Note: Enable it only when you need it. Leaving it enabled all the time may crash your game.
Small script to max level rivals. A rival should be present somewhere in the world. Enable the script and kill a single machine. Wait a few seconds for the message to pop up that the rival has evolved to level 4 and disable the script. Enjoy.
If you are new to CE, copy the below code and Ctrl + V into Cheat Engine and the code will automatically place itself into the program.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"Max Level Rivals"</Description>
<LastState Activated="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : GenerationZero_F.exe
Date : 2019-11-29
Author : Iscariot
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(rivalexp,GenerationZero_F.exe,01 43 04 49 8B 96 00 01 00 00) // should be unique
add [rbx+04],9999
mov rdx,[r14+00000100]
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 5
db 01 43 04 49 8B 96 00 01 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4002
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FDB: 0F 82 2E 01 00 00 - jb GenerationZero_F.exe+7E410F
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FE1: 41 FF C0 - inc r8d
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FE4: 44 3B C2 - cmp r8d,edx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FE7: 72 E7 - jb GenerationZero_F.exe+7E3FD0
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FE9: 8D 42 FF - lea eax,[rdx-01]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FEC: 48 8D 0C 80 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*4]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FF0: 48 8B 47 48 - mov rax,[rdi+48]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FF4: 4C 8D 3C 88 - lea r15,[rax+rcx*4]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FF8: F3 0F 59 47 14 - mulss xmm0,[rdi+14]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E3FFD: F3 48 0F 2C C0 - cvttss2si rax,xmm0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4002: 01 43 04 - add [rbx+04],eax
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4005: 49 8B 96 00 01 00 00 - mov rdx,[r14+00000100]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E400C: 8B 42 50 - mov eax,[rdx+50]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E400F: FF C8 - dec eax
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4011: 48 8D 0C 80 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*4]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4015: 48 8B 42 48 - mov rax,[rdx+48]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4019: 44 8B 14 88 - mov r10d,[rax+rcx*4]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E401D: 44 39 53 04 - cmp [rbx+04],r10d
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4021: 44 0F 4C 53 04 - cmovl r10d,[rbx+04]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4026: 44 89 53 04 - mov [rbx+04],r10d
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E402A: 4D 8B 9E 00 01 00 00 - mov r11,[r14+00000100]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7E4031: 45 8B 43 50 - mov r8d,[r11+50]
Like rival exp, this code will max level your region. Visit the region you want to level, enable the script and kill a robot. Wait a few seconds and check the map to verify it's level 20. Turn off the script.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"Max Level Region"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : GenerationZero_F.exe
Date : 2019-12-02
Author : Iscariot
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(maxlvlregion,GenerationZero_F.exe,44 01 42 04 41 8B F0) // should be unique
add [rdx+04],9999
mov esi,r8d
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db 44 01 42 04 41 8B F0
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC68A
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC66C: CC - int 3
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC66D: CC - int 3
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC66E: CC - int 3
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC66F: CC - int 3
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC670: 48 89 5C 24 08 - mov [rsp+08],rbx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC675: 48 89 6C 24 10 - mov [rsp+10],rbp
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC67A: 48 89 74 24 18 - mov [rsp+18],rsi
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC67F: 48 89 7C 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rdi
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC684: 41 56 - push r14
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC686: 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC68A: 44 01 42 04 - add [rdx+04],r8d
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC68E: 41 8B F0 - mov esi,r8d
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC691: 4C 8B 91 00 01 00 00 - mov r10,[rcx+00000100]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC698: 48 8B FA - mov rdi,rdx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC69B: 48 8B E9 - mov rbp,rcx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC69E: 41 8B 42 60 - mov eax,[r10+60]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC6A2: FF C8 - dec eax
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC6A4: 4C 8D 0C 40 - lea r9,[rax+rax*2]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC6A8: 49 8B 42 58 - mov rax,[r10+58]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC6AC: 4D 03 C9 - add r9,r9
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC6AF: 46 8B 04 C8 - mov r8d,[rax+r9*8]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+7CC6B3: 44 39 42 04 - cmp [rdx+04],r8d
To ensure proper farming of rival robots, I suggest putting some items in your storage such as a few weapons, ammo, etc. Make a new character and use a trainer for a one hit kill or find the values yourself. Use the above scripts to max level your region and when a rival spawns, max it's evolution level. Kill the robot in that region, gather loot and move to the next region. Repeat the level up steps. Kill rival, collect loot, move to the next region. A new character can get a rival in every region before a cooldown take effects. Put everything back into storage and delete that character. Create another and repeat the above process. Rinse wash repeat.