Cielos wrote: ↑Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:09 am
after you
activate enable script, in-game
press numpad0 and numpad- together to
toggle no-clip.
edit2: pPlayer isnt defined(something about line 21 cant be compiled), and i cant enable the script, . so far all it does is freezes the player.
edit3: I added in some lines to see if I could fix it:
dq 0
and now nothing happens when I press 0- at the same time.
I got noclip to work after commenting out all of this:
Code: Select all
mov rcx,pPlayer
mov rcx,[rcx+8]
test rcx,rcx
jz end
mov rcx,[rcx+1ff8]
test rcx,rcx
jz end
mov rcx,[rcx+68]
cmp rsi,rcx
jne end
The 1st problem is the game things your falling in noclip mode, so after about a minute of floating you will die. second, the player will slowly drift in the direction the camera is facing, not sure why. Maybe its from me alt tabbing into a full screen game and its still getting input from my controller. not sure
first of all, thanks for testing!
for edit2, as quote from the instruction, you have to activate the
enable script first, then you can activate this
no-clip script.
pPlayer is defined in the
enable script. the lines you deleted from the
no-clip script is responsible for filtering out the non-player coords.
and nothing would be frozen if you can't even activate the no-clip script. what did you do?
for edit3, as mentioned above,
pPlayer is defined in the
enable script. what you did was re-define the
pPlayer once more without actually fetching the pointer to this symbol. that means the value of [
pPlayer] would always be 0, [
pPlayer]+8 would be zero too. so:
Code: Select all
mov rcx,pPlayer
mov rcx,[rcx+8]
test rcx,rcx
jz end
would help to skip the no-clip process so that the
no-clip script won't start doing anything until the
enable fetched the
pPlayer pointers.
so, what you did at this point is to ensure the clip would skip the no-clip process everytime.
for edit4,
what you did is commenting out the whole player filter, that help the
no-clip script to stop doing the no-clip process if injection point is not writing the player's coord.
for floating die, I suspect it would happened, I'll see what I can do with it later. in the mean time, don't fly for a minute in the air! and try to land once a while, just touching a surface when you're no-cliping should do the trick.
for the drifting, do you means it only happens if you alt-tab out of a full screen game?
if so, don't do that~ or just don't touch anything on your controller when you press the alt-tab. yes the input state would be "frozen" at the time the game lost focus, it happened with K/M too.
anyway, thanks again for testing! good to know it's working on controller as well..
but the floating die is a bummer...
1. if you changed the default value, e.g., like you did, edit the script, goto line 4, and change the value (and click the OK button that bottom of the script window!), you need to
re-activate the script to take effect. if you just want to change the value to test if you like it, you can just.... change the value! e.g., highlight the line
to player x? and press enter.
2. checking a box in front of an entry:
- if it's an address, CE would freeze the value.
- if it's a script, you will activate the script.
now if you checked the boxes in front of the 2 multipliers... they are pointers that defined by the script, and would be READ by the script alone, nothing would WRITE to them, not the script, not the game. so freezing their values is meaningless~
so, on a related note, when you want to change a value of an address or pointer, you don't need to tick the box in front of it! the changes is immediate after to you confirm your changes by pressing enter after you type in a value.
hope this help~