A8 FE FF FF FF  -  mov qword ptr [rbp-58],FFFFFFFE
"imperator.exe"+1E5606: 48 89 58 08              -  mov [rax+08],rbx
"imperator.exe"+1E560A: 48 89 70 10              -  mov [rax+10],rsi
"imperator.exe"+1E560E: 48 89 78 20              -  mov [rax+20],rdi
"imperator.exe"+1E5612: 48 8B D9                 -  mov rbx,rcx
"imperator.exe"+1E5615: 33 F6                    -  xor esi,esi
"imperator.exe"+1E5617: 89 75 A0                 -  mov [rbp-60],esi
"imperator.exe"+1E561A: 39 35 48 0D 7F 01        -  cmp [imperator.exe+19D6368],esi
"imperator.exe"+1E5620: 0F 85 5A 01 00 00        -  jne imperator.exe+1E5780
"imperator.exe"+1E5626: 4C 8B 05 33 56 7E 01     -  mov r8,[imperator.exe+19CAC60]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"imperator.exe"+1E562D: 41 38 B0 5D 02 00 00     -  cmp [r8+0000025D],sil
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"imperator.exe"+1E5634: 0F 85 46 01 00 00        -  jne imperator.exe+1E5780
"imperator.exe"+1E563A: BF 88 13 00 00           -  mov edi,00001388
"imperator.exe"+1E563F: 48 8B 0A                 -  mov rcx,[rdx]
"imperator.exe"+1E5642: 48 8B 42 08              -  mov rax,[rdx+08]
"imperator.exe"+1E5646: 48 2B C1                 -  sub rax,rcx
"imperator.exe"+1E5649: 48 C1 F8 05              -  sar rax,05
"imperator.exe"+1E564D: 83 F8 01                 -  cmp eax,01
"imperator.exe"+1E5650: 7C 18                    -  jl imperator.exe+1E566A
"imperator.exe"+1E5652: 48 83 79 18 10           -  cmp qword ptr [rcx+18],10
"imperator.exe"+1E5657: 72 03                    -  jb imperator.exe+1E565C
          <Description>"Ironman Console"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1" RealAddress="1B992FED25D"/>
          <Description>"Current Controlled Nation - Non-Writable"</Description>
          <LastState Value="13" RealAddress="1B992FED044"/>

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by rambo99jose »

fearless123456 wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 12:23 am
1.0.2 Gamestate Pointers

Good timing, just finished updating province, only Iron mode stuff was left :P
It seems they shifted a lot of stuff by 20, Im changing global poitners to acocunt

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by XXXX41XXXX »

Thank you CompactDisc and fearless123456 ! You guys rock !

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by rambo99jose »

EDIT-20190510: removed Recifence scripts, download their table and also attach to game you desire both

Game Version: GOG/Steam (Combo, may not work in all) 1.0.1/1.0.2
Table Last Updated: 20190509

This is a combined table, don't forget to also give thanks to:
fearless123456, CompactDisc


  • Own Country Pointers
  • Character pointers
  • Province pointers
  • Disable Fog of War (OUTDATED)
  • Age of Adulthood (can have toddler kings)(OUTDATED)
  • Control Another Faction Temporarily
  • Insta build/recruit (Enable Own Country Pointers first) (Use Recifense's)
  • Quasi-Ironmode(Deprecated, use new method, kept in 'DONT TOUCH THESE' secttion)
  • Enable Ironman Console(Deprecated, use new method, kept in 'DONT TOUCH THESE' secttion)
  • NEW METHOD: [Ironman]Gamestate Pointers 1.2 (activate by trying to console cheat)
  • National Unrest pointer (Enable Own Country Pointers first)
  • No Peace Demand Cost (Unlimited conquered province claims)
  • No Aggressive Expansion on province claims (Enable No Peace Demand Cost First)
  • Max Stability (use if you messed up and are getting large negative numbers, it resets it to max)

  • Make sure you read 'Table Extras' (bottom right of cheatengine) before you mess around with "Iron man Console" and "Quasi-ironman"
  • Corruption is giving me headaches, the pointer for it sets the added corruption to total, BUT if your ruler has bad traits (Crafty= +20%) it will get added on top. I included a remove corruption toggle, but ITS NOT FULLY TESTED
  • Province Pointers - After you edit the values save and reload game to prevent crashes
  • Control Another Faction:
    • get the faction value from the leaders portrait (should be in hex) from the Character Pointers->Faction
    • I modified fearless123456 scripts to remove global var on script disable, you can now toggle them
(162.69 KiB) Downloaded 110 times
Last edited by rambo99jose on Fri May 10, 2019 8:16 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by XXXX41XXXX »

rambo99jose wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 1:50 am
Game Version: GOG/Steam (Combo, may not work in all) 1.0.1/1.0.2
Table Last Updated: 20190509

This is a combined table, don't forget to also give thanks to:
fearless123456, Recifense, CompactDisc


