[COMPLETED] Mortal Kombat 11

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by KS212 »

Ah yes, the Shrine does give a costume pretty much almost all the time if you drop 100k. If you drop 99k, it gives the other gear pieces.

Just note that there seems to be diminishing returns after a while. I sat there for some hours dropping about 50 mil coins in... it eventually started giving only Augments.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by WaluigIsHere »

Mordino wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:49 pm
Anfraxx wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:42 pm

For this they are a general cost of 5k aren't they?

Do you just search 5000 and then work through in bulk?
Yes, just like tutorial in previous pages told me. I think that the values you have to leave are the ones starting from 4. To be safe, just select all values starting from 4, and change them. Pretty sure they are the ones you need(thanks for this advice to a Stalker4589 guy from pages before).
WaluigIsHere wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:24 pm

Have you succeeded to hack the Kronika respawn stuff to get coins ?
Didn't try. Have enough coins from the kronika's chest.

Oh, right. DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE VALUES BACK AS THEY WERE(after testing them).
The values aren't getting back to normal after reseting the game ? What's the downsides of not changing them back ?

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by Anfraxx »

Mordino wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:49 pm
Anfraxx wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:42 pm

For this they are a general cost of 5k aren't they?

Do you just search 5000 and then work through in bulk?
Yes, just like tutorial in previous pages told me. I think that the values you have to leave are the ones starting from 4. To be safe, just select all values starting from 4, and change them. Pretty sure they are the ones you need(thanks for this advice to a Stalker4589 guy from pages before).
WaluigIsHere wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:24 pm

Have you succeeded to hack the Kronika respawn stuff to get coins ?
Didn't try. Have enough coins from the kronika's chest.

Oh, right. DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE VALUES BACK AS THEY WERE(after testing them).
I need to find a Kronika chest I think, Would you say search for a change to 1 koin then change it to negative?

Which guide are we talking about on what page there are a few now haha.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by Mordino »

WaluigIsHere wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:03 pm

The values aren't getting back to normal after reseting the game ? What's the downsides of not changing them back ?
Not all of them, afaik. Well, I read about game crashing and all that. Don't know anything more.
Anfraxx wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:05 pm

I need to find a Kronika chest I think, Would you say search for a change to 1 koin then change it to negative?

Which guide are we talking about on what page there are a few now haha.
Pages 2 and 3 are the juicy ones. :p Yeah, pick something like 100 results, change them, check, change them back to 5000 or whatever, delete them, check next batch. When you find that 1 value, you change it to -9999999 or whatever. It will change to another number in CE, don't mind it. Just look away from the chest and check it again it will be minus.

UPD: Finally hacked hearts without crashing system. 2B9DAFE8 was the adress. I don't know if it will help in any way. :]
Last edited by Mordino on Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by Lashley »

Possible to edit easy fatality tokens?

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by Anfraxx »

Koin one for me with the Kronika chest was AE645210

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by andawra »

KS212 wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:59 pm
Ah yes, the Shrine does give a costume pretty much almost all the time if you drop 100k. If you drop 99k, it gives the other gear pieces.

Just note that there seems to be diminishing returns after a while. I sat there for some hours dropping about 50 mil coins in... it eventually started giving only Augments.
Yea because there is no such thing as duplicate costumes, so instead of a costume that you already own it gives you an augment for that character.

Anyone got a handle on changing coordinates in the krypt yet? Don't need to do all kinds of grinds to get past walls and doors if you can just teleport through them.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by WaluigIsHere »

Do you think that there's multiple Kronika's chest everyday at random locations ?

I hope it wasn't unique

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by Anfraxx »

WaluigIsHere wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:23 pm
Do you think that there's multiple Kronika's chest everyday at random locations ?

I hope it wasn't unique
I've found 4 so far and 3 of them all this evening.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by WaluigIsHere »

Finally succeeded to get them all, I'm pretty proud since I'm a newbie.


