Solved it:
Code: Select all
MK11.exe+807967 - 41 80 BC 24 140E0000 00 - cmp byte ptr [r12+00000E14],00 { 0 }
MK11.exe+807970 - 0F84 7C010000 - je MK11.exe+807AF2
MK11.exe+807976 - 83 F8 0A - cmp eax,0A { 10 }
MK11.exe+807979 - 0F85 73010000 - jne MK11.exe+807AF2 <-- NOP this if you use 0xE14; else change CMP to JMP_to_xor_below_this_line
MK11.exe+80797F - 45 33 F6 - xor r14d,r14d
This is for the server: set 0xE14 BYTE to 0x1, then force the CMP to JMP to MK11.exe+80797F (xor r14d,r14d). This will tell the server not to subtract any amount from either of your resources
If you also want to see 0 for Souls when you approach Soul Vaults hijack this:
Code: Select all
MK11.exe+7FB854 - 80 B8 140E0000 00 - cmp byte ptr [rax+00000E14],00 { 0 }
MK11.exe+7FB85B - 74 2E - je MK11.exe+7FB88B
MK11.exe+7FB85D - 41 83 FF 0A - cmp r15d,0A { 10 }
MK11.exe+7FB861 - 75 28 - jne MK11.exe+7FB88B <-- NOP :)
MK11.exe+7FB863 - 45 33 E4 - xor r12d,r12d
MK11.exe+7FB866 - EB 56 - jmp MK11.exe+7FB8BE
You now have a complete "0 Cost on Chests/Soul Vaults" hack
P.S.#1: Haven't tried it with a Kronika Vault. When I find on popping-up, will let you know. Although am sure that that location I mentioned in the beginning of this post covers that as well
P.S.#2: I think you can very well do with a JMP from that CMP, without the need to set 0xE14 to 1 anymore.. Just the JMP to xor in 1st part and NOP in 2nd part would do.
P.S.#3: Yup works
Code: Select all
MK11.exe+807967 - EB 16 - jmp MK11.exe+80797F
MK11.exe+807969 - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+80796A - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+80796B - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+80796C - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+80796D - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+80796E - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+80796F - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+807970 - 0F84 7C010000 - je MK11.exe+807AF2
MK11.exe+807976 - 83 F8 0A - cmp eax,0A { 10 }
MK11.exe+807979 - 0F85 73010000 - jne MK11.exe+807AF2
MK11.exe+80797F - 45 33 F6 - xor r14d,r14d
Code: Select all
MK11.exe+7FB854 - EB 0D - jmp MK11.exe+7FB863
MK11.exe+7FB856 - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+7FB857 - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+7FB858 - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+7FB859 - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+7FB85A - 90 - nop
MK11.exe+7FB85B - 74 2E - je MK11.exe+7FB88B
MK11.exe+7FB85D - 41 83 FF 0A - cmp r15d,0A { 10 }
MK11.exe+7FB861 - 75 28 - jne MK11.exe+7FB88B
MK11.exe+7FB863 - 45 31 E4 - xor r12d,r12d
P.S.#4: I think I found the server PROC:
If you scroll a bit, you'll find these:
MK11.exe+807B9E - 48 8D 15 972DB601 - lea rdx,[MK11.exe+236A93C] { ("KRYPT") }
MK11.exe+807BEA - 48 8D 15 872DB601 - lea rdx,[MK11.exe+236A978] { ("Exp_BrutalityHearts") }
MK11.exe+807CA2 - 48 8D 15 932CB601 - lea rdx,[MK11.exe+236A93C] { ("KRYPT") }
MK11.exe+807CEE - 48 8D 15 6B2CB601 - lea rdx,[MK11.exe+236A960] { ("Exp_SoulFragments") }
MK11.exe+807DA6 - 48 8D 15 8F2BB601 - lea rdx,[MK11.exe+236A93C] { ("KRYPT") }
MK11.exe+807DF2 - 48 8D 15 572BB601 - lea rdx,[MK11.exe+236A950] { ("Exp_Koins") }
So definitely in the core function
Wonder if I can do more here, such as getting how many of those I want
We shall see