1.0.1 table with >9000 pointers

  • Own Country Pointers
  • Character pointers
  • Province pointers
  • Disable Fog of War (OUTDATED)
  • Age of Adulthood (can have toddler kings)(OUTDATED)
  • Control Another Faction Temporarily
  • Insta build/recruit (Enable Own Country Pointers first) (Use Recifense's)
  • Quasi-Ironmode(Deprecated, use new method, kept in 'DONT TOUCH THESE' secttion)
  • Enable Ironman Console(Deprecated, use new method, kept in 'DONT TOUCH THESE' secttion)
  • NEW METHOD: [Ironman]Gamestate Pointers 1.2 (activate by trying to console cheat)
  • National Unrest pointer (Enable Own Country Pointers first)
  • No Peace Demand Cost (Unlimited conquered province claims)
  • No Aggressive Expansion on province claims (Enable No Peace Demand Cost First)
  • Max Stability (use if you messed up and are getting large negative numbers, it resets it to max)

  • Make sure you read 'Table Extras' (bottom right of cheatengine) before you mess around with "Iron man Console" and "Quasi-ironman"
  • Corruption is giving me headaches, the pointer for it sets the added corruption to total, BUT if your ruler has bad traits (Crafty= +20%) it will get added on top. I included a remove corruption toggle, but ITS NOT FULLY TESTED
  • Province Pointers - After you edit the values save and reload game to prevent crashes
  • Control Another Faction:
    • get the faction value from the leaders portrait (should be in hex) from the Character Pointers->Faction
    • I modified fearless123456 scripts to remove global var on script disable, you can now toggle them
Nice ty ! I tried the province pointers, I modified the amount of slaves in Rome, Ostia,and Norba, saved and reloaded but the changes are a bit weirdly applied. The number of slaves increased but not to the amount I set, it also added citizens, freemen and even scythe tribesmen (??) that I can not promote nor convert. I do not know if I misused the pointers, but I wanted to let you know this little weird behaviour.
I play on the steam version, 1.0.2 update.

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by rambo99jose »

Yeah its expected, they are a bit different version, the ones I updated where for the "really cheap" GOG version

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by XXXX41XXXX »

rambo99jose wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 3:53 am
Yeah its expected, they are a bit different version, the ones I updated where for the "really cheap" GOG version
Oh ok I understand. ;)

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by CompactDisc »

rambo99jose wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 1:50 am
Game Version: GOG/Steam (Combo, may not work in all) 1.0.1/1.0.2
Table Last Updated: 20190509

This is a combined table, don't forget to also give thanks to:
fearless123456, Recifense, CompactDisc
While I applaud your efforts, Recifense usually doesn't like other people putting up his table.
If he gets less downloads because of those, he sometimes stops updating a table altogether. This happened with EU4 once.
It might seem as if the game is no longer popular.

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by rambo99jose »

While I applaud your efforts, Recifense usually doesn't like other people putting up his table.
If he gets less downloads because of those, he sometimes stops updating a table altogether. This happened with EU4 once.
It might seem as if the game is no longer popular.
Oh aight my bad, removed them from table and reupped.
I tell people to use my scripts in their tables, but I do understand

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by Gunteraz »

rambo99jose wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 1:50 am
EDIT-20190510: removed Recifence scripts, download their table and also attach to game you desire both

Game Version: GOG/Steam (Combo, may not work in all) 1.0.1/1.0.2
Table Last Updated: 20190509

This is a combined table, don't forget to also give thanks to:
fearless123456, CompactDisc


  • Own Country Pointers
  • Character pointers
  • Province pointers
  • Disable Fog of War (OUTDATED)
  • Age of Adulthood (can have toddler kings)(OUTDATED)
  • Control Another Faction Temporarily
  • Insta build/recruit (Enable Own Country Pointers first) (Use Recifense's)
  • Quasi-Ironmode(Deprecated, use new method, kept in 'DONT TOUCH THESE' secttion)
  • Enable Ironman Console(Deprecated, use new method, kept in 'DONT TOUCH THESE' secttion)
  • NEW METHOD: [Ironman]Gamestate Pointers 1.2 (activate by trying to console cheat)
  • National Unrest pointer (Enable Own Country Pointers first)
  • No Peace Demand Cost (Unlimited conquered province claims)
  • No Aggressive Expansion on province claims (Enable No Peace Demand Cost First)
  • Max Stability (use if you messed up and are getting large negative numbers, it resets it to max)

  • Make sure you read 'Table Extras' (bottom right of cheatengine) before you mess around with "Iron man Console" and "Quasi-ironman"
  • Corruption is giving me headaches, the pointer for it sets the added corruption to total, BUT if your ruler has bad traits (Crafty= +20%) it will get added on top. I included a remove corruption toggle, but ITS NOT FULLY TESTED
  • Province Pointers - After you edit the values save and reload game to prevent crashes
  • Control Another Faction:
    • get the faction value from the leaders portrait (should be in hex) from the Character Pointers->Faction
    • I modified fearless123456 scripts to remove global var on script disable, you can now toggle them
I downloaded the previous version today and the table somehow caused all navies in the world cost almost no upkeep. Carthage build hundreds of ships and their total upkeep was 0.27. Only thing i used was army movement 1 day and editing character/your country stats. After closing CE and restarting the game the ship upkeep was reset to the correct value.

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Re: Imperator Rome v1.0.1 Steam (GM and More) 2019-May-02

Post by Dad »

i only want tech level pointers and they're not working on any of the provided cheat tables..

any idea how to increase tech levels or research speed manually?

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