Let's wait for our ban friends.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by SunBeam »

Meanwhile, LOL:



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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by WaluigIsHere »

SunBeam wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:49 am
Meanwhile, LOL:



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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by TimFun13 »

Here's a Krypt unlocker, it just makes the Koin Chests cost 1.

Code: Select all

	Process			: MK11.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: MK11.exe
	Game Title		: MK11
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.83
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 04/25/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: KryptChestReadHook

	Krypt Chest Read Hook


define(address, MK11.exe+8E87480)
define(bytes, 8B 96 88 04 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobKryptChestReadHook, MK11.exe, 48xxxxFFxx8Bxxxxxxxxxx8Bxxxxxxxxxx8Bxxxxxxxxxx41xxxxxx75)
define(injKryptChestReadHook, aobKryptChestReadHook+5)
assert(injKryptChestReadHook, bytes)

alloc(memKryptChestReadHook, 0x400, injKryptChestReadHook)




		dd (int)1
	align 10
		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrKryptChestReadHook],rsi
		mov edx,[intKryptChestReadHook]
		mov [rsi+488],edx
		// mov edx,[rsi+00000488]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes





//// Injection Point: MK11.exe+8E87480  -  0000000148E87480
//// AOB address: 0000000148E8747B  -  MK11.exe+8E8747B
//// Process: MK11.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module: MK11.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module Size: 0000000017EBE000
MK11.exe+8E87439:  C1 E8 0F                    -  shr eax,0F                         
MK11.exe+8E8743C:  F6 D0                       -  not al                             
MK11.exe+8E8743E:  24 01                       -  and al,01                          
MK11.exe+8E87440:  48 8B 5C 24 30              -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]                   
MK11.exe+8E87445:  48 8B 74 24 38              -  mov rsi,[rsp+38]                   
MK11.exe+8E8744A:  48 83 C4 20                 -  add rsp,20                         
MK11.exe+8E8744E:  5F                          -  pop rdi                            
MK11.exe+8E8744F:  C3                          -  ret                                
MK11.exe+8E87450:  48 89 F1                    -  mov rcx,rsi                        
MK11.exe+8E87453:  E8 383C96F7                 -  call 1407EB090                     
MK11.exe+8E87458:  41 89 C0                    -  mov r8d,eax                        
MK11.exe+8E8745B:  FF C8                       -  dec eax                            
MK11.exe+8E8745D:  83 F8 16                    -  cmp eax,16                         
MK11.exe+8E87460:  77 1E                       -  ja 148E87480                       
MK11.exe+8E87462:  48 63 C8                    -  movsxd  rcx,eax                    
MK11.exe+8E87465:  48 8D 05 948B17F7           -  lea rax,[140000000]                [00905A4D]
MK11.exe+8E8746C:  0FB6 8C 08 4CBE7E00         -  movzx ecx,byte ptr [rax+rcx+007EBE4C]
MK11.exe+8E87474:  8B 94 88 44BE7E00           -  mov edx,[rax+rcx*4+007EBE44]       
MK11.exe+8E8747B:  48 01 C2                    -  add rdx,rax                        <<<--- AOB Starts Here
MK11.exe+8E8747E:  FF E2                       -  jmp rdx                            
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
MK11.exe+8E87480:  8B 96 88040000              -  mov edx,[rsi+00000488]             
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
MK11.exe+8E87486:  8B 8E B8040000              -  mov ecx,[rsi+000004B8]             
MK11.exe+8E8748C:  8B 86 E8040000              -  mov eax,[rsi+000004E8]             
MK11.exe+8E87492:  41 83 F8 0C                 -  cmp r8d,0C                         
MK11.exe+8E87496:  75 3C                       -  jne 148E874D4                      
MK11.exe+8E87498:  85 C9                       -  test ecx,ecx                       
MK11.exe+8E8749A:  7E 1A                       -  jle 148E874B6                      
MK11.exe+8E8749C:  C7 07 02000000              -  mov [rdi],00000002                 
MK11.exe+8E874A2:  B0 01                       -  mov al,01                          
MK11.exe+8E874A4:  89 0B                       -  mov [rbx],ecx                      
MK11.exe+8E874A6:  48 8B 5C 24 30              -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]                   
MK11.exe+8E874AB:  48 8B 74 24 38              -  mov rsi,[rsp+38]                   
MK11.exe+8E874B0:  48 83 C4 20                 -  add rsp,20                         
MK11.exe+8E874B4:  5F                          -  pop rdi                            
MK11.exe+8E874B5:  C3                          -  ret                                
MK11.exe+8E874B6:  85 C0                       -  test eax,eax                       
MK11.exe+8E874B8:  7E 24                       -  jle 148E874DE                      
MK11.exe+8E874BA:  C7 07 03000000              -  mov [rdi],00000003                 
MK11.exe+8E874C0:  89 03                       -  mov [rbx],eax                      
MK11.exe+8E874C2:  B0 01                       -  mov al,01                          
MK11.exe+8E874C4:  48 8B 5C 24 30              -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]                   
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by SunBeam »

