Any one can find the address of last idiot's location called 竜泉川端 平田屋敷(裏) ? It was the other version when u go back to 3 years the village burning and need to kill your father to get the full of life flower to get the true ending. I try one hex to search but still wrap back to normal version .......
any idea ?
never knew that about the ending.
I feel silly to think it'd be "safe" from spoiler in FRF.
guess I only have myself to blame.... I should have play more and cheat less~
wow I just follow the guilde and arrive here , is 1002631 , but still playing , hope it works
And i fixed the list , some location you have miss and I Added it , sorry I was using japanese
never knew that about the ending.
I feel silly to think it'd be "safe" from spoiler in FRF.
guess I only have myself to blame.... I should have play more and cheat less~
There are 4 endings, don't worry. What he's talking about is along the 'general' path and isn't actually the ending, just a part of the way. So long as there's no spoil for the 'best' ending its ok
Anyone figured out how to edit your new game + playthrough yet, as in changing which new game + you're in?
Been trying to find it by doing random memory searches for current playthrough -1 but I can't seem to find anything that would be what I want.
Edit: Managed to find it in the same memory region as the pointers under misc, unsurprisingly.
If i set the behavior to "Infinite", will this still increase the quantity of items when looted or picked-up?
Afaik it should, I haven't tested it but all his scripts in other games have always worked that way.
Thanks for the response. I tested it and can confirmed that the quantity for items still increases. This works really well for me compared to other trainers out there that either sets the quantity to 999 or freezes it preventing from decreasing or increasing.
By the way, regarding the Disable camera auto adjust option, is that option intended only for K/M? I'm using a DS4 controller and can't seem to look up and look down using the right analog stick when that option is enabled. I can look sideways though.
This CT is really sloppy. Why are there so many options when I open the table? There are a lot of words that are repeated and it isn't clear what to select.
Can you do better? Where's your table? Where's your contribution?
Hell, nevermind even contribution... Did you READ the first post? Are you even capable of reading?
Ungrateful leeching cunts like you should learn to STFU.
This CT is really sloppy. Why are there so many options when I open the table? There are a lot of words that are repeated and it isn't clear what to select.
I'm guessing you checked the button under enable which is a debug section and not meant to be used, check enable then the scripts there should be pretty self explanatory.