Anfraxx wrote: ↑Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:27 pm
Need help pls (deleted to not have huge chain)
This is really simple now thanks to Sun and Tim
Open cheat engine
Press Ctrl+Alt+A
Code: Select all
Process : MK11.exe - (x64)
Module : MK11.exe
Game Title : MK11
Game Version :
CE Version : 6.83
Script Version : 0.0.1
Date : 04/26/19
Author : ShyTwig16
Name : KryptChestCheckHook
Krypt Chest Check Hook
define(address, MK11.exe+8E5DD1F)
define(bytes, 83 BB 28 04 00 00 FF)
//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobKryptChestCheckHook, MK11.exe, F7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0F85xxxxxxxx83xxxxxxxxxxxx74xx83xxxxxxxxxxxx74xx83xxxxxxxxxxxx0F85xxxxxxxx83xxxxxxxxxxxx0F85xxxxxxxx83)
define(injKryptChestCheckHook, aobKryptChestCheckHook+10)
assert(injKryptChestCheckHook, bytes)
alloc(memKryptChestCheckHook, 0x400, injKryptChestCheckHook)
dq 0
align 10 CC
push rax
mov [ptrKryptChestCheckHook],rbx
or byte ptr [rbx+D0],08
cmp dword ptr [rbx+488],00
je @f
mov dword ptr [rbx+488],01
jmp o_code
cmp dword ptr [rbx+4B8],00
je @f
mov dword ptr [rbx+4B8],01
jmp o_code
mov rax,[rbx+1C8]
test rax,rax
jz o_code
cmp dword ptr [rax+10],00
je @f
mov dword ptr [rax+10],01
jmp o_code
cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000428],-01
pop rax
jmp return
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
jmp n_code
//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
db bytes
//// Injection Point: MK11.exe+8E5DD1F - 0000000148E5DD1F
//// AOB address: 0000000148E5DD0F - MK11.exe+8E5DD0F
//// Process: MK11.exe - 0000000140000000
//// Module: MK11.exe - 0000000140000000
//// Module Size: 0000000017EBE000
MK11.exe+8E5DCCE: 48 8B 0C 24 - mov rcx,[rsp]
MK11.exe+8E5DCD2: 48 8D 64 24 08 - lea rsp,[rsp+08]
MK11.exe+8E5DCD7: 9D - popfq
MK11.exe+8E5DCD8: 53 - push rbx
MK11.exe+8E5DCD9: 48 8D 1D F0DF2101 - lea rbx,[14A07BCD0] [245C8948]
MK11.exe+8E5DCE0: 48 87 1C 24 - xchg [rsp],rbx
MK11.exe+8E5DCE4: C3 - ret
MK11.exe+8E5DCE5: 4C 8D 3D B03B5C0E - lea r15,[15742189C] [8D4C3289]
MK11.exe+8E5DCEC: 41 FF E3 - jmp r11
MK11.exe+8E5DCEF: 3D 48894C24 - cmp eax,244C8948 [(float)-0.0304]
MK11.exe+8E5DCF4: 08 53 48 - or [rbx+48],dl
MK11.exe+8E5DCF7: 83 EC 70 - sub esp,70
MK11.exe+8E5DCFA: 48 89 CB - mov rbx,rcx
MK11.exe+8E5DCFD: 31 D2 - xor edx,edx
MK11.exe+8E5DCFF: 31 C9 - xor ecx,ecx
MK11.exe+8E5DD01: E8 3AB25DF7 - call 140438F40
MK11.exe+8E5DD06: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
MK11.exe+8E5DD09: 0F84 47050000 - je 148E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD0F: F7 83 D0000000 00000200 - test [rbx+000000D0],20000 <<<--- AOB Starts Here
MK11.exe+8E5DD19: 0F85 37050000 - jne 148E5E256
//// INJECTING START ----------------------------------------------------------
MK11.exe+8E5DD1F: 83 BB 28040000 FF - cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000428],-01
//// INJECTING END ----------------------------------------------------------
MK11.exe+8E5DD26: 74 30 - je 148E5DD58
MK11.exe+8E5DD28: 83 BB 58040000 FF - cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000458],-01
MK11.exe+8E5DD2F: 74 27 - je 148E5DD58
MK11.exe+8E5DD31: 83 BB 88040000 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbx+00000488],00
MK11.exe+8E5DD38: 0F85 18050000 - jne 148E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD3E: 83 BB B8040000 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbx+000004B8],00
MK11.exe+8E5DD45: 0F85 0B050000 - jne 148E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD4B: 83 BB E8040000 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbx+000004E8],00
MK11.exe+8E5DD52: 0F85 FE040000 - jne 148E5E256
MK11.exe+8E5DD58: 48 89 6C 24 68 - mov [rsp+68],rbp
MK11.exe+8E5DD5D: 48 8B 2D 1C5320FA - mov rbp,[143063080] [74E4B940]
MK11.exe+8E5DD64: 48 89 AC 24 98000000 - mov [rsp+00000098],rbp
MK11.exe+8E5DD6C: 48 85 ED - test rbp,rbp
MK11.exe+8E5DD6F: 0F84 DC040000 - je 148E5E251
MK11.exe+8E5DD75: 48 89 D9 - mov rcx,rbx
MK11.exe+8E5DD78: E8 D3EB98F7 - call 1407EC950
MK11.exe+8E5DD7D: 83 F8 05 - cmp eax,05
MK11.exe+8E5DD80: 0F84 CB040000 - je 148E5E251
MK11.exe+8E5DD86: 48 83 BB C8010000 00 - cmp qword ptr [rbx+000001C8],00
MK11.exe+8E5DD8E: 0F85 BD040000 - jne 148E5E251
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjectionWithValues
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.
Hit execute
On the prompt asking if you want to open an address or w.e click no
Go to game and walk to a chest and then away and back again
It will now cost 1 currency