And the reveal:


According to my search, there are 437 UObjects of type "Krypt_STI_CY_Design.MK11KryptStaticActor.MK11KryptComponent0". Imagine now for a moment that you were to write an iterator that'd retrieve all such UObjects, then check if the chests have a certain object id, then filter those 437 so you get all chests in the map. And then instantly set all amounts to 1. In 1 run of a function ;) Just imagine...

@Tim: Be kind and do a "find out what accesses this" and check this out:

Code: Select all

MK11.exe+8E5DD0F - F7 83 D0000000 00000200 - test [rbx+000000D0],20000 { ("Actx ") }
MK11.exe+8E5DD19 - 0F85 37050000         - jne MK11.exe+8E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD1F - 83 BB 28040000 FF     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000428],-01 { 255 } // ??
MK11.exe+8E5DD26 - 74 30                 - je MK11.exe+8E5DD58
MK11.exe+8E5DD28 - 83 BB 58040000 FF     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000458],-01 { 255 } // ??
MK11.exe+8E5DD2F - 74 27                 - je MK11.exe+8E5DD58
MK11.exe+8E5DD31 - 83 BB 88040000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000488],00 { 0 } // Koins
MK11.exe+8E5DD38 - 0F85 18050000         - jne MK11.exe+8E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD3E - 83 BB B8040000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+000004B8],00 { 0 } // Ermac Skulls
MK11.exe+8E5DD45 - 0F85 0B050000         - jne MK11.exe+8E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD4B - 83 BB E8040000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+000004E8],00 { 0 } // ??
MK11.exe+8E5DD52 - 0F85 FE040000         - jne MK11.exe+8E5E256
Playing with 0x428 and 0x458 setting them to -1 will decrease the coin price for the loot chest :) You can do even lower than -1; I think past that the engine won't bother updating the value anymore.


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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

Post by TimFun13 »

SunBeam wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:49 am
does being little make you harder to hit, or is the hitbox still the same? It's still awesomely hilarious either way.

And here's a "Freeze round timer".

Code: Select all

	Process			: MK11.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: MK11.exe
	Game Title		: MK11
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.83
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 04/25/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: RoundTimerWrtHook

	Round Timer Wrt Hook


define(address, MK11.exe+78C3E70)
define(bytes, 89 91 48 07 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobRoundTimerWrtHook, MK11.exe, 899148070000C381xxxxxxxxxx5xF7xxxx41)
define(injRoundTimerWrtHook, aobRoundTimerWrtHook)
assert(injRoundTimerWrtHook, bytes)

