The game has just been released on Steam - and I have to say, it's phantastic! Love it.
Sadly, the old table did not work for me (only script which still can be activated is "unlimited potions"), so here's my version.
editor for all character stats of main char, NPC1, NPC2, NPC3
gold value
AOB-script for invulnerabillity in fights (updated: now with One-hit-Kill Option)
AOB-script for unlimited energy in fights
AOB-script for unlimited breathing under water
AOB-script for unlimited fire wood
AOB-script for no cooldown in fights
AOB-script for unlimited Vial of Light
it's for Steam-Version 1.3.0 (21540s)
Side note: when changing hitpoints, press "P" and "ESC" to force the game updating the health bar. Script changes the real value, not the display value.
Thanks to acecel for the original table!
have fun,
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
I have to say I was a bit hesitant to checking out this title.
Pinball FX did not quite live up to Pinball Dreams so I was worried this one won't live up to a game like Lands of Lore or something.
Well, I have to say I am very positively surprised, it is a great RPG game.
So, I've been playing it a bit (just got the Merchant) and I made a few scripts along the way.
Main menu says 1.3.0, but might work with never ones, too - I made it build-neutral as much as I could.
The table includes an auto-attach LUA script, so I signed it to avoid prompts when opening the table.
It will try to find the right process every 5 seconds and attach (but not enable!).
The AOB script will give you:
- Breath Drain Rate Mod; allows you to scale the rate at which your party runs out of air.
- Energy Drain Rate Mod; allows you to scale the rate at which your party members consume energy.
- Friendly Damage Mod; allows you to scale the amount of damage done to your party members. Set to 0 for God Mode.
- Enemy Damage Mod; allows you to scale the amount of damage done to your enemies. Set to 1000+ for one hit kill.
- Instant Skill Cooldown; allows you to use any skill during your next turn immediately.
- XP Gain Mod; allows you to scale the amount of XP you gain.
- Infinite Attribute Points; Your attribute points won't decrease when assigning them.
- Infinite Talent Points; Your talent points won't decrease when assigning them.
- Infinite Firewood; Your firewood won't decrease when you rest.
- Vial Drain Rate Mod; allows you to scale the rate at which the Vial of Light is leaking its contents.
- Free Shopping; hold CTRL when you click on an item in the store to add its gold value to yourself. Clicking 'No' on the confirmation means you don't buy the item but you already got its gold value; ergo you can leverage this mechanism to add more gold. Clicking 'Yes' on the confirmation means you buy the item but since you already got its gold value added, it will appear as if you got the item for free. Not ideal, I know but I made it this way so you could pick up any item without having to edit gold, ever.
Does anyone have a version for Windows Store (Operencia-UWP64-Shipping process)? Unfortunately, none of the existing tables from this thread work on it.