alloc(memRoundTimerWrtHook, 0x400, injRoundTimerWrtHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrRoundTimerWrtHook],rcx
		cmp [rcx+748],edx
		jl o_code
			mov edx,[rcx+748]
		mov [rcx+00000748],edx
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: MK11.exe+78C3E70  -  00000001478C3E70
//// AOB address: 00000001478C3E70  -  MK11.exe+78C3E70
//// Process: MK11.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module: MK11.exe  -  0000000140000000
//// Module Size: 0000000017EBE000
MK11.exe+78C3E26:  48 87 04 24                 -  xchg [rsp],rax                     
MK11.exe+78C3E2A:  48 0F44 0D 3EF4CBFB         -  cmove rcx,[143583270]              [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E32:  C3                          -  ret                                
MK11.exe+78C3E33:  A9 2E369DE9                 -  test eax,E99D362E                  [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E38:  AF                          -  scasd                              
MK11.exe+78C3E39:  40 76 0C                    -  jna 1478C3E48                      
MK11.exe+78C3E3C:  3D 4C8B0424                 -  cmp eax,24048B4C                   [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E41:  48 89 0C 24                 -  mov [rsp],rcx                      
MK11.exe+78C3E45:  41 57                       -  push r15                           
MK11.exe+78C3E47:  48 C7 C1 FFFFFFFF           -  mov rcx,FFFFFFFF                   [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E4E:  48 C1 E1 20                 -  shl rcx,20                         
MK11.exe+78C3E52:  41 BF FFFFFFFF              -  mov r15d,FFFFFFFF                  [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E58:  4C 31 F9                    -  xor rcx,r15                        
MK11.exe+78C3E5B:  41 5F                       -  pop r15                            
MK11.exe+78C3E5D:  4C 29 C1                    -  sub rcx,r8                         
MK11.exe+78C3E60:  49 87 C8                    -  xchg r8,rcx                        
MK11.exe+78C3E61:  87 C8                       -  xchg eax,ecx                       
MK11.exe+78C3E62:  C8 488D 0D                  -  enter 8D48,0D                      
MK11.exe+78C3E66:  58                          -  pop rax                            
MK11.exe+78C3E67:  A1 7A0DFFE1290F1F00         -  mov eax,[1F0F29E1FF0D7A]           
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
MK11.exe+78C3E70:  89 91 48070000              -  mov [rcx+00000748],edx             <<<--- AOB Starts Here
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
MK11.exe+78C3E76:  C3                          -  ret                                
MK11.exe+78C3E77:  81 E6 1B9D1732              -  and esi,32179D1B                   [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E7D:  5D                          -  pop rbp                            
MK11.exe+78C3E7E:  F7 14 24                    -  not [rsp]                          
MK11.exe+78C3E81:  41 51                       -  push r9                            
MK11.exe+78C3E83:  44 8B 4C 24 08              -  mov r9d,[rsp+08]                   
MK11.exe+78C3E88:  81 DE F463CF63              -  sbb esi,63CF63F4                   [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3E8E:  48 83 C4 F8                 -  add rsp,-08                        
MK11.exe+78C3E92:  48 89 04 24                 -  mov [rsp],rax                      
MK11.exe+78C3E96:  41 54                       -  push r12                           
MK11.exe+78C3E98:  41 51                       -  push r9                            
MK11.exe+78C3E9A:  41 BC 4EE295B4              -  mov r12d,B495E24E                  [010A5C68]
MK11.exe+78C3EA0:  41 B9 BAFED047              -  mov r9d,47D0FEBA                   [EEEF91C8]
MK11.exe+78C3EA6:  45 01 E1                    -  add r9d,r12d                       
MK11.exe+78C3EA9:  45 89 CC                    -  mov r12d,r9d                       
MK11.exe+78C3EAC:  B8 5E010372                 -  mov eax,7203015E                   [00040010]
MK11.exe+78C3EB1:  41 81 F4 D46C45F8           -  xor r12d,F8456CD4                  [00000000]
MK11.exe+78C3EB8:  44 0FAC E0 0A               -  shrd eax,r12d,0A                   
MK11.exe+78C3EBD:  44 0FA4 E0 03               -  shld eax,r12d,03                   
MK11.exe+78C3EC2:  41 C1 EC 10                 -  shr r12d,10                        
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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